Why isn't everyone a feminist? And if you aren't personally, then why?
2016-12-09 07:39:58 UTC
Why isn't everyone a feminist? And if you aren't personally, then why?
111 answers:
2016-12-09 15:56:34 UTC
"Why isn't everyone a feminist? And if you aren't personally, then why??"

Feminism is an ideology. That ideology purports to be about equality of the genders by a definition that comes from the much earlier Women's Rights Activists. But today's feminists are NOT the Women's Rights Activists, nor are they the legacy of them despite their deceptive suggestion that they are.

The feminist ideology, like all dogmas, moves forward by tacit approval of the public pronouncements and performed actions of it's prominent members that are in power in the movement. So the problem really begins when we are faced with evident knowledge that these prominent feminists are NOT acting in accordance with "equality". And, at the extreme end, are wantonly promoting misandry and hatred against men.

We have 40+ years of publicly recorded instances where prominent feminists spout off their man hatred to NO disapproval from feminists of any stripe. You can read some examples of this right here:

This flagrant misandry has gone on, completely unchallenged for so many years now that man-hating has become an accepted part of the mainstream feminist ideology. Self-proclaimed feminists themselves have never risen up to challenge the misandric feminist leadership either. This must mean that they are OK with the pronouncements that prominent feminists make under the banner of feminism.

At the end of the day, feminism's ugly misandrist image is completely justified by the actions performed under the banner of feminism over the last 4 decades. The idea that random men or "sexists" have nothing better to do than to create ill-will against a group that is only innocently looking to help women gain equality, is both disrespectful to all reasonable people, and deceptively dishonest to our younger generation.

2016-12-09 19:18:50 UTC
Why I'm not a Femenist, because I believe in Equality for everyone, and not focusing mainly on womens rights. I identify as an Egalitarian.

Feminism of TODAY is usuallyyyy first about women, and maybe other people after women feel they have achieved whatever they're trying to achieve.

NOW Feminism in a country where women aren't even close to being equal to a man, I would support Feminism, but in places like America, I don't understand the need?

But maybe I'm just one of those weird females who doesn't feel less than a man.

Men and women both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you can't really truely understand them if you never step into the shoes of the other sex.~

I would rather be a female, because the disadvantages of females seem like less of a deal to me then the ones it sounds like men face. -shrugs-

You won't ever change every single issue due to Physiological differences.~

(and one of the main issues, the Wage Gap is a myth but it seems like Feminists don't realize it's illegal to pay people less for the same quality/amount of work for the same job. xD; It's hard to take a movement seriously that pretends this is still a thing.)
Skyler Foley
2016-12-11 22:00:19 UTC
See, the problem with that question is that you're assuming everyone takes that standpoint that feminism = equality. I know about the dictionary definition, but our culture has assigned other meanings to the word. The main reason people don't say their feminists is because there are some problems with the feminist community as of now. Personally, I don't tell people that I'm a feminist or not, I just say I believe in equality. People get offended.

This is coming from a liberal teenage girl btw.
2016-12-10 05:49:13 UTC
In America? If that's the case then no. We already are equal? And the "glass wall" doesn't actually exist, it dragged out by feminist extremists. Now if women want TRUE equality, then when they go to the military they need to do the men's standard, not a wimped down womens standard. Don't wine when you get raped like you tell men not too. Ext ext.

Besides that, the "kitchen wife" ext. ext. is on the woman, we have plenty of men who cook, clean, and take care of the childern. Not to mention most young women don't know how to do any of that and get mad when a man wants them to, if thats the case go find a man who will do for you or get over yourself.

Now if you mean in countries where women have virtually no rights, then im all for it!

I'm a women, i can cook, clean ext. I am a welder too, and will be making as much money as any man that has the same skill!

Earn it or cry about.
2016-12-13 19:27:24 UTC
If your definition of feminism is to be a jerk to everyone and everything with a schlong, then that's not the kind of feminist I am. As a straight male, I see women as obviously equal human beings, and I'm usually appalled by anyone who act sexist against them. I want women to finally have equal salaries and pay as men, because lets be honest, if you're giving a human being something less than what they deserve, and giving the right amount to another person, then you may as well just stick a Middle Finger in their face.
2016-12-09 16:50:07 UTC
The question should be, "Why should I be a feminist"? I'm just going to say I am not one because I don't have to join a group in order to do good...or bad. You join a group that is as polarizing as feminist just makes it that much harder. I'd rather take the negative stuff out and just take what is good about all groups and go from there. Now and days, that group has become extremist.
2016-12-13 17:02:09 UTC
I'm not a feminist, only because of the connotations associated with the word "Feminism". While the real meaning of it is equality, so many people have take it too far that it is now almost totally thought of as the belief that women are superior to men, and while that isn't what feminism is, the word "feminism" doesn't do that misconception any favors. I consider myself an egalitarian because it means equality, and nobody could misconstrue it as something else.
2016-12-10 12:50:37 UTC
I'm a girl, and believe in equal rights for men and women. Saying I'm a feminist seems kind of like I'm taking the women's side so I guess I'm not
2016-12-10 17:54:37 UTC
I am personally not because I believe that everyone has a role to play in order to keep society functioning properly. At the same time, I am. If the woman wants to be the bread winner and the man wants to stay at home, that's their choice and there isn't a thing wrong with it. I just think both man and woman should make it a point to help the other thrive and do what feels natural to them
2016-12-10 01:08:42 UTC
For several reasons:

1) I believe that men and women should have equal opportunity, but are physiologically different from each other so they cannot be treated equally 100 percent of the time. You cannot (or at least shouldn't) give a man a cervical cancer shot, and give women preventative care for testicular cancer. (Equally treatment by definition has to be 100% all little details and big pictures being treated equally).

2) The word "feminism" is inherently sexist and contradicts the supposed meaning of the movement. "-ism": the belief or doctrine of and "femin": pertaining only to the female. How does that represent equality?

3) Because many self-proclaimed feminists that I have met believe that the only way to make everyone equal is to only focus on the issues of women and minorities, and the reality is contradictory; the only way to achieve equality is to treat everyone equally from the start, and focus on the issues of men and women at the exact same time.

4) Listen to a women's studies teacher nowadays

5) Because many feminists that I have met do not realise that there are fundamental differences between men and women that cannot be ignored, and instead try and ignore them while fighting for their equality.

6) Because no two feminists share a universal belief of what gender equality is or how to achieve it, making it a joke and not a real movement.
2016-12-09 16:45:50 UTC
Well, I make minimum wage and work in a restaurant for tips. Women are often favored over men in this instance. Women strippers on average make over %50 than the average male stripper. Maybe we should all learn to use our sexuality then we'll have more than just equality. We can rule the world.

We have technology now that we can make an ofspring using the dna from 2 females. We can put men underground doing all the dirty work we don't wanna do then we can focus on our children and not how much we make comparatively.

(This whole statement is a joke. I repeat a joke.)
2016-12-10 02:11:26 UTC
Feminism means supporting women's rights. I support women's rights, but I'm not a feminist. My experience with women who I have met and called themselves feminists, did not have a good sense of humor. Having a good sense of humor is a good quality to have. But if you take everything too seriously or get offended over jokes, we wouldn't get along. Everything should be joked about, that's the whole point of comedy and a benefit of living in a free society. Go to the laugh factory.
2016-12-09 23:38:23 UTC
I am a women so I'm definately a feminist. But tbh, men are scared of having women run everything! Why else would Donald Trump be our president? All the other women are scared to run! There are many better women out there who could serve our country better! So why don't they? The rich white men who own companies are scared that women are going to take over the United States like the men have today!
2016-12-11 15:33:09 UTC
"From a standpoint that in which it is about equality and not women over men."

I am absolutely that, but I believe 'feminist'then becomes 'equality'. I don't support anything that doesn't acknowledge either humanity as a whole or the broad term equal. If it has Fem, Men, Black, White, Gray, etc. then I am against it. 100%
2016-12-11 13:53:14 UTC
Today there is a very small group of people who are prejudice against women or were just brought up to believe they have different roles to men and their generation is getting old and dying out. The majority of society wants equal rights for women. Most women in today's feminist movement are not for equality. They're no different from the few men who are prejudice against them. Most feminist will have no issue if the roles were reversed and men were treated as less
2016-12-11 00:38:48 UTC
I am not feminist because it has ruined marriage simple as that yes their are bad men but their is also bad women too so all women care about is money love is love i am the sweetest guy but can't get a date because i don't have a lot of it you guys are the biggest contradiction i have ever seen and it sucks and i am heart broken i honestly will never give another woman a chance with romance now bussiness wise you are weaker and will be treated as such
2016-12-11 04:24:47 UTC
The way society views gender roles aren't equal. And the way MOST feminists view gender roles, aren't equal. They want to be equal to males but they ***** and complain if you treat them like one. You cant say certain things, do certain things, you cant hit them, they're not allowed to fight in combat. But when they are qualified for the draft they say it's not fair, "were just women." There are gyms that women opened up, just for women. But if a guy did the same thing, women would start a riot and protest against it.
2016-12-09 19:40:53 UTC
Used to be until about 3 years ago, when I found out that the largest American Feminist organization, the National Organization of Women, threatened to withhold funding from OXFAM for supporting male victims of sexual violence in the Congo. Supporting female victims was apparently OK.

That started me looking - and I realized that feminism has basically become advocacy for women CLAIMING to be about equality.

For instance, they claim to want equal education and screamed for it in the late 60s and 70s. Now that 20% more girls are graduating high school than boys, where is the clamoring for equal education?

Well, it hasn't entirely disappeared: Now they are clamoring for equal STEM education, a place where there are still more boys and men. They want to put quotas in place to make them equal - until the number of women exceed boys in STEM at which point they'll forget about it.

The assertion that somebody else will fight men's battles is totally belied by calling people who do "Misogynists".

When I see feminism do ONE thing that makes things worse for women but improves them for men, I may start seeing it as an organization that is interested in equality. Until that, they deserve the fact that an increasing majority of women (and men) don't want to be associated with the movement.

They'd prefer to be associated with the equality of men and women.
2016-12-09 18:57:48 UTC
I am not a feminist because of the hypocrisy within feminism.

You will hear feminist claims that they are for equal rights, yet when a male issue is brought to their attention what is their response? It is not THEIR responsibility to fight for men, they are only to ensure the rights of women. I do not support hypocrisy. So either you are for equal treatment or not? Well, Im a woman and I care about the fair treatment of everyone regardless of gender, race, or any other discriminating factor. I believe that we all should play by the same rules and have the same opportunities no matter what. That will end most conflicts among the people.

You will see some feminists defend feminism by saying we are not all that way. Okay well I cannot support wishy washy groups and beliefs that discriminate by excluding certain groups of people. I am 100% against any form of discrimination and excluding any group of people is discrimination. You are either for equal treatment or you are not, there is no well some of us are not like that, not all of us are man haters, not all of us are blah blah blah. Thats all it is a bunch of blah blah bs. I have many men in my life that I care about and love. I am not the type of person who can only think of myself and what I can gain by stepping on others and throwing them to the side. I care too much about people in general to be a user and abuser. If I see someone down and have a hand to reach out I will regardless of who they are. I will not take something that does not belong to me and I will not push someone down to get what I want.

I have asked the question why I need feminism and I get nothing valid. When I have a conversation with a feminist, I do it with an open mind. They give me nothing valid and as soon as I say anything contrary I get nothing but insults. They wont speak with the same open mind. Its their way or the highway, they have no room for objective conversations and are unable to admit to any fault. Ive been called a lot of nasty things by feminists because of my ideas of equal treatment,because I dont buy into their lies, and because I am honest even if it means I wont benefit above and beyond.

I am aware some men do hate women, that does not mean I need feminism. I treat them the same as I treat the feminists. I am capable of understanding how certain people operate without discriminating.
2016-12-11 00:20:33 UTC
Im not a feminist by today's standards b/c I dont believe in "women's rights" I believe in equal rights Feminists back then believed in equal rights 2 but called it womens rights b/c women were being oppressed & wanted women's rights 2 b equate 2 men's rights Now women arent being oppressed but many of them still fight for more womens rights which would mean they fight 4 more rights than men Though some women identify themselves as the feminists that fought 4 suffrage the majority of them just want 2 be able 2 flash their vaginas while being respected by men I saw a video & these "feminists" were holding up signs & protesting for womens rights but they were hardly wearing anything They were only wearing these shorts that covered half their *** & the only thing covering their torso were 2 stickers 2 cover their nipples What was worse was that they loved the attention they got by men & yes there r some men who hate women but there r also women who hate men It is quite the double standard
2016-12-11 12:48:42 UTC
I am not a feminist because I think sometimes feminism can push it a bit too much. I'm a female teenager btw.. but I do however believe everyone should have equal rights
2016-12-09 17:09:50 UTC
They aren't feminists and don't even wish feminists luck because they hate women. Or as women they are afraid of Dan and all the others. They overlap woman and feminist all the time but tell us not to because they think they are superior and that we need to be corrected. They want this impending civil war to happen so they can kill "feminazis". But i guarantee you they aren't talking about a handful of butch lesbian celebrities. They refer to all the fat women. The old women. The less attractive (to them) women. The pagan women. The western women. The wild women. Flat chested women. Brunettes. Brown women. Or whatever they don't like and kidnap/ rape the rest. One woman brought up examples of women in war feeding people. She got shut down. Dismissed outright. That is why we need feminism. To balance the extremists. Because they hate women.

Women's Advocate.
2016-12-09 19:20:34 UTC
I'm not a feminist because feminism has too many add-on beliefs on top of believing in equality. If feminism was only about belief in equality, and leaves its implementation to the individual, then I would be totally be a feminist. But feminism requires not only belief in equality, but they also dictate how to achieve this equality, how people should treat each other, which statistics to believe, and how to interpret society. Many of the "required" ideological stances and "required" statistics I do not support. An ideology that promotes equality should not dictate its members to adhere a specific interpretation of society.

Of course, feminism has many branches, and I've already looked at quite a few. If I was a feminist, I would be a freedom feminist first, and my second choice would be a choice feminist. Let me break down what a choice feminist is.

A choice feminist believes that what a woman does with her own free will is itself an expression of feminism, and is empowering. Strangely, this belief only applies to women, and there is a strange assumption that what a man does must be of his own free will. But lets put that aside. Feminists against choice feminism believe that a woman cannot and should not do what she wants to do if it makes it harder for other women. For example, a woman should not be able to engage activities that will reinforce the stereotype and cause other women to find it harder to break out of the stereotype. Needless to say, denying a woman her freedom for fear that her freedom will cause other women to lose their freedom is a lose-lose situation. In the end, everybody will be shackled.

Freedom feminism stands for the moral, social, and legal equality of the sexes—and the freedom of women (and men) to employ their equal status to pursue happiness as they choose. Freedom feminism is the best feminism, in my opinion, because it gives freedom to both men and women. Also, it gives both genders the freedom to pursue happiness as they choose. This implies not breaking the law, but if you are a man and want to be a pilot, be a pilot. If you are a woman and want to be a kindergarten teacher, be a kindergarten teacher. There are no quotas, no incentives. There are no programs to "persuade" genders to pursue a specific under-appreciated career. Instead, the focus will be entirely on freedom. Do what you want with your life.

The reason why I'm not a feminist is because if I'm, say, a freedom feminist, and I say that I'm a feminist, people will by default expect me to believe in certain things. This preconception burden actually makes it harder for me to treat genders equally. Since my goal is to treat genders equally, and feminism in its current form makes it harder for me to do that, I will not be a feminist, for the sake of achieving or maintaining equality.

Remember, actions speak louder than words, or stance.
2016-12-09 22:40:22 UTC
I'm for equal rights for all and don't endorse hate speech or sexist ideology so I don't support feminism. Yes to women's rights, NO TO feminists!
2016-12-10 03:09:18 UTC
I don't support feminism and I never will. Not when you see what feminism has become.

I support equal rights for both genders and in my opinion feminism does not support that. Most women that claim they are feminists want women to actually have power over men. I do not support anyone that wants power over another gender! Many of the women that claim they are feminists are actually misandrists and are as sexist and as abusive as they can be to men and even other women that do not support their bitter ways.
2016-12-11 07:17:42 UTC
how ya like this kind of person.....don't put me in a box with everybody live and let live stop labeling people Look just like feminism racists biggots on and on and on theres a bunch of people who will see the error of there ways and there just are some people know matter how you put it across to them just don't give a sh't about doing anything different. there's a lot of people like yourself who ask questions like this not just about feminism but other things like it IT DOESN'T MATTER TO THOSE WHO DON'T WANT DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT AND THATS THE WAY IT IS you can only do so much you can only take the horse to the water but you can't make it drink no matter what you say or do
2016-12-09 13:47:47 UTC
The amount of whiny, threatened men commenting makes me laugh.

I'm a feminist because I believe in equity. I believe that women shouldn't be earning 70 cents to a man's dollar, I believe that women should be able to make their own reproductive decisions, I believe that women should have the same freedoms, choices and respect afforded to men. Any man that claims that feminism is "anti-men" needs to take a good look in the mirror and ask himself why someone supporting women's rights threatens him so much. Pro-woman is not anti-man.
2016-12-10 03:04:13 UTC
Men should not be feminists, we've got to look out for ourselves. As long as flaunting their body lets women get ahead there will be no equality. Once I can stand on a street corner and get paid to have sex with women then maybe we can talk equality
Linda R
2016-12-09 14:29:59 UTC
Why? Because 'everyone' is NOT a female! I am a female and HATE feminists......because they treat males like dirt and they think they deserve more than men.
2016-12-17 01:02:57 UTC
feminism means supporting women's rights... i support women's rights, but i'm not a feminist... my experience with women who i have met and called themselves feminists, did not have a good sense of humor... having a good sense of humor is a good quality to have... but if you take everything too seriously or get offended over jokes, we wouldn't get along... everything should be joked about, that's the whole point of comedy and a benefit of living in a free society... go to the laugh factory...
2016-12-09 16:28:36 UTC
Most peope really are - whether they call themselves feminist, or not. Because most people are somewhat rational, and somewhat decent, and understand, what blessing modern, equal rights are - a lot of men actually love to spend time with their young kids, and are grateful, they don't need marry the very first girl they ever kiss..
2016-12-10 18:50:11 UTC
Feminism is really pointless to me. The only thing I say that is close to feminism is my motto "No one will look down on me because I'm a female" but I don't go around strutting it for everyone to know, you see. I find it too extreme to be into feminism. Just respect me as a female and don't degrade me. That's all. No need for the movements for me.
2016-12-10 19:47:43 UTC
I consider myself a feminist because I want equality for people of all religions, ethnicities, gender identities, body types, abilities. The common misconception is that feminists hate men, that is not true misanderists hate men. Feminism is about equality not making women superior over men. Real feminists care about male rape victims, taking down male stereotypes, and issues including everyone.
2016-12-09 19:59:57 UTC
Because Laci Green. That's why.
2016-12-09 18:59:49 UTC
I believe that women shouldn't do everything men can do and men shouldn't do everything women can do. Men and women were created different for a reason. Everything from our bodies to our brains are different and they are created for certain jobs. Women are free to do whatever they want but I'm fine with certain jobs being dominated by men because their brains and bodies are wired that way. Same with certain jobs being dominated by women. To say that men and women are the same is ignorant. We should be treated and respected equally but we are different and those differences should not be discouraged, but celebrated.
2016-12-10 20:12:42 UTC
I am a girl but I do not identify as a feminist and here is why: I believe that men and women are equal, but not the same. I believe that both genders should be paid the same and be able to vote etc. But I do not think that women should be allowed to walk around shirtless or be drafted for the military etc. Our bodies are different and we have different abilities and different roles. I do not think that men are superior to women at all. But we are not the same. Some of this comes from my Christian faith and some of it just comes from common sense, but this is my opinion.
2016-12-13 17:19:15 UTC
I believe that equality shouldn't be obtained through protesting and fighting. I understand and respect where feminists are coming from, but I disagree with the methods used.
2016-12-10 03:10:55 UTC
I'm a man and throughout life I have found that women **** everything up that that think they should have an opinion about. Women should never have been aloud to vote. That was man's downfall....
2016-12-10 18:30:58 UTC
Everyone is not feminist, in fact most people are not, because most people prefer gender equality which directly opposes the feminist goal of advantaging women.

Feminist organizations have lobbied for and won numerous policies advantaging females and disadvantaging males in areas ranging from business ownership to education to healthcare. This directly opposes the value most people have of non discrimination and equal opportunity. This is why I personally choose gender equality and not feminism myself.
2016-12-12 05:48:35 UTC
I'm too beautiful to be a feminist!
2016-12-11 00:19:44 UTC
I'm a rightist. This means that I believe in human rights above all else, and reject anything beyond that. I believe in what is right, and I disregard the issue of what is left. I don't believe in giving certain types of people additional rights, especially when you are stepping on the rights of other types of people in doing so. It is a human right to hire or fire someone for no reason. It is a human right to pay someone whatever salary one chooses, for whatever reason one chooses, without having to justify it. It is a human right to find another job if conditions at one job are unsatisfactory. It is a human right to be free from sexual harassment. But it is a violation of human rights to force someone to hire or fire against their will, or force someone to pay a salary they don't agree to. Forcing someone to hire a person for a high salary against their will "because she is a woman" is an act of stepping on one person'a rights and giving another person special rights.
2016-12-10 16:35:02 UTC
Not all women want all men to be feminists. Many women, particularly "feminine" women are attracted to "masculine" men, and they want their own sons to be masculine. A long time ago, many men made the mistake of "rocking the boat" by lording the fact that they were the "breadwinners" over their wives' heads. The effects of this error in judgment are still being felt today, particularly in the U.S. and other developed nations. For most of human history men were the primary breadwinners in heterosexual relationships. That's the way men AND women wanted it to be, and many women "still" want it to be that way. That's why women either "choose" a man who earns more than they do, or they "settle" for a man who earns the same amount tor less than they do. Talk about sexist! But men can't complain about women's sexist mate selection practices, because it's "weak" to do that. We just marry a woman and "hope" that she "chose us" as opposed to settling for us regardless of whether she actually cares about how much we earn or not. If a man wants a "thin woman" then he's considered sexist, but if a woman wants a "tall man", then she's "reasonable." Again, that goes back to the fact that it's considered "weak and unmanly" for a man to gripe about any sexist double standards, while women can complain about sexism until the cows come home, and society just accepts "their" wants and needs as valid and normal. In all areas of gender equality a man can never say: "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" because such a simple statement flies in the face of women's self-entrenched status as "victims of men." Gender equality is a one-way street, not a two-way street in our society.
2016-12-11 18:17:19 UTC
Go in the kitchen and cook me something.

I couldn't help it. I think my mom just subconsciously smacked me. The problem is there's feminism then there's equality, not the same. Equality is a Nice idea, never gonna happen. Applies to sex differences, race differences, religion differences, etc...etc...etc...
2016-12-10 09:01:04 UTC
I'm all for Women having the same rights as Men but it gets out of hand with all that Hugh Mungus stuff.
2016-12-10 17:18:06 UTC
I do believe in equal rights. I dont believe in letting the feminism mindset consume every aspect of your life to the point you are dissecting everything around you and becoming bitter. A lot of feminists just seem very unhappy. Hysterically so. Nothing is a win for them. Theres always a problem. Always a "but..."
2016-12-11 16:06:51 UTC
I'm not a feminist and I have no reason to be one. I have always felt equal to men. In regards to the wage gap issue, I have typically earned more than my male counterparts.
2016-12-09 07:43:55 UTC
That depends on what you mean by feminist. For a lot of people, that terms carries with it a lot of baggage, as to many people, they view feminism as a movement that only wants to advantage women and make women superior to men.

I'm someone who believes in gender equality, and I agree with feminists on some issues, but I don't just ignore men's issues like many of them do. If you consider me a feminist, I don't care. I just don't necessarily actively identify as one, or if I do, I always say this:

"I'm a feminist, Men's rights activist, egalitarian, and a humanist".

I don't identify as just a feminist since feminism is traditionally defined as the advocacy of women's rights in order to make them equal. However, I'm not only an advocate of women's rights, but also of men's rights(hence the men's rights activist part) and I'm an advocate of every human's rights, hence the egalitarian humanist part.

I suppose I could just identify as an egalitarian humanist though.
2016-12-12 23:20:54 UTC
I call it like i see it and the antifeminists hate women. I'm the opposite so that means i'm feminist. Some changed their answers. You read their original answers and see how despicable they are.
2016-12-09 20:56:39 UTC
Because the Patriarchy is always stronger and always wins in the end, as we have just seen in the last election. A feminist that went to the best schools, had 45 years experience in every job in government, had all the money in the world behind her, the news media lied its *** off for her and she was beat by one alpha male who never so much as ran for dog catcher and only used about 5% of his net worth to do it. His next step is to crush you and every single thing you hold dear under his patriarchal boot. Be very afraid!
Groove doctor
2016-12-10 20:24:38 UTC
Several reasons, but primarily because I don't like self-identifying labels. I wouldn't call myself an anti-racist, though I condemn racism
2016-12-10 21:41:41 UTC
I am a female and i personally am not a feminist, tbh i think it is stupid. I don't believe in gender roles, but, trying not to be sexist against my own sex, i like male gender better.
2016-12-10 16:49:31 UTC
To me feminism is like being totally against men in general. Yes i believe that women and men should have equal rights. A feminist i believe (in my opinion) is when a woman will blame all of their problems on men.
2016-12-12 00:22:34 UTC
Feminists are mean leftists that deem the real world sexist. They make life harder for the working class, they have no concept of how the tax system works, they deem most of everything that pays taxes and contributes taxes in our economy as sexist, and if they somehow got all those things banned, there would be no government money for their waste of tax dollar projects that screw over society. They would be shut down pretty much. All their fundings would dry up. If there is no big corporations, there is nothing to buy at the store and there is no one to hire who pay taxes in their pay checks to work those jobs for the big corporations. If there is no airconditioning, there is no one to hire who pay taxes on buying tools to install airconditioning, no one to pay taxes taking lunch breaks to go to fast food restaurants to buy food for each initial item bought. If you haven't noticed your reciepts or pay check stubs now a days, everything gets taxed from the food we buy, to merchandises,
2016-12-12 06:21:43 UTC
I'm a humanist! Wouldn't being a feminist make me sexist???!!
2016-12-09 07:45:22 UTC
Because too many feminists are so intense with so very little flexibility, they cross over into "feminazism," not recognizing or accepting that 1. Life is not fair, and never will be, and 2. Women are not the only ones, men suffer from inequalities and unfairness as well.

It is a well known fact that women do not tend to side with other women as men side with other men. For all the talk of "sisterhood," women are far more vicious to each other than men are. We don't have "bromances," we have cat fights. It is quite hard to fight for a cause when you feel like you are fighting for people you really don't like that much.
2016-12-09 09:13:35 UTC
I'm a girl and I don't support feminism. Not modern day feminism atleast. It should have died out by the end of the 50's. It's the work of Satan nowadays.
2016-12-10 13:40:02 UTC
Because modern feminism has no direction. Modern feminism is just about females trying to one-up men and report them for saying things that may trigger the woman.

Any good ideas established by the 1st and 2nd wave of feminism have been destroyed with modern feminism
2016-12-09 18:17:13 UTC
1. Screaming 'misogyny' anytime someone 'breathes' around me then play the victim card just isn't my thing.

2. I'm not fat.
2016-12-09 21:13:35 UTC
I am not personally a feminist because I do not support hate based movements and organizations, and I make no exception for feminism.
2016-12-11 02:43:10 UTC
Because just because women didn't have rights before that changed and women have the same rights as men now so why the big fuss
2016-12-10 05:05:54 UTC
because feminist arent very feminine, theyre hardly graceful little ballerinas theyre loud and mean and greedy they hardly exume a nuturing glow theyre always unsatisfied they take more than they give and they slander everyone that doesnt agree with their opinion when the only opinion they have is everyone has to listen to what they need and what they need is exactly the same as everyone else on this planet with the exception that they added feminist to their arguement, a real lady doesnt need to explain herself.
2016-12-10 22:40:23 UTC
Because the current definition of "feminist" equals anti-male. If it still meant sexual equality, I'd have no issue with it.
2016-12-10 00:09:18 UTC
Then why does it matter to you? If and or I am none of these and or anything? Because it shouldn't.

Forgive and let go.. or this will reflect badly on you when you are called to him.
2016-12-11 17:07:41 UTC
Seeing as feminism is very clearly an anti-male hate movement , the leadership of which has called for the incarceration & extermination of all men for decades , that would mean I would have to kill myself to become a feminist. The only good man is a very dead one in their view !!
2016-12-10 08:07:38 UTC
Because men have been the dominant and better sex since the beginning of times. That's how it has always been. In world history, I don't recall any important females at all in wars and stuff. They're nothing but home pets. I don't recall any female being the inventors of anything important other than cosmetic stuff. The only thing women are good at is to manipulate and use men to reach their goals. So this question is really sexist because women are inferior to men yet you dare to question their position in society. Not to mention that the feminists of today are nothing but low-lives, gold-digging sluts who'd have sex with dogs to get recognition.
2016-12-09 15:25:43 UTC
I didn't get dropped on my head at birth, that's why
2016-12-09 13:32:42 UTC
Why do you *expect* them to be?

As for why I am not, I don't owe you any explanation as to why I am FOR Equal Rights but NOT necessarily for Equality or Feminism.
2016-12-13 04:20:41 UTC
HELL NO. I support women's right but i definitely am not a feminist.
2016-12-11 02:41:38 UTC
Feminism or Masculism are the ideas that one gender is superior to the other. I think everyone was pretty equal until the women started ranting that they don't have enough rights.
2016-12-10 15:47:03 UTC
I would not consider myself a feminist but I do believe in equality for everyone.
Tony Callo
2016-12-11 16:24:26 UTC
Fix the ideology of feminism for today's women then we will talk
2016-12-09 13:41:16 UTC
Well,a woman is not my God,so I can't go there.
2016-12-11 20:31:44 UTC
I'm not fat, ugly and miserable enough to be a feminist.
2016-12-09 08:20:00 UTC
A feminist is essentially an evil succubus.

I saw a group of them trying to sneak into my friend's house the other night to steal his soul, so I scared them off by clanging a couple of steel garbage can lids together.

I've also caught them casting evil spells in the forest to turn some males into manginas. I threatened to tattoo their foreheads with the mark of the devil, so they scurried away.
2016-12-09 12:08:23 UTC
I am personally not a feminist because feminists advocate women be advantaged over men. I believe everyone should be legally equal with no demographic advantaged over others.
2016-12-09 13:48:18 UTC
i used to call my self a feminist, because i think everyone should be equal. now, im embarrassed to be called a feminist because of people like laci green or milo stewart who are anti-man and anti-everything other than themselves. the first point of feminism wasnt to make women better than men, but to make everyone equal but now everyones ruined it
2016-12-11 19:12:00 UTC
feminism is for everyone and advocates to help orppessed communites such as all races, sexualities, and any gender identities which is mainly focused on women but also other genders including cis men. feminism is an amazing movement that helps everyone.
Ruby Wilson
2016-12-09 13:41:12 UTC
Too many of their ideas are anti'men. They had/have me hating men sometimes.
2016-12-10 14:43:20 UTC
Defining what is a feminist is often a matter of dispute. What I think of feminist and what you think of feminist may differ. Even among feminist, the matter is hotly dispute.
2016-12-11 20:27:33 UTC
Some of us are men so most of us would not be feminist, reason it that being one is generally not favorable to males.
2016-12-11 11:02:08 UTC
literally because people have turned feminism too far. i am a female btw. i dont think feminism is just about equality anymore. there was a hashtag i think it was #killallmen?? like are you ******* kidding me? why would i be a feminist?? the people who think there are 74 genders also ruined it.
2016-12-10 19:49:11 UTC
Feminism is so ****** up it isn't even funny.

There is my answer in a simple and easy to understand sentence I believe you can understand better.
2016-12-09 11:49:43 UTC
As with the other answers, there is a neglection towards men... though, my main point is that we are not equal

One makes babies, the other provides the substance to make the baby.

I'm serious.

Also, I believe that equality is co-existence, not being the same.

3 is 2 in coexistence with 1
2016-12-09 12:12:44 UTC
2016-12-09 17:42:05 UTC
Why isn't everyone a feminist?

Well when I answer your 2nd question... it'll answer your first.

So, why am I, personally, not a feminist?

I hate feminism because... "feminists don't even know what feminism is":

There are at least 8 different dictionary definitions for the word feminism.

"A feminist is someone who fights against gender-based discrimination where the female is disadvantaged", the best feminist-written definition that I've seen. Even this wonderful definition is sexist as it is sexist to be part of an organization who aims to benefit 'one gender' solely. Feminism cannot claim to be for gender equality while creating and imposing gender segregation.

I hate feminism because... "it is condones a victimhood culture/society":

Feminism is a delusion… the delusion that women still aren't equal members of society. Women, contrary to popular belief, do have privileges and advantages. Feminism knows that it's beneficial to deny the existence of these privileges. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." Feminism tells strong women that they are, and will always will be, victims of society because victim status brings political favor and privilege. Feminism hides behind a veneer of political correctness to manipulate and further their own selfish agendas.

I hate feminism because... "it claims to be about gender equality when it is not":

Feminism is a movement that advocates, campaigns and lobbies for women's interests and advantages. Feminism is 'the belief that women should always have more & more rights'. Feminism is all about female entitlement! Feminism isn't about equality, its favoritism (the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another). Feminism is 'the hateful pursuit of the impossible (gender equality and keeping women's advantages at the same time).'

Some feminists claim that feminism is synonymous with equality, except that the actions of feminism in the last 5 decades have proven that it only campaigns against gender-based discrimination where the female is disadvantaged. I cannot condone an ideology that is so deceitful, hypocritical and sexist in nature.

I hate feminism because... "it promotes gender discrimination":

Feminism promotes discrimination (prejudicial treatment of different categories of people on the grounds of race, age, sex, etc.) by using the hierarchy of intersectionality. Feminists mistakenly believe that men are the upper-class and the oppressors; how can women treat men as equals with equal respect while believing this at same time?


Why would a man want to be a feminist anyway? Since when has feminism treated men equally, as human beings, with dignity and respect? When has feminism ever assisted men to achieve equality where, previously, men had none?

You added, "Literally just everyone equal"

I have heard many feminists define feminism as "equality of everyone regardless of gender"! If feminism is really about equality as most feminists claim, they should use the political power of their movement in support of the equality of both sexes but I still haven't seen one example of feminism assisting men to achieve equality where, previously, men had none. Feminism cannot advocate gender equality while they ignore & disregard the valid issues faced by men.

I have some ideas, let feminism publicly: treat MGM as bad as FGM, promote default 50-50 shared child custody, fight for quotas in female-dominated disciplines (nursing, psychology,...) as much as STEM, promote conscription for women (to earn a right to vote) or men should not need to, stop pretending that women are the only victims of 'violence, crime & rape', get rid of all existing discriminatory policies (that effect, benefit or advantage one gender over another) and forbid the passage of any new ones.

For true gender equality to occur, we need to get rid of all existing discriminatory policies (that effect, benefit, advantage, & include/exclude one gender specifically) and forbid the passage of any new ones. I would make sure that nothing in gender exclusive. I have yet to see the feminist movement campaign for an 'unbiased' law/benefit/advantage/right.
2016-12-09 07:46:56 UTC
Feminism is so ANTI male it's disgusting. Women already hold the highest offices in govt and business. They get equal pay to men and often get preference over men. Whining and complaining is just stupid.
2016-12-10 15:01:51 UTC
I am NOT a feminist because........I'm a MAN!!!!!!!!
2016-12-11 04:05:56 UTC
Let me put this as simply as I can: Because feminism was ruined by selfish militants. Just like salads, youth groups, pride parades and Strong Bad. (Well, maybe not that last one.)
2016-12-09 10:14:46 UTC
Feminism is about women, and only women. Why would I support any group that doesn't support me?
2016-12-09 20:34:34 UTC
Everyone deserves equal rights
2016-12-09 19:30:27 UTC
Because modern day feminism is focused on oppressing men
2016-12-09 21:45:01 UTC
maybe everyone is and lies about it. LOL? *removes high five*.

labelling hasn't gone too well ever as far as I can [see].

check guruism in your question?
2016-12-09 08:57:02 UTC
Because feminism is a bigotted sexist hate ideology that seeks benefits and privileges for women based on double talk and double standards, backed up by threats of prison and rape. It is self-contradictory and hypocritical and dishonest.
2016-12-09 09:13:21 UTC
Sorry. I have come here without any homework (prior preparations). All of a sudden if you shoot out tough and difficult questions, it is impossible for me to answer. Please spare me some time so that I can get prepared.

Those who are more inquisitive should do their own STUDIES.
2016-12-11 06:20:46 UTC
Hello. Have you ever heard Pink's song "Stupid Girls"?
2016-12-11 18:00:29 UTC
Cause being against inequality means admitting it exists and for men that means admitting you benefit.
2016-12-11 01:47:35 UTC
Because everyone is equall. There is not need we have enough rights
2016-12-10 14:36:34 UTC
Feminism is a hate cult.
2016-12-11 02:47:02 UTC
I have talked to over a dozen of them and found them to be radical morons
2016-12-09 07:54:27 UTC
Because feminists are savages, and most of us do not want to be savages.
2016-12-12 16:22:18 UTC
never heard of live & let live?


u sound like a religious fundamentalist leftist
2016-12-10 04:00:31 UTC
Everyone should be a humanist
2016-12-11 15:59:37 UTC
Feminism is the same as racism
2016-12-10 13:14:34 UTC
No clue
2016-12-10 13:11:54 UTC
No clue
2016-12-10 09:07:30 UTC
most people are annoyed by and despise feminazis.
2016-12-11 00:00:10 UTC
Because I prefer not to get cancer.
2016-12-10 22:04:25 UTC
Hmm! I guess fags probably are!
2016-12-10 02:01:49 UTC
not a feminazi sorry.
2016-12-12 22:28:56 UTC
I am .
2016-12-09 07:59:31 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.