Well, after being very patient with them my entire 37 years of life and having listened to them without saying a word and carefully responding seeking "methodical" ways to extract information i know they would not give willingly, i finally found the answer i was seeking one day about 2 years ago. And i have to be honest it wasn't the answer i was looking for. But what i realized was the reason why it was so difficult to comprehend wasn't because they were complex. No, my problem was i wasn't paying attention to what i was seeing i was asking them to convince me. Tell me a story. and the conflict came up causing restless nights when my heart wanted to believe their dream but my head continued to say... "yeah. But?"
it just didn't make sense. Their logic made no sense. Their fickle nature, the contradictions. The signs. Over time i started to get good at reading signs and let me just say that i can easily pick up on things having watched them so closely. The signs are few and maybe phrased differently but if you are at least adequate with words and how people behave you will be able to see them for what they really are.
As i said, when i realized the truth; i was to put it mildly, very disappointed. Though i was able to finally sleep having solved that puzzle and in essence realize where i fit in the equation i became overwhelmed with a sudden urge to warn men of what i discovered. The response i got from men was not unlike what i said when i was hoping to believe what women said. The interesting thing i learned about my gender(male) was that even though a man acts hard or tough, there is still a sense to defend women no matter what. An unwavering belief that no matter what they are sacred and if another man opposes it he isn't trying to help men because he hates women. If he disagrees with women he must be gay. if he loathes women he must be a serial killer. on and on and on.
It's sort of like the MATRIX. A man can't be told what-it-is..He .has to see it for himself. I can tell you what i learned but you would undoubtedly defend them because you want to believe in them. And if one of them comes in here and opposes the rhetoric i have to say, i am certain you will give her comfort because you believe them to be weaker and insightful, mysterious and full of all colors of the rainbow etc. But what that is is hope on your part.
Most of what i know about has been so carefully laid out that i left no room for error and i even behave in a manner as if i don't know what they are all about because i learned to lie by studying them. I feel that i am always learning even though there is nothing left to learn. I am okay with the answer because it makes sense. Total and complete sense and for a restless man not interested in an easy answer. i learned more about myself trying to solve the mystery which in essence was just an illusion. A promise, if you will.
I'll just tell you this... Most of what they tell you isn't true. And when i say "most" i am being generous. Women are actually our opposites which means we don't coexist well unless one of the two sacrifices what they are. Which means you will. A woman won't do that for a man. She'd rather assume and judge from a far but she won't bend for you. A man's passion and love is stronger despite what women say because a woman won't give her life for love nor will she search far to understand you because they deal in deceit and manipulation. Though she may claim how passionately she loves it is always in need of being refueled. So they are restless and will despise a content man even if his love burns strong for her. What she covets is a person who isn't boring, unpredictable and typically of the worst qualities men should aspire to. Which makes me ashamed that i use to worship them in the first place. Because a man shouldn't transform into a criminal to get a woman. A woman should learn to pay attention to who she has. Not pretend she understands men when she clearly does not. But because there are an abundance of men willing to sacrifice for a woman they can claim, "you aren't paying her enough attention." or "We're growing apart." or "you really don't love me." or "I had a dream that you were cheating on me." Most of that isn't her emotions playing games. It's her setting up a lie. To hide the fact that they project what they are unto us.
Basically their endless options for men cause their mood swings. It's not that time of the month she's having second thoughts about her order. And they do this a lot. If you are a clever man you'll recognize that they have patterns. But never ask them direct questions because they will undoubtedly lie. And or send you on a wild goose chase. Most books written by women on the subject are just bogus. And skirt the issues of reality. never touching on women's faults nor their insane desire to lie. Even when they are supposedly telling the truth they are leaving pieces out... Which as i said if you're a clever man with an intuitive vision you know what parts they will leave out(mostly anything that they think will make them look bad)
The ironic part about the whole thing is that i see more of what they claim men to be in them.
But as i said. It's something that you have to follow closely to catch. Because they won't tell you. Because they know you may be as disappointed as i was when i found out. They think you can't handle the truth so they lie. Or claim it's "complicated". No, often times they are very simple to read. It's not like they are Einstein. They aren't mentally capable like that regardless what they say their method is to delay . Confuse you. Spin you. Keep you in the dark. Build the mystery up and make it convoluted and unsolvable. To be honest i wish i didn't know them as well as i do. Most of what i know is repulsive.