Egos on the internet: do you have an IQ of 147, an E cup, and/or a 9-inch member?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Egos on the internet: do you have an IQ of 147, an E cup, and/or a 9-inch member?
Twenty answers:
2010-03-18 10:44:32 UTC
Statistically speaking, some of them may also be telling the truth.
2010-03-18 11:10:05 UTC
Believe me that i'm not lying when I tell you this, but what you mentioned is really pathetic when compared to me, having an IQ of 163, FF cup breasts and a 15 incher.

In all seriousness, a while ago I answered a question about a women who claimed that western women are just as suppressed as those in middle eastern countries. She compared wearing a burqa to putting on lip stick, wearing high heels, waxing etc...

I politely told her that what she was saying was ridiculous and that nobody has to wear lip stick or wax.

She emailed me telling me that I was stupid and that people must think I dress like a slob.

I called her a moron and expected to be done with it.

Anyway, I sure regret that because I got so many emails from her in which she claimed to have an IQ of something like 150 and was a member of some internet high IQ society.

Another example would be that a person I knew in grade 8 (Who asked me once if 'really' was spelled with one L or two) added me on facebook.

She updated her status with something like "Just took an official IQ test on Facebook! Got an IQ of 135!"

I think a lot of people like to think they are smarter than they really are.

I'm sure these are the type to be dissatisfied with the result of an internet IQ test the first time and take it 3 more times to get the answer they were looking for.

Which probably in their mind confirmed their superior intelligence.

As for taking them myself, I have a few times over the years. When I'm bored. I got different answers each time, usually ranging from about 115 to 130.

If I were to guess I'd put my actual IQ somewhere between 100 and 115.
2010-03-18 11:02:37 UTC
Most people with extremely high IQ's are not using that power on-line.

To quote George Costanza

"It's not a lie if you believe it" and this is what I would assume most of these people are doing!
edith clarke
2010-03-18 21:26:07 UTC
I'm usually the mean cynic, but in this case, if you're naive, and actually think internet tests mean something, you could easily be fooled into thinking you're a genius, without realizing, that's ridiculous. I had my IQ tested when I was young, and there's no way it's mensa, but it's definitely a bit above average. I've met someone who got all of her SAT and later GRE test answers right, and you could tell, she was brilliant (but a bit odd, that's why we got along, in spite of my lack of intelligence compared to her).

I don't get the E size stuff at all, since I have DD's, but never want them any larger. If you use any common sense, anything bigger than B or C has tons of less choices-you almost have to wear an underwire so you don't bounce like crazy. Finding sexy DD bras is not easy-don't wish it on anyone.
2010-03-18 10:59:23 UTC
Interesting PC PEROT said, there are some of us truly brilliant people on line....and I never said I had a 9 inch fact I would be surprised if it was much bigger then 8.5"
dark eyes
2010-03-18 10:50:06 UTC
Nothing I find on the internet surprises me... ever heard "I'm so much cooler online...?"

I don't have a 9 incher, or E cuppers...either O.o
2010-03-18 13:41:42 UTC
Lot of folks lie online, that isn't a big surprise...they may not be thrilled with they really are, just plan old trying to impress people/the opposite sex, or just flat out bullsnit lying. Give humans the opportunity to lie to make themselves look better...especially taking away any consequences and they are extremely likely to do so.

I've seen folks on here claim, to have a 165...which i find Extremely interesting given the range of IQ tests. (sure ya do buddy)

On the IQ online testing accuracy...I know my IQ, was tested when I was seven. Spent three days with a psychologist testing, which mostly involved timed pattern making I had a fun time with it. (I was one of those "she's so bright, why wont she do her work/pay attention" kids in school. My parents where trying to figure out why.) All my siblings where tested as well, all of us scored within a 5 point range. So I'm as sure as one can be on my score.

Several years ago I read an article about pregnancy and IQ scores. It claimed that pregnant woman's IQ's drop gradually during the pregnancy, and will return to normal 3-6 months after giving birth. That on average a 10 point drop is expected, but up to 40 points has been recorded. Which is huge, talking about an average person going to a mentally retarded level with that kind of drop. The explanation for this drop is that the omega-3 fatty acids needed for brain function, is also needed for the development of the foetus's brain. So they are diverted and the mother looses out on brain power for a while.

I found this interesting as during my first pregnancy, it took me much longer to process information then it normally did. Felt drunk or drugged, had much slower reaction times, forgetting things I knew I should know, I didn't analysis and question things like I always do, didn't argue with was just all "Ok....."

It was a weird experience to say the least. (ended up not having the same experience the second time around, but then my body fat wasn't to low like it was with the first one I lost weight instead of gaining like I should have. So I'm sure that played a large role in that anyway...)

So with my second pregnancy I wanted to try and record my IQ, and see just what kinds of changes where happening. Prior to becoming pregnant but after coming off my BC, I tried to find a accurate IQ test to base line my experiment with.

First one I tried I scored a 152 on, now this couldn't be right, without cause(like a brain injury or malnutrition) Q's scores don't tend fluctuate more then ten points up or down over a life time. So scoring 20 points over my original score as a child, could not be accurate. Tried three other tests, never scored below 140.

So I tried flunking the test, answering everything randomly without even looking at the questions I got a 95. o.0 About normal intelligence without looking, come on now.

So my whole "experiment" came to a stand still. Though I did try one test again when 8 months pregnant, scored a 135. Which does "kinda" show a drop, even if the "number" is inaccurate.

So my conclusion was either I'm a born again genius : )...or online IQ test are complete crapola.

I think that by Far the majority of these online test are just like any other website...they want and need people to come to there site and pass the link along. If a person with basic knowledge of IQ tests, knows that "average" is 100....and they score a 100, they arnt nearly as likely to pass the link along and brag. As if they score say a 135 or a 142. So the higher scores might be pure marketing strategy for the site owner.
2010-03-18 20:07:56 UTC
Are you a fan of XKCD too? I love the geek humor. Though some of the computer code references can be a bit beyond me.

I'm not an IQ of 147, but I do have a build like Hugh Jackman and look like Brad Pitt. No, really, I do. Oh, and my IQ is only 140. I've also recently made the list of billionaires. I won't comment on the size of my package. That is only for me and my supermodel girlfriend to know.
2010-03-18 10:57:57 UTC
The internet world only sees what we want them to see. If I want others on the internet to think that I have an IQ of 147, an E cup, and/or a 9-inch member, who's to say that I'm lying? Nobody here has ever spoken to me in regular conversation or inspected my body (well, it's possible, but very unlikely).

Most of us would probably love to believe that we're ALL above average (and roughly half of us may be correct). Most of us also don't enjoy being judged or ridiculed for whatever characteristics we're not proud of, and it's much easier to do that if it's known or thought that said characteristics are below average (for which roughly half of us is actually the case).

This does not surprise me at all.

I also realize that there is a distinction between "average" and "median". I used "average", because it's consistent with the language in the rest of your post. My statements would be more statistically correct if I used "median", but I think the point is still relevant.
2010-03-18 10:49:19 UTC
I took two IQ test an got two very different scores. I don't think they even accurately measure intelligence.

Most women don't even know their bra size. I use to just wear a d cup but then I got fitted and I am really a dd cup. But this is Victoria Secret sizes which I noticed are smaller than other brands.
Lynn Bodoni
2010-03-18 12:28:32 UTC
"the IQ thing can be analyzed in its full ridiculous splendor against the actual frequency of real-life IQs: as the author points out, the average IQ is in fact 100 (the scale is deliberately calibrated that way), and IQs above the 120s, and certainly the 130s, are freakishly rare (a person with an actual IQ of 147, just shy of Einstein, would be in the upper 99.91% of the population - to put this in perspective, imagine everyone is divided into 30-person groups. Such a person would likely be the smartest person in the room. Now suppose all these smartest people were further put into 30-person clusters. Such a person would likely be the smartest of all of these smartest people.) To put it succinctly, the average person (or even a relatively extraordinary person) believing they have an IQ of 147 is beyond egotistical, and apparently it's actually the norm on the internet."

Using the internet selects for high IQ and high level reading skills, however, so you won't get a truly random sample of the population. First of all, just about anyone with an IQ of about 85 or below won't be online at all. Second, all the illiterate and subliterate folks are likely to avoid a primarily text environment. Then you have the people who are literate, but who prefer not to read. These people will also not have a strong presence online. Already the median IQ of internet users has risem somewhat, as the people with lower IQs and those who don't like to read have been essentially eliminated.

I do agree that a lot of people seem to think that self administered IQ tests are valid. I happen to know better. I also know that most people tend to give out their highest IQ score, on whatever test, as their "real" score. This is why professionals generally express IQ test results by percentiles.

I generally don't take self administered IQ tests. I know what my IQ is, or more precisely, where I am on the bell curve, so what would be the point? I've had mine tested by professionals, and, as it happens, I've scored lower than 147 or 142 only once, when I was sick with pneumonia. I've always scored in the upper half of the 99th percentile in all the other tests. So I am happy with my score, and don't need to seek reassurance about it.

I'm rather surprised at all the females claiming an A cup, though. I've got a sister-in-law who looks like a boy that had a couple of bees sting his chest, so I know that flatchested women are out there, I just didn't think that they talked about their lack of boobage quite so much.

Anyway, I found the tech support cheat sheet much more useful:
2010-03-18 11:50:32 UTC
The above-average-manship doesn't surprise me. Some people like to make up things and brag to feel better about themselves. I don't really know what it gets them. You once posted a link to a test of 12 "common knowledge" questions and I was the only person who got less than 12 right, I got 7.

Lol, any American woman who claims to have a E cup is not being truthful, because our bra sizes go from DD to F. There is a E cup in other countries.

Yes, I've taken some misleading IQ tests but I didn't get a 147 or even a 142. I got a 132. Now I feel REALLY dumb!
Eleanor B
2010-03-18 12:08:30 UTC
There's nothing strange about having an E cup, depending on how big you are - it's only when women say they have a small strap size (such as 32 or 34 E) that it starts to look a bit dubious. My friend is a double E cup but that's because she's a big girl - so I would need to know what your author's average strap size was to be able to say whether the internet was full of liars, or just heavier women. There is actually no such thing as 'E sized breasts' as E simply represents a woman whose bust measurement is 5 inches larger than her rib measurement - unlikely for a slim girl, pretty average for a bigger girl.

My brother claims to have an IQ of 147 - and yes, I think that was an online IQ test. But he only got a 2.1 for his degree so I doubt it. We don't have those fancy scores you mention above in our education system - but generally speaking it takes an IQ of 120 or above to get a 1.1 for your university degree, which is the first thing I would look for in somebody claiming to be a genius :-)
2010-03-18 11:05:00 UTC
I don't have a 9 incher cuz I am a woman, I am not an "E" cup or even a "D" cup. I do not think I have an IQ of 147--I haven't a clue what my IQ is, nor do I care. IQ tests do not measure intelligence anyways, they measure someone's ability to take a test.

Basically, it does not matter to me what other people think. Of even less importance to me is what people on the internet think. With the anonymity of this medium, we can all be perfect and no one knows the difference. And, this person could care less really.
2016-04-12 02:07:38 UTC
I would rather a girl trade cup size for IQ. Seriously, who cares about cup size?
2010-03-18 10:50:14 UTC
took the Mensa test. It's a load of crap. All they told me was "you're in." Send in your money.

Not gonna bother telling you the number they gave me, because, as I said, I think IQ tests are crap.

And I'd never have nine inches. Unless I had six or so amputated. Off my foot, I mean. I do have a secret body part. Its existence is verified on a recording from an answering machine of a call I made to myself.

Have some big coffee cups.
2010-03-18 10:51:34 UTC
I find it funny that whenever you ask about personal stats online, you always get some outrageous elite number. Like one thing I have noticed is that everyone on the internet has an IQ of 140-170, when it is clear that they never took an IQ test in their life.
2010-03-18 10:59:42 UTC
The obvious example here is Juditha. Does anyone really believe she's 6' tall and has a D cup and a 140 IQ? She's such a phony!
2010-03-18 11:08:23 UTC
I have a fairly big ego on the Internet. I have a fairly big ego in real life too, I just don't show it to most people unless I know them well. I fall into the "High IQ" portion of the Big Egoed-People. I've had several IQ tests done on me, but never got the actual results back. My understanding is that the first one I took ranked me with a low IQ, but the last one ranked me with an exceptionally high IQ. The person who tested me was a clinical psychologist who'd been doing this sort of stuff all his life, and he said he was amazed by my IQ. This seemed to be particularly the case when he was administering the memory portion of the test, that is when he read numbers and asked me to repeat them backwards and things like that--in other words, the portion of the test that looks at the actual amount of brain power a person has, and not at their amount of knowledge.

I tend to think this last IQ test was the more accurate one, partly because I'm more philosophical than most people I know, partly because people have always said they considered me to be exceptionally intelligent for all of my life, and partly because I've done things that actually demonstrate intelligence. For instance, being accepted into a highly competitive program at a top school that only takes the smartest people from across the country, double majoring in Computer Science/Computer Engineering with a Math minor, and so on.

However, I think I'm the exception to the rule. Most big-egoed Internet people do tend to be mentally ill high school drop outs living in their parents' basements and things of that nature. Of course, now you're thinking "Well it's easy for you to say you're the exception to the rule, I'm sure that the other big-egoed people are saying the same thing." And you're perfectly right in thinking that. But in my case, I think there's actually enough evidence to support this claim. From what I've told you about my own IQ, I feel it's safe to say I have a fair amount of intelligence (although I'm certainly not in the top 99.9% of the population, like some big-egoed people claim to be, as you pointed out). But in chatting on the Internet, I've met a good number of big-egoed people who made claims and actually did indeed end up being lunatics who weren't anywhere near being as successful as they claimed.

In a chatroom I met an arrogant, pompous jerk who claimed to be in his 30s and successful and happily married and all that. It was later revealed that he was a 19 year old kid living in his parents' basement and he used the Internet to try to piss off strangers, and that he actually kept journals detailing the lies he told people so he wouldn't slip up. This was revealed when he made the mistake of showing one of those journals to someone he knew in real life, and the person went into the guy's favorite chatroom and told everyone about it. He (the psycho, not the friend) promptly disappeared after that.

I met another pompous guy on-line who claimed to be 26 and a successful entrepreneur with his own website, which was always "Under Construction" and which he used to put up webpages to harass the people he chatted with over the Internet (Photoshopping their pics and displaying them on his page, and so on). It was later revealed that the guy was in fact in his forties, and that he regularly called 13 year old girls he met on the Internet, had phone sex with them, and tape recorded it without their knowing so he could use the tape to blackmail them into making him popular in the chatroom. It was also revealed that he'd never been successful, and had actually spent months learning HTML and spent a lot of his money hosting his webpage just so he could convince people on the Internet that he was successful. All of these things were revealed when a 16 year old boy he'd started stalking got fed up with him and started talking to all the girls this guy had talked to over the years, and they all told him the same thing.

So I think it's fair to say I'm the exception and not the rule. Most intelligent people seem to have plenty to do in real life, or just aren't addicted to the Internet or things of that nature. I got caught up in the Internet thing when I was taking a hiatus from school to deal with a personal situation, and I needed something to do on the days when all my friends were in school. I've never been able to shake the habit. So in closing, most people who have big egos and make wild claims on the Internet end up being mentally deranged in some way and are obviously lying about whatever it is they're saying to make themselves feel important. I'm not one of them, however. I may have a big ego, and I may be mentally deranged in my own way, but I don't feel a need to lie to strangers over the Internet.
2014-06-14 09:46:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.