As a homemaker.....productivity is proven in your children, spouse and home: are they clean? are they dressed appropriately (clean and mended)? are they fed nutritious food? Is you bank account in the black or in the red? Is your paperwork (insurance forms, manuals/warranties, monthly bills, vital documents) organized and up-to-date?
Benchmarks and milestones: helping the family save money to pay off debt; prepare little ones for school; go for weeks/months without take-out; celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, job promotions, first steps, no diapers....
Projects include: keeping the neighborhood safe (I keep an eye on everyone and their pets!); setting up birthday parties/get togethers; taking classes online/regular college for a degree AND obtaining it; volunteering at the school, church, etc.; remodeling the home (DIY) for equity and enjoyment.
And keep on top of cooking, general clean-up, laundry, dispensing meds, take the dog out, balance the checkbook, update the investment portfolio, wash the car, bake the weekly stash of cookies AND answer your question on Yahoo! Answers.
Now I need to go polish my pearls, whilst I look over my paperwork! (Donna Reed was my idol!)