Let say if there were such things like Hello Kitty 18 inch sports rim,Hello Kitty turbocharger,Hello Kitty supercharger kit,Hello Kitty turbometer,Hello Kitty spoilers,Hello Kitty AR15,Hello Kitty M60,Hello Kitty Gatling gun,Hello Kitty bullet-proof vest(better than Dragon Skin),Hello Kitty hair gel,Hello Kitty apparels(jeans,t-shirts for dudes),hello Kitty stearing wheels,Hello Kitty gear knob.The cat icon itself is different from the sissy version.He has a smoke-colored fur with six black stripes and he wore a black bow tie in his neck instead of his left ear.No pink-colored background allowed.This particular brand is truely for straight guys(no gays) who dares to be different.What do you boys think?The girls are welcomed to.Honest comments please...