2014-11-08 21:03:27 UTC
It ended up with 4 people arguing about domestic abuse and sexual exploitation, etc. But only about women. And when audience members pointed this out, twice, the panel members never responded for more than one brief answer. It just went back to women.
So, I'm wondering - why are male issues ignored? Rather, I know why they're ignored (considering the West's, and pretty much the whole world's previously male-led society in history), but do you think it's right? I know it isn't all feminists - they're the ones who shine through.
So why are key figures like 50% of domestic abuse victims are male left out? What about male-on-male rape and female-on-male rape? What about male homelessness (females have a preference in being helped)? What about male genital mutilation - circumcisions? Did you scoff at the last one? Why?
I'm a woman who want equality, so I'm genuinely curious about this. I'll explain all this to my sister - she'll say: "No, women are sexualised so much!" So I'll go "Oh, but you remember Hollister's bags?" For those who don't know, they feature a faceless topless man. "Or how about that yoghurt advert (can't remember which) where the women has 4 male topless 'slaves' who she uses as a footrest?"
She laughs awkwardly, and then says nothing.