That someone was me, although you haven't repeated what I said correctly. I asked: "Is testosterone a reason why men are more successful?"
So I said (or asked) "a reason," not "men were more successful because of testosterone." And I didn't say or mean "biology is destiny" so there's no need to guess.
I pointed out discrimination, and that women choose to have to children, and asked if men's supposed greater competitive instinct was another reason why men occupy positions of power.
It seems that you would agree if your answer to another of my questions is anything to go by. "on average, men are more aggressive in social behavior. It doesn't justify patriarchy, but it does partially explain it. So whoever was the strongest and most aggressive, was the "top dog"."
Wouldn't you conclude that this aggressive tendency in men is a "partial reason" why men tend to hold positions of power more often than women do?
To answer your question (slightly edited) "why are girls/women more successful in education?", I would say that girls/women are more diligent than boys/men. Young boys/men are far more likely to lose interest in their schoolwork and/or get into trouble. If the local bus shelter has been kicked in, it has no doubt been done by a young man. I would be interested to know whether pre-pubescent boys and girls perform to the same level or not.
If you're going to present someone's views/questions, could you at least be somewhat honest about it?
Lekmich: Yeah that's how you sidestepped my question, I remember. So are you saying there's only one effect of testosterone? Of course, it makes men engage in criminal behavior, but perhaps it also helps men be ruthless and get ahead in their careers. That was what I asked and that is what you didn't answer.