I think it means, someone's trying to over simplify.
I get so tired of over paid office droids crying about how their pay isn't equal with someone else's pay. In a management position, it's not simple math.
There is no question, you should get equal pay for equal work. Anyone that says equal isn't fair is insane.
If you focus on blue collar it's a lot easier to compare who is doing what. As a man in a blue collar job, I have found women doing the same job as men, get paid the same, but are to some degree treated like their royalty. There aren't that many of them, so their looked at as special. Managers are used to dealing with men. So the few women get a break and don't have to work as hard. They will be given light, easy jobs. The nasty, hard jobs are reserved for men that get the same pay. But no one talks about it.
Here's the problem, How to judge equal ? If we make widgets. How many do we make and how happy are our workers and clients ? If we can measure all the variables, and they come out the same, with two different people in charge. Both have earned the same pay. I don't care if one is a ham sandwich and the other is a stuffed animal. The numbers have spoken.
Believe it or not, even today, people are complicated. I'm suggesting that people may look beyond numbers, when it comes to pay. The abstracts are part of the math. A customer may prefer to deal with a man, maybe they are a bit old fashion. They could be gay and like a male sales person, more than a female.
You know some female sales persons are REAL popular with male buyers, because of their looks and personality.
If gender increases a workers sales, shouldn't their pay reflect that ? You can't change genders, but if your gender increases company profits, shouldn't you get paid because of it ?