Freedom Returns
2017-05-13 13:53:17 UTC
-Sluts, Gold diggers and Man eaters
- bad nasty women who hurt use and take advantage of steal from men using the system
-women who like to sleep around and fool around with guys that are no good, and then who settle for other guys they don't love when they are older because of financial stability security and because they want a guy to provide
-women with ridiculously high expectations standards but with little to offer and women expectations of men and standards increase grow as they get older
-a biased corrupt divorce and family court system
- a society that views and treats men as disposable to be sacrificed and used for the benefit of women and children
-female hypergamy
-women who cheat and lie have affairs while married, cuckhold men and commit paternity fraud
-crazy women who commit false rape accusations and false domestic abuse violence accusations out of malice and for revenge
Why do people mock me and laugh at me and think i am crazy when i say such things exist in this world ?
why do people like to pretend like these things do not exist ?
why do people think i'm abnormal for acknowledging that such things exist and look at me like i'm saying the world is square ?