Bryan F
2008-10-03 06:25:49 UTC
This link is a list of female pedophiles and child molesters throughout the recent this year or 2005 or whatever. Admittingly, I'm a little annoyed...not only because some of the links are outdated (News sites make you search their archives) but a good amount of these women have gotten pretty light sentences. However I know that the criminal justice, along with society, is becoming more strict on their rules, regardless of the person's characteristics.
But I've noticed a pattern here. Most of these female sex offenders are teachers or guidance counselors or some other position within the boundaries of academia! Because these female teachers are being caught (Much like the catholic church's male sex offender epidemic), are we heading towards another sexual offender/predator scare...this time towards women?
Another question I also have is...What do you think about this huge (and growing) list of female sex offenders?
Thanks for reading.