Dont Call Me Dude
2013-12-16 14:56:35 UTC
But when people raise the pee "issue," I give an involuntary snort. It's just too ridiculous for me to take seriously.
There's always some woman with the idea that HER seat position should be the default, and some hysterical "MRA" with a link to the link-to-the-link-to-the-link-to-the-link-to-a-blog about some university in Sweden supposedly banning urinals.
Meanwhile, women and men are suffering, and there are real issues completely ignored.
Which of these issues make you roll your eyes?
BONUS QUESTION: Can ANYONE link me to the ACTUAL UNIVERSITY'S SITE of the place supposedly banning urinals? Not someone else talking about the supposed announcement, not someone who "read a news story" -- the ACTUAL STORY, or an announcement from the university itself?
Yah. I didn't think so.