You are just as thick as all the other Americans. And before you abuse me, no I am not English... I have lived in America, England, Australia, Denmark, Sweden and France.
America is far from the best. Out of all the countries I have lived in because I just love to work and travel, these are where I would rate them:
1. Denmark
2. Australia
3. Sweden
4. France
5. England
6. America
No healthcare system, corrupt police and government... Americans have been brainwashed to think they are the most free. Go, do your research against other countries. You will find that America is far from the greatest country in the world.
EDIT: ♥ american girl ♥ - you couldn't be more wrong. America has less than 40% of the immigration than Britain. You don't hear about people wanting to migrate to other countries because America doesn't focus on anything but America... And they aren't even f**king called green cards anywhere else than America you dipsh*t.
This is why you Americans piss everyone else off... because you are so f**king thick, you never even stop to think about any other country but your own.
Go play with some nuclear weapons and accidentally blow 50 up around the country.
Timothy T - Ok... enough's enough. This is exactly what I am talking about with the brain washing. Other armies just followed you into battle huh? What about the 50 Australian Officers that took control of American squads on the front line? What about the British tanks that were the first armoured vehicles into Iraq?
There were NEVER any missiles or WoMD ever found!?! Do you not keep up with the news?
"Only terrorist have an ideology that strong in order to commit nuclear homicide."... so I guess you have a terrorist running for president? Since Clinton said she would wipe Iran off the map with nuclear weapons if it attacked Israel.
And about you cleaning up everything, go and read up about conflicts in East Timor. Go see who's helping them out. Oh yeah, and also, look up The Battle of Long Tan during Vietnam. Go read what the Australians did. Out numbered 25 to 1 and we still won the battle. That and plenty others. No one follows America into battle. We just go in with you to make sure you dont f**k up too much. You are just another stupid american in his own little world. I just crushed everything you just said. Come back with something now kid.
Oh yeah, and another thing. WORLD WAR 2 IS NOT YOUR WAR. How the hell do you think you would of actually made it to france without the British Navy and Air Force? Were you planning on swimming? Or maybe sitting on top of the floating american tanks that sank before they hit the shores?
Take ANY country out of WW2 and the outcome would of been completely different. Take the smallest country such as New Zealand out and WW2 could of very well have been lost to the Japs and Nazis