If pretty much every man is nice to you but women aren't, it is because men want to sleep with you.
Only a woman who has never been one of the guys can think men are nicer overall.
In school, if a girl doesn't like another girl, she says mean things behind her back.
In school, if a boy doesn't like another boy, he beats him up.
Within a healthy friendship, a woman will build her friends up, telling her she is wonderful and deserves the best the world has to offer.
Within a healthy friendship, a man will razz his friends, telling him he is fat, has a crap job and his girlfriend will probably leave him.
If you're out of high school and the majority of women dislike you, the issue is you. Either you are oversensitive, you make bad friend choices or you are not a very nice woman. Men aren't paragons of niceness, but if you're cute, they'll be super nice to you in a way they aren't to their friends.