Why do feminists complain about the rape conviction rate, when in fact it's similar to other major crimes?
2014-05-19 11:49:31 UTC
and complain that system isn't working when it comes to rape? Certainly, some women don't report rape or sexual assault and unreported crimes have little chance of resulting in a conviction, but the actual conviction rate for rape in England and the U.S. is similar to other violent crimes, even higher in England.

"Rape conviction rate at an all-time high"
CPS statistics reveal conviction rate is currently at 63%

Why should we expect to see a conviction rate for rape that is notably higher than for any other violent crime? Why do many feminists claim that the system of trying rape cases doesn't work, when in fact the conviction rate (in England) is 63%, higher than most other crimes?
Ten answers:
2014-05-19 12:33:07 UTC
Because it works.

To quote Thomas, a frequent feminist poster of this group:

"But you should know by now that feminism is about gaining and keeping rights and opportunities for women."

As techniques go, continually claiming that huge numbers of women are being raped and by the way rape is worse than murder, well, it basically garners more resources for women. Since that is the fundamental goal of feminism (as stated by Thomas), it all fits.

And it certainly does garner more resources for women.

For instance, some companies are giving women "women only" parking lots closer to the building so they don't have as far to walk "in the open", and therefore are safer. Men, of course, have further to walk. Men were already more likely to suffer violence than the women, but now are even more likely still.

But they're only men.

And obviously, we all know about women's safe spaces, devoted and maintained especially for women. Often women get essentially free taxi service around campus to keep them safe even though they were less likely to suffer violence than their male counterparts.

Gee, I wonder what would happen if a GUY called up one of these state funded get-around-campus services and told them that he felt endangered and demanded protection, citing the statistics showing that he was in more danger than women were ... I'll bet he could sue his way into 14th Amendment protection.

But he isn't going to get anywhere with private companies offering similar services for their female employees.

Ultimately, as we keep giving young women more and more resources in the name of keeping them safe, empowered, making sure they feel equal, etc, boys are falling further and further behind, commiting suicide at progressively higher rates, etc.

Does feminism WANT boys to fall behind?

No - it just doesn't care. It doesn't think about what is happening to boys and men. As long as girls and women are doing better than men, boys and men might as well not exist. They aren't part of the equation. Feminism DOES NOT CARE. It's not hatred, it's complete apathy.

Obviously, many individual feminists acting on their own DO care about men. Individual feminists have sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, etc - and therefore occasionally they are forced to face the ugly truth of what they've been doing:

But as far as the feminism movement itself goes?

Well, look at the National Organization of Women's lobbying record (the largest feminist organization in the US) and you tell me.

Name me one thing... ONE THING... the feminist organizations have done deliberately that would be to the detriment of women for the betterment of men.

No, lobbying for paternity leave doesn't count since it was originally conceived of as getting Dad home to help Mom out.

The closest we have was NOW stating that as a matter of belief they didn't think that men should be forced to sign up for Selective Service but women should not. However, they have put less effort into changing that then they have into removing individual offensive commercials.

Talk is cheap.

It is my belief that if NOW actually wanted the US Selective Service policy to change, it would change - but they'd sooner eat glass.

By stating they believe women should be included in Selective Service but not actually doing anything about it, they get to say that they believe women should be drafted into the military in the event of large scale military action, knowing full well that in the event that such action ever happens they can change their mind.

The time to change the law would be now when there is no such threat, not when people are staring down a gun barrel. You know damn well that in the event of an actual large scale war, fear would dictate the voting and women would sway the majority.
2014-05-19 18:17:57 UTC
A logical person would deduce that the rape conviction rate would be higher because NO EVIDENCE is required to convict. This is the scary truth about a rape accusation. NO OTHER crimes have NO evidence required. In an assault there are bruises, a theft you have stolen goods, DUI has blood alcohol content, rape has HER WORD. Everyone claims rape is a violent crime, well I have to say, MOST are not violent in the least. TRUE rape is violent and horrifying, truly a scarring event. Most rapes are just differences in perspective and opinions. The women feels hurt in some way, or feels that he deserves it somehow. TRUE RAPE, their is NO question, the woman is hurt, the man deserves to die, this just doesn't happen very often. Like it or not this is how things are.
2014-05-19 11:51:03 UTC
I highly doubt most rape claims.

women need attention
2014-05-19 11:51:25 UTC
Because, in their eyes, ALL accusations are true, unlike other crimes. In their eyes, ALL men are guilty.
2014-05-19 13:23:39 UTC
Was feminism ever about being factual and realistic?
2014-05-19 13:20:08 UTC
When many rape kits aren't ever even tested, it's perfectly fair to complain that the conviction rate is so abysmal. Rape is often investigated less thoroughly than many other violent crimes, that's why it grinds people's gears.

I think if anything it illustrates a glaring flaw in our justice system, or rather, incompetence or lack of appropriate funding for law enforcement agencies to investigate violent crimes.

You know, among many other glaring flaws in the system like sexism and favoritism (and usually both at the same time).

But according to the FBI something like less than 8% of rape claims are false or unfounded, and they clarify there IS a difference between "false" and "unfounded". When you have that perspective, and look at how many rapes are reported with an estimated 92% of REPORTED rapes having sufficient evidence to at least say "okay, this happened". With that in mind, and such a low investigation and trial rate, it's hardly surprising people are upset about it. It isn't "rape culture", it's cold, hard, verifiable fact.
2014-05-19 12:14:09 UTC
The conviction rate only reflects the cases that go to trial. As you correctly state, you can't get a conviction for an unreported crime, but the article you have posted explains that a large amount of reported cases don't get to trial and, as the article cites empirical research which indicates that false accusations are rare, some feminists are concerned with the reasons why cases do not go to trial.
2014-05-19 11:55:24 UTC
If you nobody else posts it, then I will. They will claim that XX% of rapes go unreported and that perps are not being held accountable.

Then someone like you or me would propose "Well then, just exactly what numbers shall we use? Do we include the population of unicorns, pixies, and leprachauns too? We can make up numbers about them as well."

Well, ok, you wouldn't put it like that...but I would.

Extremist groups rarely ever let things like factual numbers get in the way of a lively debate!
2014-05-19 11:52:14 UTC
It's part of feminist r*pe culture hysteria.

Its a fundamental part of modern feminism.
2014-05-19 11:50:39 UTC
You should roll around in hotdog juice and you'll be gilded.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.