2013-12-22 16:18:09 UTC
The quote was: 'None of this 50/50 time with the mums and dads – my children live with me; that is it.’ Someone this had them fired up to a level they decided to attack Kate, and her children with a quote having something to do with her children and the holiday season.. Kate Winslet has threatened to sue them after realizing their even trying to use her in a new campaign as if her being a single mother wasn't hard enough, they want to blame her for being a single mother in the first place.
One thing i acknowledged is how the fathers have never complained about lack of access to their children and have not even reacted to this surge by this group on their behalf. Just this shows how this dysfunctional campaign is misguided as how can you claim to against this non-existant bias of between fathers and their children when fathers don't seem bothered for 'justice' in the first place?
The mother says their children are unaffected by the absence of their father. The fathers don't seem bothered or fazed at all? This attacking and harrasment was stupid?