What would your alignment be in D&D terms?
2010-06-17 11:55:29 UTC
Even if you're not into such games, the alignment concept is an interesting as a basis for discussions of ethical issues. I also wonder, given the ideas of "ethics of care" and "ethics of justice" is feminist discussions of ethical philosophy, how much alignment may be gendered.

According to this test, I am Lawful Good, though I tend to think I am more Neutral Good.
Ten answers:
2010-06-17 12:20:49 UTC
I think of myself as Chaotic Good, which doesn't exist in the newest (BS) version. But I'll take the test and post the results :)

Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Good.

Neutral Good

A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is "true good." Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order.
2010-06-17 20:06:56 UTC
I didn't bother to read the entire explanation provided at your wiki link. But I took the test given in your second link, and I turn out to be Chaotic Neutral, which is just what I would have guessed, judging only by the two words and their meanings, had I not taken the quiz.

Does that make me bad? NOT!
Sam I Am
2010-06-17 18:59:26 UTC
Narrator: Dungeons and Dragons. Satan’s game. Your children, like it or not, are attracted in their weaker years to the occult, and a game like D&D fuels their imagination and makes them feel special, while drawing them deeper and deeper into the bowels of El Diablo! This afternoon, the Dead Alewives’ Watchtower invites you to sit in on an actual gaming session. Observe the previously unobservable as a hidden camera takes you to the Inner Sanctum of Dungeons and Dragons.

DM: Golstaff, you have entered the door to the north. You are now by yourself, standing in a dark room. The pungent stench of mildew eminates from the wet dungeon walls.

Cheeto: Where are the Cheetos?

DM: They’re right next to you.

Golstaff: I cast a spell.

Cheeto: Where’s the Mountain Dew?

DM: In the fridge, duh!

Golstaff: I wanna cast a spell!

Cheeto: Can I have a Mountain Dew?

DM: Yes, you can have a Mountain Dew, just go get it.

Golstaff: I can cast any of these, right? On the list?

DM: Yes, any, any of the first level ones.

Cheeto: I’m gonna get a soda; anyone want one? Hey, Graham, I’m not in the room, right?

DM: What room?

Golstaff: I wanna cast…Magic Missile.

Cheeto: The room where he’s casting all these spells from.

DM: He hasn’t cast anything yet.

Golstaff: I am though, if you’d listen. I’m casting…Magic Missile.

DM: Why are casting Magic Missile? There’s nothing to attack here.

Golstaff: I…I’m attacking the darkness!

[[[laughter from Cheeto and DM]]]

DM: Fine, fine, you attack the darkness. There’s an elf in front of you.

Elf: Whoah! That’s me, right?

DM: He wearing a brown tunic, and he has grey hair, and blue eyes…

Elf: No, I don’t, I have grey eyes.

DM: Let me see that sheet.

Elf: Well, it says I have…Well, it says here I have blue, but I decided I wanted grey eyes.

DM: Whatever. OK, you guys can talk to each other now, if you want.

Golstaff: Hello.

Elf: Hello.

Golstaff: I am Golstaff, Sorcerer of Light.

Elf: Then how come you had to cast Magic Missile?

[[[more laughter from Elf, Cheeto and DM]]]

DM: You…you guys are being attacked.

Cheeto: Do I see that happening?

DM: No, you’re outside, by the tavern.

Cheeto: Cool, I get drunk.

DM: There are seven ogres surrounding you.

Elf: How could they surround us? I had Mordenkainen’s Magical Watchdog cast.

DM: No, you didn’t.

Cheeto: I’m getting drunk. Are there any girls there?

Elf: I totally did! You asked me if I wanted any equipment before this adventure and I said No. But I need material components for all my spells. So I cast Mordenkainen’s Faithful Watchdog.

DM: But you never actually cast it.

Cheeto: Roll the dice to see if I’m getting drunk.

DM: (rolls dice) Yeah, you are.

Cheeto: Are there any girls there?

DM: Yeah.

Elf: I did though! I completely said when you asked me!

DM: No you didn’t! You didn’t actually SAY that you were casting the spell. So now there’s ogres. OK?!

Cheeto: Ogres! Man, I got an Ogre-Slaying knife! It’s got a plus 9 against ogres.

DM: You’re not there! You’re getting drunk!

Cheeto: OK, but if there’s any girls there, I wanna DO them!

Narrator: There you have it! A frightening look into America’s most frightening pastime. Remember that it’s not your children’s fault that they’re being drawn into a Satanic world of nightmare. It’s their gym teacher’s fault, for making them feel outcast, when they couldn’t do one single pullup.
2010-06-17 19:16:20 UTC
Chaotic Neutral. :)

And motivated by good.

A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.

Chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment because it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.
Din Mor
2010-06-17 19:05:01 UTC
Chaotic Evil

A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can only be made to work together by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. The demented sorcerer pursuing mad schemes of vengeance and havoc is chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but of the order on which beauty and life depend.
2010-06-18 02:44:08 UTC
I'm a lawful neutral. I suppose that means (based on the questions) that I'll obey the laws as long as they make sense.
The Crowd's King
2010-06-17 18:57:53 UTC
Juditha, D&D transitioned to AD&D almost a decade ago, and even then it was getting old.

But whenever I created a character I usually used neutral.
2010-06-17 20:53:13 UTC
My test showed Lawful Neutral.

Don't really know what it means, but that's what it said.
Oh Rilly?
2010-06-17 20:36:37 UTC
Neutral good, about what I thought.
The Lorax
2010-06-17 18:57:45 UTC
Negative to both.

No drugs or disease, only D&D I know about

Never played Dungeouns and Dragons

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.