No. There should be no "Affirmative Action" what-so-ever for any reason.
Thankfully a huge number of the requirements forcing businesses to practice AA have been dropped. Unfortunately, they are still in place in government run institutions. In order to get cash from the Federal Government, American Universities still have to put AA policies in place.
Similarly, the contracting rules for government projects dictate that the major contractor must sub-contract to small businesses, and that a certain percentage of the project's funds, at a minimum, must be spent through small sub-contractors which are owned by certain disadvantaged groups. This is why you see so many small military contractors owned by black women, or disabled veterans, these people count as members of two different groups who get preference for work and money, mandated by improperly discriminatory law.
We should not be improperly discriminating more, in order to compensate for past improper discrimination. All that does is improperly discriminate against innocent people who were not the beneficiaries of the past improper discrimination. The answer is to stop improperly discriminating, and give the government less power with which to improperly discriminate.
Now, there are circumstances in which it is entirely proper to discriminate. If two stores are selling the exact same product, and one sells it for less, or I can buy two products for the same price, and one is definitely better, then it is entirely proper to discriminate and buy the less expensive product, or the better quality one. This is what is known as having "discriminating tastes", which is a good thing.
Similarly, if you are hireing a java programmer, it is entirely popper to have a bias toward hiring people who have more experience and training in using Java, and the related bits of architecture that you plan to use.