I agree with Steve^ 100%
Although i must argue with you on your assertion that "Maculinists, non-feminists and anti-feminists often say VAWA is awful" I disagree, it's not "awful" it's discriminating in many ways...
It's text assumes that females are the victims of violence and that men are the perpertators. This is obviously discriminating against men feeding the stereotype that men are somehow "naturally" more agressive, but also to women, as it implies a perpetual victim role for women. (nobody recognizing the patriarchy at work here?)
second, the act fails to address homosexual intimate partner violence, of both Gay and Lesbian victims and perpetrators.
with less gender specific text and funding the VAWA might be able to address the more wholistic problem of domestic violence, rather than perpetuating negative gender stereotypes (for BOTH genders) and ignoring all of the other forms of domestic intimate partner violence, including but not limited to FMIPV, and gay/lesbian IPV.
(this is not to say that the VAWA is not beneficial, it is, very much so, but for heterosexual women, who are NOT the only victims of domestic violence)