Hmm. Tricky. Obviously it discriminates against men and makes all men out to be protential rapists etc. And it is like putting a band aid on a gunshot wound.
However, you need to remember that the only places this has actually come into play are places that have a high-profile problem and have needed to be seen to take steps to address the issue.
In countries where sexual harrassment are rife then, why not? Sure it would be better to address the cultural issues that contribute to the problem, but, if the population wants action and or a solution NOW, then what other option is there? Everyone has the right to travel to and from work unmolested.
I know your personal view is that women 'make up or exaggerate' how much they actually do get harassed, and if you believe the problem is non-existent then obviously you will find the practice of women-only anything offensive and discriminatory.
However, the experience that women have of harassment is obviously going to differ to yours and, on that score, I would be inclined to take their views into account when evaluating whether women-only transportation is needed, rather than your opinion because, quite frankly, you are not the target audience (so to speak).