There are pleasant girls out there. Sadly they're either taken by some rough character, married, in college, maybe not the best looking, or single [somewhere].
Majority of girls I think are influenced how to act by their parents and the media. They're nice girlys out there, trust me! They get snatched up pretty quickly, but I know many sweethearts.
There's no guarantee you'll find someone that's 'pretty', 'educated', ' motherly', 'virgin', or a 'good cook'. BUT I'm sure you can find someone that would treat you nice :)
Just be on the look out for her!!! They do in-fact still exist.
I know, I was just saying...But anyway, they're out there! :)
There's nice people everywhere. If you're pleasant & kind of attractive then I'm sure that girl you're looking for is out there.
You'll find her! Let is be on the street, at a bar [not likely D; ], at work, or at some type of dating service. Just be open and approachable.