The immediate answer to your question is "neither". I would rather people be considerate of each other!
1. Most people on this earth belong to some oppressed groups and some oppressing groups at the same time. And most of us usually experience oppression at some time in our life -- by becoming disabled or old for instance. At some point you will likely know the answer to your question for yourself.
2. It is not your fault your are white, male, educated and middle class. It is your fault if you choose denial about ways the gains you've made in life have not all been just the product of your hard work (though no doubt that is part of it), but also have been at the expense of people of color, poor people, and women. It's a funny situation, since the mechanism that redirects resources from other folks into our lives (i am also white, male, educated, and middle class) are very entrenched -- sometimes hard to see, usually hard to avoid. It is all we can do to try to redistribute our gains more fairly and do what is within our individual influence to change our society. The alternative is a society of selfishness and pain.
Edit to add: Personally, i do not enjoy the anger i sometimes receive from people souly on the basis of my identity (white/male/middle-class), nor do i think i deserve it, but i DO have sympathy for it. Given the large amount of inequity i have witnessed in society, to not expect the occasional person of color, woman, or poor person to get upset and snap at someone who seems to reap the benefits of their hard work seems to be expecting super-human amounts of patience!