Would it be right to deny an atheist couple the right to foster parent a child because they believe that Christianity is crap and would teach that to the child? Probably most people would agree that this would violate their rights. Guess what, it's just as bad to deny Christians the right to foster a child because of one belief that they have.
>Yet is this the same suppression of free speech ? does it work both ways ?
Free speech is one thing; educating young children about adult sexual relationships is quite another. They're supposed to be learning reading, writing, math, history, etc., not sex. This is NOT an issue of free speech, but of teaching children things that they really don't need to know. Parents should be the ones to teach their children about sex and sexuality, NOT schools.
>How Many hotel owners refuse gay couples to sleep together in there hotel rooms because its there "beliefs"
I'm guessing none. I've stayed in motels and never been questioned about whether I'm a lesbian or not. That doesn't really happen. I mean, unless you have proof that it does....do you?
>It seems to me that these ppl expressing the "religious" beliefs are cherry picking parts of the religion to suit themselves rather than a reflection of their devotion to the religion.
And it seems to me that you're judging all religious people based on the actions of a few. A lot of people that I know who think homosexuality is a sin also think that adultery and fornication are sins too. That's pretty common.
>Of all of them mothers wishing not to have there children taught about homosexuality at school what happens if they have another child which could possibly turn out to be gay ?
Not wanting it taught in schools does not equal teaching their children hate! I wouldn't want my kids learning about that kind of thing in school either but we aren't teaching our kids hate. It's a "quality control" thing - *I* want to be the one to teach them about this stuff, rather than allowing a teacher who may well have an irritatingly PC morally relative slant to do it.
Why do you assume that, because these women have a problem with teaching young children about homosexuality, they would be bad mothers to a child of theirs that turned out to be gay?
>but condemnation of homosexuality buy heterosexuals just because they are a minority is that the true danger/stifling of free speech ?
No. Know what's a danger to free speech? Hate speech laws. Here in Canada, people can now go to jail if they stand up and say "homosexuality is wrong" and a gay person gets their feelings hurt or feels offended. THAT is a danger to free speech. I don't agree with people using their right to free speech to threaten or abuse others; however, I do support their right to express an opinion that others may find stupid or wrong or politically incorrect. Punishing someone for sharing an opinion is a violation of our freedom of speech. And guess who is behind that particular law? Not all of them are heterosexuals. Don't try to make it look like homosexuals are victims in this situation...they are every bit as capable of hate speech and bigotry as anyone else.