i can undertand why muslims or any religous person/woman would want to wear clothes that is long. the woman body is sexy, and since sex is alowed for married couples, religous people wouldn't want any sex expreation to be appeared.
it also a way to say, a woman's body is a beutifull, presous thing. BUT, i don't really understand why you should hide you're hair all the time, and why some muslims women prefer to wear clothes that look like a bag!!
i don't think its necessary to have hijab.
its not very natural, to hide every natural thing that you have.
i have nothing against peole who were hijab, why would i. but in my opinion a person can wear anything he wants, its not what matters, what matters is to be Free, in mind and in actions and to do, to act, to wear according to your own personal belifes. and not because you are forced to.
i have alot of respect to people who discide to become religous as a result of personal belive.
thoughs and belives can be shown in ctions and also way of clothing. but clothng in this way or another can tell nothing about a personal believes.
in a less serous way i say: HIjab can protect your head from the son. and protect your hair from enviroment effects. :)