do you support or oppose homosexuality and LGBT rights, practices, behaviors, etc.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
do you support or oppose homosexuality and LGBT rights, practices, behaviors, etc.?
309 answers:
2015-06-22 09:52:40 UTC
I can't say that I support all LGBT practices and behaviors, because I also don't support all *straight* practices and behaviors (for example, I think gay men, and young people of all sexual orientations, need to be a lot more careful about STDs, especially AIDS, because health). But I strongly believe that the rules, both legal and social, should be about the same for gay people and straight people, for transgender and cisgender people, and so on. As long as you're not hurting anyone else (without their consent), what you do with your squishy bits is pretty much your own business.
2015-06-23 02:09:21 UTC

No one has the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives. What someone does behind closed doors is absolutely none of anyone else's business. For instance, I don't want to see any PDA. Not just of anyone gay, but I don't want to see straight people kissing in public either.

When people **** themselves over a religious view, it's pretty irritating. Christianity is not the only way of life. A lot of people out there don't even believe in god. Or religion at all.

There is so much more to life than living it by a standard set by a book re-written by man a thousand times. Not to mention how Christianity didn't even come into the picture until later down the road.

When you look at animals, boy dogs will hump boy dogs and and female on female, same with every other animal out there. They don't have Philosophical views. That's what the debate is, just something philosophical.

We are mammals. Mammals are animals. It's part of nature. Plus, back in Roman times it was completely normal for a man to go have sex with other men. No one said or even questioned it.
2015-06-22 19:44:25 UTC
I don't care if people are gay or lesbian. If I was bullied for liking a guy (and I'm a girl) it would really p*ss me off. Who is anyone to tell someone how to live? My thing long as it doesn't hurt someone go ahead, who cares really. People who are against people trying to just be happy are the evil ones really. Why they go around hurting innocent people because they think what they believe is right, is selfish and stupid. There's a reason why there are gay rights movements and stuff, because it's fine and there are lots of people who don't think it is. In a way it's teaching the next generation to love and respect other people, so I'm cool with that.
2015-06-22 09:59:44 UTC
I'm ambivalent about the situation. People pretend to support the L's and the G's because people are sheep and like having a popular and widely accepted point of view. A lot of people don't even believe the B's exist. And everyone seems kinda grossed out by the T's.
2015-06-25 09:42:44 UTC
Male opinion:

I do support LGBT and all the other sexualities. There's two main reasons why I support this.

1). We are who we are. Sexuality does not matter, and I hope to see the day where we all live in peace

2.) Having studied biology and science, I know that your sexuality is not a choice and it appears during the early ages of the fetus stage. If homosexuality or any other sexuality was a choice, it would not be seen in the animal kingdom (referring to animals other than Homo sapiens). Personality is decided within the first few months of the womb. X and Y chromosomes can mix up hormones, it's nature.

Some of my best friends are gay and I love them 100%, whenever they are straight, gay, asexual, demiseuxal, bi, they're human beings, not labels.
2015-06-22 19:07:16 UTC
I'm a man from Midland, Texas. I support homosexuals and their right to be with whoever the he'll they want to be with. If you genuinely are attracted to the same-sex then go at it and be happy.

What I don't really like seeing is young teenagers choosing to be "gay" just because it's "in fashion" or to give them attention or friends. This actually plays a part in just being who you are. Don't act any certain way for attention and likes. But if you're genuinely gay then I support you.

No one has a right telling someone else who they can like, date, have sex with or marry.
2015-06-22 18:26:25 UTC
Ummm, I think whoever who thinks that you can control someone's life is a complete idiot. Everyone has their right to life right? A lot of people put love next to or higher than life. And taking away that right to be able to love and marry the person you love is downright horrible. And who the hell cares whether your neighbor is gay or not? If you are totally against it, move! It's their life, and you wouldn't like it if someone told you that you couldn't marry the person who loved. I may be Christian, but God gave me a mind and conscience. Just like you don't always agree with the rules set out for you, I don't agree with all the rules in the Bible. I don't know wether that makes me a bad christian, but the rules were that I was supposed to believe in Jesus and God and I do. America is a country that supports the fact that you can be any religion you want. Well, some people aren't Christians or Catholics or Muslims or any religion. And you don't have to make them follow the rules that you can't be gay and marry the person you like. So if you really want to debate about it, take your religious context out of it because not everybody wants to be your religion.
2015-06-22 09:14:33 UTC
I'm split on the issue. I'm an advocate for individual responsibility over individuality, I think people have responsibilities to others that outweigh their need for vain self expression or the arbitrary fulfilment of one's individualistic desires, no matter how innocent one may perceive them to be. I think the main problem with a lot of rights movements is that they are too individualistic, they put too much emphasis on self-expression to the point where the individuals involved see themselves as separate from the rest of society and in many ways this diminishes the integrity of the good principals in which the movement's took root. Homosexuality is a very contentious issue and it's been brought forward so quickly... but many from both the opposition and support don't recognise this and holding a view on either side is seen as an assualt on the other. This prevents these issues from being discussed rationally until all we're left with is an emotional fire fueled by the media.
2015-06-23 08:36:52 UTC
I support homosexuality and LGBT rights etc. If they FEEL that they want to be with someone of the same sex, they can go for it. Any sexual orientations are good as long as there is consent. I am a heterosexual female.

I feel that discussions about getting more rights for people who are part of the LGBT community should not be needed? The reason as to why they should not be needed? Well they should already have all the rights everyone else has, it is ridiculous that they have to fight for rights that should have been entitled to them in the first place.

For people who say it's "not natural" are clearly very uneducated. Homosexuality exists in the wild outside of the human world. It has existed for a long time it is just that humans are cruel and even now, some cannot accept anything that is considered "strange" or "abnormal", I suppose it's natural as anything abnormal may be considered a threat, however this is a very primitive instinct and it is rather stupid.

Whatever sexual orientation one may be, I wouldn't stand in the way of anyone with any sexual orientation as long as they are not pressured into it and are not harming others with it. I've never heard of anyone dying from seeing a gay couple in public or anything else of the sort.
2015-06-22 12:11:57 UTC
Support. Entirely. Who is society to say how you're allowed to think? Because one's brain functions differently, they shouldn't be punished, nor should the government be allowed to dictate how you think. It really isn't a choice. To all the religious people saying- "The Bible says Homosexuality is wrong!" The Bible also said getting haircuts, wearing torn clothes, wearing two different fabrics, eating pigs and rabbits, wearing jewellery, having more than one plant in your garden, and remarrying is sinful, but I guess we're skipping all those, and only paying attention to homosexuality. I was raised Catholic and even so, LGBT all the way. :)

(Note - I'm female and don't identify myself with any sexuality- and I'm happy that way. Just because I don't announce it doesn't mean I'm aromantic. I'm happy classified as an unidentified sexuality.)
2015-07-07 08:49:22 UTC
Personally, I am a straight-male. And I support LGBT rights in the sense that everybody has the right to be attracted to who they choose or to be with who they choose intimately (if both mutually agreed of course). Yet, I do not agree with the abstract concept. The fact there needs to be LGBT rights, I personally dislike. The fact that it had to come to the process of needing rights is a little bit daft.

If you're not homosexual, you're not homosexual.

If you are homosexual (etc), you are homosexual (etc).

That is all. It should be a non-emotive process and word; simply just to tell people who you are as a person. It doesn't give me any negative or positive emotion if somebody is LGBT (etc); I only care if they are happy. That's what makes me happy.

As for the whole marriage process; I do feel that churches should be allowed to choose who they marry; if that is their policy and procedure. And that LGBT Communities should be allowed to marry, under people who offer that service. I don't see a logical argument for an LGBT community to argue against churches to not marry them; when it's against their philosophy. And I can't see a logical argument that says that LGBT communities and people cannot get married at all. - I do not follow a church or religion myself; personally so I have a mutual view towards that.

I don't agree with people protesting saying no homosexuals should get married; that's not their business. And I also don't agree with homosexuals protesting against churches saying they can't dictate. Because you can't argue equality when you're discriminating against another way of lifes views; it's contradictory.

And the real question is; does it really matter and should I even have a view? I am a straight-male and I don't even need a view on this; it's not even my business.

Please comment on my answer with a logical sentence or two with the churches and marriage comment. I'm not really for or against anything, I'm fairly general and accepting; but I do feel some LGBT communities go too far their way and some Traditional-Religious communities go too far their way.

As for the actual question in a simple answer: Do I support or oppose homosexuality and LGBT rights, practices, behaviors, etc? My reply is; I support my way of life and that's all that matters. They can do as they like; but it should be HUMAN RIGHTS and PRACTICES; not a separation of different classes.
2015-07-06 02:12:13 UTC
In practice, yes, I do. My aunty is in a relationship with a woman. They both have two children through IVF. I'm not particularly against homosexuality. Even if they have children together, provided the children have regular access to a role model of both sexes, I don't see a major issue with it. After all, we've had single mothers raising multiple children for over a generation now. But I must emphasize, I think children MUST have a male AND a female role model at minimum, or parent of each sex.

What I will never in a frozen hell support, is some brain-dead media frenzy to not so subtly attempt to cover up a Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement that will utterly rape ever participating country until there is nothing good or useful left.

Did you get that YHA sensorship? I'm quite happy for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people to do their thing, but I DO NOT SUPPORT corporations ******* me, my family, my country and every other participating country UP THE ANUS until I BLEED! It's NOT right at all. Think about it. Read about it. Question your local Congressman, electorate or person of authority. Question them, and when they can't answer, DEMAND they GET answers. This answer will be deleted in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Iftakhar hossain
2015-07-05 01:41:04 UTC
I support what the better God supports in Beverly Hills... Such as Beverly Hills. Do you see alotta gays/lesbos moving in there? Media frenzy about a gender reassignment? Rant.

The worst that happens in Beverly Hills is someone losing a dog for a week. The fact that these people there have a drama about 'saving a marriage' and throwing wine at expensive dining room tables is really to do with the I'm so dramatic, rather than it actually happens.

All I can say is... In New Jersey is some weird doings and you can just see it getting picked off real easy so that in pockets you'll see Afganistan blown up places there, which really stems back to BAE (the original type rebels/traitors of modern times) who now go around trying to have some sort of medal worthy lifestyle and assuming God would have people continually born into New Jersey. Ever wondered postal delivery on the same thing? Not quite the same. But the fact remains about doing less exodus, less wondering about in deserts because we already seen and done that and it's boring as fk.

I speak again for Judges going to work judging the world to hell and telling people they raised wrong, while leaving 'their' children at the 'house' with no other parent and getting a murder scene at the door step. #7Sword +! #7Shield ... God got plenty of lightning in the warehouse... Do you see God handling money in The Bible? No.

I have spoken.
2015-06-22 17:42:42 UTC
I support what the better God supports in Beverly Hills... Such as Beverly Hills. Do you see alotta gays/lesbos moving in there? Media frenzy about a gender reassignment? Rant.

The worst that happens in Beverly Hills is someone losing a dog for a week. The fact that these people there have a drama about 'saving a marriage' and throwing wine at expensive dining room tables is really to do with the I'm so dramatic, rather than it actually happens.

All I can say is... In New Jersey is some weird doings and you can just see it getting picked off real easy so that in pockets you'll see Afganistan blown up places there, which really stems back to BAE (the original type rebels/traitors of modern times) who now go around trying to have some sort of medal worthy lifestyle and assuming God would have people continually born into New Jersey. Ever wondered postal delivery on the same thing? Not quite the same. But the fact remains about doing less exodus, less wondering about in deserts because we already seen and done that and it's boring as fk.

I speak again for Judges going to work judging the world to hell and telling people they raised wrong, while leaving 'their' children at the 'house' with no other parent and getting a murder scene at the door step. #7Sword +! #7Shield ... God got plenty of lightning in the warehouse... Do you see God handling money in The Bible? No.

I have spoken.
2015-07-07 05:12:38 UTC
I'm all to support LGBT. I'm religious and although there are things that are against I think they should be ignored. Why dislike someone for trying to love someone they care about? You can't really control who your attracted to, your you and as long as you're okay with that's all that matters. LGBT people should be able to do the practices, rights, behaviors and etc. If you love someone be with them regardless of gender. I mean what if people weren't allowed to marry people that's a different race? It shouldn't matter who the other person is.
2015-06-29 17:30:51 UTC
As a teenager I fully support LGTBA+ rights, I feel so many generations before me were oppressed by their race, their gender and Sexuality that I realised that I do not wish to be that type of person who would prevent someone's freedom and enjoying the only life that they have. All these people who claim to detest homosexuality are narrow minded, how can you say a man loving a man is wrong, but a woman growing out of a mans rib is perfectly okay? The fact is if Jesus was still around, he would not be sitting with the heterosexuals or people who wish to dehumanise the LGTA community, in fact Jesus would be walking side by side supporting them, because they are people too. And for all those complaining about a child must be raised by both male and female aren't necessarily correct. As someone who did have an abusive childhood being raised by a mother and farther. As a child I would have accepted two loving same sex parents than two opposite biological parents who would make me feel awful. Studies have also shown that children who have been raised by same sex parents find that children are more sympathetic, kinder and less likely to oppress other races and genders etc due to growing up in that environment. Also people who speak of unable to reproduce, have you considered that many heterosexuals males and female decide that they do not want to reproduce, just because two same sex people get together that does not announce an apocalypse. They are people who deserve to marry and have every right to live on this world as heterosexuals and people who oppose of this issue. If a teenager can see this, then I'm sure those older can too.

Edit: I'm also a female
2015-06-22 14:40:54 UTC
Female opinion: I fully support homosexuality and LGBT rights. I believe that everyone should have full freedoms to pursue what makes them happy, as long as there is no direct or purposeful detriment to someone else's life. Basically, freedoms until you start to infringe on another person's freedom.

I have no moral objections to the lifestyle, and even if I did, I oppose the oppression of a person based on a personal moral system. We do not have the right to impose religious (or otherwise) beliefs on others. Murder is wrong because you are stopping another life. Same-sex couples have no bearing on what another person does, so it shouldn't matter.
2015-06-23 17:20:34 UTC
2015-06-29 19:31:54 UTC
As a female teenager I fully support this. In fact, I know quite a few LGBT people. Homophobics may not realize that there areany of these people among them. And for those that think this is a choice, almost every species of animals has some males who hump males and same for females. Are people really saying that animals have a choice? Scenario: two drunk people, a man and woman met at a bar a few hours ago and want to get married. Another scenario: a woman has been married and divorced to eight different men and wants to marry again. Somehow these are legal, however two people of the same sex who have been in a committed relationship for 20 years was not legal up until recently, at least in my state. Also: "homophobics are not scared of homosexual people, they are just assholes"
2015-06-29 19:57:55 UTC
I believe that someone's sexual preference should never influence any law, restriction, hatred, or dislike against them. Put into the fact that if we took out religion, half or maybe more of the hatred towards them would be eliminated. Consider this: If two of the same gender get together sexually, and just because they cannot have a baby, they are considered unnatural, 'weird', disgusting, and until quite recently, illegal. BUT, some woman are infertile, men sterile, thus if a heterosexual couple got together and could not have a baby, why were they treated so differently? Not discriminated or degraded. No one but the two who fall in love should have any say on if they can marry or love each other or not. Their fight for equality actually saddened me. It was their forsaken right to love and having to have it legalized was absolutely degrading. They are people. They shouldn't be discriminated because of love. Love should always win. If it upsets the bigot, Christian haters in the people of America, then screw them. They should open up their eyes to an ACTUAL issue. Like poverty, world hunger, war, etch. Not try to define the rules of love when love never had any.
2015-06-27 17:34:04 UTC
I strongly support homosexuality, LGBT rights, practices and behaviors. Homosexuals are people too. Now i may just be a teen but i do believe everyone has a right to love. You cant choose who you fall for. And homosexual people do not choose it usually. They are humans too and should have the same rights as a straight person.
2015-06-30 18:32:59 UTC

Love is love no matter what skin color, gender/orientation/preference/, or religion.

Who are we as human beings to decide what another has the right to do or not do.

To me the lgbt debate should be put to rest because we are in a revolutionary era where we are advancing in so many ways that things like this should be trivial. To me what's more of an issue is societies views on what is and isn't taboo inside this debate. For example. How is it more socially acceptable and has been for as long as I can remember for two women to be together but not for two men?

Why is it that post ops have to be singled out (granted Jenner was just theatrics in my mind) when women spend more time modifying their bodies such as breast implants, nose jobs, face lifts yada yada yada it's the same thing just someone decided to bring what's inside out instead of just covering up what's on the outside.

I'm not a participate in all of this but I'm a huge supporter.
2015-06-30 09:36:22 UTC
2015-07-02 00:27:23 UTC
I do not stand in the way of what other people want to do. There have been homosexual people since the dawn of man. Being a homophobe is not going to make homosexual people less homosexual. They are who they are and you are who you are. Just do your thing and live your life. It's too short to waste worrying about everyone else. Personally, I don't think it's wrong and I stopped going to Christian church around age 15 because I have a problem that they have a problem with it. I'm straight always have been always will be. I have a choice because it is my life. I am 24 and I have not gone to church for almost a decade now because the whole anti-gay thing pisses me off that much just to put it in perspective. My opinion... I am not here to offend anyone. I was raised Christian and my family is Christian. I still love and respect their choices and hope they will always respect me and mine.
2015-07-01 17:23:23 UTC
I do not support the gay agenda promoted by the Rothschild bankers for the purpose of population control and emasculating and having a more controllable society.

What someone does in their own home is their business, but this

entire agenda of spreading sexual-degradation in public schools and mass media is evil.

Society needs to wake up and see, this is about control, nothing else. Sigmund Freud and Adolph Hitler both said that mass homosexual psychology is an imperative for a totalitarian system. The males in society become masochists (bottoms) and the leader or leaders are the sadists (tops). This does not happen in a strong patriarchal society were men are masculine and women are feminine.
2015-07-05 13:39:17 UTC
Yes, yes and yes. We're all human and should be treated as, no matter what gender or sexual preference we have. I fully support my friends who are bi, pan and queers. I myself have no preference, I'm just Felicia and if I fall in love with a boy then so be it, and if I fall in love with a girl then so be it. We must stop judging each other based on our religions, ethnicities, genders and sexual preferences. To be honest, I kind of wish we would stop labeling each other and ourselves and just accept that we're people who are into different things. Anyone should be able to marry each other (if both parts agree on it and if the age is appropriate, I'm not for pedophilia obviously). As well as I think anyone who wants to adopt a child should be able to do that, as there are so many orphan children in this world that longs for a loving and caring family. I'm quite certain the child won't care if their parents are gay or love them any less. Nor do I think the parents would take care of the child any worse just because they're gay for instance. There is no freedom until everyone is treated equally.
2015-06-26 20:27:49 UTC
Oppose. First, it hurts children. Children should be with a mother and father if possible, now gays will at times be chosen to adopt before a straight couple will, causing problems for the innocent children down the road. And what does your opinion about religion, in particular, Christianity, have to do with what others should believe? Homosexuality is simply against the beliefs of Christians, being denounced as an abomination in the Bible. The Constitution guarantees us freedom to exercise our religion. If you have a problem with Christianity, just wait for the Muslims. The Civil Rights Act protects us from religious discrimination so it will be interesting to see how this plays out -- this is what happens when more and more laws are created and contradict each other. Finally, what will people do when in the future America truly suffers the wrath of God for violation of His principles?
2015-07-05 01:32:28 UTC
Female opinion:

I don't care for homosexuality or other things, but in society you 'have to care.' If I were to choose I'd be opposed b/c of religion (which is a horrible excuse(& b/c of STDs and such. At this point it shouldn't even be called LGBT b/c there's more genders now. I used to care for LGBT rights & such but b/c I've seen so much of it, I've become more desensitized. I'm totally fine with homosexuality & all but if it becomes the prime concern of the USA, I'll be more opposed. There's so many problems to deal with: wars, alliances, research, etc. But when this is above all & is compared to slavery that's when it gets irritating. With homosexual people all around I've never once thought negatively of them but when the same repetitive issue, the issue's asinine. Anyhow, it's fine with me, I honestly don't care if anyone's homo just 'don't be a dolt or I'll revolt.'
2015-07-02 09:55:16 UTC
I support LGBT people, here are the reasons why:

1.They are brave

2.They have wonderful personalities

3.They are just like everyone else

4.The Bible may say things against homosexuality, but sin is equal no matter if its lying, cheating, stealing(which the "best" of people do)

5.Would you want someone to discriminate you because of your race like they did blacks for the past 400+years

I truly believe we are in our last and final days: there is war against blacks and police officers, gay marriage is legal(no offense this is biblical), weather changes, people shooting up schools, movies theaters and MY GOD churches, how could you shoot up a church and a school with little kids? I can't believe what this world is coming to.
2015-06-27 10:53:05 UTC
I fully support this. And for people wondering how the adopted kids would end up I've met a family and have a friend who has two fathers and hes a really happy healthy guy at 16 years old. And the gay couple also adopted kids of different race. They have a more stable family than my biological family. And yes I'm a straight person.
2015-07-07 02:45:20 UTC
I'm not a conservative religious fundamentalist bigot. I'm not a russian president or an african dictator. I don't hold the view, prevalent until well into the 20th century in western countries, that homosexuals are also paedophiles. I wouldn't discriminate against somebody who is genetically different in their sexuality any more than I would discriminate against somebody who is genetically of a different ethnicity. So yes, I do support LGBT rights.
2015-06-24 03:07:14 UTC
I am a Muslim man, people are gonna think I hate LGBT but my honest opinion is, they shouldn't have special rights, if they don't want discrimination, they should be treated like everyone else, not given special rights to single them out further.

Its like me trying to get rights for me as a Muslim so I'm not as hated for my faith, that would just single us out more.

A gay couple once complained to the council and tried to get a street name changed because it was homophobic. The street was called Bangay Road. I think its ridiculous. Moving to a road and then making a fuss about its name.

Or when a gay couple went to a Christian bakery and wanted a cake with gay slogans on it, it was against the Christians' faith to do that, but again the gays got special treatment as the bakery was fined, and they could have got their cake done elsewhere anyway.

I'm sure they wouldn't have done a cake for me saying an Islamic slogan, but I would have respected their religion and got it somewhere else.

No different rules for LGBT, after all, isn't it fair treatment they want? Everyone gets same rules, don't need to make it complicated.
2015-06-25 01:00:00 UTC
Female opinion: I don't have a reason to oppose. One of my friends on Facebook posted a link of 300,000 people (I don't remember the exact amount I was tired when I read it s I could be wrong) came together to rally against the legalization of gay marriage. And I'm just sitting staring at the computer screen thinking "Are you serious?!" Because who cares who someone likes to "make love to" at night? Or who they want to have by their side for the res of their lives. I sure don't care! That's their business. How is it affecting me in any way? It's not! So yes I fully support it. I also asked my straight guy friends about this matter and they basically said the same thing as I did.
Harry Potter
2015-06-22 19:28:54 UTC
For whatever it's worth... probably nothing...

Homosexuality seems to be "natural" in that it seems to occur in nature and is not exclusively a human phenomenon.

I believe every human goes through a phase during preadolescence in which they favor their own gender to the other. Guys play with the guys because all girls want to do is play with dolls. Girls want to play with girls because all guys want to do is climb trees.

But in the normal course of maturation, when the hormones begin to flow, guys come to the realization that maybe girls aren't all that bad after all. And girls find themselves casting appreciative eyes at some of the guys. This is NORMAL for the preservation of the species.

It would seem then, that homosexuality is abnormal. "Good" or "bad" or "moral" or "immoral" is a philosophical matter. Maybe the reason it seems to be becoming more prevalent is nature's way of curbing overpopulation?

But homosexuality cannot be made "normal" until we can reproduce without the presence of both a male sperm and a female egg.

I think the drive to legislate its "normalcy" is moronic.

I have a problem with their playing with the English language. They are not particularly "gay" (lighthearted, happy, carefree)... any more than a heterosexual. If they don't like "homosexual," how about the psychological term, "invert"?

If a homosexual doesn't like the way he/she is treated by some organization, he/she should stay away from the organization. If it's a business, don't deal with them... or start a business that treats homosexuals the way he/she would want to be treated.

Personally, I'm happily heterosexual. I don't flaunt it. I don't march to defend it. I don't care what the guy or gal next door does... as long as they don't bother me.
2015-07-01 22:58:35 UTC
I don't oppose "LGBT rights" if they want to get married in a certain states. But I oppose the law that the Supreme Court just passed. I voted for the proposition in 2012, and CA turned down gay marriage with ~56%. Voters from many other states have also voted it down. The 9 judges (or 5 who passed it), appointed by the president, have no rights in over-throwing the people's decisions.
2015-06-26 08:51:50 UTC
Without sounding like a Sabbath day minister, my thought is that NONE of us had a say-so how we came (or come) out of our mother's womb(s). As the ol' saying goes, "There is so much bad in the best of us, and so much good in the worst of us, that it ill-behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us." This being said, God created all of us. Vote for what you think is right; but remember, Judge not that you be judged(by the same standard). It's upsetting, yes. But this country took God out of everything concerning governing our country. What do you expect?. I'm transgender and I don't agree with gay marriage! Some things are not meant to be tampered with. Whatever RIGHTS any of us have, let's just be glad that we live here and not somewhere else. Have a Blessed day.
2015-06-29 19:24:34 UTC
Rights? Yes, all free people are entitled to the same rights under the constitution, and they have that.

Practices and behaviors? No. There is a reason every civilization since the beginning of time has

stood against homosexuality, and it starts with what the Bible says, that "our conscience always sides

with God." That is, until it is severed by ignoring it. God says He will give them up to their lustful

passions if they persist in believing a lie. That applies to all sin. Sin by definition is simply to miss the

mark. The mark, as it pertains to sexuality, is one man, one woman, in a committed union of marriage. God made man and woman unique to complement, and compensate for each other, creating

an ideal completeness. It's nothing against the homosexual; we all have sin. But it's the sin I stand

against, because truly, I don't want to see ANY of you go to hell, and you don't have to. There is de-

liverance for you, like there was for me(from alcoholism and fornication). But that starts with admitting this practice is not ok.
Unknown Human 2
2015-06-30 01:10:12 UTC
I only care they get their rights as human beings... Everything else I disagree with. Because they take everyone else's rights away to have their own minds, opinions and what they want. The same with feminists taking Men's rights away. Everyones HAS to like them, accept them and give them whatever they want, Or their a homophobe, bigot, etc. Some will even lose their jobs or business because of just an opinion. People have NO choice and that's just wrong... Everyone CAN'T have the same opinion on something. No one can create world peace. Thats just impossible... You would have to kill everyone to do that. Why do you think we have so many different countries and religions? Because everyone doesn't want to follow the same ideals. Its as simple as that.
2015-06-26 13:57:40 UTC
The fact of the matter is that we've strayed so far from what are true Human Rights...

The SCOTUS can now be influenced and controlled by the smallest minority groups in our country. There are so many issues that the SCOTUS addresses that are addressed in any way shape or form in the Constitution. Marriage is one of them.

Naturally speaking, any sexual conduct outside of male & female is an abnormality in nature. In religious terms it goes against how man was created. According to evolution, homosexuality would have been eliminated long, long ago as it could not be passed along through species/generations (unless it were e again as an abnormality).

Social acceptance of a thing, does not make that thing right. But such is the mentality of the LGBT community. They believe themselves to be "right" because the SCOTUS has allowed it.
2015-06-29 22:30:44 UTC
Equality is something we all work towards, so why should we take it away from others simply if they are not like us? I personally am very much in support of rights for all especially the LGBTQAI ect. community, as a member myself. But I do have friends who are not in support of LGBTQIA, however as one of these friends told me :

Of course I heard of the Supreme Court decision. It's all over Facebook....

And good for them! It's about time!

Yes, I'm not for gay-ness but I mean, why shouldn't they have equal rights? I don't support gays but I'm not going to judge them or take away their rights... They're still people...

I think that is the least that can be done of those who are not a member or supporter of this community, at least let them support the equality of people, who like them struggle with their own problems, emotions, jobs, classes, relationships, and all else that goes into one of us, what makes us human.
2015-06-30 18:52:47 UTC
I absolutely support the LGTB community. They are human beings who just want the same rights that straight people have - including marriage, adoption, medical decisions, death benefits, etc. I just don;t understand why anyone feels that they deserve those rights and other people don't. SCOTUS did the right thing and I'm sure there's more coming in LGBT protections from employment and housing discrimination which currently aren't protected in many states.
2015-07-05 16:34:15 UTC
Teenage female

I do strongly support all acts of love whether LGBTQ etc. or straight. I truly believe that people have no choice whether they are trans, gay, straight (or fall somewhere in the middle) and since that - know that everyone should have the right to happiness. No one should be judged by the gender that they love or by the gender that they want to identify by. I'm proud that our younger generations are becoming more open minded and i hope to see that continue. But of course there are still those who will hate.

And for those who are against the right of "gay marriage" being passed in the US (or any other country) just know that that law wasnt ment for you anyways, and it wont affect you in any way possible - so just let people be. Also, remember the seperation between church and state? yea, that still exists.
2015-06-25 10:10:44 UTC
I support equal rights, that everyone should be treated fairly. I do not feel that homosexuality creates an appropriate base to raise a family, teach values and establish a foundation for healthy interpersonal relationships between both sexes. I would fight for the rights of homosexuals to do as they personally choose to do in this country, but I reserve the right do have my own values. I would hope that a homosexually oriented person would likewise fight for my right to believe and choose as I do.
2015-07-03 21:33:52 UTC
My opinion:

I have none. It's just not important at all to me. But I don't hate LGBT or love LGBT.

What I find is funny though is that kids have a tough time understanding why GROWN A$$ ADULTS start a war because of how people choose to love.
2015-07-06 11:18:00 UTC
Female opinion

I don't support it because I'm religious and in despite of what other people say about Christians, I dont hate any LGBT people I just don't agree with them. And the only reason I wouldn't like a LGBT person is because I just don't like their personality or whatever not because of what they believe.
2015-06-24 15:04:34 UTC
As a bisexual female, I support LGBT rights. We aren't trying to take over the world, BTW.

There is actually no legal reason for the government to deny LGBT+ the right to marry? Church and State are separate, correct? Then why are people using their religion as a barrier to keep us from marrying? It's going against the constitution. Everyone needs to chill. WW3 won't begin if I decide to marry a woman.
2015-06-29 20:14:20 UTC
It's no one's business other than the people involved as long as each party can understand and give consent. Beyond that the church, public and government have no business being in or interested in your bedroom. What next? Public issue chastity belts? If a person believes it is against god (insert religion here) then I believe it is pure arrogance and blasphemy to attempt to discern and speak the will of whichever god you follow. The government truly has only the option of protecting citizens physically and providing all groups equal rights. It has no place trying to promote or oppress any form of sexuality or morality.

Go home. Screw whomever you wish as long as that person can consent. The public drama over sexuality is a giant waste of resources. Until someone breaks into my bedroom and forces me to do something i don't want to... I don't see the fuss.
2015-06-24 10:02:14 UTC
I fully support the LGBT+ community. I believe people should have the freedom to do what makes them happy with their lives. Who are we to question what others do? I believe the world would be a better place is a few things were more socially acceptable - like the LGBT+ community. We would all benefit if we were all more understanding of each other.
2015-06-27 05:08:31 UTC
I totally support homosexuality. Maybe it's hard for the kids (if they have), but on the other hand they still

have two parents even tho they are from one gender. And also does the gender or color really matter for love?

If you love someone then you shouldn't care about how they look or if they are different color than you.

Love should be something pure, so yeah i do support homosexuality because of all that.
2015-06-26 13:58:34 UTC
Female opinion: I fully support homosexuality and LGBT rights. I believe that everyone should have full freedoms to pursue what makes them happy, as long as there is no direct or purposeful detriment to someone else's life. Basically, freedoms until you start to infringe on another person's freedom.
2015-06-24 01:15:36 UTC
I don't get it. From the answers I read I am prsuming that most of them are from heterosexuals. Again lovies, we do not choose to be gay any more than you choose to be heterosexual. There is no "gay agenda" which sounds so sinister and creepy. Maybe there should be so we could all wear camo? It is a human rights thing and human rights are afforded to ALL people regardless of who or what they are.

Stop being so afraid of us! We are exactly the same as you, we work, we play, we sing, we dance, we love. Our lives do not centre around what happens in bed, so why does that seem to be all that you are interested in? We sure don't care nor do we want to know what goes on in yours. All we ask is for the same respect we give.
2015-06-24 16:22:16 UTC
My opinion is to let them be who they are. With your support or not their going to be who they are and nothing is going to stop someone from living how they want to live. Even if all the religion and conservative people get what they want legally nothing will change, they will still be LGBT whether legal or illegal. You can't stop it no matter how much you want to because You can't controll people. I'm a straight male who loves women and that's all I focus on. I don't care what others do simply because it's not my buisness or my life. So I guess you could say I support them.
ʛ ɨ ŋ ʛ ε я
2015-07-05 00:56:19 UTC
I support gay rights because I can not stand people using the government to push their beliefs on others. This whole country, and hopefully one day the world, should be a place where you can live however you please so long as you do not oppress another. It should be an open playing field of ways to live with the government only intervening to protect citizens and ensure they continue to have those freedoms. All other issues can and should be solved at a social level, among ourselves. You can hate and disagree with gays but they should still be allowed to live as they please, they can have a different idea of marriage and be protected for all the same reasons your own beliefs, no matter how unpopular, are protected. Allowing gay rights oppresses no one.
2015-06-22 19:22:22 UTC
In my opinion, yes. Im not a democrat, I am a republican just for the record. I love seeing happy people, but I dont like people who are obnoxious and loud for no purpose other than to rock the boat or in other terms cause drama. Most homosexuals just want to be left alone and just become part of society, those are the kind I like and dont mind. Of course we all know the loud and obnoxious homosexuals, the kind that think someone is always out to get them, the kind that thinks its okay to start a argument with anyone who doesnt completely agree with their mindset. Those are the kind of homosexuals I do not like.
2015-06-24 02:11:42 UTC
I support homosexuality, LGBT rights etc. It's 2015- I feel that by now everyone should be able to be who they choose. No freedom until we're equal, right?
2015-06-23 02:19:31 UTC
I am a woman, and I support homosexuality and LGBT rights 100% of the way. Everyone has the right to make their own choices, love who they love and they shouldn't be judged based on what they decide to do.
2015-06-23 02:13:03 UTC

I'm ambivalent about the situation. People pretend to support the L's and the G's because people are sheep and like having a popular and widely accepted point of view. A lot of people don't even believe the B's exist. And everyone seems kinda grossed out by the T's.
๑ஜ๑ Jαѕмιиє ๑ஜ๑
2015-06-25 23:49:58 UTC
Female opinion:

First I'd like to say that while I believe that you can express an opinion, I don't believe you should force it *unless whatever you're against harms you or others in any way*.

In saying that, no I do not *support* gays.

Man & woman were made for each other, that's the only combination the human race can reproduce, & since Adam & Eve that's how it's been.

At the same time, I've met gays in my life & treat them no different than the next person. I may not support their choice, but harming & oppression is something no human should do to another & I wouldn't stoop so low as to do that to them.

At the end of the day what happens in your bedroom at the end of the day is your business & exactly that. What I don't want to see is gays making out in public & I don't see why that's a big deal to them, b/c I don't want to see straights making out in public either, & half of the world agrees. These things are private & intimate... I don't want to see it, my kids don't want to see it, & really you shouldn't want to share it.
2015-06-23 05:17:38 UTC
I support all LGBT rights, behaviours, etc. I'm a woman. I was just an ally, but I realized I'm bi so that will cause some difference there
2015-06-22 12:15:30 UTC
Live & let live. I'm not marching in the parades but I'm not against them either. I realize it might conflict with certain folks religion but if they are not forced to handle the ceremony it should be fine. Someone else will be willing to do it. People already do things that the religious are against so adding another to the already long list should be no big deal. Guys, these people are gay. Whether they get their way or not they still wont live a hetero lifestyle and you cant force them to.
2015-06-23 11:07:06 UTC
These are 2 different questions. To support one's rights does not mean to support their behavior.

I "oppose" homosexuality in that I think it is either a perversion, a defect, a disorder, or a confusion. As far as "rights," I never wanted the government defining marriage in the first place, so I really don't care how they redefine it. The main purpose of legally defined marriage seems to be tax-related.

What I do care about is the homosexual becoming a "protected class." Once that is done, I will lose my right to speak or act on my beliefs. This is already happening some places. Florists can be sued for not decorating "gay weddings." Pastors could even be sued for discrimination and lose their license to marry if they turn down a gay couple! A person caught up in homosexuality who wants psychiatric help can no longer receive it because even suggesting that their problems could be a disorder of any kind would get them mocked, and likely end with their psychiatrist losing their job. In some cases, research indicates that homosexual/transgender tendencies can be the result of prenatal developmental issues. Normally that means there is research being done to help treat such a condition, but given its protected class that isn't really happening. There are physical health risks for both genders who engage in what they call, "sex," with others of their gender that aren't being addressed either.

I don't personally think that in the last 10 years homosexuals were being denied important rights, and the whole concept of "rights" in this context really just means "marriage." I personally have never heard anyone attempt to deny practicing homosexuals any "rights" besides the right to legally define themselves as a married couple. That "right" is also being denied to siblings, first cousins, parents/children, polyamorous groups, practitioners of bestiality, illegal immigrants, the already married, and minors.

Ultimately, I think the real issue is that we have defined certain people by what they have sex with.

Having sex with a dude doesn't make you into something different any more than what you eat or drink or where you live defines you. Some people go through transitions. Some spend their whole lives wondering. Some people are only interested in sex while others only desire love. Some people practice bisexuality or only practice sexuality alone with their PC or not at all. The point is that it is not WHO you are, but what you do, and preference was never a protected class nor should it be. It is only very recently we referred to it as "identity" rather than "preference," or, "orientation," but the definition doesn't fit the situation half as well. It reminds me of when people in my state tried to claim protected class as "smokers" when cigarettes were banned here. Using a noun instead of an adjective to describe something doesn't change what it is.

To the best of my knowledge there are no legal consequences in the U.S. for sodomy. You can engage in just about any form of sexuality you want as long it only involves consenting adults. To call it an issue of "rights" is, I think, to mislabel the situation to strengthen a weak cause.

So let people say they're married, treat them like you want to be treated, but you shouldn't have to attend someone's wedding if you aren't feeling it, and you shouldn't have to tell your kids it's totally healthy.

"we need to see the difference opinions based on gender" Just so you know it is extremely unlikely that Yahoo! Answers is a good place to get appropriately diverse demographics. Given the political nature of the issue, it is pretty much impossible to get accurate polling results, but something much larger scale with a carefully selected sample would be necessary to account for demographic differences of opinion.
2015-06-27 18:35:57 UTC
Seriously, are people this easily manipulated by the media? That world is a fantasy, it doesn't represent reality. Children need a mom and a dad more than gays need a marriage license. Its rights over obligation, choice over duty. In that world of "equality" children don't have equal rights to their natural parents, or a mother and a father, which is scientifically harmful, and historically a tragedy. But gay marriage its by design. Strangely, the ethics are never questioned.

STD's have gone from two to two dozen since "sexual freedom" began. Gay men hurting the worse with the bulk of HIV cases, despite their tiny population.The government decided gay men's feelings are more important than blood recipient's rights and their health. Notice how none of this was brought up in the media? Your just silly little pawns to them.
2015-07-02 08:12:41 UTC
I am not homosexual or LGBT in any way, but I sort of support them. Whenever I hear that someone is gay or bi, I feel strange around them, but I support them. I just don't like that they flaunt their rights and say, "We're different!" Most people who are gay or bi or whatever are egotistic (not all, but most) and, whenever someone fights for someone else's rights (e.g., a straight person fighting for a gay's rights), the people whose rights are being fought for aren't thankful and flash their rights in the America's face. I don't know, it's hard to explain.
2015-07-01 20:23:53 UTC
I don't think that marriage (or a relationship or whatever) is right between a man and man or woman and woman but I do support their rights. Everyone should have the choice and nothing should be forced, so even though I don't support it I want them to have the choice if that's their opinion just like I don't want anyone to force me to marry a woman just because they think it's right. You know?
2015-06-25 19:10:30 UTC
Oppose 100 percent
2015-06-23 20:32:24 UTC
I 100% oppose LGBT, its gross from my point of view and all your doing is degrading yourself.

LGBT Marriage, Child adoption for LGBT couples must be made illegal, no child should be subject to a LGBT environment. Conversion Therapy should be re-legalized.

Only a man and a women can create a *natural* birth. Only man and women can create a stable family.

But, I agree with Jay, The global elites and Rothchilds long had that Gay agenda in mind.
2015-07-02 15:34:27 UTC
I support human rights. I support freedom of religion too. Just as the gays are a group with their own set of beliefs, so are religious people with theirs. So what have now, is one group stepping on the rights of another group to obtain rights for their group. It's not right, it's hateful, and they call that love? I don't think it is. It's unfair. Gays have been around for years, and in the bible, God left them alone for years, till they messed with one of his own. Religion has been around forever too, and laws in the bible changed all they time. Humans used to be vegans, now most eat meat. Are the ones that eat meat sinners? As for marriage, the gays didn't even want it, but they wanted the same rights that America gave to heterosexual couples that cohabitate for 7 years or more. it's common law marriage because all rights when one dies are same as spouse if one dies. The gays were right. It wasn't fair. Shacking is a sin too. Marriage wasn't the solution. Common Law marriage was. It's not fair because it affects not only those that think their way of life is all about lust, but it affects our children too. Our schools curriculum must be changed to teach about lgbt behaviors. It will get worse. Now, keepers of traditional values are being oppressed. The same traditional values that are why many of us are here. Where exactly is this rainbow utopia of love?
2015-06-22 17:32:40 UTC
My opinion is this:

I want it to get to where homosexuality is as welcomed and acceptable as heterosexuals. That's equality, peace, and would be great. I want it to be as appalling as racism when someone says They don't like someone based on who they marry.

I'm a lesbian teenager and I totally support what's fair and reasonable. Not what anyone's fckin God says in a horrible and incoherent book.
2015-06-22 10:37:17 UTC
I oppose the practice, but we're all human so they should have rights. Or better yet, destroy all "legal marriage" so it's no longer a concern. Then everyone can be with who- or whatever they want to be with and can stop complaining and holding stupid parades.
2015-06-24 23:51:24 UTC
I support their right to marry, because I wouldn't want someone to tell me I couldn't marry the person I loved. You don't have to agree with being gay, but if you felt attraction towards the same sex, you know your opinion would be different. I'm a straight women, but I feel like, it's not right to hate on someone for loving another person, even if that person is the same sex. To fall in love, to be in love, and be committed to that one person should be the right of every person on this earth... not just the hetero ones. I believe Jesus would look poorly on people hating gays, I really do. He tried to teach us about love, mercy, forgiveness, and not letting "the rules" and politics get in the way of whats right. Yes, iv'e read the Bible, I actually got the message that was being conveyed, did you?
2015-07-02 19:58:06 UTC
I am female and straight (putting it out there) but I completely agree and accept all LGBT movements actions, everything. I think everyone has a right to be happy. I don't base this off of any religion I base it off of basic human rights, to pursue happiness. And love.
Edward R
2015-06-30 12:53:43 UTC
Full support for equal rights. Why would anyone make a big deal out of this? I wouldn't care if someone married their pet iguana as long as there was mutual consent. This straight person says live and let live.
2015-06-23 08:37:24 UTC
What Two or more Adults do in the privacy of Their home is none of My business .Your Sexuality and how You want to deal with it is also none of My business. Obviously My life is none of Your business. Nor is Yours Mine This includes Gay's and Lesbians and the entire LGBT community. More importantly though is What gives You the right to impose Your beliefs on another Human Being? They don't belong to You. You never bought Them. They're not Your property. So explain what gives You the right to impose Your values or beliefs or religion on another Human Being?
2015-06-22 14:47:24 UTC
I support it because why is someone who is straight or cisgender be able to marry for example but for LGBT people it's against the law for same sex marriage and they get treated so poorly. That's not fair or right to treat them differently because they're different. Everyone should be able to do the same things regardless if they're different.
2015-06-27 03:35:50 UTC
Oppose: gay is obviously unnatural. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. I do however support homosexuality when it is between a man and a boy, because young boys are hot hot hot.... But two grown men... Nah.
2015-06-30 04:53:28 UTC
Oppose. They are perverting what God made special for man and wife.

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Genesis 2:24

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

Leviticus 18:22

For this reason God gave them up to VILE passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is AGAINST NATURE. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is SHAMEFUL, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

Romans 1:26-27
2015-07-02 06:58:21 UTC
Male opinion: homosexuality is natural, while forbidden by most religions the passages that forbid it are often taken largely out of context as they talk more about adultery being a crime then the actual sin of being gay (its two different things). That being said, allowing gay couples to marry does not infringe uppon anyone elses rights so its just a non issue.
2015-06-22 13:38:13 UTC
The union of two same sex persons is not and cannot be a marriage. The first marriage brought the human race into existence and it's purpose is to sustain the human race. Lessons learned in our first school which is the family cannot be learned anywhere else. Lessens learned while observing and having loving interaction with members of the heterosexual family cannot be learned anywhere else and will produce the future human race and serve as the foundation stone of our culture.
2015-06-27 15:44:07 UTC
I definitely support them. Even though I'm not a lesbian myself, I think everyone has the right to express their love. It's love either way. It's bullocks that it hurts children in any way, I know lots of people adopted by gay/lesbian couples who love both of their moms or dads. Should a gay person/couple really feel empty for the rest of their lives just because of selfish religious people who can't accept that not everyone believes in their ideals? I know a gay couple who suffers because of this and they feel empty and alone. Don't wish that to people.
2015-07-07 02:28:10 UTC
Why is it that only humans practice this type of behavior? Do you see this in any other species? I've never seen any "gay or transgender" traits in animals? And we're supposed to be the intelligent ones?
2015-06-22 19:19:50 UTC
I don't find anything wrong with it. They should have the same rights we do with no questions asked. It's not like they choose to be that way- They just are. I mean, we don't choose to be straight, do we? They're human beings, just like we are and their sexuality is not anyone's business. They shouldn't have to fight for their own rights to marry or do anything else. I support them 100%
2015-06-27 14:49:11 UTC
I don't support homosexuality and believe marriage was intended for a man and woman, but I don't think there necessarily has to be a ban on gay marriage.
2015-07-02 12:51:55 UTC
I oppose anything related to the subject, but I still think that they have right, as they are people. I am of Christian beliefs, and I am taught to love my neighbors as myself, meaning no matter who they are or what they've done, I still must love them. Christianity is among most of the USA, including homosexuality and LGBT. Even if you are Christian though, it is a sin, and sins make you go to hell, therefore being wrong. I pray for this country, for it to get better and treated better.
2015-06-24 19:25:03 UTC
I support 100% because it should be about love, not gender. What is the problem with 2 people of the same sex being together? Just because heterosexuality is more common than homosexuality, doesn't make it normal.
2015-06-23 06:36:17 UTC
The american Medical Association

The American Phyciatric Association

The American Phycological Association

The American Phycoanylatical Association

The american Acemdy of pediatrics

The national Association of social Working

all those organizations say it not a choice, cannot be changed, shouldnt be tried to be cured. and is not a mental illness.

It is documentated that the 3rd and 4th child is likely to turn out gay do to that time your body start treated your baby like a parasite so it releases more estrogen than normal. but homosexality is expressed through more than 500 species. its in nature. we are nature its likable to happen in us. but ultimatley ther are so many anamolies in the world. were someon can be born with 4 eyes, 3 hands, cry crytals, being born with no emothion (pychopath) , being born wih both sexes and alot of strange orcurrances were you cant help but to think being gay most likely is one of them. but its a harmless one

The reason you see gay people everywhere beacuse they are a hot topc...they are getting rights right now and thats it. also sense its becoming more accepted do to people having a gay person in their family and realiizing they are normal .people are starting to come out of the closet..and the other side is marketing if there is a gay audiance out out there that could be watching this show im going to put a gay person in this show to gain the gay audience people love to see themselve represented in shows...the same reaosn they have black people or rejects kids to tell their story and gain a audience... people are just accepting it...thats all there is no gay agenda
2015-06-28 18:38:25 UTC
I support the right of ALL people to live life with liberty and Justice for all. I am not gay. Therefore LGBT "Practices, behaviors" etc. don't affect me. I don't know what they are and it really is none of my business. All I DO know is that you being a homosexual has NO effect on me whatsoever. So as long as you are happy with your life and trying to be a good person and live the American dream who am I to be a jerk and rain on your parade?
2015-06-23 19:31:07 UTC
I support homosexuality. It's harmless, and might help the population problem we have right now without having to kill off large portions of the planet.

LGBT, on the other hand, is a bunch of ******* nutjobs who get "triggered" at every ******* word you say that doesn't conform to their strict view on the world. They're like tumblr, they'll get triggered, call in the White Knights and shame you to the ends of the Earth just for criticizing them. So yeah, **** 'em.
2015-06-24 10:46:03 UTC
I fully support open LGBT rights, etc.

I don't see how this infringes on anything considered a "right" for men, particularly since gay men are a beneficiary of this support.
2015-07-02 00:53:07 UTC
As a Christian I believe homosexuality is a sin. I also believe that it is a choice even though I do believe some are born with the sexual desire of the same gender. Even though I will never deviate from God's word because that will risk my relationship with God, I would never say harmful things to gay people because God
2015-06-23 04:25:03 UTC
I support gay an lgbt rights, it may be unusual to some people but I don't see any wrong if the people involved are happy.
2015-06-29 19:40:25 UTC
Oppose. Those saying its nature, well it also must be within nature to have dislikes and to scrutinise. I happen to think two men having sex is akin to a man having a sex with a truck. If a man having sex with a truck is natural... Maybe we're all losing our minds a little bit but I will oppose homo relations till the day I draw my last breath.
2015-06-24 05:43:29 UTC
People are going to be born gay or lesbian everyday regardless of who does and doesn't like it. It's something that people have no choice but to accept. Homosexual behaviour is actually more common in birds than it is in humans. It's a congenital wiring of the brain and doctors have tried to 'cure' it with no avail. No one can be socialised into being homosexual. It's unfair on people to expect people to have relationships and marriages with someone who they will never be attracted to/someone who will never be attracted to them. In my teens I dated a guy for 2 years who didn't want to come out about being gay to his parents and I thought there was something wrong with me,
2015-06-26 15:24:29 UTC
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

I am a non-believer who believes Americans ignoring these words declaring freedom and the pursuit of happines are unalienable rights granted to all peaceful people, are Americans who do not embrace the basic human rights of freedom, happiness and independance each American has the right and privilege to enjoy.

An adult's sexual preference is none of my business. I support responsible, loving adults who take Pride In Parenting by raising and nurturing peaceful children to experience an abuse-free, safe, fairly happy Average Joe or Josie American kid childhood.

During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview (Google search) Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, he told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment. My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

2015-06-25 02:01:31 UTC
Here is the deal. We are in no place to oppose or support homosexuality. The only support we can do is to keep us heterosexual. If we try to oppose it, they won't be changed but we may save our future generation.
2015-07-04 23:00:06 UTC
I support homosexuality and LGBT rights. Why is it so wrong to love?
2015-06-23 05:46:02 UTC
I oppose homosexuality and LGBT rights, practices, behaviors, etc.
2015-06-30 12:36:06 UTC
I support LGBT rights, but I oppose pride parades. For the morons out there who will undoubtedly not read this entire paragraph, opposing pride parades, especially if you oppose overtly sexual themes for both heteros and the LGBT community(which is what is in pride parades), does not make you homophobic/transphobic.
2015-06-22 12:50:18 UTC
I support everything about them, I do not mind that people do not agree with gay marriage and the acts they commit I only get annoyed when people start opposing them for being LGBT.
2015-06-23 02:33:39 UTC
I am neutral and unbiased. I consider that it is people's own sweet-will and choice. I will never compel them or force them to change their present stand. I don't want to interfere in such controversial issues/subjects. It is meant for those who show keen interests in these practices or behaviors.
2015-06-30 21:45:24 UTC
Female. I support LGBT rights, because I am against unnecessarily controlling people's lives, and I am FOR supporting the pursuit of love and happiness. :)
2015-06-22 10:52:59 UTC
I have moral objections to that kid of life style (for lack of a better phrase). But it is their life. They should have the same rights and freedoms as anyone else. I have never been treated poorly by a LGBT person. And I think they deserve to have that kindness returned.
2015-06-29 12:19:40 UTC
I do not support this. However I do not hate anyone who is gay, some of my family is gay. I just think the world should stick with the biblical definition of marriage. Being a christian isn't the only reason I do not support this. If a gay couple adopted a child, that child would most likely be bullied, for having same sex parents. America should just stay with the original way. It's not that I do not want gay people to be happy, I just do not see how this is good for America.
2015-06-23 23:51:47 UTC
I don't support any of it,the Bible says that marriage,is for a man and a woman,and no other system,gay marriage,and lgbt marriage,has a much higher risk for aides,and other is simply wrong.what more evidence do you need that it is wrong than God's word.
2015-06-22 21:34:04 UTC
I don't support it but I do think that people should have the right and freedom to live their own lives how they wish. I strongly oppose discrimination against people simply for their sexual orientation.
2015-06-27 10:26:17 UTC
"Do you support or oppose homosexuality and LGBT rights, practices, behaviors, etc.?"

I am gay, and so I support LGBT peoples having equal rights to heterosexuals. That said, I don't support everything that every member of the community wants to see.

Take the trans community for instance: to hear them tell it, people who feel they have been born into the correct sex should identify ourselves as "cisgendered." Sorry, but no.

Likewise some in the LGBT community like to claim that "there is no normal." Well "normal" is has to do with meeting a common yes, there is a "normal." Normal ultimately relates to a person's gender matching the body they were born with, and yes even a person being heterosexual.

Acknowledging that does not mean that we in the LGBT community are inferior...just that we are different. Claiming that no one is normal so that we feel better about being different...seems like a rather selfish, childish approach to living our lives.

I support marriage equality. I support gender reassignment (though I believe there should be a surgical physical transition that accompanies it at some point) to match one's inner self. I support governments staying out of the bedrooms of the nation.

However I do not support crybaby or radical LGBT activism, I do not support the whiny hugbox known as Tumblr, I do not support people who achieve equality continuing to use the LGBT card as a crutch with which to claim oppression every time they/we don't get their/our way!

There may be individuals in the LGBT community who deserve compensation for past mistreatment...such as a person who lost their home after their partner died because the law was set up to make it easier to blood relatives, some of whom had disowned their own gay relations, to take property away from gay partners...but for all intents and purposes at this point, LGBT people have largely achieved equality in most Western nations. It's time to move on.

"its the men that have been oppressed, single, unmarried by gay and lgbt movement. its reversing status of marriage and family. now, the men have lost out"

Stupid point is stupid!

Marriage equality does not suddenly mean that you're going to have a rash of women who have never identified as lesbian, marrying other women. Canada has had marriage equality for a decade...yet still the overwhelming majority of marriages are between men and women.

All the legalization of same sex marriage has made it possible for two men or two women to get married to each other.

But in the only part of your comment that did make sense, gay men have historically had it worse than lesbian women...and in the developing world, you still see gay men being executed or imprisoned for intimacy with one another...while lesbian women seldom face any state sanctions.

Of course depending on the geographic area, lesbians may be subjected to honor killing or "corrective rape," though gay men in those same areas are often just killed.
2015-07-01 23:43:28 UTC
support; I'm a female... but I don't feel like it's because of my gender. just how I grew up, the environment I'm in, and my own personality. most people (if not everyone?) I'm around also have an open mind on this, regardless of gender.
Mild Mind
2015-06-23 01:55:38 UTC
We all have a biological obligation to attempt reproduction with someone every month. As long as you complete your obligations, I don't care what you do in your spare time. As a practical matter though, this means we should be doing polygamous marriages instead of gay marriage.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-06-26 05:33:13 UTC
I would vote for gay marriage, I would be delighted to be invited to a wedding. I wouldn't kick up any more of a fuss if I saw a gay couple kissing than any other couple. So I suppose that would count as supporting homosexuality.
2015-07-05 00:24:27 UTC
It is the systematic demonstration of the human race. God took of His power of life and gave it to human-kind by the 'male and female' and created the first institutional rule called marriage. Marriage was created by God and was intended for the perpetuation of the human race. The one and only instruction to Adam & Eve was to be fruitful and multiply.

Due to Eve deception and then bringing Adam to the place of disobeying the only rule for living in the garden of God aka. Paradise, was to NOT eat of the knowledge of good and evil.

We are born into a world that is upside down as to how it is suppose to run. We are in the mist of a war between "good and evil' - this war was the vehicle in which we (human-kind) will truly learn between 'good and evil'.

God is Love, choice has to be chosen not forced. In this war, we will learn what the 'knowledge of good and evil' is truly about. We will have the experience of what the "knowledge" of good and evil is. And in learning it this way we will be able to choose "life" and not death.

There is no other name given amount men, by which we can be saved. Jesus the Christ.

Accept Him now and avoid the penalty of the knowledge of evil.
2015-06-23 12:36:21 UTC
I have been gay from as early as I can remember so I don't think in terms of "supporting" or "opposing" it. LGBT rights? Of course! We work and pay taxes. "Practices and behaviors"? If you are talking about sex, I am definitely ambivalent about "back door" sex. It was fraught with health risks well before AIDS, then led to a death sentence in the early years of HIV, and continues to be risky in a variety of ways; ask any doctor who has gay male patients. "To each his own", but for me personally there are much safer and less risky ways to enjoy sex, and I think there are other gay men who agree with me. I believe it is not gays or even the "gay life-style" that those who disapprove of gays usually have a problem with: it is anal sex. Is it pleasureable? Sure. Is it healthy and safe? hmmm..
2015-06-23 15:34:53 UTC
I strongly oppose homosexuality but if i see a homosexual i have no problem talking to them at all i knew someone who was a lesbian literally this year but i didn't discriminate
2015-06-22 08:42:02 UTC
I'm a libertarian.

I support gay people,but they DO have rights.

They're completely equal in most states.

So yes,I do support gay people,and I realize that they face discrimination from Christians but hey,this is a free country we shouldn't limit freedom of speech.

If someone disagrees with gay marriage,let them; its their right to have an opinion.
2015-07-03 03:00:38 UTC
I support LGBT because I believe that conservatives support the institusion of commitments.
Diana M
2017-01-21 23:49:30 UTC
Up til now i had always supported and loved lgbt people but when it came to the marriage topic i always had to cross the line because i believe one shouldnt interfere with something that has always been known as sacred. Call me traditional but i always seen it more sensible that way especially considering that you are inside a church. But other than that who are we to tell people who they should or shouldnt love?
2015-07-01 15:08:55 UTC
2015-07-05 21:11:55 UTC
I'm against it, you are breaking the law of nature and promting homosexualtiy. in homosexuality or lesbianism, a child is either denied of a farher or a mother. it's very dirty that you are going against the law of The Almighty God, you are trying to create youre own laws and make your own child suffer! a marriage is a bond between a man and a woman & nobody can break it!
2015-06-23 12:57:09 UTC
From a Bible perspective, Homosexuality and Lesbianism are really sodomy, and are an abomination to God. While he allows them to live on earth and commit such wickedness, the Bible tells us in Romans that they will in no way go to Heaven if they fail to repent and forsake their sins.

I'm a guy in my 30s
2015-06-27 14:58:51 UTC
I am not one to decide one's life for them, they do as they want. But I disapprove of all the over-the-top pride parade. If we Straight people had a Straight Pride parade, there would be an uproar of negativity and discrimination. One day, being Straight will be outlawed, by the way people act.
2015-06-29 10:21:30 UTC
100% support! Everyone has a right to express themselves and be who they want to be! It is a persons right to choose what sex they want to go out with! It is who they are and what they choose!! This topic irratates be because you wouldent discriminate a person because of their preferance in food, music, colour etc. So why discriminate a person because of the sex of person they wish to be with? I am so happy that the USA have finally legalsed gay marriage and I hope that the rest of the world can follow in its footsteps. I have very strong oppinions on this so sorry if I dont see the other perspective
2015-07-01 07:49:54 UTC
I support Human Rights, but I do not agree with this gay agenda being pushed onto everyone to ACCEPT it we don't have to accept it if we don't want to. I will treat you equally to everyone else but don't try to make it seem like gay is normal. It's really not. The reason we are here is to be fruitful and multiply and 2 men just cant do that. Give them equal human rights but don't FORCE EVERYONE TO BELIEVE IN THAT LIFESTLYE!!! You want to be gay go ahead and be gay but don't put 2 mommies in Children's math homework (like I've seen) what does Sarah having 2 mommies have to do with math?
2015-06-23 00:26:23 UTC
2015-07-05 14:47:36 UTC
I am 100% against it. There is nothing and I mean nothing more wrong or disgusting than this lifestyle. This country/world is so screwed up. The problem is, people do not have any guidance in their lives. God is thrown out of the equation today. People are scum and they do not like to be told what to do. Progressiveness is a severe cancer, and it has totally killed all morals in our society.
2015-06-29 09:42:57 UTC
I am male, so ....

I am not Gay, and cannot understand what would make a guy want to go to bed with another guy (or a girl with another woman for that matter).

But that is their choice. I have no problems respecting their right to live their lives the way they see fit.
2015-07-01 07:49:16 UTC
I am against homosexuality, because I am a Christian. But, as a Christian, I also do not hate or attack homosexuality. I have no right to condemn another for their choice; only God can.
2015-06-24 13:53:15 UTC
You can not say the government needs to stay out of marriage, and then turn around and say they should be allowed to penalize small business owners for denying service to an individual based on morals and religious restrictions. should a black man have to make a cake for a KKK event?
I am Jacks Dispair
2015-06-24 05:57:29 UTC
I personally don't care. I am in no position to tell others how to live or love. If a man has feelings for a man, who cares. If a woman has feelings for a woman, who cares? If a woman has feelings for a man that used to be a woman, who cares. Its is not me, it is not my issue. I am glad that they found happiness in life. Maybe others should worry more about finding their own happiness rather than finding ways to protest others.
2015-07-03 01:57:17 UTC
If they want to use LGBT rights, that's fine. What shouldn't be done is the way they are trying to take over constantly.
2015-06-22 13:34:31 UTC
I support them 100%
2015-07-03 05:33:48 UTC
I oppose homosexuality and LGBT. I do support that God is love and that everyone has a right to love including choosing who.I don't support two men or women of the same sex getting married or having children. To me,it's not natural to have children other than between a man and woman.Naturally speaking,it's not natural
2015-06-22 08:52:20 UTC
I support them. It's nobody's business to tell two consenting adults how to live if they aren't breaking any crimes.

Plus sodomy is fun, the paranoia about how homosexuality will ruin the world is short sighted and over-hyped
2015-06-27 06:42:18 UTC
I don't know why LGBT people need to go around and yell "I am gay"? I am straight, and I am bullying everyone around me for that. LGBT doesn't fight for equal rights with us, they fight for dominance. If they lose job that must be because they are gay, not some other reason, that reasons are only for straight people...
2015-07-04 03:09:03 UTC
2015-06-29 22:16:12 UTC
2015-06-24 11:43:45 UTC
Practices, I don t care. Do what you want behind closed doors.

Special laws & rights, I m against. We are supposed to be a country where everyone is treated equal.
2015-07-05 22:08:56 UTC
I support gay marriage. I HATE gay men who have girlfriends just so they are socially accepted, and then they end up hurting their girlfriends and cheating on them with men. It happened to me and I felt humiliated and disregarded. I fell in love with someone who loves only men, and who cheated on me with men. He was with me just because I am 'pretty' and because 'people will assume he is not gay'. We were never intimate and all the affection he showed me was fake. He admitted it two years later.

They should stick to one another. I don't want any other girl to feel like that. Everyone should accept them, so they could accept themselves. I really respect gay men who are outed, who openly admit and marry other men. I think they are brave and selfless, unlike those idiots who won't admit, who depend on other people's opinion. I hate that kind. I lost two years of my life on nothing, when I could be with someone who actually loved and appreciated me. Now I am suspicious of every guy I date, and I deny and dump anyone who shows even the slightest feminine trait, or anyone whose libido is lower than mine.

LGBT population should be ACCEPTED EVERYWHERE, because straight people suffer because of them.
2015-06-23 13:14:42 UTC
2015-06-25 21:58:48 UTC
My view is this: If two consenting adults want to be together, why should anyone else be able to stop them? Why does anyone else care if it is not affecting you?

If it is religious views that keep you against it, then keep your religious views and just don't participate in gay actions then. If you want to think people go to "hell" for it, then think that. But how is it affecting you personally?

Live and let live I say.
Ellie Sealy
2015-07-02 04:33:37 UTC
Definitely oppose!
2015-07-05 15:37:26 UTC
I support people's right to be homosexual if they are.
2015-06-24 05:59:34 UTC
2015-06-26 21:59:24 UTC
Sex is a personal matter and nobody on bsis of sexual traits be penalized any way. I don't approve homosexualty but am for all citizenship and human rights for them like others.
2015-06-26 11:15:14 UTC
i oppose it. Its a sin. And not only that its a sin but its bad. I mean how do you see 2 guys kiss and get horny? That's not normal. But for females i don't mind if i see lesbians unless if they are ugly.
Tyler Daigle
2015-06-22 10:38:52 UTC
I'm against, even though I myself thought I was gay. It doesn't produce children and doesn't encourage men to form loving sexual bonds with women. All women are awesome and great.
2015-06-30 08:45:30 UTC
I don't support homosexuality, but I will not discriminate against them.
2015-06-26 23:14:50 UTC
Quite frankly someone else's life is none of my business so long as they are not harming anyone. I do not get a say in their sex life so it is not for me to say. Treat a humane person like a human I say, then consenting adults can do as they wish.
2015-06-22 12:54:34 UTC
As long as no one who can not speak for themselves is getting hurt, and let's admit it people in the HUGE majority of cases no one is, let's just start looking at the people and not the sexuality.
2015-06-24 05:57:45 UTC
people love who they love, and should be accepted no matter what.

These people were born LGBT, and had no choice in the matter, trust me they wouldn't choose to recieve all the hate and exclusion they get from society. Homophobics need to wake up to the modern world and start accepting people for their personality and themselves, not who they love.
2015-06-26 11:03:50 UTC
I don't support the use of alcohol and tobacco but I still think people should be allowed to be drinkers and smokers. Does that answer your question?
2015-06-24 19:24:23 UTC
I support homosexuality if it is 2 consenting adults. I have no right to discuss their inner preferences.
2015-06-26 01:00:28 UTC
why is it an issue? it isn't a color or race or handicap. or is it that it is a disability. I don't think I should be forced to think its right. If I want the world to pronounce me a dog owner and everyone must like dogs even cat owners must like dogs. no matter if they are scared of them or whatever. dogs must be acknowledged. what is that about!!
2015-06-30 04:07:56 UTC
I supoort them but i dont think there should be a big del on this at the very start. They are human and i dont see why people make such a big deal, i mean pls the bible might not even be real, stop cheating death. Let them be.
2015-07-07 04:13:39 UTC
Support I feel people shouldn't be denied right because of who they are
2015-06-29 12:03:34 UTC
Well, I support lgbt+ rights, but I m also a flaming homosexual.
2015-06-30 19:01:41 UTC
support what the better God supports in Beverly Hills... Such as Beverly Hills. Do you see alotta gays/lesbos moving in there? Media frenzy about a gender reassignment? Rant.
2015-06-22 16:48:08 UTC
I have no problem with equal rights, and same sex marriage is equal rights. In my country same sex couples have been getting married since 2005. Same sex couples have the same rights and responsibilities as heterosexual couples. Even Christian churches now marry same sex couples. It's really not an issue.
2015-07-07 08:58:54 UTC
female: I support lgbt rights simply because all people, no matter their sexual preferences, are equal. it's unfair to deny anyone any basic human rights, regardless of their orientation.
2015-07-02 19:11:18 UTC
I am not support homosexuality but I do support they should be treated equally. actually, some people who I think they are excellent in their profession and very smart are gay. I think they have their right to pursuit their happiness like we do.
2015-06-25 20:27:19 UTC
Why should I support anything? It's an enforced agenda to comb out "bigots" and shame them in public or online. Keep your polls to yourselves libs.
Mars Mission Australia
2015-06-30 16:59:48 UTC
I respect others with different realities than mine.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission.

Source:) Studies.
2015-06-23 19:06:28 UTC
I walk with love for them, but I do not support they're ways.
The Global Geezer
2015-07-04 04:16:01 UTC
Support. I always think we should let people be. Love is love and has many forms (who cares what the Bible says?) so let it flourish. Don't put limits on it.
finn mchuil
2015-06-25 11:19:00 UTC
I think everybody should have equal rights irrespective of thier sexual preferences, colour, religion or gender.

I think there are 'people' though who use any or all of the above to get what they want, striaght or gay.

Why would it matter?
2015-06-22 08:42:42 UTC
I support the gay and lesbian community. I see no reason to oppose them other than pure prejudice. I think there should be no discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
2015-06-23 20:26:56 UTC
My mother is a lesbian, but does that mean I comfortable it? Not necessarily. I don't like the idea of two women kissing or two men kissing, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be like, "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL! WHAT YOU DO IS WRONG! GAYS' SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO MARRY!" I keep my opinions to myself because all that matters is that i'm not with the opposite sex. I don't care either way, I have gay friends as well as gay family members, but it doesn't mean I'm comfortably with their decisions.
2015-06-25 14:26:43 UTC
Heterosexual men are the only rational thinking group out of all the LGBT + Women.

Gay people will be the downfall of society in years to come; it will tear men and women apart, and for once, men will stop loving women (apart form their mothers of course/ mos of the time..).
Gerry G
2015-06-28 06:52:29 UTC
I support the rights of the homosexuals. However, the act of homosexuality is a sin. I cannot condone that.
2015-06-22 21:07:56 UTC
Yes My God said Love everyone as yourself

every person on my planet deserves the Right to peruse their own happiness as they see it and once over 18 it is their choice no one can chose for them or Dictate for them
2015-06-24 14:33:18 UTC
NO, what's the purpose of homosexuality? are they re-generate ? are they have fun? are they body friendly? are they confuse?Are they sick (mentality)? Are they enemy of the opposite gender? Are they Aliens? are they freak? Homosexuality it's some thing that it come from the Apes ,mostly in the chimps.
2015-07-04 04:00:10 UTC
I support them
david f
2015-06-23 00:47:46 UTC
I heavily support it i see too much religious ignorant nutjobs that dont its a new era and christianity will not rule it freedom is coming. i look forward to a day where people can love who they want marry who they want and have sex with who they want without prosecution when that day comes we can truely move forward
2015-06-23 05:56:29 UTC
I'm a straight male, and i support it. It's basic human rights, just let people be themselves for **** sake
2015-07-02 13:22:45 UTC
I do not support either, due to religious facts, and my beliefs based on God's WORD.

No more than I could adultery, or murder.

Sin is Sin.
2015-06-23 18:02:29 UTC
I believe the Manufacturer knows what's best for His people, and many people don't care to read His instruction manual.
2015-06-28 10:36:58 UTC
I OPPOSE (having read the Bible), and I am SHOCKED that the Muslims, who are staunchly opposed to homosexuality, have not been all over the media saying they are OFFENDED by the SCOTUS decision.
2015-06-30 04:07:31 UTC
I completely support consenting adults to marry whomever they want. You know why? Because it doesn't affect me in slightest!
2015-07-01 18:52:50 UTC
I'm against it. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman.
2015-07-01 08:43:41 UTC
Absolutely. I support equality for everyone, even straight, white men.
2015-06-25 04:13:19 UTC
I neither support it or do I condemn it. They are who they are and I'm not going to oppose them for their right to be who they want to be. FREEDOM in AMERICA RULES!!
Dont Call Me Dude
2015-06-22 09:14:42 UTC
I support equal rights and social acceptance. Unconditionally.

Voluntary sexual relations between adults are INHERENTLY a GOOD thing.

And I don't have a stick up my butt, so I don't hassle people because they enjoy types of sex that I don't.

2015-06-26 21:20:01 UTC
to bad u like the flesh better than u love jessus.its a same people wont read the word and beleive in jesus.the creator.u gave u life.hope everyone starts beleivn before its to late.remember leviticous 18:22.someday ull all wish ud beleived.
2015-06-22 09:30:06 UTC
Everybody should have the right to be themselves, I want to be free to be me, so I get that LGBT's want the same.
Groove doctor
2015-06-25 13:31:14 UTC
Supportive, so long as what they're getting is fair!
2015-06-22 13:23:08 UTC
I support their rights.
2015-06-30 19:39:09 UTC
i support lgbt civil rights
2015-07-04 18:56:37 UTC
100% SUPPORT!!!! I don't understand how anyone can't support LOVE
2015-06-22 20:08:47 UTC
I oppose it 100% that's what's gonna destroy our society.
Ronnie B
2015-06-27 14:44:57 UTC
I oppose because it goes against the bible which states marriage is to be between a man & woman.
2015-06-28 12:51:56 UTC
I support equal rights for everyone.
2015-07-05 14:47:47 UTC
Whatever makes you happy is my motto. I aint gay, but whoever is shouldn't let that from stopping them to paradise. Live free!
2015-07-02 08:24:30 UTC
2015-06-23 12:32:25 UTC
100% support lgbt
2015-06-26 20:17:04 UTC
I support them. There human beings too.
2015-06-29 08:18:03 UTC
While I don't mind their battle for rights, I do find their parades unnecessary.
2015-06-24 14:33:16 UTC
Call me stupid, or dumbass etc. but i despise gays, lesbians, transsexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals (100% nasty), etc. You can't plug in a cable without a port, right? the penis is the cable, the port is the vagina. Damn me to hell if I become anything other than heterosexual.
2015-07-03 10:06:05 UTC
I support procreation; the ability for making babies that can populate towns and cities and countries. Otherwise go pack fudge!
2015-06-24 19:29:49 UTC
It is my GOD given right to like what I like, and dis-like what I dis-like. I don't need your approval to justify my life choices, and I don't see why the gay's need straight people's approval or acceptance
Patriot !
2015-07-06 14:30:20 UTC
...LGBT "rights"...? I've read the Constitution quite thoroughly (and) the Constitution has NO PROVISIONS for "special" needs... The Homosexuals need to live within the Constitution (as) the rest of us do ! Period !
great knight
2015-06-22 15:01:49 UTC
NO, why would you support it? It's a lie. They lie. THere is no "gay gene" making them a seperate people. Nonsense.
2015-06-25 11:16:29 UTC
Who sponsored this BS study you're quoting?
Tad Dubious
2015-06-24 11:30:11 UTC
I neither support nor oppose them.
2015-06-22 08:43:13 UTC
Oppose, I am not a conformist to this sick society and modern day Sodom and Gomora.
2015-06-26 14:32:57 UTC
I'm straight and i love going clubbing with the gays! I just hate cleaning the blood off my baseball bat :(
2015-06-26 14:52:00 UTC
it doesn't matter if you are gay! (both women and men can be gay btw) You can love who you love and be happy. What's good about this upcoming generation is that we 9for the most part) except you and dont care if you're gay. BE HAPPY!!!
2015-06-27 11:59:59 UTC
Grosses me out. I can't fathom how a guy could find another guy attractive unless they are mentally ill...
2015-06-22 13:37:11 UTC
I support the lgbt community all the way
2015-06-26 17:52:56 UTC
i believe that marriage should remain in between a Man and a Women
2015-06-28 13:27:33 UTC
Im okay with gays and lesbians i have friends that are gay and lesbians so im okay with it but something that I'm oppose are the transgenders
2015-06-22 16:01:04 UTC
I support people being themselves, no matter who or what they might be, and being happy. Its not my business to tell others what or how they should feel.
2015-07-02 12:29:56 UTC
2015-06-30 12:55:25 UTC
I support any consenting adults to love who they choose.
2015-07-03 00:11:11 UTC
they should have rights. everyone should have rights. Although i find it disgusting for 2 men to be shoving it up each others holes they are still human.
2015-07-02 01:19:10 UTC
Everyone is a human and nobody should be denied any rights because of their sexuality and who they are.
2015-06-22 21:08:59 UTC
I'm not stating my opinion cause people will get butthurt
2015-06-24 14:14:25 UTC
I am from Amsterdam... the guys and gals (having their rights) give no trouble and bring quite allot of good parties :)
2015-06-24 15:30:43 UTC
Who supports another. Only that they let the cup pass from their lips by sparing the news that they are "coming out.."
2015-06-28 11:05:05 UTC
to be honest i don't support it;from a religious AND scientific view.Humans were made to breed,and reproduce...
2015-07-03 01:52:59 UTC
I don't agree with it exactly but I woont really try to stop anyone
2015-06-23 23:32:57 UTC
Support,They should also enjoy legal rights.
2015-06-24 15:47:47 UTC
its all a waste of time. you cant force people to like something or not. dont need laws and drama to just get along and do our own thing
2015-06-27 19:49:32 UTC
It doesn't matter of I do or do not care, I can't do anything about it.
2015-06-29 04:36:33 UTC
Who am I to judge? The Courts have just voted Yes to gay marriage.
2015-07-05 10:55:41 UTC
It doesn't matter what the American people think. The Supreme court does what they want.
2015-07-02 12:10:05 UTC
Why should it be up to me who you date? I"m not your parent. Date who you want. If you go according to the bible ways they are breaking many verses so why single that one out....

Love is love ...its not color, race, religion, nor gender
2015-06-23 03:32:10 UTC
For whatever it's worth... probably nothing...

Homosexuality seems to be "natural" in that it seems to occur in nature and is not exclusively a human phenomenon.

I believe every human goes through a phase during preadolescence in which they favor their own gender to the other. Guys play with the guys because all girls want to do is play with dolls. Girls want to play with girls because all guys want to do is climb trees.
2015-07-04 12:11:04 UTC
2015-06-24 07:32:17 UTC
We all deserve equal rights regardless of who we love.
2015-06-23 02:23:00 UTC
i support all of them. i mean, if someone's gay, i don't see the point in telling them off or marginalizing them from the society.
2015-06-25 13:24:18 UTC
What they do bothers me not at all so IF support it.

However PDA by anyone offends me
2015-06-22 09:30:22 UTC

I don't really care.
2015-06-22 16:17:57 UTC
Support - I am a male.
2015-06-23 10:05:17 UTC
I oppose them..they are all wrong and will burn in hell for their the cities of Sodom and Guermorah
2015-06-24 04:36:46 UTC
I ;let this issue rest in God's hands, let Him decide if its wrong or not.
grandfather raven
2015-06-22 12:53:33 UTC
I just treat people as I'd want to be treated, and hope for the best. :)
2015-07-05 20:59:44 UTC
love is love i do not oppose homosexuality
2015-06-23 17:02:41 UTC
I support them otherwise these people would be shamed and forced into hiding.
2015-06-22 21:00:02 UTC
I'm neutral.
2015-06-27 10:34:18 UTC
I am torn between being a good christian and a flaming lesbian predator. haha just kidding
2015-06-25 06:48:16 UTC
I support it and people should not judge other people
2015-07-02 00:54:41 UTC
I support it because HUMANS are allowed to same sex
2015-06-22 17:36:29 UTC
I oppose the "T" part. The others I don't like but I wont really attack them.
~Totally Kyle~
2015-06-24 13:33:07 UTC
I support my right to fornicate with another man!
Steven S
2015-06-27 06:18:42 UTC
God did not have this as his plan so I am opposed to this abomination.
2015-06-23 16:39:26 UTC
Strongly support it
2015-06-29 18:56:37 UTC
what people do in their bedroom is their business. I DONT CARE. I care if people are kind. I don't care who or what people have sex with. Why is that my business ? Why is that an excuse to judge or hate ?
Wee Trojan
2015-06-24 05:45:22 UTC
What people do and how they behave in the confines of their own homes is

none of our business.
2015-06-22 13:48:13 UTC
What you do with other consenting adults in private is none of my concern.
2015-06-24 12:45:07 UTC
im niether with or against homeosexualityi have nothing against them or with them i just let them be and gay is not a disease its been seen to happen in animals
2015-06-27 19:52:13 UTC
To each his/her own. As long as they stay within the laws and mores of the land...mox nix.
2015-06-24 03:14:04 UTC
no, i dont support homosexuality practies, behavior.
2015-06-23 16:19:48 UTC
I support the freedom to feel happy.
Jeff Robbins
2015-06-23 13:24:02 UTC
I support wholeheartedly.
Diana M.
2015-07-01 17:17:30 UTC
No, for as long as they are happy and contented about what they are doing
Rifat Jamil
2015-06-23 06:21:09 UTC
it's everyone rights. if someone is homosexual / LGBT it's his / her own preference.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-06-23 09:21:21 UTC
Neither; They have the right, but I choose not to associate with them .I have RIGHTS too !
2015-07-06 00:43:28 UTC
I support gay rights!
2015-06-27 21:25:09 UTC
oppose. report accepted.
2015-07-06 15:45:01 UTC
I do not, n will never support this.
2015-06-24 21:58:56 UTC
Against it, sorry, separating myself from the popularity group.
2015-06-27 00:52:38 UTC
i do 100%

so what ?
steven w
2015-06-24 20:46:42 UTC
we should actually abolish marriage all together then say the homosexuals ruined it for everyone.
2015-06-22 09:12:36 UTC
don't care either way.

in my opinion, this is not an important issue...
2015-06-30 04:25:53 UTC
2015-06-26 16:42:32 UTC
I support it. Live and let live.
2015-06-24 09:53:39 UTC
2015-06-29 04:07:28 UTC

I don't care what you suck or lick in your home..

If you try in MY home one of us will be hurt..
2015-07-04 12:26:08 UTC
i fully support
2015-07-05 22:00:18 UTC
I'm polysexual, so yeah, I do support it. :)
2015-07-04 01:28:31 UTC
yes I do support them...full heartedly!
2015-06-26 14:59:58 UTC

Except for me.
2015-07-05 13:48:01 UTC
of course! why wouldn't you? they don't do anything wrong
2015-06-22 16:13:24 UTC
Yes and no, yes because my cousin is gay and no because of what the bible says about it/them
2015-06-28 14:51:30 UTC
Of course. Love is love.
Ray M
2015-06-29 15:55:17 UTC
I support when I have a HOT!!! T Girl on my crank.
2015-06-26 10:02:51 UTC
support. love is love at the end of the day. who cares
2015-07-05 11:37:09 UTC
GOD created Adam and Eve not adam and steve.....enough said
2015-07-01 13:46:49 UTC
I hate ******* and I hope they eat poop.
2015-07-02 20:57:28 UTC
no, not even animals'd accept something like that.
Asked and Answered
2015-06-26 13:33:32 UTC
This is a baited. loaded question!
2015-07-07 02:47:41 UTC
i do.but i think it's would be better if they r treated
2015-06-24 09:14:59 UTC
Equality for all.
2015-06-22 14:01:05 UTC
No, disgusting and the source of many diseases
2015-06-28 20:22:09 UTC
ALL humans should have the same rights !!!!
2015-06-24 05:08:52 UTC
2015-06-24 18:51:29 UTC
2015-07-01 12:04:36 UTC
2015-06-23 14:55:39 UTC
why is this STILL a problem? love is love, deal with it.
2015-06-22 23:54:06 UTC

Bi male.
2015-06-26 12:31:21 UTC
support all the way!
2015-06-22 17:51:51 UTC
Its unnnatural .
2015-06-27 21:01:07 UTC
Support all the ******* way.
2015-06-23 15:28:34 UTC
only if they leave me alone
2015-06-24 13:26:21 UTC
2015-06-22 15:26:53 UTC
Yes :)
2015-07-03 02:42:03 UTC
support!! :)
2015-06-24 15:24:50 UTC
2015-06-30 19:24:23 UTC
No its nasty af
2015-06-29 17:39:42 UTC
Oh hell yeah! Female :)
2015-06-22 22:55:42 UTC
Please bring prayer back in our schools and leave then to their skittles.
2015-06-27 10:05:20 UTC
2015-06-25 06:10:03 UTC
2015-06-24 08:06:34 UTC
I say f*** *******
2015-07-01 16:24:27 UTC
nope, I am a christian, but I am deciding to be bi-curious, IDK, I am on the fence about this.
2015-06-30 16:29:17 UTC
2015-06-22 12:16:09 UTC
2015-07-02 16:13:54 UTC
2015-06-26 13:08:47 UTC
2015-06-23 00:15:31 UTC
2015-06-23 08:24:11 UTC
2015-06-30 09:53:36 UTC
Support duh

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.