do you see women as being as intelligent and equally capable as men?
2015-03-08 12:32:08 UTC
do you see women as being as intelligent and equally capable as men?
383 answers:
2015-03-10 12:10:21 UTC
Are you talking about life in general I assume as you do not mention anything else. I will assume you mean life.

I see individuals as equally capable, gender doesn't come into it. I've known intelligent men and women, capable men and women and the total opposites.

What I do notice is the ones that I would call less capable or less intelligent tend to be very closed minded and find it difficult to think outside of or question their upbringing, life, society, others etc

What do you call intelligence? Some would call it having a high IQ, others would call it having a good skill, another would call it becoming rich, another being adaptable in changing circumstances, another would call it questioning life itself.

Maybe intelligence is a perception? Maybe I am unintelligent for expressing that...
2015-03-10 10:14:27 UTC
We are obviously different by gender. Abilities and skill set yes there are strength and weaknesses we all possess, but capabilities has to do with the individual we do have different makeups within our gender set, but this doesn't determine inequality or lack of intelligence between sexes. Our make up can be an indication of a general reaction or response at times ie, men are thinkers and women are emotional. This would be an overall statement as we both can think and feel when it comes to certain things so yes I would say we are equally capable but the balance between the two complete us life can make one stronger than the other when the need rises, or can make one more emotional to deal with certain cases when it calls for it. The balance is beautiful, we are created equal and in God's image - Gen 1:27
2016-02-14 20:07:47 UTC
Yes, equal whilst being different, which is how we are meant to be. Take a mixed group of men and see how different they are from each other in their intelligence and capabilities and then do the same with women. You'll soon see that we are all different from each other and our gender plays only a small part in this.
2015-03-10 16:16:56 UTC
Yes and no. I believe it all depends on the individual. There are some men who are much more capable than some women, and there are some women who are much more capable than some men. It is impossible to generalize and say that one gender is all incapable compared to another one when both genders have had successes over the years. For example, Marie Curie for her discoveries or Joan of Arc for her courage and bravery. There are people like Mark Zuckerberg who have created empires like Facebook and people like Albert Einstein.

Personally I think the reason why there are considered to be less "women geniuses" throughout history is simply because of oppression. Take Ancient Greece for example: women were not even allowed to walk the streets and were made to stay home while people like Socrates and Plato discovered new ideas and studied the way of the world. That s surely not a good environment for women to go out and investigate life. Women have been held down for the majority of history by gender roles and what was considered the proper way for them to act.

However, today is a much different world than Ancient Greece and I think as time goes on more and more women will become famous for their ideas and discoveries. Our society today is 10000000x more accepting of women (except for some countries where they are still oppressed) and with new opportunities today it won t be long until another Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking appears- and as a woman.
2015-03-10 15:04:37 UTC
Yes, equal whilst being different, which is how we are meant to be. Take a mixed group of men and see how different they are from each other in their intelligence and capabilities and then do the same with women. You'll soon see that we are all different from each other and our gender plays only a small part in this.
2015-03-09 15:15:58 UTC
As intelligent, yes.

As equally capable: well there are certain things that men are better at and some things women are.

It's the way everything is balanced.
2015-03-12 02:44:56 UTC
In most cases yes. Generally speaking, women are equally intellectually capable, though there are bound to be exceptions as there are with men.

Women and men find different things more important depending on the situation. It all depends on perspective.

Equally intelligent and capable? Yeah pretty much. Different in roles and expectations in society? Yes, absolutely.I've never seen them as less than capable. We are all human beings, if you treat other people rudely, then that's more about you. There are going to be good guys, bad guys, and guys in between. Same with women, etc.

How much do these gender differences matter in the public’s assessments about who would make a better leader? Very little, according to the data. When the analysis is narrowed to those respondents who consider a specific trait to be “absolutely essential” for a leader, similar-sized majorities see no difference between men and women.

For example, among those who say honesty is an essential quality for a leader to have, 68% say that men and women are equally honest (among all adults 67% say the same). And for those who say intelligence is an essential trait for a leader, 87% say this trait is found equally in men and women (compared with 86% among all adults). The same can be said of decisiveness. Among those who say this is an essential leadership trait, 61% say men and women display this trait equally (compared with 62% among all adults).

Gender and Political Leadership

Men and Women Equally Capable Political Leaders compared to their share of the population, women remain under represented at virtually all levels of elected office, but the new Pew Research survey findings suggest that this is not due to a lack of confidence on the part of the public. A strong majority of Americans (75%) say women and men make equally good political leaders. Some 14% say men generally make better political leaders than women, and 9% say women make better leaders than men.
Art G
2015-03-10 20:37:09 UTC
Women are sometimes more intelligent and equally capable to men. This comes from a solid state physical electronics engineer by day and an adjunct professor in math and science by night for, both for 35 years.
2015-03-10 10:22:48 UTC
Well, I think they are sort of equal as a gentlemen also said, but I also see them being unequal even thou they try to be as men. God did not Build their bodies that way. Certain jobs women should not do. They know it. but as always mankind loves to rebel ,against anything that is limited. Men do NOT bare children, but they do, so they should not lift certain weights, yet I see them being Fed Ex jobs, truck jobs and so on. Juts to do what they want. No surprise they have so many problems when it comes to conditions of giving birth. Stop playing men!!i

You are who you are. I am a female and I don't have to prove I'm as good as a man.

I do what I can handle and nothing more. My mentality is not to rebel against everything. Like some females. Rebel and rights are 2 very different things. SO, NO, I do not think women are capable of everything equal as a man. God did not created them that way at all. They are created equal as a person. One can be intelligent , but not capable of something.
2015-03-11 08:36:18 UTC
Of course women are just as intelligent as men but in different ways. It's a sure thing though that women are not as physically capable as men which is mainly why men have had the edge on getting ahead throughout time.
2015-03-09 21:16:43 UTC
Yes.. I believe that women are as intelligent as men and also are equally capable ..
2015-03-10 10:06:44 UTC
Absolutely. I don't think it necessarily depends on the sex of an individual though. Some women are weaker than others, just as some men are weaker than other men. There are women stronger than some men and some men stronger than other women. A person can be as strong as they want to be if they work hard enough for it.

As far as intelligence goes, neither men nor women are more intelligent than the other.
2015-03-10 17:52:26 UTC
All these philosophical answers are a waste of bits and bites. The answer is YES. Anything short of this is male chauvinism; men trying hard to not admit this now completely a proven fact..Their height and weight is only a physical difference. Some men are too short to play pro basketball. Some women are tall enough. Some men can't write a correctly constructed paragraph. Many women can do that, fly a 757, raise children alone, become presidents and supreme court judges, rock climbers, big rig and train drivers, Drs., chemists, EMTs, farm ranchers, biologists, Shakespearean actors, Indy drivers, boxers, detectives, cops, and Psychiatrists, on and on. Some men can do neither.. Enough already with this kid of outdated, useless banter, here and NOW ! I am a 67 yr old American, heterosexual male.
2015-03-10 01:34:02 UTC
Yes, of course they are just as capable. But it depends on what the subject is. Generally, women are more flexible than men. If you compare the record weight lift for a man and the record weight lift for a woman, you'll notice that the man has a higher lift. But that doesn't mean that women can't be as strong as men. There are many women who are stronger than the average man, it's just that our biology is different. Regarding intelligence, I believe that both men and women can excel in many areas, but it has been scientifically proven that some parts of a man's brain are more developed than a woman's and vice versa.
2015-03-10 13:05:00 UTC
Don't see what the different gender has to do with it, as the intelligence and capability of each

depend on the individual. Have met scientists who have little or no understanding of the human race. Men who can turn their hand to any task, but have no inclination at all to use their skill as any form of self betterment, and women who with no past knowledge, will sail into any task that arises, and will definitely succeeding in the task with a fire in her knickers that is quite frightening.

Generally I think that women mature faster and are usually far more level headed, whereas men retain the little boy attitude far longer, and take far longer to grow up. This works very well whilst the situation is running smoothly, but life has its little ups and downs as you will have noticed. In such circumstance, I think that I would be inclined to rely on the capabilities of a

2015-03-09 09:45:47 UTC
Obviously not equally capable, because otherwise why would there be separate sporting competitions and lower sporting standards for women? The same applies to separate physical standards for entry to the police, military and fire service, which means that we have incompetent female members police, military and fire service who have taken the jobs that competent men should have had.

Sports reporters are all forced to become girls and tell lies. For example, New Zealand TV3 sports reporter, Sam Ackerman, said on 2 February 2015 that Lydia Koh had beaten Tiger Woods' record of being the youngest golfer to ever be No.1 in the World, which is a grotesque girly lie! Lydia Koh just plays Girlie-golf. She does not play real golf and compete with the men. To say that someone playing mere Girlie-Golf is beating someone playing in a totally separate and harder competition is completely insane, and shows that Sam Ackerman has had a sex-change, through working for girly TV3 for too long.

The issue with intelligence is harder to prove, but since Psychologists create IQ tests, most Psychologists are Feminists and/or female, and IQ tests no longer include verbal reasoning, we can assume that a Great Girly Cover-up is going on there, as well!
Jedi Jan
2015-03-09 17:29:34 UTC
Women are as intelligent as men; that really doesn't need to be quantified though. Equally capable? On the physical side, the majority of men would be generally stronger; superior though, as that is the way nature intended. If you are talking about endurance then that is debatable. When you look at the percentage of women compared to men competing in endurance events they do compare rather favourably.
2015-03-10 19:48:26 UTC
Yes, I think women are equally intelligent and capable to men. And in daily life, women are more intelligent than men, such as cooking, taking care of little baby. And in other parts, women are also more patient than men.
a mother
2015-03-10 11:21:46 UTC
No waaayyy. Women are far too superior than men not just intellectually but also emotionally. Women toil through tough situations of life and don't give up easily. They work more sincerely while studying, at home and at their jobs. They don't get scared by life's difficulties and don't run away from responsibilities nor do they get depressed. They always put family and kids before self and devote their entire life for their happiness. They swallow their ego and dump their self respect to maintain a relationship which would otherwise not hold without their efforts. They do not need men in their lives to survive but behave the opposite way to nurture men's ego. They move on with life no matter what. They find solutions even in difficult situations. They are self motivated and never lose hope even in worst of situations. They don't break down easily. Women are far too stronger.
2015-03-10 17:56:23 UTC
Yes I do! I find that women are equally as intelligent as men and In fact, I see them being much more capable then more capable than man in certain aspects. Certainly there exist barriers like men are usually physically stronger and there are anatomical and psychological differences but I firmly believe that women can do all things that men can. :)

And some people are just idiots too xD
2015-03-09 10:19:20 UTC
Not 'equally capable'. Men and women have different capabilities and abilities. As far as intelligence goes, there are different types of intelligence. IQ-wise, yes. BUT IQ/mensa tests are generally bollocks.

At grammar school girls perform far better than boys. What does that tell you? That girls are more intelligent? I don't think so. More mature? Perhaps.

By the way, I am a woman.
2015-03-10 06:55:00 UTC
When comparing the two sexes, you will find that now, we are not equal.

We have each evolved to specific roles that pertain to our perceived task for everyday life.

Originally, men were hunters, and had to gain a high muscle mass to support that. Women were the ones who cared for the children, so a muscle mass was not necessary for them.

While this is a very simplified way of saying it (And I know you will think I am a sexist individual) it is foolish to try and compare us as equals. Yes, everyone deserves equal rights, but in some fields there are things that two are simply not equal in.

Women's bodies are flexible, whereas males are more durable.

Women mature at a faster rate than the male during puberty.

Women have hips built for giving birth to a child, male have a narrow pelvic girdle.

Women have thin, petite bone structures, where men have a larger chest cavity and bone structure.

There are too many differences to try and say we are the same.

It is like saying that milk is the same as an oreo. They are completely different, the only thing keeping them relevant is that one taste good when dipped into the other.
2015-03-09 00:25:33 UTC
Yes I do. Unlike feminists who believe women are less intelligent and less capable than men, therefor deserve lower barriers of entry for college and careers. I believe women on average are just as intelligent and capable as men and to say that women need to go through life on easy mode is an insult to all women.
2015-03-09 00:57:03 UTC
To compare men and women, puts both genders in a box, and you essentially have limited ideas about both. A human being is unlimited possibility, nobody knows how good a man can be, nobody knows how good a woman can be. plus there are many different kinds of intelligence and capability.
2015-03-09 05:20:42 UTC
Yes. I have met as many intelligent women as men in my life and I know from personal experience that women can also do the most physical of jobs. There may be a percentage of men who are better at physical jobs than women but all jobs (In the US anyway) must by OHS rules be able to be done by people of varying degrees of reasonable strength and fitness.

When it comes to things like STEM jobs there is no reason why women should not be doing them beside the fact that at this stage girls applying to higher education courses are not choosing those careers in high numbers.
2015-03-08 13:00:21 UTC
In some ways men and women are equal, but in others they are not. Men excel in some areas, women in others.

There s a reason we have separate men's and women's sports, there s a reason guys don t use breast pumps.

Rather than pretending men and women are in all ways equal and that gender is simply a construct, we should instead in my opinion be trying to understand that there are very real differences between men and women and these very real differences will influence what men and women are most capable of and most desire.

Given the differences between men and women I think it s incredibly flawed to expect them to do everything in proportional numbers. If men ever start giving birth and women become 30% bigger and stronger, that may make sense, but that s not the case now.
Barbara L
2015-03-10 13:10:02 UTC
Intelligence, yes. As for equally capable, are you talking physical strength? However, men and women do think and reason differently but that doesn t mean that one way is better than the other. Women can multitask much better and this has been proven scientifically. Men tend to do one thing at a time. For them to multitask, they can do it but it is not innate to them in general.
2015-03-09 18:05:23 UTC
It all depends, and this is coming from an equalist.

Women are intellectually capable of doing the same things as men. Same for the other way around.

However, physically, most men are stronger than women, hence the different sporting standards and more men being in the armed forces, as well as other jobs requiring physical strength. It's not hypocrisy, it's just a biological fact. That doesn't mean some women aren't just as physically talented as men, it's just rare.

Minus physically, of course women are just as capable as men.
2015-03-09 09:31:17 UTC
I used to think woman were more intelligent than men, now i dont know. I know 1 smart female and about 10 smart males.

I used to see women and males as equal but after thinking about it as I was typing this post, I m not sure.

I v never seen a female be particully good at anything other than that 1 smart female.

I v seen dozens of talented males.

When I see women play football on T.V, it seems so much less talented (not saying it is) than males.

If Women ARE worse than men, they make up for it with both love and pleasure.
2015-03-10 21:47:27 UTC
The real truth to this question is a long answer that neither men nor women can handle. Why? because both are too narrowminded to appreciate the vast amount of exceptional qualities both sexes have.

This question ultimiatly will have a vast majority of women being ultra sexist in their answer and silly men saying yes to be polite without actually considering their answer.

Women, those of you who think having a vagina and using it to compromise men plus the childbearing factor and the dishes and clothes washing you think you all do, DOES not make you equal or better. Likewise you men with your ego, power and your cheap talk about how wonderful women are are equally as insulting.

We will never see the real excellence of all indivuduals in the human race because of our faults, our greed, our lust for power, our selfishness and ultimetly our blindness. Our blindness to answering this question truthfully because of the corruption we put in our own way.
2015-03-11 04:10:49 UTC
Definitely No. Women as being intelligent as men but not capable as men.
2015-03-09 09:36:50 UTC
I see women as more intelligent generally - but less capable at physical tasks, and more capable at tasks that demand dexterity. Because someone is less capable does not make them less intelligent. Women over history have been 'kept down' by the more physical male sex and therefore do not feature as much in general history. Many discoveries by women were 'snatched' by men and because men were dominant and the major historians, women feature less, though were no less inventive and resourceful.

It does of course depend on how you measure intelligence which is a never ending arguement - and how much depends on nature and how much on nurture.
2015-03-12 13:16:48 UTC
Well I have noticed that some men might be intimidated by a women who is more intelligent than them. I do believe a women can be as Intelligent as a man. I read a lot of books and know a lot of things, and I personally have found that some men are intimidated by my intelligence.
2015-03-10 09:43:28 UTC
Intelligence wise yes. Woman are equal. But physically. Not always. Men are built with more muscle than women.
2015-03-09 16:53:45 UTC
I believe that women ARE equally intelligent and capable of anything that a man can do. there are so many women out there that are doing (scientifically proven) most of the worlds work. Of course, there are things that only men can do or only women can do, however, they both are capable of doing great things.
2015-03-12 11:13:40 UTC
100% we are all equal just because to are different gender and different looks that does not make us different some men are idiots just like some women can be too and all this old fashioned crap about how men should should go to work while women stay home and clean should be OUTLAWED it should be an equal life style for both men and women same as the crap about only men going to war while women stay AT THE END OF THE DAY THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY AND PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP AND STOP THINKING WHERE DIFFERENT AS WHERE NOT.

hope this helps.
Groove doctor
2015-03-09 05:54:49 UTC
Intelligence, no and yes.

Capable, yes.

But I'd say the same for men about women. Why? Because intelligence can refer to different dimensions, according to psychologist Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Just to name a few, are you referring to logical intelligence (mathematical skill) or kinesthetic intelligence (bodily skill), or even interpersonal intelligence (relationship skill)? This theory gets to the root of Einstein's quote "everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." To believe intelligence refers to only one dimension is to ignore the beautiful variation of ways humans can adapt to change.

In his book, The Essential Difference, eminent psychologist Simon Baron Cohen presents a wide array of evidence to show that currently women are generally more intelligent intrapersonally and interpersonally, and that men are generally more intelligent logically. Of course, these things aren't set factors because...

In terms of capability, I'm yet to find conclusive evidence that suggests women and men cannot do what the other sex can, but, rather a huge amount of evidence to say that the respective gender roles make the difference, and are just that - merely roles, impermanent and thus flexible. In principle, where biological makeup doesn't interfere, both sexes can do everything the other one can.
2015-03-09 23:55:09 UTC
Yes, of course! Now obviously some men are going to be more intelligent than some women, and some vice versa. It is an individual thing, not a gender thing!
2015-03-10 18:23:10 UTC
yes and no, there are ups and downs to both genders there are great men and women and there are horrible and useless men and women, the only reason why i say no is stupid and dumb but theres a feminist who worked with me at the last factory i was at she came in and chewed every guy out about how she's more powerful then any man and can do any mans job and i was really behind on work so they put her in my department for awhile and she sat and chewed me out for most of the day till the boss made her work which she responded by carrying on about how he's making her work harder because she's a proud feminist even tho she literally hadn't done anything and then she started working and after an hour she started crying and quit because she couldn't handle it, i know there are good people and bad people of both genders but after that i can't take feminists seriously
Kamila Kamizaki
2015-03-10 13:44:21 UTC
I'm not just going to say this because I'm female, but I think that women are more capable than men because, obviously, they carry a baby in their womb, they can give birth and endure the pain of periods and go about their daily lives as if everything is totally normal. And it can be really uncomfortable doing things when you're on your period, believe me.

As for being equally intelligent, yes I think they men and women are equally intelligent.
2015-03-09 17:37:56 UTC
We are the same, we just have different reproductive organs. Women can be strong and men can be weak, men can be incompetent and women can be highly skilled and intelligent. There is no Man vs. Woman. We are just humans and we need to love each other equally.
2015-03-10 10:12:09 UTC
In intelligence, absolutely, but in capability, as someone before me said: men are better at some things and women are better at others.
2015-03-09 11:07:55 UTC
Yes, of course, the potential is there. It depends on the person more than anything else, but their culture

they come from is a big factor, too. In the US in the past 20 yrs. or so, we've become a very dumbed-down

culture that doesn't encourage learning- look at all the sit-coms where smart people get called nerds &

geeks. Go to Asia- Japan Singapore, China, Korea, you'll be amazed at the general intelligence there

among both men & women. The same goes for a lot of European countries. The world knows the US has become dumbed down, only we don't know it. Anyone who's traveled a lot abroad has probably experienced this. Everywhere I've gone, Americans are considered dumb, both men & women. So US people who think they're smarter ought to compare themselves to a teen in Singapore, who's taking Calculus in 8th grade (typical there). And ours are taking remedial reading or math in 8th grade sometimes.

Just saying- your culture, what you're taught, probably has more to do with your intelligence than your gender, as far as "learned intelligence" goes- there are other types, too.

Now, I don't think a lot of women have as many physical abilities as far as lifting, working construction,mining underground, drilling for oil etc., but if I was a woman, that wouldn't bother me one bit. Neither sex can do everything, we need each other. We are the same species; this ongoing gender war is ridiculous, on both sides.
2015-03-08 20:29:14 UTC
Is this a real question? The answer is obviously yes, and depends. There are some really stupid men that cant do squat (actually there are a bunch of those). Same for the ladies. But generally speaking, yes, equally as capable withou question.
2015-03-09 10:29:06 UTC
When it comes to intelligence, yes absolutely.

When it comes to 'equally capable' not so much. women are better at some things and men are better at some things.
Hal G
2015-03-11 14:47:04 UTC
Capabilities vary person to person & with opportunity & experience and are not based on genetics for the most part. I think there are things that each gender might gravitate towards for one reason or the other, but certainly I think they are equal in every way concerning intelligence & capabilities. I once dated a woman (overseas) who had a 160 IQ and she had taken nationwide aptitude tests prior to college entry and she got the highest score in the entire nation for aptitude for "Heating & Air Conditioning Mechanics." It was written up in Newspapers because of the stereotypical expectation was that a male would score highest in Mechanical aptitude. This girl was also a genius with computers and the IT department at her office would turn to her when they were stumped with a problem.
Lexie H
2015-03-10 20:07:44 UTC
Is this even a real question?

Hello, and welcome to 2015. In case you missed it women have been kicking *** and taking names lately and doing just about everything possible to show that they are 100% equal counterparts to men. First a 17 year old WOMAN won the noble peace prize, and did you see Emma Watson rock the UN? Yes women are equal to men. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, but please come out of the 1950s, this isn't even a question to be contested anymore.
2015-03-10 18:26:24 UTC
Obviously Yes. EQUALITY!

Lot's of women are smart, so to say men are more intelligent is offensive to a lot of women
2015-03-08 18:52:19 UTC
As intelligent? Yes. As equally capable? Depends on the task.
2015-03-12 01:37:35 UTC
of course ! women is the great energy of life. because these are intelligent as men in different categories. finally, woman are same as man. its not only depend in sex, everywhere women need to do anything because no man can alone many many actions. so women as being as intelligent and equally capable as men.
2015-03-10 17:09:54 UTC
To say women and men are the same is not only naïve but it is close minded to the facts. Each gender has their strengths. For example, women are generally more level headed and therefore more able to intelligently solve problems. On the other hand, it is foolish to say the average woman is as physically capable as the average man.
2015-03-11 03:18:40 UTC
Women can be as intelligent and capable as men if they choose to develop their own skills. Although there is a clear difference that men are designed to be stronger physically.
2015-03-09 09:23:18 UTC
Yes, I'm just worried about how society came to the conclusion that women aren't.

Does it sound weird-er if I were to say, "Do you see men as being as intelligent and equally capable as women?"
2015-03-10 18:39:27 UTC
Of course. Now are men as intelligent and capable as women? I'm not so sure...
2015-03-10 15:02:28 UTC
i do see women being as intelligent as men sometime better, but i must say even thought im a girl i have to say men are more capable than women
2015-03-10 14:19:32 UTC
Women are probable as intelligent as men but their brains do different things, like they need to be more emotionally attuned, so they can communicate better with there infants and they have less upper body strength are more adapted to being around the home more than men are. Men are more naturally attuned to making long journey's away from the home turf.
2015-03-10 15:43:59 UTC
Intelligent yes. Equally capable, not necessarily. There are things that men can do with a lot of testosterone and a dick and there are things women can do with a lot of estrogen and a vagina. That is not to say that a woman cant be physically strong or good at athletics, but hey, isnt that why there are no freaking women on the NFL? You can only push your estrogen so far when it comes to contact sports, ha ha.
Shadows Son
2015-03-10 05:11:04 UTC
Intelligent, yes. Equally capable, not at all.
2015-04-03 13:04:05 UTC
For example, among those who say honesty is an essential quality for a leader to have, 68% say that men and women are equally honest (among all adults 67% say the same). And for those who say intelligence is an essential trait for a leader, 87% say this trait is found equally in men and women (compared with 86% among all adults). The same can be said of decisiveness. Among those who say this is an essential leadership trait, 61% say men and women display this trait equally (compared with 62% among all adults).
2015-03-08 13:09:22 UTC
"Do you see women as being as intelligent and equally capable as men?"

Yes...until I have reason to believe otherwise. Frankly at this point in time, I'm happier with the female doctors I have seen over the past year than I am with the male doctors!
2015-03-10 02:50:28 UTC
Yes, I believe that women are as intelligent as men and also are equally capable.
2015-03-10 12:46:23 UTC
I think women can be just as smart as men. However, there are just some places that women don't belong. If you remember a simple line from a specific Tom and Jerry cartoon, The lady in one scene says, "this is no place for a lady!" Call me old-fashioned, but there really are some places that are just not for ladies. I know that some ladies are capable, but there are just some things that are just not for them
Doug Freyburger
2015-03-10 14:16:58 UTC
On the average men and women are equally intelligent and equal in most other aspects other than physical size and strength.

But there are more to statistics than the average/mean. There is also the variance. Men have higher variance than women on most features that can be measured. There are more male midgets and giants than female. There are more male idiots and geniuses than female.

This is why women do well in most military occupations but not in special forces - The process used to filter out recruits for those units filter out all but the most unusual specimens and that leaves more men than women. The vast majority of men lack the strength and stamina to pass their tests. An even larger majority of women pass their tests because women average smaller and less strong than men and also have lower variation than men.

Stamina is an interesting factor. I think women on the average have more stamina than men. I think of it as an offset to balance the fact that men on the average are larger and stronger. She outlasts him.
2015-03-11 12:28:28 UTC
Overall i see women as being as intelligent as men, but i view that intelligence as being generally distributed in different types of intelligence, (such as in different subjects). I do not see women as being equally as capable of everything, which is worth pointing out. I think women aren't as capable of most physical tasks. While some women might be capable of them, i think it is a fair generalisation to say "Women aren't as physically capable." I also think women tend to have certain priorities different to men that mean they will not commit massive amounts of time to 1 certain thing, which leads to them "not being as capable" of really specialising in life. It certainly doesn't stop any individual woman, but i, again, i think it makes the general statement of "women aren't as capable" fair. There may be times when the reverse is true too.
2015-03-10 07:20:54 UTC
I am a man, but I feel women are just as capable as men to do anything they want. They may not be as physically or emotionally strong as men, they they are capable of achieving whatever a man can.
2015-03-09 11:03:51 UTC
Both men and women are equally capable of making sandwiches
2015-03-09 17:43:02 UTC
Collectively , yes ! No man is an island . Women who are all alone , are only preyed upon .

Give them the technology , heavy equipment , along with the power tools , and they would

cooperate better , and get the task done more efficient than men . Even if it takes Longer .

No one woman is going to bring one man down , by herself . To end his Life , is nothing ! If

nothing else , she has to get too many other people , or there are enough people , involved .
2015-03-09 09:38:50 UTC
Intelligent: Yes

Capable: Depends on what they are doing.
2015-03-10 01:36:00 UTC
I think in some area of intelligence I see women as equally intelligent and equally capable as men,especially in decision making.The only different is the physical apperance but,in terms of thinking they both equally capable.
2015-03-09 07:18:39 UTC
NO. Some women are smarter than guys but not to that highest extreme. Almost all the technology and the inventions and most businesses of this world are tamed by man, a few are establish by women. Women may be intelligent in some aspect but cannot be equally capable as men.
2015-03-08 23:00:37 UTC
Intelligence and capability are not gender specific. Hence women are as intelligent and capable as men.
2015-03-08 16:58:15 UTC
I find that women are or can be quite intelligent, it's just that for some of them (as with men) is that emotions can cloud logic. That's not really something that just women deal with. Some men deal with it also apparently and some women may be more in control of their emotions than some men appear to be.
2015-03-10 14:07:31 UTC
No. I see them as being more intelligent and more capable than men.
2015-03-10 13:05:49 UTC
I think the problem is women rising up as " the superior gender". Women are NOT more superior to men. TOO many flaws. But men are no better. Both genders are equal. And people are too stupid to see that. People say women are more intelligent, Stephen Hawkins and Einstein say otherwise. People say men are stronger, Ronda Rousey says otherwise.
2015-03-08 15:51:57 UTC
Of course, any person can have intelligence. Men throughout history prove two things: They build more things and destroy more things; and they cause more death, crime and harm. About capabilities, simply look at any NFL offensive line and imagine a women playing that position. Enough said!!!
2015-03-10 14:53:46 UTC
Every person is different, but both men and women (in general) are equally skilled and intelligent. Most women may not be as physically strong as men and men aren't usually as agile as females. Intelligence depends completely on the individual a woman can be just as smart as a male.
2015-03-10 19:41:11 UTC
Intelligent, capable...yes. Mentally and physically strong as a man? No
2015-03-09 11:41:35 UTC
Equally intelligent? Yes. Equally capable of using that intelligence? Judging by how the Women's Liberation Movement allowed the Gay Power lesbians to hijack their own movement right from under them, I'm not so sure. But Women's Lib, is so chock full loaded with liberal, pie-in-the-sky thinking. They must of thought at the time that their agendas were comparable. So much for intellectual capabilities. But will mainstream feminism see this hijacking tactic that pulled the wool over their eyes?? Not likely as there's another intellectual proclivity always rearing it's ugly head.--> Feminism's relative ease to retreat into a mass state of cognitive dissonance.
2015-03-10 12:47:46 UTC
Qualities such as Intelligence is not determined by your gender. One is not superior than the other. Intelligence is a hard thing to explain and what factors causes one to be more intelligent is difficult to explain. However one sex is not more intelligent than the other. We are all capable of becoming intelligent in our own ways.
Jake No Chat
2015-03-09 04:23:19 UTC
Yes, they are. Each of the sexes has some unique aspects, but intelligence and capability are equally shared.
2015-03-10 13:42:30 UTC
I think that intelligence is something that can change in an individual. I have seen individuals improve in intelligence with confidence and encouragement. In the past men were seen as more intelligent and this may have resulted in parents giving the male children more encouragement. Practice and skill at can change your ability.
2015-03-10 13:13:34 UTC
There will always be some natural differences.

But, there are many women more intelligent than most men.
2015-03-10 12:30:59 UTC
God gave a woman like a man all of the advantages of dealing with anything that comes along. He gave women everything that we needed to work with to get along in the world. I would say that women are just as smart as men if given the chance in some cases to prove it. plus I don't think a woman gives up as easily as a man does when problems arise. we have just as many intelligent women as men if the men would stop expecting us to stay at home and have a lot of babies, clean house, and wash their clothes, and deal with them when they give up or cheat on them.
2015-03-08 19:51:42 UTC
We have the same brains but not the same bodies. Why do people keep asking these stupid questions? Women are the guardians of the family and yes we are more emotional. The reasons for being different should be obvious and one can be emotional and deal out a great deal of logic. There is a reason that nature is called Mother Nature.
2015-03-10 20:28:14 UTC
Yes mentally women are generally just as capable as men, but physically men are typically stronger and more capable.
2015-03-10 09:06:09 UTC
Yes. Some physical capabilities obviously differ but the basis of the sexes' skills/intelligence etc (in my mind) remains equal.
joel c
2015-03-09 11:12:55 UTC
That depends on the woman...and to whatever man you're comparing her to.

In general, men and women perceive the world somewhat differently and they process information and thoughts differently. While there are exceptions, males have a better sense of spatial visualization (as an example). Females, on the other hand, ordinarily outperform males in multitasking, organization, and perceiving others' attitudes.

So: "As intelligent"? More so in some regards. My wife of 20 years astounds me. She knows where every little thing in the house it, every bit of paperwork, and I can't find the car keys that are in my pocket. I don't know what I'd do without her. So, while I have a master's degree, majored in biochem and have an IQ consistently at 130-135, who's the smart one?
2015-03-12 13:02:53 UTC
This is going to piss a lot of people off but if women were equally capable we would never have needed a feminist movement to assist women.
2015-03-09 06:25:00 UTC
It is obvious when it comes to strength and agility tasks, on average, men take the upper hand. on the brain side of things, I'm pretty sure that we are equal. in my opinion, Girls at school dont try as hard (on average!!!) at both mental and physical tasks, especially physical. And saying that, im pretty sure that doing more sports increases the brain capabilities and therefor leaves the women at a disadvantage.
2015-03-09 19:37:33 UTC
That depends on different aspects. In some fields, women are even more intelligent than men.
2015-03-10 04:05:27 UTC
yes women are intelligent and equally capable as men..
2015-03-09 15:45:40 UTC
Well, women are also as intelligent as men, but not capable at least not physically. No offence though.
2015-03-10 18:44:55 UTC
2015-03-11 17:40:33 UTC
Women are equal to men. Their intuitive skills are far more vast than those of males. That alone should be sufficient evidence for a slight edge over men. Conversely men tend to be more OBSERVANT than women. It all equals out for the most part. PEACE!
2015-03-12 03:07:31 UTC
Yes. It happened. In some cases women are several times better than men and sometime they are less then men. Normally women have tolerance and will power more then men. It is an understood fact.
2015-03-10 16:54:21 UTC
Yes. why not I mean men and women are both good at things the other cant and both are essential for life. This means that both men and women are equal.
2015-03-11 10:00:45 UTC
There used to be a girl I knew, she felt ashamed of being smart because it wasn't regarded as positively in a female than it was in a man. She craved acceptance from others, but felt they were off-put by her strange behavior and quirks. She felt like she didn't belong, until one day, she found a "solution". She would pretend to be dumb, hide all her accomplishments and finally people would feel connected and relatable to her, and she wouldn't feel so gross for her identity. Instead it would just be something she could keep to herself that made her happy. And that's how she got through life. Her story always makes me wonder why it even matters.
2015-03-10 14:42:17 UTC
No they are intrinsically more intelligent, they suffer less from ego and are more conversant on subject matter. Men are more inward and women more outward that gives them great advantage when problem solving. Women are much more likely to negotiate and men to confront. The problems of the world are man caused and the only women who display this tendency learned it from men.
2015-03-12 19:31:51 UTC
Yes. I do.

I do not see female nor male. I see human. We are one species believe it or not. Some humans may be more intellectually capable than others and I don't think gender 'boosts' intelligence or strength in any way, but in the end we are one.
2015-03-10 09:27:42 UTC
For the most part, women will never be as capable as men. Men are usually built stronger in all respects.
Nikki S
2015-03-09 06:08:56 UTC
Yes just as capable. As a sergeant in the U.S.Army I had to perform all the tasks required of my male counterparts. Given the opportunity both genders can show their talents. What gets in the way is the

preconceived notions and prejudice that some small minds carry around in their heads.
2015-03-12 11:29:55 UTC
Absolutely! I'm in college and currently have a 3.8 GPA that I work hard for. I do believe that we are just as capable as men as well... Just doesn't make sense to me that men get paid more than women for the same job..
2015-03-11 18:13:35 UTC
I think that both men and women have certain areas in which they're smarter. While men seem to be better at problem solving and fixing things, women have always been known to be great at multi-tasking. Women are thinkers and tend to analyze a lot, but men are better at finding quick solutions to problems when they are needed.
2015-03-13 07:57:50 UTC
Well... Studies show that women are more easily filled than men and emotions cloud their judgments easier than men... But it's also a scientific fact that girls DO mature faster than boys... I think this is why teenage girls find teenage guys immature... A female's frontal lobe develops faster than a male's... The frontal lobe is responsible for maturity... It's also responsible for conscious thought and memory... But if you guys don't believe me you can check text book about the brain or at least search Google... I'm only 13 so please don't kill me if I'm wrong
Special EPhex
2015-03-08 19:03:00 UTC
2015-03-10 16:36:04 UTC
No, I see women as being the weaker sex. It's sad that I have this view as a young woman. All of my experience have showed me that women ONLY care about makeup and being a sex object. Therefore, women are not as smart; they're too busy doing their hair. Why? WHY??? It's probably natural for women to be wired this way.
2015-03-09 04:05:26 UTC
2015-03-09 03:54:03 UTC
2015-03-10 21:01:59 UTC
Don't be silly. Of course they are equally intelligent and capable.
2015-03-08 13:34:42 UTC
Yes, I guess.

It depends on the individual man and woman. Some men and women are smart and capable and some are not.
2015-03-10 20:48:29 UTC
I thought we are talking too much about safeguard. Women's rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls of many societies worldwide. In some places, these rights are institutionalized or supported by law, local custom, and behavior, whereas in others they may be ignored or suppressed. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls in favour of men and boys.

Men and Women both have their own features.
Lauren Nicole
2015-03-09 13:30:04 UTC
Men and women are equal. I think that people need to understand that everyone is different. There are brilliant women, and dull ones. There are incredibly strong women, and weak ones. Same goes for men.
2015-03-10 12:02:05 UTC
It's actually proven that the XX chromosomes make them more intelligent

Us men with XY are missing a small pice of chromosome that makes us slightly less intelligent than women,
2015-03-09 10:03:53 UTC
I don't see the relevance of gender to one's level of intelligence. For me as a society we are far too evolved to indulge in such a thought of backwards thinking. The fact that a woman does not have a penis does not affect their intelligence level or chances of progression in the world. One can find a clever or stupid individual in either gender be it male or female.

So no I don't agree with this subjective view.
2015-03-11 07:43:07 UTC
Do you live in a cave?

what does it have to do with gender, why shouldn't men see women as intelligent and capable as men?
2015-03-09 18:29:32 UTC
2015-03-09 15:47:38 UTC
2015-03-11 20:46:51 UTC
Yes. The two genders have real differences in our mind and body, but neither is superior to the other. Women and men are predisposed to different kinds of intellectual responses to situation, but both have the same intellectual capability.
2015-03-09 14:01:15 UTC
2015-03-10 00:27:51 UTC
Women are equally capable as men. There are women that can lift more than some men can. Physically women are capable of doing anything if they put their mind to it. But there is one thing that women have that not many men have. Most women have intuition. And yes, they can be equally intelligent there is no right or wrong in that. Each person has their own capabilities and skills, talents, etc.
2015-03-10 23:15:43 UTC
Yes... many women are even more intelligent then men; but in different ways. Men probably have more advantage in physical activities, and women in sewing...
2015-03-10 18:40:45 UTC
It really depends on the individual. Some are, some are not and some others are on the fence. Some men in the workplace are weak, and I have know of women to pick up the pace. Like I said, each individual is different and all circumstances are different.
2015-03-10 19:04:10 UTC
In my opinion I do not I think that woman are stronger in some feilds while men are stronger in different fields like for example woman have better long term memory then men and also are better at long distance running or swimming or another sport so woman have better stamina while men might be faster than woman
2015-03-10 09:14:53 UTC
That is not right question. It would be like you'r asking, wich car is better mercedes or audi, but there are many different models of that cars. the same thing is about your question who is more capable, there are many different cind of man and woman, some of them are more capable, and some of them are less capable then others.
2015-03-10 10:47:57 UTC
No i am i woman and i do think that intelligence can go ether way for both sex but physically men are MOSTLY better that's why they are MOSTLY good at sports apart from a few exceptions .
2015-03-09 13:35:27 UTC
The big answer is that it depends on who's doing the measuring. But on a larger scale, I think that differences between the two classes (men and women) are much small than the differences within the classes. So for any practical purposes, the emphasis ought to be on why you're asking and what you will do with the answer.
2015-03-10 15:51:37 UTC
Actually even though a woman's brain might be smaller than a man's, women use their brains for efficiently and may achieve better or the same results as a man would.
2015-03-10 15:34:11 UTC
It depends on the individual person. A smart woman is more capable than a man who stay home and drinks all day and vise versa. Both genders have the capability to be smart, dumb, honest, liars, etc.
2015-03-12 09:45:30 UTC
2015-03-11 11:38:08 UTC
Absolutely! I have worked with and for women for much of my considerable working career. There are definitely differences in the ways men and women approach various problems, but that doesn't make one better than the other.
2015-03-10 10:32:05 UTC
men are obviously superior to women as we are way smarter, and better built. Theres a reason adam came first because this is a MANS world. i don't understand why women these days think they can hold jobs-THEY ARE MADE FOR CHILDBIRTH AND SEX!!! whats wrong with that? i think that's a pretty good life! so my answer is NO absolutely not.
2015-03-09 12:42:40 UTC
I see many women very bright and working women. Women can do many thing that men can do. In the past, women hadn't opportunity to do anything. Right now, women have chanced to grow in to big boss and leader country. If women have opportunity, they can do every thing like men.
2015-03-10 16:12:25 UTC
Except in physical strength and very focused skill. It's fact. The work of testosterone. It is possible for a woman to meet a man in an advanced area but it's harder for her to get there than for a man.
2015-03-12 17:50:20 UTC
It's all a individual matter. Some men are smart, some not. Some women are smart, some not. And for both - all shades in-between.
2015-03-14 13:15:03 UTC
women tend to get college degrees more often than men now. but equally capably, not sure
gwyn g
2015-03-10 12:41:01 UTC
women are definatly equal to men, the only draw back for them is that they have too many distractions that hold them back, eg; makeup, hair, gossip, shoes and clothes to mention but a few, but they are not as phisically capable in most cases.
2015-03-10 17:14:16 UTC
Unbeknownst to most of your teachers and professors, United States of America is the best place on Earth for women and equality.
2015-03-09 07:04:00 UTC
Yes in most things. Naturally, most men are physically stronger than women because God made men this way, but women are more compassionate than men. This is why God said become one flesh when married.
2015-03-14 12:34:15 UTC
2015-03-10 05:48:54 UTC
women are more intelligent than men...the virtue of patience teaches them to produce good outputs.a company may hire a female welder than male welder due to a very fine work....physically, they have the ability to carry a child for nine months and bear all pains of delivering a baby, that proves on how very capable women are.
2015-03-08 21:46:49 UTC
men and women are intelligent in different fields, same as they are physically capable in different ways.
2015-03-13 20:21:50 UTC
Yeah. Of course they are. There are actually studies done that show women are more intelligent and more durable to extreme conditions than men.
2015-03-08 22:53:25 UTC
Equally as capable....but women do not have the long term stamina....and never will. If women are pitted

with a male, and they both have the same training under the same conditions in every way..........

And then there is the big test: we believe that the males would win 70-30.
2015-03-10 01:03:05 UTC
i see them as more capable more caring and over all more intelligent and to those who will most likley start naming male scientists keep in mind they all most likely existed when women could educate and even then women were smart without an education so to answer your question yes i do
2015-03-10 06:08:35 UTC
They're more intelligent but less capable.
2015-03-10 17:54:16 UTC
Men and women will always be different in how the think and feel, how they handle a situation and physically differ as well. They were intended not to compete, to compliment each other.
2015-03-09 07:58:16 UTC
yes of course. The intelligence of a human is identified by their gender but by who they are. A man could be far more intelligent than a woman and a woman could be far more intelligent than a man. It doesnt depend on gender it depends on who they are as a human. We all carry the same brains.
2015-03-10 15:20:42 UTC
All of us are equal and intelligent... yes as people, but distinct as people.

Similarly -

The Father,

The Son,

The Holy Spirit... are all equal... God... yet eternally distinct.

Men are equal... yet each one of us is distinct. Here's the quicker... we all have a specific role!
2015-03-08 12:39:32 UTC
No. I'm considerably MORE intelligent and capable than the men I work with!
2015-03-09 01:41:41 UTC
it is not gender that separates the men from the women and as far as intelligence is concerned this is most definitely not gender specific emotion is for certain female. physical is mostly male but has been seen in both genders.
Mischa Smythe
2015-03-09 02:55:02 UTC
It's based on the individual, not gender. If someone was to say one gender was smarter than the other, that person in particular would be really dumb.

I think among children, females are definitely more intelligent.
2015-03-09 01:41:30 UTC
yes i see woman nowadays much more capable than ever,they are getting smart,intelligent.

may be little weaker in physically.

but with the advancement of technology that really doesn't matter.
2015-03-08 23:22:47 UTC
Yes I do. Men and Women are both just two members of the same species. Its irrational to see either as superior to the other. Without both neither could survive and the species would die. No exceptions.
2015-03-11 06:45:59 UTC
History bears tribute to more great men than great women, and historically, oppression has a lot to do with that, But remember, behind any great man is a great woman, unacknowledged, but pointing him in the right direction daily!
2015-03-10 12:56:13 UTC
Oh no...Why am I even here in the first place? I already see feminazis...

Answer to your question: Yes they are as equally capable.
2015-03-09 07:00:06 UTC
If there are no such thing as absolutes... than how can anyone be equally as strong as someone else, or equally as smart as someone else... these types of discussions are designed by idiots for idiots. We should be concerned with equal rights, liberties, and protection for everyone*, regardless of race, gender, etc.
2015-03-11 19:26:16 UTC
Yes, I do believe so. But, I also believe men and women are meant to compliment each other and have a division of labor.
2015-03-09 02:44:07 UTC
yes of course,i see many women are so much brilliant and intelligent than me.

though physically a little weaker than man but now in this world all you need is brain.
2015-03-09 12:15:37 UTC
No, Women are not intelligent as like men, And they cant do some work as like men . women can't eliminate urine by standing , if they try this it will be complete her bath. But men can do eliminate urine by standing. its no problem. it is 1000% real
2015-03-10 16:00:38 UTC
Yes they are capable of many of the same things and then there are somethings one can do that the other can't
Greg S
2015-03-09 10:12:56 UTC
I see men and women as apples and oranges...

We definitely need both on this planet.

Women bring to the table things that men could never bring and vice versa...

I think you should just keep quiet about men vs women...we all know who and what we are we don't need the "GROUP" to tell us....
2015-03-10 22:33:22 UTC
Yes, as far as the intelligence if she has the same level as the men, unfortunately just now that the women star to be more educated!!!

Elyse Rose
2015-03-10 12:21:46 UTC
They are not as capable of getting into trouble with the opposite sex as I am *.* ...

If it were up to men .. the Human race would have ended with Adam and Eve .
2015-03-10 10:15:17 UTC
The intelligence level is the same

However the capability depends on the field of activity
2015-03-08 22:08:52 UTC
Equally capable of what? Career goals? Who cares? And who cares about whether male and female are "equal" or not? The entire discussion demeans both sexes. Isn't this the childish old "battle of the sexes" ?
2015-03-09 10:56:33 UTC
yeah!because today men and women are equal.both are taking some education and yes they are capable
2015-03-10 19:11:36 UTC
They are only good at making excuses, gossiping at warp speed, and interrupting everyone. There are some women who display intelligence only when it's suits them or to their own advantage.
2015-03-10 15:56:10 UTC
Have you ever heard of Female Doctors, lawyers, school principals,

Prime Ministers, scientists, mechanics, pilots, CEOs, and the list goeson.

Dummies can t hold those titles and in fact women can be smarter than men.
♫Grappler's Crossing ♂ ♪
2015-03-11 00:32:58 UTC
My view is that everyone has their pluses and their minuses... in that sense all are equal. certainly I draw no distinction between men and women in abilities etc - but I hesitate to even accept that someone who is a beneficiary of affirmative action is any good.
2015-03-11 01:39:22 UTC
equally capable as men?
2015-03-09 13:23:51 UTC
Yes they were created to be intelligent but their bodies were not designed to be manly ! Don't misunderstand I respect and love women but God almighty did not design females and males the same.
2015-03-08 13:45:02 UTC
More intelligent less physically capable
2015-03-08 22:20:31 UTC
Generally, yes. When evaluated as groups, male/female is not the best way to generalise people and their capabilities in most instances.
2015-03-08 14:54:38 UTC
Woman and men's brains have been designed to do different things. Men tend to be better at math and physics because of their larger parietal lobe. Women are better at thinking ahead and more clearly because of their better designed pre frontal cortex. Women tend to have better language skills and better memories.
2015-03-08 13:01:41 UTC
Depends on the men and women in question. One of the smartest people I know is a very old woman, a scientist.
2015-03-10 17:47:49 UTC
Gender has nothing to do with it. It's up to each individual's capabilities
2015-03-11 17:57:20 UTC
Yes. There's no difference.
2015-03-13 19:44:30 UTC
Of course! That's why I want to be a stay at home husband someday and just sit around watching soaps - and then when she gets home from work - I can ask her "How do I Iook in my new underwear?" - So that I can accuse her of inferring that I'm fat - and emotionally blackmail her into buying me stuff...
2015-03-09 02:01:12 UTC
Depends on which man and women you are comparing. Also their are many females who changed the world as well as men who have. It's not the gender, it's the person.
General No Name aka Majors
2015-03-09 18:13:45 UTC
Men can do everything a woman can, except give birth. But all woman have a hard time doing what men can do.
2015-03-10 09:33:09 UTC
Yes, although I believe we exist for different purposes. Women and men have the same value. We both are beautiful creatures seeking purpose and meaning for our lives.
2015-03-10 11:51:55 UTC
Probably women are more intelligent (some women!)...but men are more practical
2015-03-11 04:03:36 UTC
Yup. A lot of women are brighter than I am. I consider myself to be of average intelligence.
2015-03-10 15:59:43 UTC
2015-03-10 23:33:40 UTC
Not at all cause' they are being deprived of education and opportunities: mostly in the developing countries along with industrially developed countries like India.
Troll Spotter
2015-03-10 16:03:34 UTC
I don't know ,I know one thing we men have had are chance at making the world right and at this point I think we failed miserably ..women rule the insect world quite well ,let them take over the human world too and no mimicking the men please, that is already a failed platform to model things.
2015-03-10 17:58:25 UTC
of course, women are the same capable, or even more capable than men
2015-03-09 01:18:05 UTC
Their intelligence is invisible. It is not in their body. I consider it a bad habit to comment or pass any remark about any girl, lady or woman. They r Goddess according to my views.

Remember the famous quote: "Behind every successful man, there is a girl or lady or woman."
2015-03-10 16:15:29 UTC
Putting it simply, I would refrain comparing genders of any specie on this planet, as the unique set of capabilities possessed by each gender would make it difficult to subject them to any inter-comparative measures. My opinion is that genders complement each other in nature instead of pitching them against each other in the name of social studies.
2015-03-09 07:37:32 UTC
Depends. Both are capable of being smarter than one other.
2015-03-09 01:23:55 UTC
Not as often as men. Because female is a lesser creature. But, of course, there are billions of people and some of them are very clever and smart females, but not a geniuses, as males.
2015-03-10 10:19:19 UTC
Yes, but some women think, and I said SOME, think they can do the physical work men do, that just doesn't work.
2015-03-08 12:43:58 UTC
2015-03-10 06:30:53 UTC
Absolutely! Intelligent women are far more interesting than those who are not. Interest in those with only physical attractiveness doesn't last very long.

For example...

And this is why...
2015-03-08 18:21:02 UTC
Yes. Except physically, obviously.
2015-03-09 01:13:31 UTC
2015-03-10 18:11:56 UTC
2015-03-10 23:07:12 UTC
Nobody is equal. We are all unique. We are created equal though and it is good to treat each other as equals even though we are not.
2015-03-08 19:53:34 UTC
as intelligent yes as equaly capable as men no.
2015-03-10 14:47:58 UTC
i tend to avoid grouping people at all, because every person is an individual, and generalizing them just says that they cannot do any better than average.

some of them may really surprise you, and go above and beyond average if you give them a chance...
2015-03-10 09:18:03 UTC
I do not, women and men are different. We both have different jobs to do. It says in the Bible that when we enter war in heaven, us men will go and fight, and women will pull us out to heal us. =)
2015-03-09 12:11:02 UTC
2015-03-13 06:07:26 UTC
Sure why not? But women do have tendency to be irrational, argumentative, foolish, and over-emotional which could potentially make them difficult to work with.
2015-03-08 16:08:24 UTC
most likely not. they most certainly shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car especially on a cell phone. Don't know what's worse a woman or an asian lol
2015-03-09 18:40:53 UTC
Absolutely. There is no question about it. We are equal in every aspect and the worst thing is that no one seems to think so.
2015-03-08 17:46:00 UTC
2015-03-08 20:12:03 UTC
im a man and i would have to say that men are more better with physical stuff (except ronda rousy) now as far as intelligence goes women have the upper hand.
2015-03-11 10:56:24 UTC
Such a comparison is something that only a person of limited intelligence and perception would do.
2015-03-09 04:55:30 UTC
2015-03-09 07:49:59 UTC
I feel they are more emotionally invested into situations than men are, as men aren't very emotional.
2015-03-10 16:00:49 UTC
2015-03-11 23:04:50 UTC
Yup. Unfortunately for modern society, though… when you give men credit for any of their strengths, you will be punished for it and labeled a sexist… while if you give women credit for any of their strengths… your thoughts will be instantly accepted & you will be praised.
2015-03-08 20:59:20 UTC
Obviously yes.
2015-03-08 13:19:54 UTC
Yes, in most ways that do not involve strength to perform. But you cannot say there is no difference at all.
2015-03-10 15:48:36 UTC
I believe most women are smarter then men
2015-03-09 09:15:23 UTC
she seems to be at a advantage of rape actually not saying I don't want or something but maybe it is you don't... for cant survive alone let alone with its child ... kinda funny huh ... but as far as feelings go ... not that love cant happen but it don't work out... for when in love just plain means "we eat the same thing" for can nopw take sex to survive
2015-03-10 02:36:45 UTC
Regina B
2015-03-10 19:57:59 UTC
2015-03-08 12:41:35 UTC
Yes of course.
2015-03-10 16:59:26 UTC
yes intelligence but men have more muscle that doesn't mean women can't do the same it means its harder
2015-03-09 19:54:47 UTC
A person's intellect or skills are not determined based on gender.
Beta The White Knight
2015-03-08 12:52:10 UTC
Bad Speller
2015-03-10 23:37:42 UTC
they are much more intelligent than man .that why she survive through the ages . woman is know as the biggest manipulator than any other animal in the planet. be ewer this or you will be a victim
2015-03-11 20:41:24 UTC
Relationship with women is much more dicey than men.
2015-03-11 15:27:45 UTC
I only see tiiiits and arsses and many that should be wearing paper bag, their capabilities are irrelevant to me.
2015-03-10 19:07:44 UTC
Yes, of course.
2015-03-10 11:52:07 UTC
Yeah. There is no superior gender. Both have equal potential.
2015-03-09 12:51:31 UTC
Mentally? Absolutely (if not, better than men). Physically? It depends on what situation she is in.
2015-03-10 06:41:33 UTC
Women have intuitive wisdom. The "xin xin" in chinese philosophy. Men are rooted in more of Freud s stuff.. ego.
2015-03-12 02:13:07 UTC
Overall? Absolutely.

Anyone who doesn't is a sexist fool.
2015-03-08 23:27:41 UTC
most women know more than I do, come to think of it so do most men. I guess I`m not qualified to answer this one.
2015-03-09 06:59:13 UTC
Actually, women are better organizers than men.
2015-03-11 13:54:17 UTC
Sometime women do better than man
2015-03-09 09:29:03 UTC
Yes! Unlike feminists who believe women are so weak and stupid that they need more benefits and programs than men.
2015-03-10 10:18:24 UTC
Yes, my wife has a degree, I only have a HND, but I fix the car. This however could be a clever ploy, while I fix it she keeps her hands clean.
Adrian Castro
2015-03-11 23:37:38 UTC
2015-03-10 23:35:33 UTC
women are more intelligent than man most of the time.
2015-03-09 16:29:33 UTC
We have different roles to play. No one is better or more this or that than the other gender. Everyone is individual and we all have masculine and feminine trait.
2015-03-10 17:08:21 UTC
Easy answer: Yes.
2015-03-10 11:05:47 UTC
Tempting Apple
2015-03-10 07:21:47 UTC
2015-03-10 02:49:04 UTC
In some cases they have advantage than man and vice versa
2015-03-09 07:29:11 UTC
Sure. There humans like men to. So y not?
2015-03-10 12:26:04 UTC
NO! Women are smarter, men are brute animals.
2015-03-10 14:22:26 UTC

think a man could handle having a baby??? this is truly an amazing gift.

not related to subject. hope////I won't stop looking for you.real
Hoagy G
2015-03-10 20:19:34 UTC
2015-03-09 11:02:37 UTC
well....woman maybe be intelligent or more than man

butt.... capable nah i dont think so as its a fact that they cant handle manual work bettr than man or stress
2015-03-11 06:26:57 UTC
A bit
2015-03-10 19:09:11 UTC
2015-03-10 17:36:39 UTC
2015-03-10 18:19:49 UTC
2015-03-12 11:16:41 UTC
men and women are very different like apples and oranges are both fruit.
Tad Dubious
2015-03-10 14:03:05 UTC
2015-03-11 22:43:27 UTC
Yes... Always
William W
2015-03-09 12:18:52 UTC
Absolutely! However, they use these gifts differently than men.
2015-03-11 02:03:40 UTC
Given the same opportunity, I think they will. We are all created equal.
2015-03-08 20:26:44 UTC
2015-03-12 01:44:14 UTC
yes there nothing a women cant do that a man can....the only difference is how they love.
2015-03-09 15:51:17 UTC
Yes. And more dominant in certain areas.
2015-03-08 20:16:43 UTC
That depends on the women I see.
2015-03-09 00:51:15 UTC
I think they have the full ability to be, but what i've experienced over the last 20 yrs or so no, they never wanted equality, what they want is to be "more" than equal, the ability to fall back on the weaker sex excuse in a second when it suits them. Sorry to say, but i've seen so dam much of it, i'm sickened by it. And if one doesn't agree with the "more than equal" remark almost a whole country of woman, wouldn't have come down on Cosby, not a shred of evidence and certainly none of their dam business seeing as Canadians been putting down the U.S. for over a decade about shoving their nose in other countries business. Then of course their your very own statistics, where the law still denies custody to the large majority of men. Plant yourself in courtroom and watch women lie about domestic violence to punish the man who wants out of a relationship or as a step up in custody battles. In one case, a neighbour i had, hated the woman accross the street, who called cops and said she witnessed the womans husband strike her, i was there, there were 9 witness's sitting out on their steps at the time that it "never" happened, we all told it to the cops but because of all this exaggeration over the yrs from lying women, they were forced to arrest/charge him on a strangers word, he got a hearing and was ordered out of his home, with no contact to wife or kids ... not a dam problem he had witness's ... in 7 months when it got to trial, after she couldn't pay the rent or feed the kids, ended up in a shelter because he had to pay bills, rent for 2 residences, hire a lawyer, miss a lot of work till trial, you got no dam idea how many times a person has to show up in court "before" their case/trail and most the time a person sits there 9-5 for a couple of days before he's called in to set a trial date .... depending on judges schedual and that changes at the blink of an eye. A large number of women are very petty, starts in high school, they love to use the term sisterhood but it doesn't exist. Single women will tell you, especially good looking ones, how they don't get invited to bbq's or parties of co worker who hold them, but they do get to see and hear all the married, engaged, etc. co workers and partners get invited. As i say, seen far too dam much of it and if you haven't then you haven't lived long enough or just don't care to see it. And as far as the law goes, they don't believe women are equal either ... point of proof has been thrown in your face for yrs, if i recall correctly, Carla Holmorka was the last and stated it loud and clear ... women have not got the brain or intelligence to be masterminds ... her husband made her help him tourture, rape and kill 2 teen girls, she stole horse drugs, gave them to her little sister so the hubby could rape her too and when he kid sister died, they put her back in bed and went on making love in her parents basement her wearing her sis's school uniform, with a picture mask of her kid sis on. And she was too scared when he left her alone in her own home, to get help or save CHRISTINE FRENCH. Not at all the first or last time the courts/juries have voiced the fact that a mere little woman in love, had the brains to be a ring leader or mastermind, they "are" the weaker sex, have no self control when it comes to love, do anything to hold a man, totally emotional creatures, so they get less time, every time. Women full themselves most of the time and one can tell a persons age on any topic by what they write, so trust me when i say that the yrs, passing time, situation and life have a way of forcing ppl to see far too much of it.
2015-03-12 03:19:47 UTC
I can't understand why the question is coming? is man has any extra brain?is their is any antenna in their head?or Godsend them in golden car in earth?
vikash j
2015-03-09 20:02:38 UTC
I feel they are equal no matter what field they are in
2015-03-09 14:23:52 UTC
Loaded question but yes.
2015-03-09 12:29:42 UTC
Equally because (from my view) because they both are humans
2015-03-10 21:26:02 UTC
we are all equal at one point but it matters what you learn or what area you live in
2015-03-09 06:30:18 UTC
Absolutely. An adult should need no further explanation. Next question?
2015-03-09 16:23:27 UTC
2015-03-09 15:35:05 UTC
2015-03-10 05:19:18 UTC
2015-03-10 03:17:40 UTC
2015-03-10 08:33:27 UTC
Yes I do. Next question?
2015-03-09 07:03:54 UTC
2015-03-10 17:30:26 UTC
Of course.
2015-03-10 10:57:11 UTC
2015-03-10 21:11:13 UTC
Yes in many occasions.Some times they surpass the males.
2015-03-12 12:13:03 UTC family is my mom & grandma...they made me what i m today & mom earns for us...women r equal as men...:)
2015-03-11 11:52:51 UTC
2015-03-11 08:05:57 UTC
Yes i believe that
2015-03-10 12:06:24 UTC
2015-03-10 07:41:42 UTC
Married to the right partner .yes
2015-03-09 05:29:35 UTC
Unless there a blonde
2015-03-09 02:34:39 UTC
Of course.
2015-03-10 14:50:20 UTC
i think women are way stronger and tuffer and smarter than men
2015-03-09 08:30:06 UTC
They are better when it comes to SEX than men
2015-03-10 19:41:03 UTC
2015-03-09 11:53:20 UTC
That depends both on the said woman and the man we are comparing her with.
2015-03-09 09:55:11 UTC
yes. one of the red herring points comes up though, if there is a stereotype stick thin girl with a tree log, is she really going to be able to move it & make fire wood out of it? The other half to this red herring, in otherwords the der herring or the der gnirreh (nih reh), (not quite Nephilim, not quite error; more like &Venus&Mars&) is, the equivalent stick thin boy isn't gonna be able to move the tree log neither to make fire wood out of it.

Some of this question, problem, seek answer stems from having for example a rugby player, muscle man who by media account can have any girl, either by money or blessing, being the perfect man etc, which is moulded in FHM thinking, as it's not often like there be seen a break up, vast quantity is made up, so it's really difficult to ascertain an answer because the usual compliance method to seek the answer is a bit of a broken mirror anyway so it just makes people go around in red circles, never really having much of an answer, because the question itself stems from a falsehood powerfully engrained on the minds/brains.

I obviously believe in true love, a most excellent soul of God, a soul being two, not 1. People often say "I've lost my soul"... or "I sold my soul to the devil"... It's poor english at best. Soul is a we thing. If born into the slave people TV mentality, and FHM lines then after about twenty years, still not exactly with the soul mate, understand? So I would need to go back to source a little bit, and then resource that to credible source, instead of media source.

Some people can't trust their mind, can't trust others, so they go around in red circles also.

I can trust alot of what is on my mind, ( i don't specifically think, I more of pan, and what i do makes most sense to my girlfriend, not random people who are supposedly helpers, friends etc),

i can trust some others, not random people who are supposedly helpers, friends etc.

We looked at the screen and felt ppl such as Kanye West was our friend because we can see him on a tv... no. I've checked this out, if i go up to ppl such as that, they don't know us at all. TV is very bad in that element. It's akin to stranger danger... which has knock on effects ppl who i genuinely care about are way out into the thick ground. I try to tell them. Many come back. Some find it hard to let go of tv strength.

So full point, the fact that we're equally capable in different ways and most useful top each other in the specific soul instance, we're already got friends who aren't quite friends when we really consider it. ppl say twlevies and thirteensies lately... most of them are incorrectly named, and it's got nothing on Angel Gabriel. Stupid watered down Christianity, stupid watered down Islam. Stupid watered down religion. Stupid watered down science. Stupid watered down media. Stupid watered down life. Stupid watered down police. The best religion is God, not the watered down version. God isn't stupid.

Other than that, it's largely irrelevant to consider because i dont want random men and women. I don't even want men. I don't even want women.

I don't believe in women. I don't believe in men.

Power to Angels because the people are thickos.

I believe in about 15 females. Believing in myself has no credibility, considering i am as others call me. 1 of the 15 females I believe in, has the most knowing about me and absolutely compatible with each other, her name is 7GT or 7Lara of God, 7she is at definitely equal to me in all ways, sometimes(most times) I see her as above, but that's the majesty of love & so on :) The 14/15 females of God are very nice, I like them (a)lots, they were fantastically nice to me when I was suffering. Helping me to see the difficulty of Venus:Mars is.
2015-03-08 12:33:41 UTC
Yes of course. To ask such a question, are you from the 19th century?
2015-03-08 14:23:15 UTC
Yes.. some yes some not.
2015-03-09 08:19:45 UTC
2015-03-12 11:30:57 UTC
2015-03-12 00:08:13 UTC
2015-03-09 14:18:30 UTC
yes, of course they are just as smart and cunning as men!
2015-03-09 00:19:25 UTC
We are all created equal.
2015-03-11 20:19:08 UTC
Yes. Why wouldn't they be?
2015-03-11 01:49:50 UTC
Yes, its 21th Century..
2015-03-09 22:19:34 UTC
It depends...a woman can act well in some situations.
2015-03-10 02:20:10 UTC
if u really want to see these...than come to india......i think indian woman are getting more india most of work at home are done by housewives....and they also do the work hatsofff to those womans...
2015-03-09 09:47:33 UTC
2015-03-09 04:20:05 UTC
yes i do because they deserve respect as the men do
2015-03-10 19:13:40 UTC
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-03-11 09:48:53 UTC
Yes, of course. GENERALLY, men are bigger, and stronger, but it balances-out !
2015-03-10 15:13:13 UTC
yes my waifu invented a time machine
2015-03-11 11:45:56 UTC
itelligency not depend upon gender remember .someway she is forward and some way he
2015-03-10 17:42:29 UTC
yes, not physically as strong though
2015-03-10 22:51:30 UTC
Yes. I believe this.
2015-03-08 13:30:12 UTC
Yes I do.
2015-03-11 12:28:00 UTC
Sure I don't see why not my friend.
2015-03-09 08:34:42 UTC
of course, don't forget everyones mother is/was a woman
2015-03-10 07:16:06 UTC
No. Too emotional
2015-03-10 19:42:43 UTC
Yes of course. Why would they not?
2015-03-08 12:46:30 UTC
Intelligence, yes. But most are too emotional and are obviously not physically as capabable as men. Women think with too much emotion, and not enough logic.
2015-03-11 06:18:30 UTC
Yes I do, why wouldn't they be?, i don't see them that way they are that way...
2015-03-12 03:22:28 UTC
Hell Yeah
2015-03-09 11:45:47 UTC
uh yeah
2015-03-11 10:12:11 UTC
smarter and more capable. therefore less trustworthy
2015-03-11 15:26:02 UTC
yes and yes
2015-03-10 12:00:02 UTC
Maybe not physically, but other than that, yes.
2015-03-11 14:58:05 UTC
yes of course why does gender matter?
2015-03-11 05:54:24 UTC
yes on most of things.
2015-03-09 04:22:22 UTC
no because otherwise you would be able to hit women
2015-03-10 16:47:43 UTC
2015-03-09 10:24:45 UTC
No, not when they are terrified of snakes, mice, spiders, and lizards.
Potter Geek
2015-03-10 16:00:44 UTC
Some of them, yeah.
2015-03-11 10:51:50 UTC
Depends on the man and depends on the woman.
2015-03-12 19:44:37 UTC
yea....other than the whole "pee while standing up" thing.....we are FAR better at doing that than women are
Danielle Y
2015-03-10 06:38:09 UTC
yes in every way besides how you give and receive sex.
2015-03-09 07:13:37 UTC
My wife says so!
2015-03-10 12:56:38 UTC
Depends on the female.
2015-03-11 15:59:57 UTC
2015-03-09 03:33:22 UTC
nobody knows how good a woman can be
2015-03-10 06:22:50 UTC
everyone is equal
2015-03-11 16:51:18 UTC
yes i have seen
2015-03-10 08:50:39 UTC
It depends on the situation.
2015-03-09 06:53:07 UTC
2015-03-09 15:42:36 UTC
2015-03-08 20:17:33 UTC
2015-03-09 16:49:32 UTC
they are all equal
2015-03-09 22:08:12 UTC
most definitely
2015-03-11 03:15:05 UTC
OH. MY. GOD. Do you even live in the 21st century?
2015-03-11 07:46:02 UTC
no I see them as semen in their faces
2015-03-10 13:56:58 UTC
yes i do
2015-03-09 11:51:45 UTC
Yes! :D
2015-03-10 11:53:27 UTC
No ! Women are dumb
2015-03-08 21:01:36 UTC
not all the time.
2015-03-09 12:08:30 UTC
it depends on the person them selves
2015-03-11 17:39:15 UTC
2015-03-11 11:02:15 UTC
yes, ofc
2015-03-12 01:45:24 UTC
2015-03-12 06:52:24 UTC
yes, certainly!
2015-03-10 05:22:56 UTC
of course.
2015-03-10 18:03:12 UTC
yes. are u jokinf me
2015-03-10 15:49:41 UTC
No...No..No..How come? Read the creation and see the result....
2015-03-09 18:23:38 UTC
2015-03-10 09:31:17 UTC
2015-03-08 13:36:24 UTC
2015-03-10 19:03:12 UTC
2015-03-08 12:38:57 UTC
Yes in most matters I do but women should not be allowed to vote or hold public office, the vote based on feelings not thoughtful consideration and they rule based on Goody feelings also.
2015-03-12 13:37:31 UTC
hahaha no
2015-03-10 20:45:35 UTC
Some i do, some i dont.
2015-03-10 16:20:14 UTC
Very, very, very much so.
2015-03-08 12:53:34 UTC

2015-03-09 02:29:56 UTC
i dont know
2015-03-09 07:42:23 UTC
yes they are!!
2015-03-09 10:42:48 UTC
ofcourse I do!
2015-03-08 22:19:50 UTC
it is imposible
2015-03-11 02:44:28 UTC
2015-03-09 11:06:22 UTC
2015-03-10 15:27:43 UTC
ok help me.
2015-03-10 19:14:59 UTC
2015-03-10 20:52:56 UTC
2015-03-11 19:38:16 UTC
oh, clearly not.
2015-03-11 21:39:35 UTC
Yeah...obviously why not......?
2015-03-11 09:09:21 UTC
hell yeah
2015-03-09 18:30:18 UTC
no they are inferior, so are *******
2015-03-11 12:08:38 UTC
2015-03-09 05:17:13 UTC
2015-03-11 18:38:28 UTC
sometimes, sometimes not.
2015-03-09 11:09:07 UTC
2015-03-10 12:40:27 UTC
2015-03-08 13:37:04 UTC
wtf are you blind?you Live in another World maybe...

cause succesfull women are EVERYWHERE.
2015-03-08 15:59:21 UTC
You bet! Thanks for asking.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.