Why are so many young men frustrated with women?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why are so many young men frustrated with women?
168 answers:
2015-04-09 11:28:42 UTC
I would't call it frustration, I would call it enlightened disappointment. Women climbed down from the pedestal they have been sitting on for centuries and men today are seeing women as they really are. In the harsh light of day, men (particularly the younger men) can see women are not inherently virtuous, so they don't see any reason for any man to sacrifice his life or happiness for a woman's benefit. Gloria Steinem taught women that they "need a man like a fish needs a bicycle." I think many modern men are realizing they need a woman about as much as they need a hole in the head.
2015-04-08 13:09:23 UTC
Women aren't really worth the hassle to be frustrated with. Very few good women that are even worth pursuing.
2015-04-08 21:19:05 UTC
Women think that men are disposable and that they're gods gift to earth. Women talk and hang out with multiple men and don't care how men feel about it at all and then play victim and act like there are no good men when they just abused the good guy and called i'm clingy turning him into a jerk for the next girl . women always abuse the nice guys and cheat on them etc .

it's so hard to meet a good women these days every girl wants that guy on tv or that show love and hip hop . I wish America was like the mid east and my parents could talk to the girls parents and set up my marriage to a beautiful girl instead of wondering the club every week end drunk on my *** or practicing stupid lines to say to a stuck up bi***** that has no morals that thinks she's better than me lol
2015-04-08 14:52:32 UTC
American women want perfect men, but they do not want to be held to any standard themselves.
2015-04-08 12:58:51 UTC
in a nutshell this short cartoon video would answer your question perfectly

summarizes and explains why modern western men are frustrated with modern western women
2015-04-08 15:40:16 UTC
because young, western women as a group are monsters. they are encouraged to be insufferable narcissists and female supremacists. for example, pop music. you have many male pop singers singing about how "amazing" and "beautiful" women are, and then you have many female pop singers who dance around in their underwear, celebrate female vanity, act lesbian, and chant offensive lyrics such as "girls run the world". and all this is somehow socially acceptable.
2015-04-08 12:38:08 UTC
im a woman and i can answer that

many women today are brainwashed by feminists. they use men just for money, and after they have kids...they divorce their husbands. of course, he has to pay child support. women are behind most of the divorces.
2015-04-09 10:32:19 UTC
Women think that men are disposable and that they're gods gift to earth. Women talk and hang out with multiple men and don't care how men feel about it at all and then play victim and act like there are no good men when they just abused the good guy and called i'm clingy turning him into a jerk for the next girl . women always abuse the nice guys and cheat on them etc .
2015-04-09 01:01:48 UTC
I get frustrated with so many anti-male articles that are published. Discrimination against males, particularly white males, is about the only discrimination anyone can get away with. It's crazy.
Fort Erudite
2015-04-08 19:37:46 UTC
I am a mature man and I was the same when I was young. But I wasn't frustrated with women at all. I found it extremely frustrating trying to understand what women wanted from a man. One woman would say this and another would want that, and yet, another couldn't make up here mind to become happy. Some women don't want to be happy with a man. They just want to control him or change him into some famous macho movie star.

I never pretend to behave like a macho man nor did I ever treat women like dirt. I was a very quiet well spoken young man who didn't play silly games to get my way. Yet, no matter what I had done to get to know someone it never worked out. The more I tried to have a good healthy relationship with a nice women, the more I got resented and berated. That's what made me so frustrated.

However, I am a better person for it regardless of whether I had a bad relationship. I now realize that it was the result of lack of social skills, my level of emotional intelligence, and the inability to express myself as a man. Most men are afraid of being intimate with women because of the fear of feeling vulnerable, and not labeled a homosexual, loser, or even a coward.

Also, I believe that most young men today don't have good role models anymore. There is no support and guidance in society. There are far too many deadbeats, jerks, and sleezebags who use women as a sex object. Blame all those violent male orientated action movies that depict young men as tough beer drinking louts, who use their fists ( not brains or reason) to fight against authority, or anyone that stands in their way. Some just pick a fight with anyone they perceive to be weak just to prove that they are men. This occurs in most gang related movies.
2016-12-18 09:06:19 UTC
Frustrated With Women
2015-04-12 01:34:52 UTC
I will be honest with you woman .. it is partly some women´s fault, but more so it is just nature that is to blame. Each and every man might have his own reasons for hating women. So I´ll give you mine which may be the same as many other men´s reasons. When a man, especially a young man sees an attractive woman ( Again more often a young attractive woman ) he will instantly feel a very strong desire to possess her. As I said before, hormones are to blame for this. But how a woman acts and dresses has a lot to do with it too. So if a woman becomes difficult, obnoxious, condescending and/or simply rejects the young man all together then he will feel frustration .. sexual frustration. And each and every attractive woman he comes across will arouse him in the same manner and yet may not even be interested in him and so he has to suffer the continuous sexual frustration throughout his life and so forth. You have sooooo many answers to read here that I can understand you may not even be bothered reading this one at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2015-04-11 16:19:22 UTC
You want to have sex, the worst consequence for you is a disease, and you don't understand why the person you are attracted to you isn't attracted back, as if simple proximity somehow equaled sexual availability.

The frustration and confusion almost always begins much earlier and only becomes more pronounced in early adulthood simply because the added responsibility of being an adult, while still basically not having a significant amount of positive or teachable experiences, means you've got even more social obligation attached to you without necessarily gaining any distinct advantage.

Apply this to the average young man meeting the average young woman who has passed through an almost entirely different set of social conditions and circumstances and its a wonder young people get together at all. Thank God biology has such a strong instinct.
Chiki plant
2015-04-10 04:14:35 UTC
When I was 21, I looked at girls as sex objects. But luckily I was a shy guy so I didn't go and mess the things.

Now I am 35 and still single. I think if I marry someone, I will be very affectionate man than most men. Because I have those qualities in high degree in my mind.

Everybody has good and bad. But the thing you said about new generation is because the dirty NWO agenda and its Zionist media, Jewish porn industry, Zionist film industry and Zionist political and economic system, Zionist wars around the world etc... that shapes the society in general.

Feminism, Gay rights are a part of NWO too. Women are kind, caring, beautiful... that's why a man attracts a woman naturally. Feminism was invented by Khazar jews to destruct social and family structure. Women swallowed that lie :) So we have lot of suffering lonely people who are child abusers, drug addicts, rapers etc. **** the Jewish NWO. We would have a better world if there was no cocas as mountains :)
2015-04-09 14:45:16 UTC
Frustration generally comes from repeated failure through lack of understanding.

Frustration at an entire category of people is ignorance, which is what I see as the root of most if not all -isms (see homophobia, misogyny and friends).

Why do people choose to judge entire groups based on limited information? (See:Stereotyping) It's a heuristic, which might have some merits in simple situations... or it might have done at previous points in evolution.

e.g. a sheep things to itself: "I've seen wolves eat 3 of my friends, I should stay away from wolves, cus they'll almost definitely eat me." - to make a crude analogy

It might even work in some cases with humans... but I tend to doubt it and I'm not going to try and concoct an example here, I don't wanna be at this for hours.

Why is stereotyping a crappy short-cut to judging other people? Because humans are ridiculously diverse and complex, so much so that psychological and social sciences are pretty much based on accepting this fact, (don't let some journalists or writers convince you otherwise).

Behavioural statistics are supposed to be taken at face value and in the context of an experiment, experts can extrapolate, infer and predict from this information. Crappy journalists tend to focus on details of their interest and interpret things in a way that suits them.

back to the main issue.. I suppose if you squint I could still be mistaken for a young man, why am /I/ frustrated with women? That's a leading question I object. I'm not frustrated with an entire gender. How could I pass judgement on a group of people of which I haven't even met a percent of a percent of (not even close).

If I was going to point a big finger of blame at something though, I guess I'd also choose the mass media. I've seen so many films and tv shows that covertly advocate problematic ideas about relationships and gender identity, heck it's not limited to fiction..

A media conspiracy? maybe but probably not. It's more fundamental than that, It just comes back to ongoing use of long outdated behaviours, and behavioural short-cuts. Not everyone sees them as problematic, or cares enough to change them.
2015-04-08 15:22:21 UTC
Frustration might be a tad bit generous . I prefer the term "tedious". I guess there are those that took women for granted and because of this, more women are becoming independent (hmm, I question using this term). Because of these spastics, the women wear the ring on their finger as a sign to say, "I'm not seeing anyone and I don't want to". Alas, twas the plebs that were greedy. Whether I'm right or really does not matter, the underlying fact of the matter is more and more women are becoming reluctant to make someone happy who without knowing, may very well make that particular lady happy.

If not, well then f*ck the system.
2016-03-11 04:59:03 UTC
Not all, only a few, they don't allow me to be a woman - they rather treat me like a woman-child. They enjoy telling me what I think, how to think, what's the appropriate way a woman should think. They also confused mother with feminine and woman. They think my role is a mother - that is the 'job' of the woman, when that is incorrect. Since I will not cease to oxygenate blood, survive, flourish or exist without impregnation, I can conclude that my purpose is not meant to only be a mother and cater to the means of nurturing and children. Mother and woman are not synonymic. They'll also take the sick woman - then command her to be well. (e.g) why don't women do this or that, why is all the pressure on the male - woman tries to change this, it flares up and the male rejects, and rather take care of business. Demanding useless women - then humiliating / shaming them when they are useless. (e.g) preferring women with no careers, educational background, etc - then complaining when scammed + ripped off by a gold digger. Instead facing the fact - that it does not make sense to make such a lowsy decision and expect a fantastic outcome. Also, baseless assumptions about feminine nature - and 'assuming' that mother-figure's make no impression on daughters. Daughters without strong mother figures may or may not get the proper drive they need. There are two types of children in this world: Ones that look at a nothing-parent and strive to be better AND ones that look at nothing-parent, and conclude they can do NO better or nothing but. Restricting the female to assumed to be 'feminine' nature can be harmful for daughters without the influence of a proper mother. Son's would do fine.
2015-04-09 03:52:41 UTC
Maybe because there is a lot of pressure put on men to be successful confident funny intelligent tall good looking etc which can be hard for the Average man. Women have high to unrealistic standards for marriage and dating and women magazines and movies are selling the concept that Beyonce is the goal to aim for and that the ideal man just happens to look like Ryan Gosling. It does not anger me that women can be this way sometimes but i can understand the alpha males point of view, when a guy walks into a bar he NEEDS to be charming funny good looking if he wants to take a girl home. In other words men need to put in ALOT more work just to be considered while attractive women have the pick of the litter. That could be a reason.
2015-04-09 06:03:00 UTC
Men would say they find it difficult to understand women because they all want different things...don't we all, men too want different things if you really think about it.

I think SOME men are frustrated because they want women to be exactly the way they want them and each day it's different. Some men want women to be emotional, then not emotional, dirty, then respectful...I mean if a woman is not easy to get into bed, she's playing hard/loves playing games/being difficult. If a woman is easy to get into bed, you'll be happy but then treat her like crap and label her all kinds of things. A person, man or woman, simply is frustrated because they don't know what they want truly and/or is looking for something 'easy' and ain't getting none of that from a respective man/woman. Deal with it.

Be willing to know what you want and be honest about it, makes life easier for everyone.
2015-04-10 00:29:03 UTC
I can't say what a young man is frustrated with about women, because I'm an old man; Young men live in a world where all the rules have changed today, the "nanny government" has all but abolished family and a man's rights to be in charge of his own life and he faces consequences for many mistakes women make in being involved with him. Nature still runs things, but law and social science manipulate the perception of natural process. The system of economics has been inflated to the point where dependents are hardly affordable by most individuals, many seek to be paid for their very existence and prices keep rising. The value of practical industries is made lower than leisure and entertainment and fantasy industries. Diseases are more virulent and resistant to cure than in the past. We have amused ourselves to death.
The Devil
2015-04-09 14:41:14 UTC
I can't say what a young man is frustrated with about women, because I'm an old man; Young men live in a world where all the rules have changed today, the "nanny government" has all but abolished family and a man's rights to be in charge of his own life and he faces consequences for many mistakes women make in being involved with him. Nature still runs things, but law and social science manipulate the perception of natural process. The system of economics has been inflated to the point where dependents are hardly affordable by most individuals, many seek to be paid for their very existence and prices keep rising. The value of practical industries is made lower than leisure and entertainment and fantasy industries. Diseases are more virulent and resistant to cure than in the past. We have amused ourselves to death.
2015-04-09 09:40:29 UTC
That's obvious. Young men want to always follow the rules. I was a young man at one time in my life. I was taught shivalry that cheating was wrong, women love manners, and to buy or give women flowers when you like them. I also went by a moral code. If they had a boyfriend, I made sure they were off limits to myself, if they went to church, don't try to make out with them during wild parties. I did my best to be as much as a good guy as possible. As a result, no girl liked me, they went for the bad boys, and they disrespected my shivalry and called me weird. I can see now a days now that drinking while being a teen is now illegal and they could get in deep trouble for drinking indefinitely as a law, they are still trying to be the best boys they can be. Unfortunately, they don't teach the same things to young women. They teach them the opposite to search for boys with resources and that women come first and all men are potential rapist, so boys fear this stereotype of being this
2015-04-10 13:30:44 UTC
In the past, I think the dating and mating game had clearer "rules" than it does now. If you were a man, you had your fun with "loose" girls when you were young, then you started a career and found someone to marry.

If you were a woman, you were expected to keep yourself pure for your future husband, who would provide for you and your children. If you wanted to get married, you'd have to do it at a fairly young age, and there was usually only a limited pool of bachelors to choose from. A lot of women said "well, George is nothing special to look at, but he's got the best prospects, so I might as well pick him".

Nowadays, the gender roles aren't as well-defined. In some places, old-fashioned values still hold sway, while in others, women don't really see themselves as "needing" a man. They can have their own careers, and nobody worries about her "reputation" if she has a few lovers while single.

I suppose this ambiguity can be frustrating to young men, who are now in a world where they're being judged on looks and sex appeal (as women have been for a long time), but also on their ability to be good providers. Some young men seem to feel that society expects them to be both attractive playboys and "dad" material, and that they just can't succeed at both. If they make a good living, but aren't handsome or charming, they're passed over. However, if they have a job flipping burgers and drive an economy car, they also won't be taken seriously as potential mates.

As I see it, women have long been expected to be both sex objects and "mom" material, and young men are just now finding out what it's like to be an item on a menu. While it's valid for men to complain about this, I think it's unfair for us males to suppose that we're the only victims of an increasingly youth-and-beauty-obsessed society.
2015-04-12 17:51:36 UTC
Marriage 1st....

The worse sex ever is still wonderful... Young men need to develop relationship skills with the opposite... Learning new things is always frustrating, Math, Science, History, Religion, etc.

Add to this the sexual tensions with the opposite combined with social preasures for men to be leaders... results in alot of frustration... but it isn't the lady's fault.

Young men simply must learn how to constructively deal with these preasures while developing needed relationship skills to have a successful lasting relationship with the right young lady.

Church is a great help... Praise The Lord!!
2015-04-11 08:36:26 UTC
Why are so many young men frustrated with women?
2015-04-08 19:12:20 UTC
Because some women today are traditional, some independent, some are mild feminists, some rad-fem, some (a lot) hate feminism, and more, there's no way to know off the bat what they want, what to say to them without offending them, even minor things really offend some of them, and then they say you're clueless, when they created the confusion. Many dress very sexy, revealing, yet get offended if anyone makes any sexual comments- but then others don't, so you never know what to do or say to them, unless you know them. Today, so many of them are looking for money & possessions. They think they're princesses (the Disney channel is even telling young girls that right now in one commercial, raising a new generation of narcissists.) A big complaint would be narcissism among young women. They can be terrible people, yet skate by on their looks (of course, it would be certain men who allow this, by being fooled by all that makeup, stockings, high heels, and other fake stuff they use to look better). I wonder if no women wore makeup & this other stuff, just went out natural, whether men would have the same reaction. I know when I see

pretty girls the 1st time without all that, I have a different reaction. I have a lot of other reasons I avoid most women (except for an occasional nice girl), but their

narcissistic, entitled attitude, and wanting me to spend all my money on them in

return for giving me sex (basically prostitution, but they don't think so) would be my

main reasons.

And, in response to some women's answers here- it has nothing to do with not getting sex- most of us guys get plenty. So don't flatter yourself. It's women who

go around dressed provocatively in the media & real life everywhere, then criticize

men for thinking about sex. What hypocrisy.
2015-04-09 01:42:57 UTC
I have never heard this question posed by a woman. It would seem that the focus of the conversation is why are men such bad awful people. I think that for me, being a kind sensitive male (for the most part;) it starts with that when I am nice to a female I meet on the street, I get a mixed reaction of politeness and fear which could be interpreted as rejection but I don't because I know what women go through. My partner , for example was beaten and raped more than once by different men in the distant past so I GET IT. I am also 34 now. I think that younger men don't understand why women aren't men with vaginas. Can you imagine that for a day? If a woman an men acted like a man, people would have sex with complete strangers like dogs, they would run around being goofy with everyone! This would be paradise for men. I know that I want to have sex with every single decent looking woman I see and I think that most men think about this to a greater or lesser extent. Not all the time... only 50% of the time!!! So young men are very horny. Unlike women who are more likely to become aroused by being with a partner in an intimate setting, men are essentially 'on' all the time.

I have a contrived silly analogy:

It would be like all good tasting food grew out of men's elbows. And women only grew rice and beans lol. So men go walking around with amazing tuna sandwiches and cookie dough ice cream hanging off their arms and women are forced to salivate and want it but asking for a bite causes men to call the police like a man walking up to you and asking to taste your $@^%#. For women, they must find a man and then they can feast on fine cuisine. The catch is that each man only makes one meal and one dessert. So you're fine but you will always wonder what that cherry chocolate chip ice cream tastes like but tasting it would be cheating so you settle for vanilla with pecans.

I hope this helps. I really thought about this silly little analogy a lot. I wonder what your take is on both why men are so frustrated with women and why women are so frustrated with men.

This, of course is not touching at all on a bigger issue for men which is the strange tie between their ego and being macho, tough, dominant. I get why this is the case from an evolutionary standpoint. It just doesn't serve us so well anymore. It will take thousands of years for biology to catch up with a hundred years of technology, science and reason.

I think the real issue though is that both men and women are for the most part pretty small minded creatures. We are these slightly evolved apes but mostly don't seem to be able to see beyond ourselves very far. Most of us wouldn't venture to be so self aware as to even think about the question you have asked. So for that I thank you deeply.
2015-04-12 15:27:50 UTC
You have 171 responses. I figure this might get lost in the chatter.

But being sincere.

I'm male. 45 years old. And homeless. And have been for 4 years now.

One woman helps me - with food - sometimes. But there's a cost to it as well. She's in her mid 60s. And her attitude sums things up best:

"You need to get new clothes." (I dont think she understands I dont have money to buy them)

I am programming a video game for quadraplegics, and want to show her:"I that's make believe. Phooey. You need to get a real job' (Despite having sent out 2000 resumes in the last 4 years, I've taken a donated computer and started creating my own work. Yet what I am doing is nonsense and what I am doing is wrong).

Now I have been married three times. And right after my last divorce. I met 'the woman of my dreams' - who is a married woman - and I realized - nice guys do finish last.

So for three years I had a great time with a couple women I dated. And wow - things actually went well. Somehow I figure they talk telepathically, and I was 'found out' - which now I am homeless.

Why do women frustrate me? Ever hear the saying: damned if you do, damned if you dont? I love women. Dont get me wrong. But as far as I'm concerned. They're playthings. Not intended to be taken seriously. Once I get off the streets and find success with my software, I will use my money to keep a collection of them - a harem. Just for the fun of it. I will loan them out on occasion - to friends who might be feeling lonely. If I am in a out with one - I might order one to give a random guy a ******* right there under the table just for the fun of it.

But being clear. After four years being single. I realize women had driven me absolutely insane. Not just frustrated. Absolutely bat **** insane.

Now. Naw. They dont frustrate me. I just found a better place for them in my life.

And that's firmly in the 'do not take too seriously, these are play toys created to have fun with' collection.

If you don't like this categorization. My advice is. Quit tearing us men down.

You do realize that a woman on the streets will have a home in a minute - and she doesn't even have to put out?

Women - flat out - are not giving. They take take take. And then, when they've taken everything they possibly can, they scratch their heads wondering whats wrong.

99% of the homeless are men.

Is this a correlation or coincidence that there are more women leading this country's corporations and one's threatening to be president?

Men are screwed if Hillary reaches office and I do not mean in a sexual way.

Unless women can take the time to self analyze their own destructive behavior. men aren't just going to be frustrated. We're going to be saying 'where's my robot, cyborg, or sex slaves, because human women are just too much a nightmare to deal with if you even try to regard them as equals.
Know-it-All Smar-t-Pants
2015-04-09 09:41:45 UTC
There are many different reasons for this but all are based on the social expectation vs Biological and instinctual norms.

The natural order of things is that men are in charge and women support them. This has changed in the modern ere because of the way society works. We are no longer hunting and living off the land like we did just a few hundred years ago. It is no longer the strong survive and week die. Men know that they are the superior gender and if life where turned upside down and society crumbled things would quickly revert to normal. We cave men call this the good ol days LOL JK (sorta)

That sounds terrible, I know, but when it comes all down to it and we take away all the modern fluff I think it is the core of the issue.

Women want to be treated as Queens; this essentially makes the man a servant. In modern society the idea of a women acting subordinate to a man is insulting and gets women very angry; which brings me to my next point.

As we have developed this queen society women are now acting like men but don’t have the same expectations, responsibilities, or accountability for their actions.

Just to be clear and I want to avoid the wrath of women everywhere. Women are great and have made contributions in our society. I understand they are wonderful people…my mom was one. (my being apologetic to prevent wrath is an example of my point)
2015-04-12 14:51:08 UTC
I'm 43 . The reason I was so angry when I was young was that all women were so attracted to other men !! I had a car accident so I can understand why - but it made me feel like absolute crap !!! I'm still sort of angry with women ! I mean you can have sex whenever you want !! I'm weird ; I'm strange ; I walk with a limp - so no woman will look at me !!! All I can do is buy a hooker !!! It makes me feel like **** !!!!
2015-04-10 06:01:53 UTC
"Why are so many young men frustrated with women?" Two words. Unrealistic standards. I'm not young anymore at 32, but that would be my guess.

"We often hear that a lot of men are frustrated and angry with women?" Because they're held to unobtainable standards, then promptly divorced when they don't measure up. Which results in a lower mortgage equity, and being denied access to the children they have a desire to help raise. This tends to result in frustration and anger.

"I really want to hear why exactly you're frustrated." Personally, I'm not. I've given up. I'm not getting married. Which leaves me free to obtain my financial goals without hindrance. Due to an extremely independent personality, I'm quite happy being alone and single.

"This is not meant to be an offensive thread, I really want to know the exact reasons. Get it off your chest." It takes a lot to offend me, so I'm not offended lol. Personally, I think this is not women's fault or faults per se, but more the failing of most men to see than western civilization is in decline, and the chief symptom of that decline, is the complete breakdown/destruction of the family unit. Put yourself in a guys shoes for a second.

You are basically a sperm bank with legs. When you get a lady pregnant and she gets swollen ankles and one or more ankle-biters, it makes you feel good to provide for and protect her and the ankle-biters.

When society is forked up, and she winds up hating your guts and leaving with the ankle biters, even after you gave everything you had to make it work, you are left feeling empty, without purpose. Like a boat in the Sahara desert if you will.

Edit: Young men aren't blind (some of them aren't stupid either :P) So they see their father, uncle, boss, work colleague, friend e.t.c. lose the house, live in a flea-bag apartment and dress from the opportunity shop while working an 80hr week & struggling to make child support payments for children they have no rights to see. Even though most of these young men aren't even married yet, it still makes them look at women as the source of these issues in my observation.
2015-04-12 13:59:49 UTC
In a couple of words or a few more. .YOUNG men have not reached the age of understanding what they hear, nor hearing what they need to understand from women. (the same goes for young women who are frustrated with men.. and many are with their silly games it is a wonder anyone ever gets together.
Special EPhex
2015-04-09 19:10:58 UTC
Excellent question!!!

I always appreciate when the sexes honestly try to understand the other genuinely. Mind you, this is a generalAs I see it, I think young men are frustrated from getting mixed messages from females. Their seems to be an inner expectation that doesn't match up with external demands, for instance, women say they want one thing and pursue the exact opposite
2015-04-10 05:24:40 UTC
as you know, females mature a lot earlier than males do. From what I hear on YA a lot is that all the guy wants is sex but some female trapped him by getting pregnant yet he doesn't want to take responsibility for what he did. To answer your question properly one must step back and see that neither the parents nor teachers can control kids anymore (by law) and so kids are going wild with low morals. It's those low morals that guys think sex is a free for all, then they get disappointed sometimes and look toward porn and sex with children. Men, young men especially, think that sex is all there is to life and they want sex often and I know for a fact that sex slows down the longer you're married so then the guys cheat. Someone never taught them what life is about...parents were lacking.
2015-04-08 21:24:13 UTC
I'm not young anymore but do observe today's games young people play. It's slightly different from when I was young, things have changed. Young women are evolving faster then young men making it very difficult for young men to know how to attract a good woman. Women are just as educated as men, can get support themselves, they're confident enough to want the best. They have careers and do not want to compromise just to make a boy friend feel secure. They've begun to separate sex from love so in some ways have become more like men--they can have sex for sex sake, thoroughly enjoy it, but don't feel emotionally involved or committed just because they had sex. And it confuses men. In the past, it was ultimately important to most young women to get some man to commit to her fairly early in life, it was important to her identity to have a man. These days, a young woman doesn't need to be on a man's arm to feel valid and "real." They have no need to just take what is available just to be able to say they have a steady boyfriend or husband. It'd be nice to have one but they aren't going to make it a priority in their life. They can and are putting off breeding until much later in life so they can focus on their careers. In my day, women far too often, even the well educated ones, even the ones who had enviable careers, compromised themselves in favor of their men; often gave up upward mobile jobs to follow their husbands, and in too many instances they took lesser jobs to avoid bruising their boyfriends' or husbands' frail ego. Young women today don't feel they need to do that because there are some young men who have evolved beyond that, not all, maybe not enough. Young women are no longer going to stand to be taken for granted, or treated as lesser beings, or expected to do their day job then go home to be mommy and the housekeeper. Young men in general are still stuck in the past, they still think their women ought to be grateful that a guy chooses them, and the home keeping is still women's work even though the woman has been working just as hard, often harder, then the men. Just look at the other answers here. Does it sound like the men find any fault in themselves, or that they think there is a need for young men to change in any way?
2015-04-10 08:53:31 UTC
My puberty began before I was 13 and I was almost 30 before I finally found a woman who was willing to have sex with me. I was so horny, I even experimented with homosexuality and had to figure out the hard way that I am definitely not gay. Eventually, I did find a 39 year old Cougar who made a man of me and I developed a deep appreciation for older women.

I do still have a chip on my shoulder, when it comes to beautiful young women, because I think it is cruel and inhumane to deny young men the chance to experience what their most basic instincts are screaming for. If civilization seriously expects men to avoid homosexuality and to have as much as 20 years of schooling and the ability to support a family before marriage, then civilization should legalize prostitution, so that young men will have a chance to imprint on females before their interest wanes and they lose their urgent desire for sex. Men and women have dissimilar sex drives and women need to appreciate that, unlike themselves, it is the act of having sex which enables a man to fall in love. Why do women do everything they can to make themselves more attractive, while specifically avoiding the very thing which can make any man love them? If young women don't intend to have sex, why do they dress and act in provocative ways? Aren't they essentially just attention whores and prick teasers? If I had my life to do over, I wouldn't even speak with females younger than 30.

To be honest, I'm now 68 and (to my surprise) it does make me angry to see beautiful young women modeling lingerie on TV -- not because I'm a prude, but (I presume) because I was repeatedly denied my chance back when I was still young and virile. Frankly, given the way so many "girls" apparently think it's okay to tease but not deliver, I'm surprised there aren't even more rapists and serial killers out there.
mc get busy
2015-04-11 19:19:51 UTC
Feminism and society in general has demonized woman and made it very difficult for men to interact with woman any more. Many modern day woman do not even want the average nice guy. If you are not well off or a bad boy woman often ignore you. For many woman and society in general men have become disposable and nothing, but sperm donors and human ATM machines. Many laws are stacked against men in this nation to the point were men do not want to get married to or deal with woman. Pretty much woman ignore good men and you have to be worried that you will be accused or rape or throw in jail because a woman did not like something you did. I have come close to being put in jail for false charges by a woman because I said something she did not like.
2015-04-09 02:34:43 UTC
because women like to flirt but not put out. That is equal to hanging a piece of meat around your next and then walking into a den of hungry lions. Women seem to think that its all about them. But the secret of making a man happy is to serve him. Today women treat men like ATM's - give, give, give. Woman think that they are to be honored but they in return give none. So yea, I can see why men might be frustrated with this type of behavior.
2015-04-09 09:33:12 UTC
Maybe because there is a lot of pressure put on men to be successful Confident funny intelligent tall good looking etc which can be hard for the Average man. Women have high to unrealistic standards for marriage and dating and women magazines and movies are selling the concept that Beyonce is the goal to aim for and that the ideal man just happens to look like Ryan Gosling.
2015-04-09 12:56:25 UTC
women hate men. men hate women. simple fact.

In the ever places (which is here unseen) sponsored by AOTL e AG, I never see a frustration. the chips are lo nd betide around this areEA, so while we blow dust, even my strange neighbours Paul Saint nd Jane Grace be keeping a place tidy in the summer midsts, schitz even mixed, toppin the pits, takin out the gritz, getting the low down from Fitz and sayin Soullllllllllll WaYYYne. OH

My neighbour called Soul who is ID, b.c 7GT is Soul, is a stame of the hottest Niagra & the gush is so strong, well... When I get up, it's hard below as above because her shine breaks my window daily, after I've cried myself to sleep the night before b.c 7GT is perfect. LMAO. 7GT who is ID & Soul and ID who is Soul are perfect. 7GT graced me with her perfect presence on train *BOOM* that stayre, it's stars and the arch angel together RT, I'm gonna have children with her b.c she's my besty. It's a 7KTI. People don't have confusion understand Simon e Simon Peter do they? No. Cheers. ^7KTIXX2 GW7. We're both shy though so we walk past each other with secretly obvious messages that we're infatuated by each other. I watched Jess Mastriani after dat crema trouser a** of God, which really only became because I saw 7GT and there was I with the Trumanic Speed The Plough Edit and later on I was sitting infront of the TV naked for the magic that it obviously is.

I only got up today b.c I remembered 7VP tweeted "crisis averted". They my bestys. The low parts of love which is hate, is awfs, but totes compre God's mightiest hand with the AE7 Hilarious 6 is in the game "Jo.KO" with a Septo Rainbow 1.

Soul is two. #AG #AOTL #AM 7^Risa 7^AATHB

Thanks be to God though.

Read it again. ahahahahahah. LZ.

Thanks be to God.

#7 #7Ring #7GTMyOnlyOnlyEvenByDream7EE
2015-04-08 21:33:08 UTC
because women like to flirt but not put out. That is equal to hanging a piece of meat around your next and then walking into a den of hungry lions. Women seem to think that its all about them. But the secret of making a man happy is to serve him. Today women treat men like ATM's - give, give, give. Woman think that they are to be honored but they in return give none. So yea, I can see why men might be frustrated with this type of behavior.
2015-04-10 03:58:14 UTC
Many of young men are afraid to women that is why they are frustrated.
2015-04-09 23:29:16 UTC
It's not worth it, I don't see the point of being in a relationship if it isn't real. Sure the experience is important, but I already got the message. To see beyond the simplicity of the relationship and to really understand one another is what makes it real. Sure you can talk about your day, the people you hate, or some random sh*t but it's all superficial. You have to show what kind of person you really are and that doesn't happen when your young.
2015-04-11 14:01:18 UTC
As a young man myself, I will give my opinion on that.

I won't say that I am angry at women, but I dislike a few that I've known. As for other young men, they are angry because women are more clever than they are. Don't get me wrong, some women are heart breakers and some are not, but most are tired of being used by guys for sex.
2015-04-08 22:40:17 UTC
Frustration is nothing but agony resulting from non fulfillment of expectation. The young men expect too much from women. Consequently they are disappointed and frustrated.
2015-04-10 09:58:48 UTC
They are afraid of commitment, there afraid to be attracted to girls because they don't want to be considered a rapist, so they still respect women, they just avoid attraction and the dating scene.That is why so many young men frustrated with women.
2015-04-11 08:37:53 UTC
They come off as nice until things do not go the way they (THINK) it should go, and then they use every source at their disposal to make a man’s life as miserable as it possibly can get. Their use of the justice system is the very worst; they provoke all situations in order to take legal action knowing that the system is on the POOR woman's side. In addition, if their kids involved just forget it. The man's life as he knows it is over in some cases even if he's rich.
2015-04-09 22:21:15 UTC
I am not that young anymore but after being in a long term relationship with half a dozen women, I have finally realized that I am way better off being 100% of myself rather than 50% of a couple, that's about it, really.

I go to bed when I want, sleep with whoever woman I want, spend my money how I want and so on,, if you really need more explaining, can't beat Tom Waits' "Better off without a wife"
2015-04-10 14:13:37 UTC
Last time I paid attention to frustration or anger from people, it was not the young men who have the issue.

You may want to identify some examples of where your idea has presented itself in reality.

Try leaving out sensationalized news if there was any.

The emotions causing any young men I witnessed to act, were fear and judgemental propaganda based confusion.
2015-04-11 13:50:56 UTC
I'm 19 and still in high school. So I can give you the "young man" point of view. I personally am tired of all the drama that girls today put us guys through. It's the high school drama that Pissed most of us off. Al. We ever want is a good mature relationship where there isn't any drama and bullshit. Sadly enough that is Damn near impossible these days, especially with all of this social media crap and what not.
2015-04-09 18:57:18 UTC
Well, have you noticed that the word "pervert" is ONLY applied to heterosexual Males?

A Male MUST date/marry the type of Woman (fat, loud, bhitchy) that the loudest Women says he should. He MUST then treat her as those same loud Women says he should. If ANYTHING goes wrong, it is the Male's fault.

Men have a tremendous number of hoops to jump through in order to NOT be labelled a "pervert."

Women only need to be attractive, kind, and fair (from a male's point of view), but Men have to be everything under the sun from a Woman's point of view.

The "perverted" Man is the one who dates a Woman who is over 4 years younger than he, a Woman who is pleasing to the eye, and a Woman who doesn't emasculate and castigate on the first date.
2015-04-08 20:04:32 UTC
1- No one likes an arrogant person... they're arrogant (for no good reason- they're afraid to go out without makeup)

2- no one likes a gold digger- enough said. A lot of them are.

3- they criticize men for their sex drives, yet do their best to look as sexy as possible,

never realizing this is what creates the desire in men. It sure isn't caused by looking plain.

4- A lot of them won't admit to ever doing wrong, being conditioned to think it's the guys fault, yet they do plenty. Society has fed them enough bullsh!t that this generation is a perfect example why American women have an awful reputation all over the world. Go to Europe as 1 example, see what they think of American girls-not good. That came up everywhere I went over there.

>REPLY TO KAI- yes, we have faults, but that wasn't what the question asked about. So much of your answer shows you have no idea why we're upset with women.

Not much of your answer addresses the real reasons why. Quit playing the sex card. That's not it. If all I wanted was sex, I can get it any night of the week at my local bar.


You missed the whole point. This question is about why guys are frustrated w/ women, not about what's wrong with young men- many of the same things. This is not about a therapy session to gain understanding, she wants to know why. I'm aware not all women are like this, but it does come up a lot.These are things I hear a lot when young guys are complaining about women. And legitimate. No, they're not being blamed for everything. Just what they've done, and yes, guys do a lot of the same things, but that's not the question.
2015-04-11 13:24:35 UTC
It's because there used to be culturally defined 'correct' ways to interact with women. Now it seems like the only acceptable way to interact with women (according to internet feminists), is not at all.

Luckily, most of us still interact with the real world too sometimes, where sanity often prevails.

I suspect you don't very often hear such frustrations aired in meatspace.
2015-04-09 23:19:49 UTC
No one will be able to give you a steady and consistent answer, mainly because, all men, women, and relationships are NOT created equally. Which means, results will vary greatly. You gotta remember that we're mammals. MOST mammals are male dominant, which have multiple partners, and have violent natures. ex. great apes, lions, bears, elephants, orcas... And we all know that apes are our closest relatives, when it comes to our DNA structures. So if it weren't for modern day society, laws, and technology, no one would be frustrated about where they stand. We'd be like our relatives, the apes, and let nature take its course. Darwin's theories would come into play, and the quickest to conform would survive. So the realest answer, to me, is, because MOST women are not acting like their nature counter parts. Male "cheating" does NOT exist, but in women it does. The bible states "One man, to a woman" not one woman to a man. I am a true catholic, and I'm completely firm with what I stated. If all women behaved properly, their love lives would prosper. Their men wouldn't need to "cheat" on them. I know I'm a be hated for what I stated. But just know, I've told this to my wife, and she agrees. She told me I can have multiple partners, but I choose not to. This isn't BS. If you do what I said, I promise you'll be happy.
2015-04-11 10:12:10 UTC
Frustration depends on different causes, love, life and sex generally may be the cause. Young men have a lot to see to understand how to behave
2015-04-12 00:55:35 UTC
I've been at the same all male school for nearly 12 years now. I used to get frustrated when I saw how horny guys got and how girls were never interested... Like tinder for example, I thought, if you're female it's so much easier to find someone who wants to have sex with you then if you're male.

It took me a long time to realize that girls weren't asexual, they weren't interested in me.

Sometimes I think about killing myself.
2015-04-09 13:23:24 UTC
I don t know how to explain the best, I ll try to talk in a human level and be the most understandable as I can.

But, I m a Male teenager and I had trouble with girls, such as trying to get a girlfriend to feel happy with her, please her, put her before me and all that. But then there was the Heartbroken I had to deal with, with lots of times that I tried I lost belief in women and turned Asexual from Straight.After I understood I don t have any options, I saw an another option, the other option was to be GAY , and I was very creeped out of that option back then, but today I m fine with being with a man.But with the years, I personally understood that Males and Females are equal and turned Bi-curious and still think I am, but I have a preference of Men more.I don t know why, since my thinking of being heartbroken from women made me love less women, and I don t think some of them deserve of being unloved, It s just how man develops but I still won t let go of my grip about women, there are still understanding women out there, but I think the majority is just the women that hurt.I don t know, but personally as I developed with the years as a teenager I never felt a woman s love for me, so I would rather want to hug with a man rather than a woman as a personal preference. In my view, some unique men that I spot, can be more understanding, I do have a best friend(Not boyfriend, a friend I hang around with) than truly understand me and my problems, he loves me and asks me each time at school: "Everything s fine with you" and sometimes I can t think but lie that I feel good, just so he won t worry but I guess he already knows but don t want to put me under that pressure.

That s all the info about me, and my reasoning.
2015-04-09 15:10:44 UTC
Because naturally, men and women are supposed to be complimentary of each other but the typical gender differences that tend to show up in men and women seem unnatural to me and make it so men and women are not very complimentary of each other at all.

There are things that men are at fault for to, but if I'm focusing on the part women play in having unnatural characteristics that make them uncomplimentary and incompatible with the opposite sex, it's how overly emotional women tend to be in many general areas of life. The sexuality differences between men and women are a very good example of this. Women needing emotional intimacy in getting turned on and not being as visual and physically motivated to have sex as men is something unnatural that women contribute. Women taking a long time in getting turned on/climaxing, being harder to turn on/make climax,etc are also sexual things that women contribute to this whole problem. Another good example is how women process information differently than men, that leads to many strongly differing and opposing opinions and communication styles that make men and women incompatible with each other.

So obviously this is all one big problem that both men and women contribute to, I don't only blame women. Women are frustrating though because of the typical traits women have that in reality are not complimentary of men are probably unnatural such as the emotionalness women have and the other stuff I mentioned above. These incompatible gender differences make relationships seem so unappealing and just messed up- these gender differences are problems that need to get addressed, women have a big part to play in that by not being the emotional creatures that they currently are, not being the sexual liabilities they currently are, etc. Men have things they need to work on to though.
2015-04-09 01:21:37 UTC
If young men have a pair they'd be less frustrated.
2015-04-11 10:19:37 UTC
Clearly women are very insecure with what they want. Here's the typical woman: she yearns to be with the "bad boy" guy and then when she and him break up, she acts so surprised that he wasn't compatible for her. Then she go straight for the next "bad boy" and expect a different result. All the while they completely dissed the nice guy who would treat her right. Insanity by definition is doing the same thing over while expecting a different result. Women are insane. Rant over.
2015-04-10 18:41:22 UTC
Women don't say what they mean or mean what they say.

Example: A woman would say "Honey we don't need gifts this year" A man would follow instructions. So no gift is given. Now she gets upset that she dosen't get a gift.

The set up question: Do I look fat? If you have a reasonable amount of fat then a man would say Yes.

She don't want to hear the truth.
Jake No Chat
2015-04-09 04:12:33 UTC
It could be that the guys are immature and they are expecting too much too soon. Or they have had some bad luck with teasers and those that are just out there for a free ride. Frustration is difficult, rejection is scary, and it is all part of life.
2015-04-12 02:50:45 UTC
Dwelling on frustration or negative aspects of your life can make frustration worse, until it develops into a daily habit. It's not easy to "just snap out of it", so instead
2015-04-08 14:40:24 UTC
I can see why. They get a lot of conflicting messages thrown at them. And they are brought up in a society that demonises men, which is not healthy for women either, because, as you say, it makes these guys angry. Progressive Liberals have a hell of a lot to answer for. I think you will find young women are pretty pissed off too, as a lot of this male anger results in a lack of respect for them. I wince when I see how unchivalrous young men are these days, but then of course they have had this drummed out of them by feminism...Stupid.
Nice Guy
2015-04-08 12:49:15 UTC
Because socially the women have all the advantage and have a man-attractor between their legs -- they don't have to work very hard at getting laid or their needs met, and they make it painfully obvious they can pick and choose who they want to sleep with, date, or spend their lives with.

It's the whole package of arrogant pu$$y with its gold-digger life support system that we're tired of. We would really just like to be loved. But that's too much for young women, who think they're princesses and deserve a whole lot of sh!t they haven't earned.
Jack R
2015-04-09 06:28:03 UTC
I've had many women (those whom I know and even some who I've even just met), who have bad mouthed me a lot in the past. Not to mention a lot of backstabbing. I used to be overweight, and that used to be one of the main subject. I've lost a lot of it nowadays, but that disgust and frustration never passes. They demand honour and respect but give nothing in return.
Amy Flower 💋
2015-04-10 18:38:48 UTC
Maybe they can't get some or are just assholes in general, I'm only talking about guys who are frustrated with women and not guys in general.
2015-04-11 13:37:15 UTC
For my part, I quite often get the "you're a guy so you're automatically an idiot" vibe from a lot of women out there!

Listen, if they want to believe themselves more intelligent than me, fine - so long as it's based on more than just a stupid vibe!
2015-04-10 20:44:08 UTC
Because women only talk to men if men work and drive. Women don't even want men saying "Hi" if the man does not work or drive.
2015-04-10 05:19:12 UTC
Because girls play mind games and cause the men to become frustrated, if the woman kept it simple like the man does then it would be cool, but women like to mess with our minds and they know it.
2015-04-08 12:53:02 UTC
Not sure about others but for me my main problem would have to be they expect a lot and demand a lot from men at my age in their late 20s when they want to settle down and get married and have kids

and I have no problem meeting their requirements and expectations and demands i find that I am one of the few that am actually able to however they don't meet my demand expectations and standards and don't have much to offer in return

"I want a man that's handsome good looking who has a good job occupation career that makes X income a year who has his own house or apartment good personality funny charming smart etc who is able to provide a comfortable life for me and kids etc.

Then i say I want a virgin bride that's cute and will only marry a virgin bride and they flip their $hit at me

I'm not gonna marry or provide for someone who didn't save themselves for me

you wanna know why Christian Grey loved Ana Steel so much and treat her different from all the other previous girls it's because he found out she was a freaking 22 year old virgin and wanted her all to himself

when he found out he was like "where have you been " and she was like "waiting "
2015-04-09 08:16:09 UTC
I don't know but I am almost 60 and I am frustrated to
2015-04-12 04:52:53 UTC
They're typical in exterior qualities, not rich, but dreaming a Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise will come into their life and marry them like in the movies..

After encounter lots of them who dream big like this, I rest my case! Build my rig to the hardcore level and busy playing computers games, movies, hobbies.. when their age rose up see those bit_h come and texting you again, but I'm sorry girl, single is about 100% freedom.. I've said that to three of my exes and it makes me feelings great!
2015-04-08 17:29:06 UTC
It's so hard to get a woman these days since they all gravitate towards just a select few... and with the fact that we are constantly bombarded with pictures of scantily-clad women everywhere, on TV, the computer, at the grocery store, and ads at the mall... it makes it hard not to have one.

So, the ones that do get spooked when they start to lose their woman.

They don't want to go back to the abyss of singleness.
2015-04-11 22:12:10 UTC
its simple. men are mechanically minded. if all the gears are in the right place, in our minds the machine should work properly. Women are malfuncitoning machines. They say be a gentleman. So you become a gentleman. then they leave you for a drug dealer who beats them and they love every second of it. It's just that we can't comprehend their complexities. Men are much simpler and we know what we want and that we want only one thing- free pussy.
2015-04-10 11:19:06 UTC
Choose something that you want an don't keep on changing what you want. It's frustrating to see our efforts gone to waste when we are trying to keep up with you but your feelings change so quickly about everything.
2015-04-09 12:48:35 UTC
I'm a young female frustrated with men.... THEY MAKE ME FEEL BAD!!!
2015-04-09 13:36:49 UTC
Women are basically completely useless. From two relationships, I work out what I need to do the weekend. As soon as the woman wakes up it becomes impossible. The wife needs to do something but is incapable of doing it herself so your plans are wrecked. There is no way a woman can think what she needs to do and do it herself.
2015-04-08 13:10:16 UTC
The bizarre need of American women to be a victim. Usually at the hands of a man or even men in general. They literally lust for victimhood. Why? Does it release dopamine, serotonin, or endorphins into their system? Does being a victim excuse them of all responsibility? They can mistreat others, lie, fail to perform in society, make poor choices, etc. but be not be held accountable for their actions because of victimhood status. For the attention? Todays women are supposedly "strong, intelligent, and independent". But they don't act like it. They wallow in self pity. Is being a woman in America really that bad? Plus I would like women to be more honest about their sexuality. I believe many women who are asexual or homosexual still engage in relationships with heterosexual men. This is dishonest and causes many hurt feelings. Don't do it just because you think that is what society wants. To appear normal. It is not necessary in todays society. Please don't be the worst thing that happened to a man.
2015-04-10 11:03:49 UTC
Frustration is the child of expectation or entitlement (or at least the sense thereof). Anyone who was ever frustrated was such because their expectations weren't met or weren't being met.

Common reasons for young men to be frustrated with women include (but are not limited to) the following:

Women are NOT helping them fulfill their sexual or romantic fantasies

Women are NOT being as subservient to them as they would like

Women of their race, breed or culture are NOT "sticking with their own kind," meaning they're not exclusively dating, breeding with and/or marrying men within their race, breed or culture (although it's often okay if women of other groups date, breed with or marry men of the same race, breed that THEY happen to be part of).

Women are aborting their unborn children that they (the men) wanted to bear

Women are HAVING (NOT aborting) the unborn children that they (the men) didn't want to bear

Many women screen their potential mates based on their (the men's) materialistic possessions or means

Many women like "bad boys" - guys who simply don't give a sh!t about anything and aggressively go after whatever the hell they want, even risking their own life, reputation or freedom to do so, while the "good guys" who walk the "straight and narrow road" of social and civic compliance are overlooked

Many women are not completely forthcoming about what they like and what they want - either because they're secretive or are simply out of touch with their own desires

Many women don't take responsibility for their own sexuality, often expecting men to take them by the hand, sexually, even at the risk of being accused of being perverts or being accused of rape by women who were in fact not raped but who had post-sexual remorse if, say, the guy abandons them immediately after the sexual act is completed

Many women, even some powerful women, want to be thought of as being "equal" (as in being the same) as men, but when it comes time to open their own door, pay for a lunch or dinner date, or even to ask a man out on a date in the first place, these women say "Oh, that's the guy's responsibility!"

Many women drive way too cautiously, often slowing or impeding faster, more experienced drivers in doing so
2015-04-08 12:36:37 UTC
Probably they don't know the real reasons themselves. A lot of it is subconscious, going back to early childhood, their relationships with their mothers, etc. And it's the same with women's feelings about men. Lots of unconscious stuff going on between the sexes.
2015-04-08 20:27:00 UTC
Good question. Because modern women have become morally corrupted. I believe though, women themselves are not guilty and to be blamed on. It is the fault of education, media, magazines, radical feminism and all the evil ideologies that promote sexual immorality in our society.

Modern feminism mistook sexual freedom as something of value. Taking the precious and glorious nature of women and perverting it by approaching sex the same way men do doesn’t elevate women in men’s eyes, it lowers them as sexual "objects".

This has led to corruption of relationship between men and women and cheapening the sacramental and miraculous intimacy between spouses.

Please watch this video and you will fully grasp what the hell is going on in our society.
2015-04-11 15:04:43 UTC
Because society says that girls are all princesses and they act that way and treat men like garbage and that they're god's gift to the world because they have a vagina.
2015-04-10 13:49:51 UTC
I Think that youngs men want care & try to share their feelings. women are suitable for that. bt when women don't understand the youngs. then they feel frustation.
2015-04-10 11:30:51 UTC
who knows, everybody thinks and feels differently, can never understand a man or woman's frustration
2015-04-09 16:43:42 UTC
Because it's okay for women to be cruel to us and no one see the wrong in it. Lack of accountability for errors made. And criticism is called misogyny. And many other reasons to numerous to name. :)
2015-04-09 05:39:25 UTC
Because it's better to them to swim in FECES, than Wallow in a Disease Harboring Temple of Doom...0309/2015
2015-04-11 14:23:39 UTC
Because they feel entitled and It bothers them that women are being seen as equals in this world wich use to be male dominant.
I care
2015-04-08 15:17:09 UTC
Read and educate one's self.......I had to when it came to understanding what men think etc. -a women's point of view...

Big deal.......God did make us so different.......we just have to learn the differences.....and care.
yahoo are cunts
2015-04-11 17:34:02 UTC
I'm not. I'm frustrated with stupid sexist questions.
2015-04-08 12:37:25 UTC
I am frustrated with women because they act like they only love me for my wad of cash, and also they don't shave properly, and sometimes when they shave their vaginas they miss bits and when I go down there I get a big mouthful of anaI hair which they are too LAZY to remove. Also I don't like the fact that they expect me to be like bloody PRINCE CHARMING because they are not like goddamn CINDERELLA and they need to change and be able to talk to those birds before putting any of that shlt on me.
2015-04-11 18:43:36 UTC
am frustrated with women coz all of them r differ . u have to find the right word to say to all of them and one word that u say wrong become a huge deal like ugh.
2015-04-11 08:11:59 UTC
They're confusing
2015-04-10 02:07:13 UTC
because it reminds them of their parents and parents are retry frustrating if you ask me. When the produce stress or aggression it's just like when u got in trouble back in the day.
2015-04-10 05:43:54 UTC
They seek equal pay and equal opportunities when it comes to daily life, but when the draft rolls around, they're quick to start cooking.
2015-04-09 00:07:11 UTC
Most women think they can get away with it, because they females.But once they get their *** beat im sure they will stop acting like princesses or tell them straight forward :D
2015-04-11 19:40:12 UTC
The short (and correspondingly offensive, generalizing, and incomplete) answer is a combination of unrealistic expectations, misplaced blame, and the tragic and natural progression of human insecurity to human aggression.
2015-04-09 08:29:37 UTC
The answers are contained on the Red Pill Reddit site which an article on here referenced. I have been reading about this for some months now and did a laboratory test case study. By this a real life situation where the barmaid at the local pub was, as she later admitted, 'working me a little'.

This means paying me a lot of obvious attention, telling me on her birthday that she 'loved me. loved me and I was her mission'. I was watching her from the start and trying to understand her behaviour against the background of Blue Pill/ Red Pill theory'. This is based on the use of these terms in the movie The Matrix, where Neo is offered the Blue Pill which will maintain him in the dream state while plugged into the computers or the Red Pill which will allow him to see the reality of a ruined post apocolyptic world.

Although I was watching her carefully from the start and told her so, she completely got to me. I fell in love with her and fancied her physically. Now she is starting to resent the pressure and, yes, I have been eyeballing her and drooling. Her son has started to visit the pub and stand behind the bar and say, 'hello' with very heavy emphasis. He's warning me off harassing his mum.

The whole thing came to a head a week ago in a very low key showdown. A 'white knight/ beta orbiter' kept trying to interfere while I was trying to clarify the situation. ( In Red Pill terms, a White Knight is someone who supports a woman regardless of circumstances and a Beta orbiter { as opposed to an Alpha, who is a man who is successful with wome} is someone, in common with the Beta who hangs around with a woman for whatever scraps she might throw him. The White Knight stays with the woman out of gallantery and chivalry and in the end I asked the Knight very politely, 'are you going to let me speak to her?' I must clarify at this point that the woman has a gold ring on her finger although she has never been married to her Babyfathers. Knight was trying to protect her or even me from an embarrassing situation.

When he eventually desisted, I asked her if she remembered what she'd said on her birthday. She'd been quite drunk and I was worried that she would remember something unfortunate that I said. But she didn't answer the question, she answered the question behind the question. Her words were, ' I didn't make you any promises, Jamie' and then she said, ' I'm like that with everybody'. Women are simply amazing at picking out the tiniest bit of interest from a man and she immediately jumped from my question to the real question: 'Did you mean what you said or was it all just rubbish/ barmaidese?' On a previous occasion, in response to the same question, she had said something along the same lines: 'Why should you care? I'm everybody's and anybody'.

Of course, I shouldn't have asked the second time as the first answer tells you what you need to know. Her point is that I should have known that it didn't mean anything special as she kisses customers on the lips and cuddles and hugs them. My point is that people are drunk in a bar, they are lonely and possibly they've lost someone and they are emotionally vulnerable and that it's too risky that someone will take al of this seriously. Certainly, I would never say that kind of thing to someone; I don't touch people and I try to be quite neutral but friendly and helpful to people.

This woman is loved by everybody for her hard work at the pub and with her children and helping the disabled and this is the fascinating thing about women: the way in which they can compartmentalise their emotions to be sweet as pie to helpless people but utterly ruthless and unforgiving to the hapless male who are rash enough to fail to see through their behaviour.

Bear in mind that I'm in my late fifties and that I meet a lot of people in London and I'm very experienced at reading people and she still turned me over completely. Whose fault is this? The Red Pill boys have multiple stories like this and it is referred to as 'hamstering' where the woman lies to herself about her actions and justifies them to herself.

It is this type of behaviour that maddens men along with the more obvious lies and game--playing plus their view of men as simply 'collateral damage'. If thousands of men have to die in prison because of false rape claims, hell, that's a price worth paying if it means that not a single woman is left unavenged. I'm not going to start about the obvious thing of a woman trying to decide if she'll sleep with a man but that's a problem too.
2015-04-08 12:38:04 UTC
Because while both men and women suffer drawbacks from evolution, women have been given the upper hand and have been allowed with far more freedoms than men to flee from their imposed gender roles.

Dr Warren Pharell (ex feminist) explained this very well.
2015-04-12 09:43:13 UTC
We'd all like to know
2015-04-10 15:13:09 UTC
that women want to be like kim K ( idiot, with a big butt, and a sex tape) Amber rose ( a opportunist just like kim k but she is a stripper ) women do not want to be professionals with a brain they just worry about instagram likes and how much attention other retards pay to them
2015-04-08 21:32:32 UTC
Because of their (women) excessive demands, they make males mad. That is why maximum number of males are found in lunatic centers.
2015-04-11 17:42:58 UTC
women act unpredictable, but they are very predictable. women just want so much attention all the time. that's what gets me.
2015-04-12 16:10:22 UTC
Because every women in the world doesnt spread their legs for them
2015-04-09 19:33:44 UTC
I would guess, as a woman, that it would be lack of communication. Treat women as friends! Be thoughtful and kind!
2015-04-10 21:30:14 UTC
because men arent patient enough for women
2015-04-11 20:00:12 UTC
Most men try and sometimes the results aren't the best
Muhammad Abu
2015-04-09 09:35:35 UTC
Since women do cheat with the male counterpart.
2015-04-09 01:45:04 UTC
First, let me clarify your question: young men are frustrated with *attractive* young women. Plain Jane and below, not so much. To be fair, these women are frustrated too. And not just the young attractive ones. This segues to my point: just about everyone is frustrated -- with life.

The word "entitlement" gets thrown around a lot -- too much -- and often improperly (especially in the context of Caucasian men, on whom the Western media has seemingly declared open season on). I will endeavor to use it properly. The problem is that people in general are frustrated with life. People feel entitled to a lot of things nowadays for no other reason than simply someone gave them the impression that they should.

College students feel entitled to a job just for graduating (and feel justified in not paying back their loans when one doesn't materialize). Illegal aliens feel entitled to citizenship because they've had a hard time in life. People everywhere feel entitled to healthcare, education, and a house, because some politicians said so, and that sounded like a pretty good deal in exchange for a vote. Men feel entitled to female affection if they bend over backwards to please them and spend time and money on them, because that's what the movies, TV, his mom, and the internet said he should do. Women feel entitled to a perfect husband, soaring career, and happy family, with no sacrifices, because someone said it should be that way. Overweight people feel entitled to confidence and happiness about their life and appearance as it is because a lot of other overweight people say so on newspapers and TV shows and internet columns. Everyone feels entitled to acceptance and kindness and good feelings from the world and life because they exist.

Ordinary people feel entitled to extraordinary things because ordinary people say so.

And this, all of this, will never ever work out. Never. The closest they'll get is crafting an elaborate illusion that they have what they wanted, and then go to extreme lengths to prop that façade up. In fact, people do that already, and have been since humans existed, but it's especially prevalent recently (or at least it seems that way). There's tons of people walking around with crazy narratives about the world and their place in it running through their heads. Either that, or they're an eternal victim of the universe and are powerless to do anything about it -- so they tell themselves at least. They maintain a much smaller, but stubborn, illusion -- the illusion that they have no control.

Instead they get together with like-minded people (they aren't hard to find) and figure that if enough of them get together they can warp reality and bend it to their will, without having to make any effort personally or face something about reality that makes them uncomfortable.

Sadly, the thing that people have little to gain from telling is the truth in this case. And the truth is, you aren't entitled to much (try getting elected telling people that). You're entitled to your life and the freedom to live your life as you please free from coercion. Anything beyond that is up to you. You can try to change reality to fit your design -- a waste of time, in my opinion -- or you can accept reality and go from there. It's popularly accepted that almost all human beings fear death above all. I won't dispute that, but I think death is at least tied with reality as people's greatest fear. In a sense, they are opposites -- being and unbeing; existence and nonexistence; life -- real life -- reality, and death. Yet they are similar in this regard: people spend a great deal of time and energy running from both, but they have a way of catching up to us all in the end.

So, these young men and their frustrations, what should they do? The same as any of these frustrated people should do (but few will actually consider, and fewer still will actually follow though on). Face reality. Accept that they are not entitled to [blank], merely the freedom to pursue it (the once popular phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" comes to mind). They are free to live the life of their choosing, but in doing so accept responsibility for what happens. Specifically, people need to accept responsibility for their minds and the stuff they allow in them. A lot of people are lousy skeptics and accept all kinds of faulty thinking for no other reason than it appealed to them. They believed it because they wanted to believe it -- that's a surefire way to a miserable, confused life. These men (and this can be applied more broadly) need to realize that a lot of popular notions they've been taught about women are just flat out wrong. Popular notions get popular because they are appealing to many people, not necessarily because they're true. Reality bites, and the truth is often concealed and must be be sought out.

Ideally, someone older and presumably wiser about the world, say a parent, would slap some sense into these men and set them straight about the way the world really works. Sadly, the parents are often just as deluded as the rest nowadays.

This entitlement and victim mentality can never succeed. The constant cycle of failure and setback chafes and inflames their ranks, driving them to ever-greater extremes and ever increasing hostility and envy. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
2015-04-09 11:32:47 UTC
Because some tend to whine about anything
2015-04-11 12:43:57 UTC
I think because almost all women want marriage!
2015-04-11 04:08:57 UTC
Because women speek to ****** much .
2015-04-09 19:52:59 UTC
Society nowadays.
Media Express
2015-04-09 14:19:15 UTC
imo, we're not. we just don't understand them as well, which is why men and woman need to talk more.
2015-04-09 16:32:50 UTC
half of young women here be demanding something they cant provide.
2015-04-08 14:53:44 UTC
I'm not frustrated at all. I have no problem with women of any kind. Sorry I could not be of more help.
2015-04-09 16:05:39 UTC
because women are finnicky when it comes to a sexual partner. they like you one minute and if you make a slight mistake and come off as even slightly insecure they dont see you as a worthy mate anymore. thats why i dont feel bad when guys screw them and leave them. they would do the same.
2015-04-09 06:27:30 UTC
because they are tired of being frustrated with lions and raccoons.
2015-04-08 13:33:45 UTC
Because women say they want one thing and then want another at the same time.
great knight
2015-04-09 09:48:56 UTC
Stop playing games.
2015-04-08 19:06:31 UTC
because women my age range (im 20) are crazy
2015-04-09 09:28:11 UTC
If they're hot then they'll probly cheat on you. If they're not hot then they're just, well... not hot.
2015-04-09 10:16:01 UTC
They are probably immature and insecure and unlucky in love
2015-04-08 12:44:27 UTC
I am giving the tools. You figure out the meaning. Giving in to the seven deadly sins is what men and women are doing.
2015-04-09 20:24:44 UTC
Because they won t go to the kitchen and make me a sandwhich
2015-04-09 02:38:59 UTC
It is the order of life
2015-04-09 04:56:27 UTC
this is mens world so are gonnnnnaaaaa do nothing
2015-04-09 05:26:17 UTC
Becuse they think all men are the same
2015-04-10 16:30:15 UTC
because women want everything their way and they think their better
2015-04-09 09:34:00 UTC
Because they are really mean and only love money.
2015-04-08 12:43:08 UTC
no-fault divorce and when she divorces you, she will take the kids, the house, the car, takes half if not all of you money you worked hard for... and you still have to deal with 'the mother of your child' for the rest of your life.
2015-04-10 16:30:30 UTC
so many women are users.
2015-04-10 08:07:39 UTC
rigomortisfx studios
2015-04-08 17:54:38 UTC
sex is all ways on there minds , you see in a womans mind there is alot going on

maybe her job and family comes first , from cleaning the house to fixing dinner and pay bills

she is a really bizz life and when she lays down she wants to sleep but man just wants sex to much they have to much time on there hands and will pop as soon as he can and when she says no he flips out , he has no idea maybe she has to much on her mind and or her boss is asking her to set this or that up the next day .........ladys just give your man a porn book and let him go at in in the bathroom .........and say out loud honey let me know when your done i need to use it next or i need to wash my face , honey maybe this weekend ok ! ! ! !
2015-04-10 19:35:53 UTC
Perhaps because some do not know their place.
2015-04-08 12:37:45 UTC
High school was the worst. Girls fall for the dumbest and corniest guys. But, they kept me a virgin and now I've found a real woman!
tamika t
2015-04-09 11:04:04 UTC
Because they wont try and understand us. Not all, but most.
2015-04-11 07:14:16 UTC
You have to learn to take the bad with the good.
2015-04-10 19:07:53 UTC
a woman is the back foot of the devil . you do not marry them you just use them only
2015-04-10 05:30:01 UTC
I think understanding problem.
2015-04-09 17:23:24 UTC
they are eye candy. nothing more. theyre empty and conceited, smelly and not worth the cost.
Recovering Nice Guy
2015-04-09 17:14:33 UTC
So many different answers and so many different ways of expressing it, damn 96 answers so many have beat me to the punch lol.

It's mostly seeing women as tedious and disappointing. We were led to believe as kids from various teachers, parents, guardians etc. that women were these virtuous compassionate people full of love to give (or something else that is sappy along those lines). To be somewhat fair there are women like this but they are few and far between and have already met someone by the time we realize women like them exist. These women in particular however, the kinds of women that or often portrayed as caring, wise and compassionate are the OLDER generation as in those within the same age bracket as our parents and are too old to form healthy romantic relationships with. For the YOUNGER generation (early teens to mid 20's as of today) the older we get we see women more and more like the way feminists portray men: hostile, ill-tempered, often violent, overly entitled, and all other manner of baggage that we don't want to deal with and neither should we deal with.

I don't know what caused almost the entire generation of young women to become these people that you would rather tear your own eyes out then be alone with for an extended period of time. It could be a product of something more than just feminism but feminism makes for a big target because it won't stop flapping its bigoted and floppy jowls at anything that doesn't agree with them 100%. To be brutally honest, in the eyes of younger men women have nothing to offer them in the forms of a romantic relationship other than sex and another pay check to help pay the bills. Women don't want to cook anymore, they don't care about men's needs anymore, they are often self absorbed, many displaying narcissism and sociopathy, not caring about the man's interests or even attempts by him to appreciate her interests, and all that wrapped up in a package that constantly berates and belittles the man they are with as if they are the living human parody of a yipping Chihuahua that won't stop yipping ever! These young men see nothing of worth cause they have never been shown anything of worth. The have grown up seeing women as incapable of expressing love or compassion.

What boggles me sometimes is that many men after even knowing all of this still try, they still try and try and try to find a woman to love and be loved by and yet all they are met with is nothing but scorn, vitriol and venom with no sight of a POLITE way of being turned down to where your confidence and self esteem isn't a punching bag for them to beat over and over again. Even those men who do give up and still lead productive social lives where they try to be nice to everyone still get grief over and over again for choosing to simply opt out in a non-violent way. You yourself Maria, a long time member of the GS board, have seen the bigotry and hate levied towards these men who speak no hate but merely express an opinion even if it is from frustration.

Even when we either try our damnedest or give up we still try to understand women so we can at least be friendly with them but the simple fact is most women (and this extends to women across all ethnicities and cultures) DO NOT WANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD! To be understood would be to ruin the feminine mystic and most women see being understood as a way of being taken advantage of so in comes in the endless parade of hoops that men are expected to jump through like some sort of never ending circus act to confuse and agitate us.

They're just tired, so god damn tired of it all that they no longer care anymore and some just grow callous enough to where they not only give up on love but can no longer feel or express it because its been beaten out of them. The expectations of us, the demands of us, the requirements of us in order to just please women whether or not they are beautiful or the plain janes (yeah don't over sell yourselves we KNOW you are just as overly entitled and unrealistic as the ones who can pull off being entitled and unrealistic) that it makes many men just give up on life in general.
2015-04-09 16:00:26 UTC
women are very complex... I am not angry with them but having hard time figuring out what they want and why are they bipolar...
2015-04-10 21:35:04 UTC
They choose the wrong, compassion-less guys.
2015-04-09 21:31:07 UTC
Men r psychos whack them
2015-04-09 14:55:51 UTC
Because they're all whores
osman f
2015-04-08 23:49:55 UTC
Because they are.
2015-04-08 16:04:55 UTC
Insignificant questioning really does it for me.
2015-04-09 13:12:36 UTC
Drugs get them all the time.
2015-04-10 12:52:09 UTC
i'm not
2015-04-09 07:20:07 UTC
because when he says, make a sandwich *****, he says make a sandwich!
2015-04-10 09:23:03 UTC
they havent matured yet
2015-04-08 17:38:04 UTC
Because things are not going their way.
2015-04-10 09:21:48 UTC
I'm not oh er ah you must mean American women. My wife is Filipina...........................
2015-04-11 00:03:30 UTC
one word: entitlement.
2015-04-09 22:07:48 UTC
Because there are so many woman to choose from...............
2015-04-10 11:01:17 UTC
girls can be quite materialistic
2015-04-09 09:59:29 UTC
they havent gotten laid
2015-04-08 18:14:00 UTC
Because they don't suck and ****
Mir Quasem
2015-04-09 20:13:46 UTC
Not all.
2015-04-10 13:31:59 UTC
whats that??
2015-04-08 17:02:36 UTC
im not sure why honestly
2015-04-08 12:40:59 UTC
the sexual needs of men are all-consuming for Them. When their needs aren't met, they blame women and get frustrated with them. women don't owe them sh!t, but they'll never see this.
2015-04-10 19:56:31 UTC
2015-04-09 19:38:59 UTC
they are gay
2015-04-08 20:51:50 UTC
2015-04-10 19:02:52 UTC
2015-04-09 12:25:26 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.