The Magna Carta added clauses 7 & 8 specifically to allow widows to remain single and control their own income rather than return to the control of family or be forced into another marriage. With this law the Magna Carta made it possible for widows to be the head of the house and enter contracts as a result of granting status as Femme Sole. This document is the direct precedent to USA’s bill of rights.
Femme couverte was the legal status of married women as it was of juveniles. They were legally the same person as their husband so could not sign a contract in their own name as they had no legal identity, being subsumed automatically by her husband as she had been by her father. In America the law began changing with Married Women's Property Acts in the 19th cent. One of the first was enacted by Connecticut in 1809, allowing women to write wills. The majority of states passed similar statutes in the 1850s.
1920, the Nineteenth Amendment, which prohibited state or federal sex-based restrictions on voting – Women’s vote was passed into law in several stated before the federal amendment.
Equal Pay Act in 1963
1964 Civil Rights Act Title VII bans discrimination in employment on the basis of race and sex. 1967 Executive Order 11375 expands Johnson's affirmative action policy of 1965 to cover discrimination based on gender to include federal agencies and contractors, which must take active measures to ensure that women as well as minorities enjoy the same educational and employment opportunities as white males.
Title IX is an expanded federal civil rights law 1972 that additionally prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in schools.