Why isn't everyone a feminist?
Well when I answer your 2nd question... it'll answer your first.
So, why am I, personally, not a feminist?
I hate feminism because... "feminists don't even know what feminism is":
There are at least 8 different dictionary definitions for the word feminism.
"A feminist is someone who fights against gender-based discrimination where the female is disadvantaged", the best feminist-written definition that I've seen. Even this wonderful definition is sexist as it is sexist to be part of an organization who aims to benefit 'one gender' solely. Feminism cannot claim to be for gender equality while creating and imposing gender segregation.
I hate feminism because... "it is condones a victimhood culture/society":
Feminism is a delusion… the delusion that women still aren't equal members of society. Women, contrary to popular belief, do have privileges and advantages. Feminism knows that it's beneficial to deny the existence of these privileges. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." Feminism tells strong women that they are, and will always will be, victims of society because victim status brings political favor and privilege. Feminism hides behind a veneer of political correctness to manipulate and further their own selfish agendas.
I hate feminism because... "it claims to be about gender equality when it is not":
Feminism is a movement that advocates, campaigns and lobbies for women's interests and advantages. Feminism is 'the belief that women should always have more & more rights'. Feminism is all about female entitlement! Feminism isn't about equality, its favoritism (the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another). Feminism is 'the hateful pursuit of the impossible (gender equality and keeping women's advantages at the same time).'
Some feminists claim that feminism is synonymous with equality, except that the actions of feminism in the last 5 decades have proven that it only campaigns against gender-based discrimination where the female is disadvantaged. I cannot condone an ideology that is so deceitful, hypocritical and sexist in nature.
I hate feminism because... "it promotes gender discrimination":
Feminism promotes discrimination (prejudicial treatment of different categories of people on the grounds of race, age, sex, etc.) by using the hierarchy of intersectionality. Feminists mistakenly believe that men are the upper-class and the oppressors; how can women treat men as equals with equal respect while believing this at same time?
Why would a man want to be a feminist anyway? Since when has feminism treated men equally, as human beings, with dignity and respect? When has feminism ever assisted men to achieve equality where, previously, men had none?
You added, "Literally just everyone equal"
I have heard many feminists define feminism as "equality of everyone regardless of gender"! If feminism is really about equality as most feminists claim, they should use the political power of their movement in support of the equality of both sexes but I still haven't seen one example of feminism assisting men to achieve equality where, previously, men had none. Feminism cannot advocate gender equality while they ignore & disregard the valid issues faced by men.
I have some ideas, let feminism publicly: treat MGM as bad as FGM, promote default 50-50 shared child custody, fight for quotas in female-dominated disciplines (nursing, psychology,...) as much as STEM, promote conscription for women (to earn a right to vote) or men should not need to, stop pretending that women are the only victims of 'violence, crime & rape', get rid of all existing discriminatory policies (that effect, benefit or advantage one gender over another) and forbid the passage of any new ones.
For true gender equality to occur, we need to get rid of all existing discriminatory policies (that effect, benefit, advantage, & include/exclude one gender specifically) and forbid the passage of any new ones. I would make sure that nothing in gender exclusive. I have yet to see the feminist movement campaign for an 'unbiased' law/benefit/advantage/right.