The Duluth Model of Violence was created by a feminist (Ellen Pence) in Duluth, Minnesota, and not surprisingly, is based on the assumption that only men initiate violence, especially domestic violence. While not it's original intent, it has been used in police training under VAWA, which means rather than taking an objective look at what the evidence indicates, there is a pre-formed assumption the male is the guilty party. This is especially problematic in states that have mandatory arrest or pro-arrest policy. As should be clear, a policy of having to make an arrest combined with an assumption males are guilty, means a lot of males being wrongfully arrested. It's been very highly criticized but as with many gender issues, feminist lobbying has been stronger than the criticism.
The “Duluth Model” represents the dominant treatment approach aligned with feminist theory.”
“It sees the root causes of intimate partner violence as the outcome of living a society that condones aggressive behaviours perpetrated by men, while socializing women to be non-violent.
“Duluth believes in gender shaming as an intervention technique.”
From “ The Duluth model: A data-impervious paradigm and a faild strategy” Published in the Journal: Science Direct:
“Underpinning Duluth is an explicit assumption that, other than in "extremely rare" cases, domestic violence always has a male perpetrator and a female victim, and exists in a social context which explicitly condones and promotes that form of violence alone, as 'an inherent by-product of a male-dominated patriarchy”
“The Duluth Wheel domestic-violence re-education programme – a revised methodology for generic use
Tom Graves1 Published in “Nuance”
Added to Thomas' comments: Personally, I make no claim it is misandric. I claim it is based on assumptions that have been shown to be false and is used for agenda purposes creating many problems. As even Thomas stated: "The model focuses solely on the men's use of violence in abusive relationships, rather than on the behavior of all parties concerned." Anyone should be able to see the problem with this approach.
Add #2 - No we shouldn't create a competing model that assumes women are always guilty. That would be silly. Police and counselors should look at the actual facts and act appropriately based on reality, not based on some gender agenda model that does not fit the facts.