The Dude Minds
2009-07-02 07:25:05 UTC
'Dear Stanley,
I recently interviewed with a company where the team was led by a woman and included five female co-workers. I am a man and my concern is that I would not fit in. Further, I have heard recent statistics that a high percentage of the population would rather work for a man. I work for a company now where it’s the good ‘ol boys: I can golf, go out for drinks, swear, etc. in a corporate setting. Am I setting myself up for failure by taking a job in a female-dominant setting? The reason for the change is 100 percent salary based.
Worried Walter
Dear Walt,
Hi there! Guess what? You’re a sexist! Congratulations on the fact that your disability has so far gone undiagnosed due to the environment in which you are working. It was only a matter of time before you were busted, and I’m happy to do the job. Your attitudes are very poor, my man. I’m not saying I don’t sympathize. It’s fun, if you’re a man, to work inside the cozy womb — if that’s the right word — of a gender-dominant group within a culture. But it’s like any other society where injustice is the law of the land: cozy for the guys in power, cold for those on the outside looking in.
Just for fun, here are some of the indications that you’re suffering from chronic Sexist Butthead Syndrome, as demonstrated in your brief e-mail:
1. You went out of your way to find out the gender composition of the department you’d be working for;
2. You believe you would “not fit in,” which demonstrates your probably well-founded feeling that you don’t relate well to women in a professional environment;
3. You cite some troglodyte survey saying that a “high percentage of the population” would rather work for a man. Any man? As opposed to any woman? Nice job of generalizing, dude!
4. You use the phrase “good ol’ boys” without irony;
5. You are concerned that a better salary would not offset the loss of golf;
6. Your conviction that “females” do not drink or swear. My experience is that they do both quite nicely.
At any rate, I believe there’s hope for you. You’re asking questions; that’s a good thing. You’re considering making a change in spite of your horrendous attitudinal liabilities. And the truth is, most men, particularly those of a certain age, have had to make the same shift and have done so splendidly. You’d be amazed how sexist attitudes eventually melt away when you are compensated well to have them do so.
I think you should take the job. You’d be surprised at how the number of your fellow trolls has decreased in recent years. You need to get with the new program, pronto. What you’ll find out is that women make just as good — and just as bad — managers and colleagues as men do. Sometimes better. Sometimes worse. They do tend to cry a little bit more, but that’s another story altogether.'
First off I don't consider myself sexist - I support feminism in it's basic form - equal opportunities for women, and oppose female discrimination. However things like this get on my nerves quite a bit, I don't consider it feminist - merely a form of PC thought policing.
Note the way the response is issued, it's based on an assumption from the given evidence that the questioner is sexist - almost in a computational manner the answerer issues a text-book PC "anti-misogynist" response. The hallmarks of this are passive aggressive undertones, masked by patronising the questioner, the use of nauseating Newspeak jargon i.e. "gender composition", "professional environment", "Sexist Butthead Syndrome", "gender-dominant group" - cosy terms designed to appear scientific, but the majority derive from sociological pseudoscience.
So ultimately you have a man who prefers to work with men, probably set in old ways a bit, but fair do - is branded "sexist" for having a preference when it comes to gender. Many people like to choose whether or not their doctor (or GP) is a man or a woman - does this mean their sexist too? Should they be sent to the state correctional facilities for not thinking the way they should? Shouldn't workplaces promote diversity? Not just in terms of race, sex or sexuality - but progressive, libertarian, statist and conservative views? Isn't that being discriminatory - forcing them to change their ways like hive workers, conditioning their behaviours, and correcting them, like they're political dissidents?
I'm all for gender equality, and equal opportunities - but that doesn't mean that statistically on the whole, there are differences between the sexes. Male and female bosses do often work in different ways, according large professional studies, not my own insignificant experience. Does that mean I'm a troglodyte, are those studies "troglodytes" - Are the participants in the studies olms? Are they also sexist as well as blind?
I mean what the questioner is saying, is hardly that offencive, old fashioned yeah, but hardly enough to call h