Gee, I wonder what that does to the statistics regarding violence against men.
Does this mean that everytime some woman calls a man an a$$, we should call it violence against men?
Pretty Little Liar is getting at something, but missing reality by a mile here.
Frankly, Pretty Little Liar, we don't care what you're tired of. It is not our job to keep you awake.
And if you're annoyed, imagine how annoyed men are when they are told by every other commercial that they are lazy, stupid or evil? Imagine how annoyed they are when every feminist here automatically assumes that if they aren't a feminist, they are a misogynist, if they believe men should have resources for domestic violence, they are a misogynist, if they think some educational resources currently aimed at women should be redirected to men when when women are graduating 20% more than men makes them a misogynist...
Can you imagine how annoyed THEY might feel?
Yeah, there are situations when one person is forced to put up and or be intimidated by stupidity from another. You could, I suppose, catagorize every form of stupidity that the second person could produce as violence, or you could recognize that the fact that the person who is powerless to protect themselves is the situational problem.
I didn't say they were at fault - I said that this was the problem that had to be fixed.
Our issue is that more and more constraints are being put on the behaviour of individuals, almost inevitably men, with no concept of their real meaning or any idea that they'll actually protect the potential victims. Frankly, I don't see this as protecting somebody who is powerless, since he can still give her menacing looks or burp at inopportune times or ... come up with any number of infinitely creative but undefinable ways of making her life more annoying that cannot be outlined by law, but she can't get away with.
By your line of reasoning, you're going to try to outlaw them all.
To me, that just leaves an overbloated unenforcible legal system and it leaves the potential victims just as undefended.
If you want to protect these defenseless here, you need to recognize the situation here, that they are defenseless, and make them not be defenseless. They need to be able to leave, or they need to be able to dish it out.
But if they can't take name calling, then they can't take any number of other types of abuse which you're not going to be able to, item by item make illegal.
Can we hear the plaintive call to the police officer: "He's looking at me!"