2008-07-25 06:15:21 UTC
It is an utterly stupid idea that women are better at multi-tasking and has no basis in reality whatsoever. Prove me wrong.
21 answers:
2008-07-25 07:25:29 UTC
It's also an utterly stupid idea that men have some superiority in math and science over women.

Stereotypes suck, huh?
2008-07-26 02:50:49 UTC
This is a good example of a self fullfilling prophecy. People that are told that they automatically can or cannot do something has an effect on their ability.

Like multi tasking, cooking etc if you are rbought up as my mother says 'Of course you can do it, you are a woman' you just get on and do it and have the condifence. But in the same way if you are told you are not good at something the person will feel less confident and doomed to failure.

The old chestut of women aren't good at driving, because this is so ingrained the new learner will be worried and not expect to be able to do very well thus in turn being over cautious and being a worse driver.

But you are right, it is stupid in the same way that every sterotype uch as men are more logical etc is stupid.
2008-07-25 06:29:14 UTC
You may be right. It has long been assumed in SOME circles that men are better at mathamatics. This was recently disproved in a legitimate study. The basis for this assumption was acutally scientific in nature. It was based upon the fact that men and women use different regions of their brains predominantly. This is a fact. The "math" assumption was made because men tend to use the parts of their brains associated with space and logic to a greater extent than women. I assume the multi-tasking assumption is also based on brain differences. Obviously, the science community was wrong about math, so they may be wrong about multi-tasking. I don't know and I don't think the proper studies have been done to prove one way or the other. It does sound like you are making a passionate statement based on personal feelings, though. This is a social SCIENCE board, so try to think scientifically.
2008-07-27 07:09:09 UTC
First fo all (DJ King yer a tad strange).

Ok well I think women were claimed to be better at multi-tasking because in general they had a lot to cope with at home, cleaning, caring for, running errands.

But I think in this day and age men and women do many of the same sorts of jobs, so multi-task equally as well.

Hmmm I multi-task ALOT but only because if something crops up in my head I have to go do it because if I did not I would forget. I often have several (8-10) websites going because I am impatient...I will watch 3/4 channels on tv in one go (switching to and thro) but it is because by nature I am figity...

I get bored fast.

I will do many jobs all in one go if I can...again through boredom and wanting something done faster.

But I am sure there are men like this too.
2008-07-25 09:47:01 UTC
Henry Ford, who knew a thing or two about productivity figured out the advantages of everyone focusing on their own task, and doing it well quite some time ago. I wouldn't concern myself with "multi-tasking." People who brag about multi-tasking are making a creative excuse for not focusing on the task at hand. I've watched my sister in law toss a cell phone into a boiling pot of water then try to plug a charger into a potato while "multi-tasking." When I was a kid I watched my aunt walk through a glass door while carrying a bag of groceries, talking on the phone, and chasing a dog. I can't remember how many stitches that bit of multi-tasking resulted in, but at least a couple of dozen. What if the doctor didn't focus simply on the task of stitching. Would her arm have been stitched to her side?
Jack Russell Terrierist
2008-07-25 12:49:12 UTC
Multi-tasking: The concurrent execution of two or more tasks or the concurrent use of a single program that can carry out many functions. i.e. Doing more than one thing at the same time.

I haven't seen any studies where women are any better multi-taskers than men.

Most of what I have read is that multi-tasking by humans is a dangerous habit, especially when it involves driving 3,000 + pounds of metal hurtling down the road. I don't recommend it. Besides, folks that multi-task are usually a jack of all trades, but a master of none. ♥ ∞
2008-07-26 04:00:34 UTC
I agree with you...necessity dictates that women have to be able to do more than one thing at once, that's been the con for centuries to get us to feel guilty for not working like galley slaves in the workplace or in the home...the opposite face of that coin/con is that men are unable to multi-task, perhaps they need to practice those skills and you never know we may have a move towards REAL equality, but somehow I don't think men will take to the idea!
2008-07-25 16:39:27 UTC
BS :D!

People multi task all the time....

Can't you enjoy music and type and the same time? or must you pause the music? or can u only type between tracks >_>?

What happends if you're driving and some one calls on the phone? can you answer and talk, or do you instantly crash the car? lol

Can women type this and make math homework with the other hand?

No. Unless they practice, but it's possible for both genders :P

It's genetical or from practice.

My mom can't type and talk in the phone at the same time and i can...

no one is the same, and only women multitasking is BS lol.
Aunty Clare
2008-07-25 18:23:44 UTC
Hi, you may be right, but experience tells me that women, especially mums, have to deal with many different tasks at once ( apparently time and motion studies bear this out). This may not be multitasking in the strictest sense , but it sure as hell feels like doing the jobs of several people at once. If that's colloquial multitasking, I've done it!
2008-07-25 07:10:53 UTC
i think this theory is to do with the stereotype of a woman at home with however many kidsdoing lots of different things and a man working focusing on one task. obviously this is not the case nowadays but i dont know when this theory came about. go on rub ur stomach and pat urr head. if yuu can do this u can multi-task much better than some. XD
2008-07-25 08:38:43 UTC
I would never make the false asumption that women are better at multi-tasking than men. I would rather say that certain individuals are better at multi-tasking than others. If they happen to be mostly women among this list, so be it. If they happen to be mostly men, that's fine too.
DJ King, K for Music & True Love
2008-07-25 09:35:42 UTC
Not robotic Tracey, with all of her sarcastic remarks

or any of the other feminist trolls on here

CAN post the Name and/ Number of just ‘Five Companies’, that we can call to send out any female Multi-tasking experts to repair a single thing

in and around the HOME or GARAGE!! CAN’T BE DONE

They like all of us have to call a professional MAN for the job, feminist or not, that is the truth

Multi-Tasking is for those who have no skills to brag, it’s for idiots. It’s TEA LEAVES, Soothsaying, for modern times

You let your woman Brag a little, cause its harmless, but its shyte, big time
Sessy R ~* نزف إلى الأبد *~
2008-07-26 14:28:22 UTC
I think gender has nothing to do with multi-tasking. You either can or can't. I multi-task without me realising it but who cares.
2008-07-25 06:43:52 UTC
I multi-task all the time. I know women have many talents and are hard workers. Maybe because I am left-handed and/or are creative, that I am able to multi-task?
2008-07-25 07:56:52 UTC
You're right. Men and women can be equally as good at whatever they want. It's just that people get confused when society tells them what they should be good at.

Gender does not determine ability for anyone!
food 4 thought
2008-07-25 08:18:24 UTC
I've yet to be on a campus where most women weren't worrying about some aspect of combining marriage, children, and a career. I've yet to find one where many men were worrying about the same thing. ~Gloria Steinem
2008-07-25 08:22:29 UTC
Nobody can prove you wrong, because it isn't grounded in reality. It's simply an idea that is based on misinformation, promulgated by the media. Don't mind women; they just love to indulge in this fantasy, because they like having their egos flattered.
Louise C
2008-07-25 09:29:14 UTC
My husband says it's women who can't multi-task, he says that's one of the reasons women are rotten drivers.
I'm Just Honest!
2008-07-25 06:24:27 UTC
I have never met a man that can do more than one completely unrelated thing and do both just as well as if they were just doing that one thing.
2008-07-25 11:55:17 UTC
Stop being lazy. Do it yourself.

you'll never get anywhere in life with that whole "do it for me" attitude.
Miss Molly
2008-07-25 06:22:21 UTC
I think you may do better at proving us wrong. Go ahead.

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