Why are men so evil?
2015-06-15 19:32:57 UTC
First of all, I am not a feminist and I am not trying to sound sexist, but I watch a lot of crime shows and almost all of the crimes are committed by men. It especially makes me upset when I watch cases about how girls are killed over sex. I don't understand how having a quick moment of pleasure could possibly be worth taking a life. Do all men have the urge to rape and commit sex crimes? Are all men completely driven by hormones or can they actually make conscious choices? I'm in highschool and I notice that lots of guys just want to use girls for sex... So can a guy actually love a girl or do they all just pretend to love girls in order to get sex? I am sorry if I offended anyone out there, but I just want to know if there are actually good guys out there who actually have feelings and genuinely care about others.
125 answers:
2015-06-15 19:52:24 UTC
I was thinking about issues of violence the other day with reference to men and women

there had been in my city a woman who viciously murdered her lover

the news reported she had raped her aswell .. though as I understand the rape was more about using various instruments shoved into and around her vagina as part of the assault and murder

when crimes of this type have both the perpetrator and the victim as women it initially seems shocking .. as any crime of violence should be - the thing is whilst the numbers are lower compared to men v women violence it still happens in significant numbers .. certainly men v men violence is by far and away the largest

anyway .. Im rambling a little

where I was intending to head with this is violent intention or mores the point "losing control" as much violence especially domestic violence isnt about criminal intent rather immaturity and lack of control

personally I have never been a violent man - I have always stepped back from or negotiated resolves

I think back to two former gfs who would HIT when they got frustrated - if I was a different man I may have hit back or even escalated the violence - one thing for certain .. as a solid build 6' 4" guy, I would not be the one leaving in a box

as for sex crimes

the worst category "forcible rape" .. I believe there are over 70000 per year in the US .. arguably many more that arent reported

I cant process such - the type of thinking that leads to such a physical and psychological assault makes zero sense to me BUT then I cant see myself as a soldier either (being mindful that in modern warfare infinitely more civilians die than combatants)

it may be that men are more prepared to engage in violence to get what they want - perhaps for the less psychologically evolved the basic instincts are more "present"


no matter how we attempt to rationalise violence one thing that is clear is that societies current responses arent achieving much

bad people do bad things - go to prison .. hows that help? someone has still been victimised and we are no closer to stopping future events

so a reworking of not just our criminal justice system but the priorities of society overall

I favour a "top of the river" solution

how about we start with a comprehensive education system that includes teaching ethics and also seeks to build a strong sense of community

we might also invest heavily in proactive mental health services aimed at helping people be well and become well when things go wrong way before they start to display aberrant behaviours and commit crimes

its only through addressing diseased thinking in society before it becomes manifest that we really have a chance of making real change
2015-06-16 13:57:58 UTC
Not all men have the urge to commit violent crimes and sexual assaults.

As for why men are by far more likely than women to be committing the violent crimes and sexual assaults, I believe the reason is opportunity; they CAN do it. Men are generally physically stronger, more belligerant, and are more likely to be socialized into using power and force to punish others and/or to get what they want.

As a man, I am well aware of my power advantage and the privilages that it brings, but I have also been raised to feel compassion for others and would not intentionally deprive others of their rights without a very good reason, and a moment of pleasure or a moment of retribution is not a good reason, at all.

There are violent criminals but I would hesitate to call them "evil," which implies that they were simply born as predators.

Generally, people who do evil are grown that way - taught - encouraged.

While I have been fortunate to be born into a middle class family in a prosperous country, with the leisure time to develop my manners, social attitudes, and graces, other people have been trained very differently.
2015-06-18 11:09:21 UTC
There are all types of different personalities for both men and women, there are a lot of men who care a lot about what people think and try to be good men, such as me I am someone who would enjoy looking after, taking care of and making a girl happy if I had a girlfriend. I wouldn't have sex urges control me whatsoever. I feel sex is a big part of a relationship and I would only ever do it if both me and the girl were comfortable and feel like we're serious enough to engage in it. There of course others (mostly childish people) who think different. Most grow out of acting above women when they get older, I say "acting" because some people think they "look big" in front of their friends. But in reality they are probably soft as a piece of cotton.

TV programs and films are only based on VERY rare things that happen such as rape etc, you will never see a film with a women who rapes a man, it just doesn't happen so it ends up looking bad for men in general. Do not let it make you think badly of males in general because most of us are probably 100x soppier and soft than you'd think!
2015-06-15 21:37:04 UTC
Television never show females committing crimes because they like to make women have better image to society. If people in general found out that women are just as evil or maybe evil is not the word of choice here, maybe the word is dangerous. If people in general found out that women are just as dangerous, men would have second thoughts about who they are dating. You see, there are just as many women criminals as their are men criminals. Television doesn't report their crimes because women are valued at a higher status then men. Just so you know, not all men and women are evil criminals. Those are just a handful of people. Most women and men in general are good people's. You need to stop taking everything you see on television seriously. Everybody's a human being and there are good human beings and evil human beings. Just because television is messing with your mind doesn't mean you have to take it seriously. I don't watch cheaters and assume every married woman is a cheater. Wakeup
2015-06-15 22:08:44 UTC
Too much media often distorts our views. The majority of men are not violent and do not desire to rape, but it makes for "interesting" TV, so media content is disproportionately on these acts/people.

The gender issue is a sensitive one for a lot of people. The truth is 1) men are more likely to engage in violence (physical or sexual), but 2)women also engage in it more than many people realize, though it's often taken less seriously or reported less often. Still, when people say men and women are equally "evil" in these ways, it doesn't actually match the statistical truth, and they usually mean women can be petty, manipulative, cold, etc., which truthfully hardly compares to the greater evils of torture, murder and such. But regardless of which gender is MORE likely to engage in the most extreme forms of evil, most men and most women do not.

As for the boys at school all just seeming to want sex: Hormones are making sex a preoccupation during the teenage years, and many aren't yet ready for a real relationship, but males do still want/need love, companionship, etc. Even in HS, there are many boys who are looking for much more than sex in a relationship.
2015-06-15 21:03:24 UTC
TV isn't real life.

However, how much of the police in your crime shows include women? How many women risk their lives everyday to protect other people in those shows?

They're mostly men, aren't they? Are they evil too?

Just as men are more likely to commit violent crimes, men are also more likely to risk their lives and their health to protect other people. Perhaps, as some have mentioned already, it makes men more impulsive. But not evil.
2015-06-17 00:10:24 UTC
You are believing a stereotype, not all men are evil. Keep in mind, there are some evil women out there, so men hardly hold a monopoly. However, to some degree, there is a grain of truth to what you are saying.
2015-06-15 21:11:41 UTC
You are basing your opinion on men being evil because you watch crime shows on TV? That makes absolutely no rational, justifiable sense at all. How do I explain why a man is portraying an evil character on TV and apply it to reality? I can't.
2015-06-16 11:56:25 UTC
I asked a similar question once in the same way, but about women, and some women got defensive and had it taken down for "hate speech" or something within 20 minutes. Yet when a woman says it about men, the men don't flip out and take it down. Men tell the truth and don't mind when people say it about them. Women can't stand the truth and freak out when people say it about them. Makes you wonder who is really evil.

With regard to the topic of TV shows and murder, the answer is that women spend too much time in front of the TV, and so have a greater sense of "whatever the TV portrays" than they do of the world around them. TV likes to show violence, because it is the WOMEN (not the men) who are fascinated and sit there ALL DAY watching it. They sit around watching the shows and forming opinions about the people and things they see, even though all those things are made up, and then they foolishly apply those ideas to real life. This is what women do.

As far as the sex thing, I would say that men care as much about women apart from sex as women care about a man apart from the security and future that they imagine that guy could offer them. If there were ever a man that didn't want a women for sex, he lost interest when he figured out the woman's love was conditional. Once the guy figures out it is women who are naturally superficial and can never provide companionship, it's just a question of whether he wants to get laid or not. Women get upset and make a big deal out of it because THEY feel like these great companions who "deserve a man to take care of them", but they are not and they don't. Since they don't make good companions, what's left? Just sex.

So, most of the time it's not that men don't want closeness, it's that women's expectations of what a relationship *should* be prevent any possibility of real companionship. But a guy shouldn't have to go through life entirely without sex just because women aren't good companions. So a guy has sex when he needs to.

As far as rape and violence against women, not saying it doesn't happen, but this is mostly Hollywood hype. If you ever watch the local news it is pretty obvious that it's not the white guys who are doing most of it. Yet when you watch TV shows (apart from maybe *some* local news, sometimes) it's always a white guy who is the serial killer, a white guy who is the rapist. Yet when it's not a white guy it's so commonplace that they don't even call it a "serial" killing, and the rapes never even end up on the news. The intent of the media seems to be to "paint the picture" that "all guys are the game" or "all people are the same". Anything that disrupts this view of things is not portrayed, and so somehow all the people watching TV overlook the obvious facts of the matter. So maybe your head has been filled with certain ideas that are not accurate.

As far as love goes, I would say that you are looking for a specific ideal about love that does not exist. You have some idea in your head of love that is not accurate. Love is not "two people get together, get married, and stay together forever". Love is an attraction, a physical feeling, and everyone has felt it. Love is a feeling. Two people getting married are not "in love". They have a physical attraction for each other, and used a legal maneuver to bind themselves legally and financially to each other for the long-term. Even if they stay together for 50 years because they are legally and financially bound to each other, this does not mean that there was some holy emotion called love between them that lasted for 50 years. They committed to something that is not easy to back out of, and eventually decided to settle for it.
2015-06-18 11:21:29 UTC
Men themselves will tell you it is because of testosterone. This is also the same reason they use to justify cheating on a partner they claim they are committed to. Others will blame women of course, that's been happening since Eve was framed. Still others will say that women make up stats and deflect the issue and point out the few times in the history of the world where women have (mostly in self defense/defense of others) physically assaulted and or killed men. Still other men will point out the rare cases (so rare they are mooing, mind you) where women have "raped" full grown men. Still others will point out men's vulnerability of being "used" financially since men on the whole in the US make more money than women and ALL that do are entitled to sex on demand from any woman that THEY happen to be attracted to. When this doesn't happen of course the men are then "justified" in their violence against women. Dale is an example of a man that says since men are more physically imposing for the most part they are justified in their evil and violence. In short men are evil because they choose to be and a patriarchal society rewards them for being so.
2015-06-16 13:08:52 UTC
Men are not. Here's why:

2.78 million men have been victims of sexual assault(smaller than females but still).

From 2003 to 2012 male crime dropped, but overall female crime rose.

In Canada, women are 3 times more likely to be charged with criminal harassment and simple assault.

In the US women violent crime rates are 20.0 and males are only slightly more at 25.0 in 2003.

Several studies show that women are many times more likely to use mental or financial abuse.

Some studies show women more domestically violent than men, but are overall not as strong, so less major injuries are received by the victim and less likely to be reported.

Now, to be fair, men commit more homicides and gang related violence, obviously. But the point is that both genders are capable of evil just as easily as the other.

Besides, men make better movie criminals because they are more intimidating. Not sexist, but men have, on average, more strength and are thus more threatening.

I hope you see my point.
2015-06-18 02:21:26 UTC
Television never show females committing crimes because they like to make women have better image to society. If people in general found out that women are just as evil or maybe evil is not the word of choice here, maybe the word is dangerous. If people in general found out that women are just as dangerous, men would have second thoughts about who they are dating. You see, there are just as many women criminals as their are men criminals. Television doesn't report their crimes because women are valued at a higher status then men. Just so you know, not all men and women are evil criminals. Those are just a handful of people. Most women and men in general are good people's. You need to stop taking everything you see on television seriously. Everybody's a human being and there are good human beings and evil human beings. Just because television is messing with your mind doesn't mean you have to take it seriously. I don't watch cheaters and assume every married woman is a cheater.
2015-06-17 19:22:45 UTC
They are born to be an evil man.If you look at a woman ,you can see different.Women are kind,friendly and helpful.They care animals.However , men are more Rational.They are doing something really good for them.Sometimes they don't want to share.

2015-06-15 19:41:01 UTC
You are not sexist but making a misandrist comment. You forgot common sense, not all men are like this. I don't understand why generalizing all men.

Do you think your father has the urge to rape women, or your mother, or even you?

Its all about maturity and how he was raised. Bad environment and genetics makes him this way. The news you hear is probably from the middle eastern countries, where this is still an ongoing issue.

I am going to agree with Holly G, the media is brainwashing you.
2015-06-17 01:56:00 UTC
The thing is, you mostly hear about the bad people on TV. They've been giving attention to bad people for so long that you forget about the good. It's so easy to see the bad in people and stick with it than see the good. I know it's hard to see the good sometimes but women are just as viscous as men, but what's worse is that we're better at hiding it. Women, more often than not, got the emotions and hormone controls down. While men aren't really that good, I mean you don't really see a man whose is tune with his emotions because society ***** it up for him. Sometimes it's even looked down upon for men to be emotional like woman.

Honestly, society ***** up the man; with it's unstated laws about how someone should be.
2015-06-16 00:38:44 UTC
I am a feminist but am aware that there is sexist representations of men in the media as well as women (however not as bad) they are portrayed like this so that the women look more like they re damsels in distress and weak. I do think that a man can truly love a woman and I also think that people think men are so obsessed by sex because that is how they are represented in the media and that is how they feel they have to be (like girls and magazines), many women can be just as sex obsessed as men it just isn t appropriate in our society to show that and if a woman does that she will most likely be called a slut, which is annoying because men aren t called sluts so why do us women do?
Diana M
2015-06-16 13:36:10 UTC
The evil you see in the bad apples out there is biological: men are visual and will go for looks depending on their what they see in the media and theyre build. Most Asian men and some short White men stereotypically want a light skinned woman whose delicate and petite and will look frail and appear to be subservient and feminine. Most buff muscular Black, Hispanic, and a few White men will love a curvy woman no matter the race, culture, color etc. It depends on their dick size 2 lol. They wont give a **** about your values, your family, how much of a ***** you are, if that sense of entitlement is put on blast they will have you. The values they were raised with also play a role on their personalities and how much being around them will suck. OMG do I get all kind of heat from all sorts of men because they dont know what to make of a mixed woman. Another thing men are evil their greed and need to win. They get violent over politics, religion, ideal societal norms the list goes on. Start reading more honey not just Facebook and Instagram. I lost count how many wars this planet alone wnet thru and still going thru. I hope to God the men at NASA pick their alien guests on some planet carefully. I'm not interested in us being in some of the movie Avatar. Do yourself a favor bond over common interests, values, goals, dreams, and you should be fine. If the guy is being pushy or giving you unwanted attention you can cut him lose. I hope this helps you sleep better at night.
2015-06-16 12:25:56 UTC
I believe not all men are evil, only some of the men who committed rapes, violence, murders, and other serious crimes. So don't assume all the men committed bad crimes. I know women thinks that most of the men are rapists and serial killers. Because this is not correct according to the facts.
2015-06-16 06:53:31 UTC
It's testosterone. It has little to do with the men themselves, but more the fact that they are chemically inclined to act on impulses. There are women criminals too, but you'll notice their traits and desires are different. 1 in 5 men are shown to possess psychopathic traits, that trait is uncommon in women. A good example would be people with behavioral disorders, split evenly across the board the men will act out more than the women since men have more testosterone and a societal inclination to be strong and assertive. Women on the other hand will take it out on themselves or someone else passive aggressively. Women are just as dangerous when criminally inclined, however there are more women than men and men still lead the ranks in violence or "TV" crimes. Womens criminal activity has more of a pecking order mentality. Realistically men have more to prove, more things to feel they have "failed at", they are more susceptible to societal disgust. In America anyway.

P.S. Don't watch Law and Order. If you want more realistic expectations of the relationship between mental health and criminal activity watch Lie To Me. Best crime drama ever. Most crime dramas showcase men because it's more dramatic. It's just hyperbole really.
2015-06-16 04:33:58 UTC
T.V only shows one type of men, That type of men which is the so called bad boy is the type of men women like you are attracted to. T.V does not show the good guys because they don't make the female viewers feel excitement like the bad boy. If your looking for a guy that will actually love a girl genuinely, then you will have to look at the nice guy type. It's reality.
2015-06-16 05:43:08 UTC
Some men are evil, others are good. Same applies to women. Though, we're all evil in the sight of God.
2015-06-18 10:38:54 UTC
Because you like to generalize and stereo type an entire gender because you have issues with men In your past that you need to learn don't defy men as a whole.

Wemon do evil *** **** too.
2015-06-19 03:46:11 UTC
Men are taught to be evil by women!
2015-06-16 19:57:25 UTC
I would guess one in 10 is NOT evil. Too much power abused and used for personal gain. Women remain oppressed, and until that changes - I say evil.
2015-06-17 04:30:55 UTC
Yeah, there are guys out there who can actually fall in love, and don't care that much about having sex. There is good and bad people everywhere. There are good and bad men and women. Did you know that some women also do this to men?
2015-06-15 23:03:00 UTC
Countless years of being the ones participating mainly in direct war.

Societal and sociological expectations.

The severely low rate of men reporting abuse highly effecting statistics, followed by a more lenient sentencing comparison between men and women for the same crimes.


2015-06-18 09:42:25 UTC
Men commit heinous crimes against women, why do they do these things? could be how one is raised if they grew up in a household with a alcoholic father who beat their mothers in front of them. this plays a role, they imitate the male dominance behavior believing it's acceptable. for others they we're abused both sexually and physically, once again imitating what was done to them upon others. this does not excuses their behavior to some they want to enflick their pain on women, due to their childhoods they grow up and have attitude about females. convinced their more superior and dominant then we are and that we should stay in our place resulting in abusive relationships/marriages.
2015-06-17 07:32:22 UTC
man is not evil,humans are.

not only man knows all things and emotions.

all creations of these world was meant to feel and react which their minds designed or trained.

it's sub-conciousness defines what your mind connot.

it's a memory that was inside there blows out while your mind was bussy thinking for something.

it's different from sleep walking but it has the same procedures.

we all have our animal side on us,its the timing which you triggered in a specific cituation,

thus our minds reacts rapidly(depending on the person) which to choose,from engaging for retilation, deffensive actions or understand the cituations.

deeply,when you say understand the cituation,it means asking yourself wether that creation knows what creation doing, or why, or does it ahd a choice or maybe your the one that can help to stop or seige or break its momentum and keep creation awaken to reality to modify the motives.
2015-06-16 18:41:51 UTC
Have you ever heard I see no evil...etc? A man who honors holy is holy.

Should you socialize with immoral humans than you have planted the wrong seed. Seek those who have planted the light of love in their homes.

Ravening wolves dressed in sheep skin will never find this light of love.

Return good for evil. Evil for evil remains in darkness.
2015-06-18 03:33:27 UTC
Women were treated like God's in antiquity. Europeans ruined all that. That's your white savage other halves. Over the brainwashed indoctrinated generations of blacks; they started taking on a Eurocentric savage mentality rather than an afrocentric mentality.
2015-06-16 13:47:09 UTC
Not all men are evil, not all them have psychiatric problems,

serial killers, rapists are people with brain problems;You can not generalize;

but regarding teenagers who use girls to just have sex, that is true, from puberty to young adults males seek women to just have sex and to not have formal relationships, just for fun, that is the "custom" spread among them;

BUT depends on women who likes to follow their game and let them use them as objects for sex too; it is a 2 way highway, women decide that also.

So be strong, respect your dignity, your body, and never let a guy to use you as a thing to have sex, I'm talking about casual sex, and one night stands.

As males age more, later they will seek a woman to settle down,have formal relationships ,have a family, but that last only a short period of time before they again with the middle age crisis on their 40s start cheating and seeking young women to have sex again before their machinery plummets;
2015-06-16 13:15:26 UTC
I read a comment which I feel really excellently sums up this question.

"Ian - I take it you include your goodself in your "vast majority who are not dumb........." ? Well, I'm one of those you seem to think dumb because I do a couple of lines Wed & Sat and get much harmless and pleasurable anticipation from checking the results twice a week. If you consider that is being "dumb", well bully for you! And if you're so contemptuous of people who play the National Lottery, why are you even clicking on this news item?" - Ray
2015-06-16 13:16:55 UTC
"First of all, I am not a feminist and I am not trying to sound sexist," With an intro like that, what could possibly go wrong. Yes. television is real, and the internet never lies. Men are just naturally evil.
2015-06-18 18:23:08 UTC
You can't judge all men based the on actions of other men. Most men are good people. Also, since when does what you see on crime shows have any basis in reality?
2015-06-17 08:27:02 UTC
If every man you have encountered is rude to you maybe you should start wondering "am I a rude person" because obviously all of any gender, race, or ethnicity are not evil, so who's gge common denominator? In the mirror.
2016-03-13 11:08:04 UTC
If you think about it through out history one race has done something to another. Does that mean all mankind is evil? I think not. But what I do think is that history has a way of repeating itself and man has a way of falling short. Isn't that why Jesus died on the cross? Why yes...yes it is.
2015-06-16 08:22:34 UTC
Your basing your information on crime shows?? Really?? You do realize women are just as awful, if not worse. Look at history their Cinderella and you might learn something. Women cheat (60% of women cheat in the United States and then blame men?), women manipulate others, lie all the time, steal, and abuse children (not all, but watch the local news, because it's usually a mother). Women are evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lastly, these shows concentrate more on men, because women is the demographic they are trying to reach. They want to brainwash you that men are bad and you are gullible enough to believe it. Women are just as bad, trust me.
Toby Yawn
2015-06-16 10:13:15 UTC
Man are not evil. Woman kill for the same reason as men do. The true different is man do things violently woman will just will try to do it cleanly and quietly.
2015-06-16 05:58:03 UTC
You have to say A FEW men are so evil - not all - it's only a few who do these crimes. It's not fair to generalize to all what a few do. However, statistically speaking most violent crime is done by young men. I think it's a combination of testosterone, not having a fully developed brain until they are in their mid-twenties and likely other factors like childhood experiences and mental illness.
2015-06-18 06:32:03 UTC
Hi it will be good for you to know that as evil as men are, women also are and vice versa
Yusuf Shantho
2015-06-15 23:08:37 UTC
if a man dishonest Societal and sociological expectations.

The severely low rate of men reporting abuse highly effecting statistics, followed by a more lenient sentencing comparison between men and women for the same crimes. all man must try good thing.
2015-06-18 02:08:59 UTC
men are pigs. I know. I am a man. I may be highly educated. But I can state with knowledge that us men are not as evolved emotionally or mentally as women. Sure women have their erratic emotions. But that is because of hormonal changes out of their control. But they still can make rational decisions during those changes. I cant see a man making rational decisions if he had to deal with even half of the hormonal changes a woman goes through monthly. I am a man here and now applauding every woman out there for being better than us men.
2015-06-16 00:03:24 UTC
Because, there are many more men who give into there brutish carnal desires that ar recorded than women, but when you let your desires take over, THEY TAKE OVER, yes it is quite an ugly thing, and men just seem to make there's known more often.
2015-06-15 20:13:32 UTC
Yes, there are good men out there. I happen to be one of them. Usually, though, I get put into the friend category by women. I sort of prefer to keep things platonic with women anyway. I fell hard for a woman once and it really messed with my mental health.
2015-06-16 08:16:41 UTC
The fact that you say your aren't a feminist but you're not sexist is contradicting each other. To say you don't believe in feminism (equality) means you believe that men have more value and should be treated better and have more opportunities than women.
2015-06-16 04:26:53 UTC
we have a lot of testosterone which is a very very powerfull hormone, a lot of the times my own hormones drive me crazy, I can often feel my blood boiling and wanting to do some really bad shiit, yes a lot of us are evil and I personally couldn't give a shiit about anyone else but me, and I like to use women for sex and I will tell them whatever they want to hear just so I can manipulate them for it, blame god for making me this way
2015-06-15 19:46:18 UTC
Men are by nature competitive. All male mammals are competitive. Competition often involves violence-fighting. You must have seen film of Bighorned Sheep ramming their heads into eachother or dogs fighting over females.
2015-06-15 19:41:59 UTC
Not all men are but those who do evil, it is very very likely due to absent fathers, violent fathers and submissive moms who let their child get abused by dysfunctional men who believe men should be rough with women and children. Very sad.
2015-06-15 19:58:54 UTC
In case you haven't noticed, the laws against rape, murder and sex crimes were enacted and have always been enforced by men. The reason you think they are evil is because you have been raised in that culture.
2015-06-16 07:06:04 UTC
The vast majority of people arrested for violent crimes are men.

That doesn't mean that men are more likely to commit immoral behaviour than women - only that they are more likely to get caught and prosecuted.

Consider that we generally don't prosecute women when they make false accusations against men for abuse, rape, etc. Indeed, our society is SO predicated on the idea that women are victims and men are perpetrators, when we have plain evidence to the contrary, we re-write it to "he had it coming":

even though women are slightly MORE likely to incite domestic violence than men:

The reality is that, due to their increased strength, men are viewed as more dangerous than women. Certainly women's aggressiveness is re-channeled early in their lives when they discover that they aren't a physical match for men:

Physical violence is often the threshhold for arrest. You can insult somebody, berate them until they are in a rage, etc, but until somebody is actually violent it is very difficult to make an arrest.

DESPITE THAT, even when SHE THROWS THE FIRST PUNCH, if he responds, he's usually the one arrested, per state policy:
Mischa Smythe
2015-06-15 20:07:53 UTC
I was watching a prison show and the guard said that although female prisoners were more likely to hold grudges, the male prisoners were more impulsive.

Criminal men are more likely to react without thinking of the consequences.
2015-06-15 20:49:28 UTC
I watch a lot of crime shows too. If you do, I'm sure you've seen "Deadly Women" and "Wives with Knives." Anyone can be evil and heartless, and most men aren't serial rapists or murderers.
2015-06-17 13:31:33 UTC
Freud tells us that civilization is only a thin veneer over our savage natures. The male, with is muscular upper body development, is equipped to fight and hunt, while the female, with her monthly period etc. is provided by nature with those things that would best serve the tribe if she is at the home cave looking for valuable herbs and vegetables..
2015-06-16 08:05:59 UTC
Yes as a guy I can attest that guys with feelings and stuff exist I swear. But also as a guy I can understand that 98 percent of guys are as you described and just want sex no matter how much they cover it up. But there are guys not like that, they are just found in dif environments that u are searching prob
2015-06-15 23:08:54 UTC
"Why are men so evil?"

We're not...if you need proof of that, consider that on 9/11, 19 men carried out the actual terror attacks, while 343 Firemen, 36 Port Authority Policemen, 22 NYPD Policemen and 3 male NY State Court Officers died trying to save people. And to give respect to the women who were involved in those units, 1 Port Authority Policewoman and 1 NYPD Policewoman also died in the line of duty.

But do the math: in one of the most evil attacks perpetrated upon US citizens, 19 men carried out the attacks, 404 men died trying to save people. And that doesn't count the ordinary men (and women to be fair) who died trying to save people and were not part of the official effort, or those who risked their lives and also survived.

On 9/11, for every 1 evil man who died killing people, at least 21 good men died trying to save people...and it's a given more than that number died trying to save people.

So I reject the notion that men are so evil. Yes, there are evil men...but there have also always been good men who risk everything to protect the innocent.

"...I watch a lot of crime shows and almost all of the crimes are committed by men. It especially makes me upset when I watch cases about how girls are killed over sex. I don't understand how having a quick moment of pleasure could possibly be worth taking a life."

If your take away from those crime shows is that men are evil, I'd suggest you stop watching them.

After all...if you're rational, you should understand that at any given time there are more men out to protect you than there are out to harm you. You do all of those men a disservice when you characterize all of us as evil.

"Do all men have the urge to rape and commit sex crimes? Are all men completely driven by hormones or can they actually make conscious choices?"

Wow, the feminists are gonna LOVE'll be like a sponge for their indoctrination.

I mean you're already making some statements that would suggest you are open to the suggestion that all men are rapists...but do you not have a Father? A brother? A grandfather? Any friends who are boys?

Do you not have any friends who have Fathers, brothers, grandfathers?

I'd suggest you look to THOSE people for answers to your questions because I can tell you till the cows come home that men are not evil, the overwhelming majority of us have absolutely no interest in victimizing a woman, etc...but I get the feeling that you will continue to slide down into a mixture of distrust of men, and an expectation that we should have to prove ourselves to you.

The latter is as offensive as it would be if you were expected to prove yourself to be a decent human being to men.

"I'm in highschool and I notice that lots of guys just want to use girls for sex."

Well you're assuming that, but yes...typically pubescent boys have a strong sex drive, and a desire to satisfy their urge...which will often manifest in them wanting to have sex.

That doesn't mean they can't control themselves...but it does mean that they don't always employ the best judgement when it comes to their sexual partners...and it also means that it is up to young women to be discriminating when it comes to the boys they choose to sleep with.

But here's the thing: there are young women who when they hit puberty, may be just as driven to have sex as young men are.

"So can a guy actually love a girl or do they all just pretend to love girls in order to get sex?"

Of course a guy can love a girl...but love is not always a prerequisite for sex, and though it may be for don't speak for everyone else.

"I am sorry if I offended anyone out there, but I just want to know if there are actually good guys out there who actually have feelings and genuinely care about others."

Of course there are...but again, do not conflate sex and love. One is not always dependent on the other.
2015-06-17 13:22:53 UTC
It's the X Y chromosome that's to blame

They lack the lower portion, no genes present there

Women have that and they are superior
Lucy Star
2015-06-16 22:18:01 UTC
You don't have to watch TV to see that men commit almost all of the major abuses in the world. You can read the newspaper.
2015-06-16 17:40:06 UTC
Males in most species are the ones who have to impress the female to mate and is generally true with humans. Rape happens alot in nature for example bedbugs. Males and feamles of all species are hardwired to reproduce and sometimes do it at any means neccesary which is why rape usually happens it is hardwired in our DNA for 1000s of year but that is no excuse for rape.
Bobby Jim
2015-06-16 15:06:10 UTC
LOL, you DO realize that TV crime shows are mostly fictional, don't you. Trust me, if it's mostly men who are evil, it's because women drive them to it.
2015-06-17 23:59:08 UTC
Its sick to know how sexism society is to men. Good luck being one in North America. You are looked down upon in society and sold like dirt in media. See its worked on you. We are ostracized.
2015-06-16 00:02:11 UTC
Its because we have animal instincts, obviously we want to have sex with girls because if we didn't then how would the human race survive? It could be a lot of factors like harmones, empathy, judgment, there conscious, etc
tim h
2015-06-16 14:19:42 UTC
You need to stop watching the "BOOB TUBE" and no its not a female reference. It make a boob out of you. That is like saying all women are gold diggers and all gay men want to screw every man. Really? Get a clue
2015-06-16 14:14:03 UTC
Same reason many women are. There are many women who murder, rape, abuse their spouses and children all over the world.

Many children and teens, for that matter, can be murdering/raping monsters.

Some in this world simply choose to throw away their humanity, to become monsters.
2015-06-18 16:40:19 UTC
Humans are not evil because of the evil we do. We do evil because we are evil.
2015-06-15 22:09:09 UTC
Sadly, men were created to be more violent than women. Hormones and biology are to blame.
2015-06-16 11:13:52 UTC
Because men are capable of accomplishing more noteworthy tasks, therefore men abuse this power and at times use it negatively.
2015-06-16 08:30:57 UTC
News flash: both genders has its evils and goods
2015-06-16 00:30:32 UTC
every man is created by a woman so if men are evil what does that make women
2016-10-02 08:56:31 UTC
Because they're men.
2015-06-19 23:32:22 UTC
Maybe we're still pissed about women introducing sin to the world.

That is of course depending on whether you believe in that very old book known as the bible.
2015-06-16 13:51:49 UTC
Women can be pretty evil in my opinion. Kill their own children patients and spouses. .that is ev
2015-06-17 18:05:38 UTC
Women are pure evil because they have vaginas.
2015-06-17 19:35:41 UTC
"I watch a lot of crime shows and almost all of the crimes are committed by men."

So your question was actually, "Why do I think men are so evil?", and you just answered it.
2015-06-16 18:17:52 UTC
I am a man but I do have to agree with you. People are so sick in this world that they would do stuff like that. It sickens me, but that is how it is. Though do remember that there are also crazy women.
2015-06-16 05:38:58 UTC
Tv is ran by feminists an liberals, They will never make women look bad an will alwys make the man look stupid or mean.
2015-06-18 23:12:04 UTC
Amy man or womanb could be evil. angels and demons are among us.
2015-06-18 15:01:53 UTC
You seem to be unaware that the worst and most prolific crime of all, the murder of the unborn child, is commited by women.

The victim is more defenseless and innocent that any adult, and the number of victims far exceeds those affected by rape and murder. The fact that the victim is the perpetrator's own flesh and blood just adds to this horrific crime.
2015-06-19 13:43:00 UTC
And why does the victim always have to be a girl? I know a man who was molested by a pedophile when he was a boy.
2015-06-15 19:48:33 UTC
You should stop watching so many crime shows as its distorting your view of men. Look up genuine crime statistics online.
2015-06-20 01:39:37 UTC
Because all men crave power.
2015-06-20 00:06:20 UTC
Hey, don't forget Hillary.
2015-06-17 22:57:03 UTC
Never ever feel bad about yourself, especially when people call you bad things. Keep your head up and only believe what you want to believe.
2015-06-17 22:21:58 UTC
Men are not evil. But for some reason it is "ok" for men to be mean asswholes because it makes them seem more "manly" because men (and also women) are being pressured into stereotypes. WTF society!
2015-06-16 11:34:55 UTC
is it because we take you out and spend money on your ungrateful behinds?

Is it because we tolerate you when we really want to just leave you?

Is it because we make excuses for you when you are cheating on us?

Wow you all really have it rough
2015-06-15 19:54:52 UTC
That's just our egos talking. Deep down we do have feelings.
2015-06-19 11:01:20 UTC
Let's kill all the men in this world!
2015-06-18 11:56:56 UTC
A huge percentage of women actually do think like this.....and women never do wrong then ???
2015-06-19 20:23:01 UTC
you think the whole dam world Is evil
2015-06-16 10:47:51 UTC
Cause about 80% of us are pretty much brain dead, inconsiderate, egocentric assholes, to be completely honest.
2015-06-20 22:11:53 UTC
Because a lot of women made us that way.
2015-06-15 23:05:31 UTC
you can come out of hiding now white knights, and into an existence that is all too familiar for you
2015-06-15 23:20:01 UTC
In high school, most guys want sex but we also want to find love. It is incorrect to ignore the latter.
2015-06-15 20:39:02 UTC
I'm a man !! I'm not evil !!!
2015-06-16 16:14:58 UTC
It's in our DNA.
2015-06-15 21:52:47 UTC
you watch tv and you're letting it affect your view of people in the real world...
2015-06-16 06:37:05 UTC
they're not evil
2015-06-16 08:27:20 UTC
we aren't evil!!! now don't say that again or ill burn your kittens alive
2015-06-17 22:16:20 UTC
Bcos our gorgeous penis' control everything
2015-06-18 14:41:47 UTC
Because women drive us to it
2015-06-18 05:14:02 UTC
Why are women such feminists
2015-06-15 22:11:20 UTC
It's the rape gene.

Eugenics is the only solution.
2015-06-16 17:43:37 UTC
I feel you girl feminazi for life.
2015-06-18 18:00:57 UTC
Everyone sins. The devil can trick some more than others.
2015-06-18 05:31:19 UTC
They are just little boys misbehaving.
2015-06-16 11:32:47 UTC
'cause they think with their love muscle
2015-06-18 13:35:56 UTC
both sexes can be "evil" sometimes
2015-06-17 20:32:08 UTC
i am not fare to evil.
2015-06-20 15:32:57 UTC
idk. right now im being stalked by a guy , ive reported it to the police numerous times and they wont even arrest him . the man has actually confessed to stalking me . the police arent bothered . they even arrested me for reporting him . if you know this guy please tell me his name and adress . i also have him on camera at tesco with 2 witnesses . one who i used to work with and one who i went to school with .
2015-06-16 14:56:06 UTC
fall of man?
2015-06-16 00:10:39 UTC
"You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."
2015-06-16 15:32:26 UTC
i'm not
2015-06-17 08:04:23 UTC
People need Jesus.
2015-06-16 09:11:18 UTC
There not
2015-06-17 23:52:07 UTC
Josh Silva
2015-06-16 23:31:14 UTC
2015-06-16 22:48:49 UTC
can't teach stupid
2015-06-16 14:14:05 UTC
all i have to say is:
2015-06-18 02:08:08 UTC
2015-06-16 16:24:14 UTC
stupid troll
2015-06-18 00:52:11 UTC
we are not
2015-06-15 23:22:06 UTC
hormones and ****
2015-06-19 07:52:43 UTC
you are dumb *****
2015-06-16 11:10:51 UTC
Please Define Evil ?
2016-01-31 10:41:46 UTC
you are ignorant, wrong, and sexist. how dare you call one gender completely worse than the other. if guys are completely bad, then so are women. no gender is any worse than the other. guys have a need for foreplay and sex with women even though vice versa is not the case at all, and it’s unfortunate that some guys do not approach women about their need for foreplay and sex with women and handle it like they should. guys who act like good, rational human beings are most likely guys who HAVE sex lives with the women that they want and desire it with. if they didn’t, they’d be more likely to do horrible things as well as guys who don’t get enough, or any, sexual activity with women, let alone with the women that they want and desire it with. do you know why you have a demented, false view that women are not bad at all while only guys are bad? it’s because women generally have too much fun and have it too easy compared to guys, and you’re too ignorant to realize that. a lack of sexual activity between guys and women, which christianity has wrongfully caused by the way, can cause more harm than good. sure, there may be women who may have not done certain unpleasant things in this world compared to guys, but one of the worst things a woman can do if NOT give the guy a chance with her sexually, or make unfair requirements of him for her to sexually ok him, such as him having a lot of money that he might not have, and that might be enough to sexually frustrate guys and make them go mad and do certain unpleasant things, including commit monetary-related crimes and jewel store theft. guys’ need for sex with women is not a weakness or a flaw, it’s part of who guys are. I guarantee you that if guys were as happy as women were and were getting enough sexual activity with the women that they wanted and desired it with, they wouldn’t be doing any more atrocious things than women do.

your twisted, demented implication that only one of the genders is completely bad while the other is not bad at all, is not only completely false and utterly moronic, but it could also be dangerous and possibly open doors to horrible, wrongful sexism on the alleged “worse” gender even though there is no “worse” gender. guys are just as good as women, but you don’t realize that, and that’s sad.

just as there have been guys who have treated women horribly and wrongfully and made it where those women have more right to be pis#ed off at those guys than vice versa, there have been women who have treated guys horribly and wrongfully and made it where those guys have more reason to be pis#ed off at those women than vice versa. there have been guys who have been lied to and lead on by women and remained sexually frustrated as a result, leaving those guys with a lot of indignation where they should confront and berate those women about those womens’ horrible, wrongful behaviors towards them.

the notion that only the male gender is terrible, is completely wrong. crimes shows, which by the way, is the worst, most dark, depressing, disturbing, disgusting, humorless, atrocious type of content on tv that there is, is extremely sexist against guys. it’s made up of fictional stories where they not only rarely show the woman being the villain, but where they often show the guy as the villain and acting in a horrible way that’s not justified, when yet in real life, it would probably be justified, but the makers of those shows don’t want to go for that. instead, they want to be sexist against guys by making them look horrible for no reason even though women could act just as horrible for no reason, and if those stupid makers and spokespeople of those shows want to talk about guys forcing women to have sex with them being heinous, i say it’s heinous when women wrongfully turn guys down for sexual activity with them for no reason where they do not treat those guys fairly and do not give those guys a chance with them at all. sure, maybe there are guys who could have handled their obvious sexual needs for members of the opposite sex better than they did, but there are women who could have, and probably should have, sexually okayed more guys than they did, including guys who they didn’t sexually ok and where those guys didn’t handle it as good as they should have. guys getting women to sexually ok them is ultimately dependent on the guy talking it out with her and letting her know about his sexual needs for her and other sexy women his type, for if she is not told this stuff and therefore is not informed of it, there’s no way she can know or have any understanding of his need for foreplay and sex with her and other sexy women his type, and would therefore be less likely to sexually ok him. sex IS a need. sure, it’s not a need to women, but it’s a need to guys. just because guys have a need for sex while women do not, doesn’t mean that guys are any less rational or capable of thinking than women are. if all guys were getting enough foreplay and sex with the women that they were horny for both inside AND outside of marriage, the world would be a better place. guys are as good, worthy, valuable, and important as women are, but women do not have a need for sex whereas guys do, but some guys do not communicate their need for sex to women like they should.

it disappoints me how even after all these years since 2011, there are still people in this world as ignorant and as sexist as you. if the majority of women are good people, then the majority of guys are good people as well. sometimes when guys have done bad things, it’s because women pushed them to do it, and where those guys didn’t handle as well as they should have, and didn’t confront and talk it out with those women like they should have.

sex is a need to guys whereas it’s not a need to women, so it can be difficult, if not impossible, for women to understand that guys need it and why guys have sometimes did what they did due to not getting it, if guys do not talk to and inform women about it. just as there have been f#cked up, ignorant guys in this world, there have been f#cked up, ignorant women in this world as well. if guys are “so evil” than women are “so evil” as well.

as far as guys missing out on sexual activity with women that they’re horny for and not getting it with them over a period of time is concerned, it’s only humane and ok to have only so much time go by. if TOO MUCH time were to go by, then that would be inhumane and wrong, and she would need to be berated over that. it’s one thing to go a few weeks without it, but to go over half a year, or even years, without it, that would not be right. so, if the woman wants to have the guy miss out on it for a while for whatever reason, there needs to be a limit to it where it’s no longer than a certain amount of time. yes, I get it that women do not get horny, do not have sex drives, and do not have a need for sexual activity with guys at all, which is why women could go forever without it with guys, but guys on the other hand get horny, have sex drives, and have a need for sexual activity with women, so it’s only ok for the woman to have the guy miss out on it with her for only up to a point. if he’s to miss out on it with her over a certain period of time for whatever reason, again, it should only be up to a point, like up to no more than a few weeks, not over the course of at least several months. just because guys need sex while women don’t, doesn’t mean that guys are any worse than women are. and sex can last a lot longer than just a “quick moment of pleasure”. it can last hours, and again, like I said, although women do not need it with guys, guys need it with women, so again, I would not expect you to understand. And no, no one should have to die over sex. people need to stop having such monogomous sexual relationships all the time as it closes off sexual avenues, and that right there can cause sexual frustration and more harm than good. if there were more open relationships where more guys, if not all guys, were getting enough sexual activity with the women that they wanted it with, I think the world would be a happier, better place in general.

i discovered these posted questions, and they were good and made sense,

if guys are horrible, vile beings, then so are women. just as guys have done horrible, atrocious things and treated others badly and wrongfully, women have done horrible, atrocious things and treated others badly and wrongfully as well. neither gender is any better than the other. also, how dare you say that guys do not have feelings or compassion and do not care about others. they have feelings, compassion, and care about others just like women do. if women are so caring, then they should have no problem having enough care for guys to give guys sexual activity with them and other women guys are horny for. there have been women who have been uncompassionate and uncaring where they didn’t give guys sexual opportunities with them like they should have, so if guys have been uncaring and uncompassionate, women have been uncompassionate and uncaring as well.
2015-06-17 06:02:41 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.