Is this not absolutely outrageous?
2007-09-07 12:41:45 UTC
So apparently now random male airline workers are also authorized to tell women what they can and can't wear: . A girl was almost kicked off her flight to Tucson, AZ, for wearing a white miniskirt. Welcome to the Middle East.

Aww, poor airline workers, all distracted by women's clothes because, as we know, men are just brainless sex fiends who can't control themselves with beautiful women around.

This is absolutely horrifying and simply outrages me. It is plain and obvious sex-based discrimination and - I would even go so far as to say - harassment. Her skirt was NOT obscene; with her legs crossed, you couldn't see a thing. Even if her skirt was obscene, NO ONE would be able to see it while she was SITTING DOWN on the plane. Her top was more than modest. I plan to write to this woman to encourage her to file charges. Is this not completely outrageous?
41 answers:
2007-09-07 12:51:04 UTC
And perhaps the best part is, check out the outfits that Southwest flight attendants used to wear (second pic on the left):

Can you IMAGINE? That is utterly ridiculous. Women's bodies are so incredibly politicized, it's sickening.

I can't help but mention that I absolutely hate her shoes, but that's just my inner snob talking. ;)
2007-09-14 13:01:58 UTC
THANK YOU!!!! Finally a question in women's studies about an actual issue. I thought it had turned into a forum for men who hate women to air their vile opinions.

So, in other words about the article. She was asked to leave for being beautiful or somewhat attractive. What if it had been a fat guy wearing a pair of shorts and one of those large tank tops with his nipples showing?

Why is seeing a cleavage or legs on an attractive woman considered obscene to children? To all those who wrote that it is another example of the sexualisation of the female body, you are right. This goes along with the breast feeding in public "debate" (as if there is a debate).

If that were me, I would have quietly explained to him that I would be taking the airlines to court if "Keith" did not apologise for his offensive comments.

He basically told her to cover herself when the weird part is, I can bet that there would be at least 40 - 50 people on the plane reading fashion magazines or those gross "men's weeklies" (maybe, only in the UK) or FHM or one of those perpetuating the women as sex objects baloney and there would be a multitude of half-naked women in those.

She should bring charges against the airline. They should compensate her and I think if possible more women should boycott the airline until they issue an apology to her.
2007-09-09 23:56:43 UTC
The airlines are highly subjective not to females but to males as well .

However having said that from what i see i cannot fathom her being kicked off the plane for what she wore .

I saw video of her on fox if thats her outfit then the airline is in the wrong . Unless were not getting everything i cannot fathom why she was kicked off the plane .

If it went down like she said it went down she has a case for suing .

I definatly would like to hear whether it was the flight attendant who initated this or another passenger .

Also besides what is being said by Kyla i would like to hear from the airline from there perspective why that action was taken ......compleltley .

For now Kyla my recommnedations are to sue the bastards
2007-09-07 16:43:04 UTC
What gets me about this story is the the airline said they have no dress code as long as "the important parts" are covered. So if some one wanted to they could get on that plane in a bikini or speedo and the airline can do nothing about it. That guy just had a stick up his a$$ and felt like being rude to someone. On her way home a stewardess from the same airline complimented her. That keith guy(the ******) should be reprimanded.
eine kleine nukedmusik
2007-09-07 14:35:25 UTC
I saw this story today, and I also could not figure out what the problem with her outfit was. Did a fight break out over who would get to sit next to her?

I only say that because her clothing would be perfectly acceptable in, say, a high school... why not a plane? Were she older or weathered or in some way not a really, really pretty girl, would anyone have even noticed?

Just goes to show you, watch yourself on planes, these days they are throwing people off for anything.

I don't think it is outrageous, per se, but it certainly is confusing and unfounded. She definitely deserves a refund, if not additional compensation for being inconvenienced.

Most likely, some righteously indignant woman with a chip on her shoulder complained. That IS grounds for being tossed off a plane, anymore. Too bad. Of course, these days I hear stories about flight attendants trying to pick fights with patrons, just to get them thrown off. Very, very sad.

Carrie... the stewardess pic is AWESOME! And an excellent point... what is the difference between this girl's outfit and typical flight attendant garb, even 10 years ago? The boots? Love it. Great research.
2016-10-04 08:02:34 UTC
specific, there is not any doubt that many are capitalizing in this and as a Christian I ought to admit it is gloomy. yet on the different hand from a biblical attitude we actually are coming very close to to what i think The return of Christ. it particularly isn't in spite of the undeniable fact that to signify that we ought to constantly be all labored up over it. If something this must be a happy interesting time for Christians. yet another factor to contemplate is we've long undergone our customary organic lives for thus long seeing issues come and bypass with the international no longer ending that is complicated to appreciate this occurring as this could injury this cycle that we are so used to of purely writing of issues contained in the international as having constantly been right here. So think of that is precise to be preaching on the tip. yet in addition to have stability and a appropriate attitude.
2007-09-12 21:17:54 UTC
The one I saw on TV in a white skirt outfit, I'm guessing her undies showed when she sat down, assuming of course that she had.......... .

The brunette in the blue dress, well. If a guy tried to get on a plane with no shirt on his back, just a tie around his neck and see through slacks, they would probably give him a blanket too. Have you ever noticed? Gals like this are seldom wearing an A Cup bra? Drama queens, just want attention. Slow the rest of us down.
2007-09-07 16:01:12 UTC
Not saying that all male flight attendants are gay, but I'm guessing this 'Keith' was a hater. Why? Because his failed attempts at dressing in drag were a chip on his shoulder. Her feminine sex appeal made him resent her becaue he knows he could never have that without gender surgery. I have quite a few gay friends, both male and female. The guys can be just as catty as girls (but i loooove them)!

My reason for why I think this happened aside, YES she should sue the airline. And for all those who think the airline was in the right, try and imagine where this imaginary line in the sand gets drawn, will you? There was nothing wrong with her attire, it was just how one person perceived it. What happens when the airline doesn't like what you're wearing? What if they just don't like the way you look? Are they going to start kicking people off who dodn't tuck in their shirts?

Kendrick, you'll get no pity from me. You should be old enough to know that certain clubs require certain attire. Like another pp said, you hadn't paid an exorbitant cover so there is absolutely no comparision.

To anyone who thinks her attire is innappropriate, then I'm guessing you live with the Amish????? Boy, you would sure hate to see what I wear day to day! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theodore H
2007-09-08 05:58:41 UTC
Hey, I have no problem with it if a woman wants to dress pretty. And, yes, she ought to sue! And, yes, the male flight attendant ought to have for his punishment being dropped from an airplane at 30,000 feet without a parachute! And, yes, I do find it quite interesting that, of 34 posts to this thread, the two posters who claimed that this woman was "dressed like a prostitute" are both posting under female names. Neither of you has the foggiest idea what prostitutes dress like. And, by the way, for all those of you who complained about how this woman was dressed, what do you suggest she do? If she were to wear a g..d... burkah next time she gets on a plane, she'd no doubt be detained as a potential terrorista!
2007-09-13 12:01:27 UTC
i seriously doubt flight attendants give a sh*t about what passengers wear. if you've ever worked in a field that involved customers, you've probably dealt with a customer that didn't like something about another customer and expected you to do something about it. the odds are pretty good that another passenger was bothered by the girl's attire and asked the staff to intervene. and as far as that girl being "beautiful", i think you're taking it a little far. did you actually see her picture? far from being a beauty queen. she's a hooter's waitress by trade and was on her way to a doc's appointment out of state. how much do you want to bet it was a plastic surgeon? in the age of lame lawsuits, the last thing she needs to do is file suit. it's not like anyone told her she had to go sit at the back of the plane.
Fortis cadere cedere non potest
2007-09-07 17:19:42 UTC
I'm not quite sure what to make of this. Completely outrageous is not how I would term what happened. Before reading the article, I just looked at the picture so the reading wouldn't influence how I viewed her. I didn't find anything significant about what she was wearing. In fact, this sort of dress can be seen all over college campuses, sporting events, concerts, etc. That doesn't mean that it isn't obscene just that it is commonplace and/or not obscene to my personal tastes. I'm not so sure this is plain and simple sex discrimination. One would have to compare how many men have been kicked off a plane for wearing something obscene versus the number of women who were kicked of a plane for wearing something obscene while ruling out the fact that what they were wearing truly is obscene in this culture. I'm not a population so my personal opinion doesn't count for being a culture. This is an unfortunate incident no doubt about it.

The article states "Angelique, the agent who took my call, assured me that a young woman could [wear a bikini on the plane]". Either Angelique is grossly misinformed or the plane officials who asked the girl to change are. In order for this to be sex discrimination one would have to prove that she was the only woman wearing an outfit like this on the plane and that she was singled out because she was a woman. Either way this doesn't detract from the fact that this event was unfortunate, but 'absolutely outrageous' and 'sex discrimination' is a little presumptuous.
2007-09-07 17:00:28 UTC
Nothing wrong with a woman showing a little skin when appropriate, for it need not entice a man inordinately or cause him to look at her with lust (proper sexual attraction is a different thing than lust)|

But if she arrived on the plane in her underware or something, then perhaps the authorities would have a point (and the same would go with a man)|

2007-09-08 07:48:12 UTC
I will never step foot on this Airline again, and I called and told them so. This girls attire was no worse than anything you see on the streets, or on tv. I would like to know who the passenger was that complained against this girl, It was probably some jealous bat from hell who wished she looked as good, If it was a man who complained, it was probably some sexless jerk who had nothing better to do with himself than to uneccesarily make somones life miserable. Southwest had their steewardess wearing "hot pants" many years ago, They are moralistic hypocrites. Dont fly the unfriendly skies with thsi airline.
Priscilla B
2007-09-07 13:18:00 UTC
I will never understand why people obsess over the ways others dress to such an extent. Never. It really does not effect me if someone want to wear a tiny, tight skirt. And I'm really not going to buy into the American prudish sensibility that an innocent child may be traumatized for life over seeing too much thigh, or god forbid *gasp* a butt cheek, should something go awry. Big freakin' deal. Let's all be adults and get over it. There was no reason for them to cause this much drama over a piece of fabric.

Edit: I just looked at a photo of the women wearing the outfit in question, and I'm even more surprised. It's not "shocking" or "lewd" at all. I see women dressed like that everyday and I wouldn't have given it a second glance.
2007-09-08 06:53:56 UTC
That's crazy! I would sue the crap out of that airline! I saw her outfit and I don't really see a problem. Infact I don't think she is all that great looking, kinda ugly actually. But back on topic, I think the man was an idiot for saying that and should be fired.
2007-09-07 15:38:18 UTC
It is ridiculous! If they don't want that stuff on the plane they should say that in a dress code or something! then they should ban the selling of any miniskirts for the record-ha! besides, I see some people that look way worse than THAT in places everyday.
2007-09-07 18:01:41 UTC
OK..... for all you people that said that kids might be exposed!!! PLZ THINK my high school we have a kinder care thing built in for older kids who have babies and need a place to put them...During passing periods i see them walking by all the time and it just happens to be that there are girls with skirts twice as small as the white one that lady had on....I think Mike is right...It was some old ugly lady who got jealous prob some great great grandma who was envious
Rio Madeira
2007-09-07 12:50:42 UTC
The skirt may have been a bit risqué, but that doesn't justify asking her to change her clothes or kicking her off the plane. I would be able to understand if she was asked to change at work, where professional dress is necessary. But since when are planes professional environments? If that were true, most young children wouldn't get on a plane by a long shot.
2007-09-07 13:31:19 UTC
I love how all of the anti-feminists can't think past their own delusions to admit JUST ONCE that yes, this case is an example of the ridiculous sexist beliefs that still permeate this society. Whomever posted the picture of the 70's flight attendants was absolutely brilliant; can you imagine if THIS girl had been wearing "go-go" boots??!! Either you want us to be ladylike and feminine all the time and wear dresses and skirts, or we must hide any part of our body that even discreetly suggests "I'm a woman" and wears pants, sweats, sweatshirts etc. Ughhh....I hate society sometimes!!
Standing Stone
2007-09-07 13:29:36 UTC
That merits a law suit plain and simple. I just looked at the photo. There's nothing inappropiate about it. She should sue for emotional distress too for being preached to about how to dress. Go ahead people thumb me down. But this country is supposed to be about liberty. That mini-skirt harms no-one. BTW- I'm pretty sure Ann Coutier has gotten away with wearing less on an airplane.
2007-09-07 12:51:36 UTC
Outrageous, indeed.

Her top was the opposite of revealing, and let's face it-the girl's got long legs. Everything is going to look 'short' on her (I have the same problem). Tuscon was hitting 106, of course she is going to wear something light and revealing, it's hot!!

It is harassment, in the worst sense. He degraded her, looked at her like nothing but a sex object, and more or less treated her that way. Hopefully he will face action by his superiors.

To the person saying "at least she wasn't wearing a bikini". What if she was? So what? All the 'necessary' parts are covered, you can wear it to the beach, why not a plane? I personally wouldn't, but since Southwest blatantly said they dont' have a dress code, why not?
2007-09-07 12:48:52 UTC
Yes, it is outrageous. She was actually covered up more than some of the Hollywood starlets that we see every time we pass a magazine rack, which could be at the mall, at the grocery store, or even at the airport gift shop! This girl was sexy, and she can't help that. What should she do, wrap up in a blanket from head to toe? I think that she should sue, also. The airline embarrassed her for no good reason. This shouldn't be tolerated.
Terri J
2007-09-07 12:50:34 UTC
The flight attendant could have quietly offered her a flight blanket for her lap. Chances are her legs would be cold anyway. I thought flight attendants were taught this kind of subtlety.
the old dog
2007-09-07 13:51:03 UTC
Yes it is outrageous but that is the norm for today! I used to be able to go to the airport fifteen minutes to flight and pay cash to board it, without interference. Try that now and they will scrutinize every thing you say to them when they bring you into interrogation!

You're diatribe is also offencive. If you are travelling around this global village we live in today you should know better.

Sooner or later you are going to bump into the village idiots!
2007-09-07 17:18:05 UTC
Maybe it was the foul smell coming from the region of the short skirt that put the flight attendant off. A longer skirt may have covered the smell better
2007-09-07 17:46:29 UTC
she was dressed like a nasty streetwalker (from the waist down). i am assuming you saw her flash her underwear to the entire country on the today show when she tried to sit down in her skirt. and at least she had on underwear on when matt lauer interviewed her; who's to say she wasn't going commando on the plane???? i hope her making a complete fool out of herself on national television will negate any lawsuit she may try to bring against the airline. what a total BIMBO MORON.
2007-09-07 13:52:19 UTC
Wow really? You would go so far as to say - ZOMG hArAsSmEnT!?

Pity you would also go as far to say that about any number of other things, mere posts on here included. Meanwhile I don't think she'd feel harassed by getting letters from some nutjob telling her how to run her life or anything.
2007-09-08 12:07:45 UTC
Please be advised passengers complained cause when she bent over the skirt didn't conceal anything.
2007-09-07 14:10:20 UTC
Should not have happened however -does she really think she can get away with saying she is 23 yrs old?
2007-09-07 12:50:33 UTC
I think she should sue. It's not like she was wearing a bikini or something. And the airline doesn't have a dress code.
2007-09-07 13:54:17 UTC
Well, if it cuts down on gynoterror, I'm all for it.

You can't be too careful these days.
Day Dreamin' in Cali'!
2007-09-07 12:51:31 UTC
That is outrageous, ridiculous, and sexest. When you write to her tell her not only to file charges but she is very much supported by very many women in this. I could see if she was traveling to another country where it would be offensive , BUT come on what happen to our Freedom!!!!!! If it was a safety issue I could even see that but JUST because it's a distraction! Stupid! It's however tacky but her CHOICE!
2007-09-07 13:21:30 UTC
As long as she doesn't mind guys staring at her and trying to see what colour undies she has on what is the problem.
2007-09-07 16:46:38 UTC
I thought it was probably some feminist woman who got jealous and angry not a man.
2007-09-07 13:08:57 UTC
Wow you've got to be joking right? I dont understand why your all pissed off, for one, you might have kids on the plane, with parents that dont want thier children to see such things. In all honesty I dont give a **** what anybody wears, hell if I had my pick I'd walk around naked (i'm dead serious). But since im considerate of other people, I dont. And I think that is the whole problem here, just because she wants to wear some short, *** hugging skirt doesnt mean she should. Also please lay off the whole men bit, we arnt all bad. Just because you have issues doesnt mean you should go around blaming men for all this. For all you know the order came from some jelious woman with out the guts to confront the lady.
2007-09-07 12:48:42 UTC
I agree.
2007-09-07 13:11:56 UTC
Who cares.Jeeze.You need to be worring about somthing other than a girl with a mini skirt...
2007-09-07 12:57:43 UTC
Yes, it was outrageous. Good thing it's an atypical, isolated incident and nothing to get your panties all in a bunch over.

Oops, too late.
Mopar Muscle Gal
2007-09-07 12:51:09 UTC
she does look like a hooker

you dress like you have no self respect- you get treated as thus
2007-09-07 12:48:46 UTC
pfff.. get real
Joe B
2007-09-07 12:48:41 UTC
It doesn't say Male. Theres no need to put a feminist twist on this.

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