2013-02-12 06:12:10 UTC
It seems that women value confidence in a man more than anything and it doesn't seem to matter to them if the man they have a relationship with is a good person so long as he is confident. This is the reason why you see so many women with arrogant idiots and bullies because women are instinctively attracted to the strong and aggressive male but the quiet, passive and polite guy like myself is completely ignored by women.
I'm 28 years old and I've never been in a relationship with a woman, had a girlfriend or even ever had a friend who was female. I'm a quiet and polite person who lacks confidence and despite being a friendly person I struggle to socialize with people in groups. It seems that women only notice guys who are socially accepted and confident and that shows how shallow and weak minded they are.
When I was younger I use to naively think that because I was a friendly, polite and quiet person I would eventually attract the interest of a woman now I realize how wrong I was and that women are only interested in overconfident and arrogant males who know what they want and don't care how many people they walk over to get it. Its not right that quiet, polite and socially awkward male like myself are completely ignored or rejected by women and I have no intention and am not capable of changing who I am and there isn't anything wrong with being quiet, over polite and socially awkward and women should start to notice men like me instead of only acknowledging the confident male idiots who compete for their attention.
I just think its sickening and unfair the way women ignore and reject nice quiet guys who lack confidence but always fall over themselves for the confident and arrogant idiots. Women aren't worth bothering with because they have a bias (and hatred) against us quiet and polite guys and seem to only be interested in the idiots.