Lot of folks lie online, that isn't a big surprise...they may not be thrilled with they really are, just plan old trying to impress people/the opposite sex, or just flat out bullsnit lying. Give humans the opportunity to lie to make themselves look better...especially taking away any consequences and they are extremely likely to do so.
I've seen folks on here claim, to have a 165...which i find Extremely interesting given the range of IQ tests. (sure ya do buddy)
On the IQ online testing accuracy...I know my IQ, was tested when I was seven. Spent three days with a psychologist testing, which mostly involved timed pattern making I had a fun time with it. (I was one of those "she's so bright, why wont she do her work/pay attention" kids in school. My parents where trying to figure out why.) All my siblings where tested as well, all of us scored within a 5 point range. So I'm as sure as one can be on my score.
Several years ago I read an article about pregnancy and IQ scores. It claimed that pregnant woman's IQ's drop gradually during the pregnancy, and will return to normal 3-6 months after giving birth. That on average a 10 point drop is expected, but up to 40 points has been recorded. Which is huge, talking about an average person going to a mentally retarded level with that kind of drop. The explanation for this drop is that the omega-3 fatty acids needed for brain function, is also needed for the development of the foetus's brain. So they are diverted and the mother looses out on brain power for a while.
I found this interesting as during my first pregnancy, it took me much longer to process information then it normally did. Felt drunk or drugged, had much slower reaction times, forgetting things I knew I should know, I didn't analysis and question things like I always do, didn't argue with anyone...it was just all "Ok....."
It was a weird experience to say the least. (ended up not having the same experience the second time around, but then my body fat wasn't to low like it was with the first one I lost weight instead of gaining like I should have. So I'm sure that played a large role in that anyway...)
So with my second pregnancy I wanted to try and record my IQ, and see just what kinds of changes where happening. Prior to becoming pregnant but after coming off my BC, I tried to find a accurate IQ test to base line my experiment with.
First one I tried I scored a 152 on, now this couldn't be right, without cause(like a brain injury or malnutrition) Q's scores don't tend fluctuate more then ten points up or down over a life time. So scoring 20 points over my original score as a child, could not be accurate. Tried three other tests, never scored below 140.
So I tried flunking the test, answering everything randomly without even looking at the questions I got a 95. o.0 About normal intelligence without looking, come on now.
So my whole "experiment" came to a stand still. Though I did try one test again when 8 months pregnant, scored a 135. Which does "kinda" show a drop, even if the "number" is inaccurate.
So my conclusion was either I'm a born again genius : )...or online IQ test are complete crapola.
I think that by Far the majority of these online test are just like any other website...they want and need people to come to there site and pass the link along. If a person with basic knowledge of IQ tests, knows that "average" is 100....and they score a 100, they arnt nearly as likely to pass the link along and brag. As if they score say a 135 or a 142. So the higher scores might be pure marketing strategy for the site owner.