What "issues" in Gender Studies seem the most ridiculous to you?
Dont Call Me Dude
2013-12-16 14:56:35 UTC
As eagerly as I argue against the "theory" of privilege and its constant application to attack the poor, at least my opponents are ATTEMPTING to discuss an issue in gender studies.

But when people raise the pee "issue," I give an involuntary snort. It's just too ridiculous for me to take seriously.

There's always some woman with the idea that HER seat position should be the default, and some hysterical "MRA" with a link to the link-to-the-link-to-the-link-to-the-link-to-a-blog about some university in Sweden supposedly banning urinals.

Meanwhile, women and men are suffering, and there are real issues completely ignored.

Which of these issues make you roll your eyes?

BONUS QUESTION: Can ANYONE link me to the ACTUAL UNIVERSITY'S SITE of the place supposedly banning urinals? Not someone else talking about the supposed announcement, not someone who "read a news story" -- the ACTUAL STORY, or an announcement from the university itself?

Yah. I didn't think so.
Seventeen answers:
2013-12-20 06:26:11 UTC
The whole unisex toilet thing...
2013-12-16 15:00:37 UTC
All the boyfriend/girlfriend drama of course.

Of things that are actual gender issues - I'd say the social norm issues like holding a door open for a woman are the most ridiculous. That's a custom, not legal policy and has no serious implications for anyone.

Actual policies of discrimination are much more important than any perceived custom in my mind.

Also ridiculous is denying what is documented fact for agenda reasons. It prevents any meaningful discussion of the issues, because it leaves us stuck with the basics. One can't discuss in any meaningful way issues related to the wage gap, with people who won't even acknowledge what it actually does and does not measure.
2013-12-16 21:03:44 UTC
this is the most intelligent issue with actual intelligent answers I've ever seen on here...maybe there is hope. I'll thank you, Dude and YA Coffee for good eye-openers...and (((Toke))) for bringing this question to my attention.

my previous answer, which I've deleted, didn't contain anything intelligent enough to leave here...
who WAS #1?
2013-12-16 18:00:49 UTC
I am a man and have spent most of my life working outside. Spent 9 years in the 21st century as a truck driver, using truck stops for showers and bathrooms. And I gotta tell ya, in winter time, since things shrink in the cold, I have to sit down to pee, coming in from the cold. HA! Philosophy is finally paying off ;)

i think you are making a mistake relying on universities for "studies". those folks produce engineers who never rolled boxes and philosophers who never climbed a mountain. F___ that, you want wisdom, read books, you can do it all on your own, Grasshopper.

A wise man (or woman) walks humbly

Some of us humans have our gonads on the outside and some have them on the inside. Yin/Yang.

Both are to be valued and both are irrelevant. The path of wisdom is available to all.
2013-12-16 15:09:46 UTC
The topic of "When it's acceptable to hit..." makes me cringe; you'd swear it's something that is an everyday occurrence, the amount of times it is asked.

The banning of urinals was introduced by the Socialist Party in Sweden and one or two elementary schools (different name there) have adopted it There are elements in Swedish Society that are giving this - and similar lunatic schemes (changing the National Anthem so as not to offend immigrants) - more discussion and thought than they realistically deserve.
2013-12-16 17:44:04 UTC
Men's rights apparently being infringed upon because there are women that they don't like the looks or personal taste of or because individual women will not have sex with them. People complaining about relationship disagreements all the time like they are a huge, gender biased social injustice.
2013-12-16 15:08:15 UTC
The crazy idea that Viking women and young Viking children grew neck beards and ran around raping people.
Toke Lover
2013-12-16 15:25:56 UTC
OMG - I actually have opinions on some of this....

First - there WAS (in the past) white male privilege....except all it really meant was that there were less ceilings for y'all & less chance of suffering discrimination.....

Second - there is a correct position for the toilet seat - with lid down. Do your business & close the lid, THEN flush....when you flush particles become arisolized.....(SP, I know)....fecal matter, arisolized....getting on your tooth brushes, etc.....

CLOSE THE LID, then flush & it helps somewhat.....

Urinal guy? LOL - I told he could pee in my bathroom sink if he cleans it after....any splashes & he's doing the walls too.

I much of Y!A is crap, I'm kind of oblivious to the stupid now, LOL, call me desensitized....
2013-12-16 15:10:53 UTC
The idea of privilege is always brought up in terms of things that have been done to help women deal with violence against them. I find it really hard to fathom that it is a "privilege" to have more women's shelters when a woman's significant other is the person most likely to kill her and the time she leaves him is the time this is most likely to happen. How is having somewhere to hide a "privilege" when she is running for her life? And then they complain women just want so many of these "privileges"!

The same guys who call these shelters "privileges" do not think it's a "privilege" for a man to get away with fewer chores at home when both he and his wife are working equally.

Another thing - not an issue really is the alpha and beta male and it gets my eyes rolling.

BQ - It seems that it was Stockholm University that wanted to do this but according to the source below it was in the year 2000!
Grace Under Fire
2013-12-16 15:06:07 UTC
Yeah, I'd have to agree with the toilet seat one. Following at a close second is whether men should have to be chivalrous-- paying for a meal, opening a door, giving up his seat on a bus.

The bottom line is that no one except a young boy's grandmother ever said he HAD to do any of that. I don't care-- don't do it if you don't want to. I don't want you opening my door if it's going to be a hardship or you're going to resent me for it. And don't tell me it's MY fault that you don't want to-- that I've chewed out your backside for doing it. I don't know any women who have actually yelled at a man for holding a door. The men who do these things do them because they want to, not because someone's making them. But at the end of the day, I can open my door if you don't. It's not even worth a discussion. If you don't want to....don't. Simple as that.

Oh yeah, and the "marriage is legalized prostitution" argument. Silly.

BQ: Nope. Aside from one reference to a woman who was taking signatures, I don't see anything.
2013-12-16 15:28:39 UTC
The "issue" that annoys me the most is how anti-feminists claim that the VAWA* is sexist and discriminates against men. Most of the time, they only say this because the title doesn't have "men" in it. Vice President Biden addressed** this issue to MRA's, but it's still not good enough. It's almost like they haven't noticed the changes*** to it since the 90's. It's just annoying, lol. But issues that annoy me the most vary all the time, but this one has been annoying me this week. There are others, but I won't bore you.




BQ: I have never seen a legitimate or credible source about the "banning of urinals". Just hearsay articles that are not authoritative.
2013-12-16 15:05:16 UTC
Men claiming they are the superior gender; igniting the fuel for Feminists to become even more militant. I also think gold diggers are on both side as more women make good salaries or come from rich families.
2013-12-16 16:19:24 UTC
All of these answers come from the feminist point of view ? Oh well. Us bad bad men :(

I just love when people tell me how privileged I am without even knowing me. Just because I have white skin and a Dck.
2013-12-16 15:01:12 UTC
Any complaints about the"unfairness" of dating scene will get a giggle out of me... I mean who cares? A persons inability or difficulty when finding someone to sleep with is not anyone else business...

Also, the "nice guys" and "bad boys" crap coupled with the "dinner whore" argument, all that succeeds in doing is making me care less and less.
2013-12-16 14:59:42 UTC
Men being all about money. Women are not out to steal men's money. We can make our own. We want you for a lifetime of love and companionship, not for a freaking fast car and good shoes.

Makes me roll my eyes so hard I get dizzy.
2013-12-16 15:34:34 UTC
The "injustice of the dating scene."
dark eyes
2013-12-16 15:03:20 UTC
Most all of them... I only say this because I've never heard of these issues outside of this forum.

BQ: No I can't provide your link.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.