Tatoos are permanent, but your skin is an organ that is always growing and changing. Tats change as your skin changes. Your skin changes as your body changes!!! Old people look old because... their skin, hormones and bodies change! I don't care how much you work out or eat right, it still happens! NO ONE can stop that age clock.
They look really tacky and nasty on older people, and especially women. (Old women with tats look "hard", like old hookers or strippers.) Think of what old skin looks like: sun damaged, stretched out, wrinkled, even worse if you are a drinker or smoker... now add a faded old, blurry tat on that. Get the picture?
I lived in Hawaii for 17+ years and walked on Waikiki beach(and many others) almost every day. I have seen thousands of people in bathing suits, of all ages from all countries, there. I have seen a lot of skin and a lot of tats! I have seen alot of old tats. I am SURE this is what happens to tats as people age! You may have nice tight skin when you are 21, but one day you (yes, even YOU), WON'T! That tat will look like it faded, sagged and melted on your pale skin you can see the veins through, or have freckles or broken capillaries running through it. And brown and black skin doesn't look much better. Dark skins usually lose the colors and get still get blurry or stretched out. (The black ink turns bluish purple on dark skin.) Every body, every color, gets old.
Unfortunately, I see a lot of younger people (teens, 20s) who do not exercise or eat right and are already sporting a fat layer (think young chicks in low rise jeans with love handles or little bellies). These are bodies that will be out of shape by the time they are 30-35. They will have stretched out tats from the increasing weight gain alone. It will be even worse if they have kids and have a big sudden weight gain, which usually adds stretch marks.
It doesn't matter where you get it. When you're old and naked, a sagging old boob with an old rose on it is just as pathetic looking as an old fake boob job boob (not as saggy, but still not good)... with an old rose on it. Your old sagging, flabby, lumpy butt will look even worse. The key word here is "OLD"!!! It's gonna happen! Gravity is not kind to tattoos either!!!
Even if the body's not old yet, you still see a lot of flabby upper arms and shoulders with back fat in halter tops that don't look "hot" now. The tat on it doesn't make it sexier.
If you get them and then have them removed later, the laser still leaves some scarring. They are BURNING them off your skin to get rid of them.
Tattoos are NOT sexy in the long run. like I've said, I've seen LOTS. I am happy to say I haven't seen any on any one in "an embarassing position". It hurts like hell to get one, so I don't know why some people get them where they do. I'm sorry, but a barbed wire tattoo around a guy's pecker is not a turn-on (mostly because it's not even that original).And people who gets someone's name tattooed on them are the biggest fools! I know very few people who are still with that person who's name is permanently inked on their body! So don't be getting that heart with your boyfriend's name on it tattoed on your waxed bare kootchie. You will reget it someday!!!! Plus...they hurt like hell to get-and they are expensive. Save your $$$ for something better.
Don't get one.
You can always try a temporary one for fun. The rub-ons last 3-5 days, and then they start to flake off, so you remove them with rubbing alcohol. The hennas last a little longer, fading away in about 1 week or so. Maybe you can you can try a henna somewhere "embarrassing"...heh-heh.