Racism pure and simple.
I could get into the precise reasons but it's truly appalling on numerous levels and completely disgusting as well so I'm not sure I should.
Should I go into detail or can I just leave it at "racism":(?
Okay, detail: basically white people still view black peoples' bodies as things that should be controlled (by white people). As we all know, for 300 years, American culture viewed black people as inferior to whites. That disease of bigotry doesn't disappear in a mere 60 years. And it is present in every aspect of our society including feminism.
White people perceive black sexuality as threatening to white peoples' privileged place in society. How can white women still be "the best" if Beyoncé is acknowledged to be sexier than white women? How can white men be "the best" if white women are dating black guys?
Just look at all the paranoid white boy comments here about white women leaving them for black guys.
Just look at Kyle's insistence that black men should be stereotyped on an individual basis because of overall black v. white rape offender rates.
Celebration of (or even mere acceptance of) black sexuality (male or female) threatens white peoples' privileged place in society (from their pov). From their pov, the only way black sexuality is acceptable is on white terms, or expressed through white people (Elvis' persona; basically the entire concept of a white rock star is based off if white people stealing black musicians' moves, personas, musical styles: even stealing entire songs).
So whether they are doing it consciously or not, many white people get weird and hypocritical when it comes to black and white women, black and white bodies, black and white sexuality, and how that relates to Beckyism *cough* feminism.
They're in denial if the fact that both white and black women can be viewed as equally sexy and the sky won't cave in.
Besides white women have always had a stranglehold on "Beckyism". They think they get to call the shots about who is feminist and who is not. And a lot of them, consciously or unconsciously, are racist.
So again, my answer is racism.
Appalling and disgusting as I originally said:(
nurgle, you're British and considerably more progressive than the average white guy.
Or am I wrong? Are we talking about Brits? I thought it was USA. And Madame, what is your perspective on this matter? How would you answer your question?