2009-01-18 19:22:53 UTC
So Fellow feminists,
I don't want to contribute towards the evil patriachal state in which our country is in. I do not wish for women to be oppressed in to such suffering, and as such will fight for feminism until my dying breathe.
I would not wish to contribute towards the patriachys gender roles in any way (I would rather die) - My life is not worth anything in comparison to the trillions of women being oppressed, I would gladly die to prevent women from being so oppressed. If I could give up my life to prevent even an ounce of oppression I would. Infact, I would galdly give up everyman on the planets life to prevent the awful burdens of laundry placed on our women. I mean, not OUR women because they don't belong to us, I mean the women of the country, NO!!!! They do not belong to our male dominated country, I mean all of the women whom the country belongs to YES That is what I mean.
As such, I would like not to name my son using a male name, which would only promote the oppression of women by conforming to the evil male-chauvanist roles of our damned society. I have only womens interests at heart and as such would not allow myself to do anything which would cause my son to become a future rapist or abuser. Every female life is infinitly valuable and I cannot allow my son to ever hurt a woman in any way! Therefore, I can not give him a "male" name. (Who do these chauvinist pigs think they are thinking these names belong to men!!!!!)
Therefore, I would like to name him either Jessica or Jennifer, and was wondering which one you think I should choose??????