This Tom guy (friend of David Goldberg) claims that gov't will extract adrenochrome from truthers under Project Zyphr.
Gov't identified truthers under Project Pogo.
Project Pogo was to gather info on dissidents when they commented/watched videos of Alex Jones / QAnon / Adam Green / etc
Drone with scopolamine will drill a hole in your window; once gassed you will come out to them yourselves. This is done @4 AM during the night (also electricity was turned off for your block / region )
This Tom guy begged people to leave to South America 'cuz of CONTROL GRID...
I think it's better to hide in the woods of Alaska. What do you think?
The remaining people will be chipped when they sign up for food
Saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov said that Americans will receive mark of the beast because everything is like on your palm (you can't hide anywhere from the CONTROL GRID)... So, I was told to tell you this so that I won't be punished by God. Sorry, if the warning came out wrong
Police will stop you at checkpoints to see if you're chipped (aka vaccinated)
Chipped will be influenced (by super computers) receive World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it)... but when they stretch their hands to get it …gov't clerk will press secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays..
This Tom guy and saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov both said that once you hide: no documents / no electronics / etc. so that nothing holds you back and you won’t go back into the city ‘cuz police will stop to chip you if you decide to go back. You have to live off grid; it’s tough but it’s the only way; burn documents as documents are from satan; no electronics once you hid so that you won’t be tracked (even old broken unplugged 1970 tv set will show the antichrist using tesla’s ether); forgive me.