(The World's Greatest Anti-feminist takes the podium, adjusts the microphone).....
"Firstly - let me say this - my views are my own and have no bearing on the views of others. As I've said many times before, every person who has come to Anti-feminism, the only remaining true feminism there is in the world today, has done so for their own reasons. Those reasons are not necessarily mine.
It is not therefore possible to view Anti-feminists as in any way a monolithic group. Anti-feminism, as opposed to feminism - (thank you) - is not an organised movement - it is a grouping of like-minded individuals, all working separately towards a common good.
Secondly - let me say this. Despite rhetoric and rubbish to the contrary - if anyone chooses to go out and get drunk and then engage in sex - this is NOT rape. This is consensual sex between two drunk people - and to even begin to suggest that one is responsible while the other is not is ridiculous. I have no doubt that many a man, suffering the throes of hangover, has muttered to himself - "Damn - who was that dog I slept with last night?" (shunders).
While this may constitute regret - it does not by any stretch of the imagination extend to the idea that the woman - or 'dog' - has raped him because he was drunk. He was willing at the time - there is no excuse - so he'd better just forget going down to the local cop station and lodging a complaint.
If - on the other hand - he was UNCONSCIOUS due to drink - and was then set upon by a woman who saw a convenient erection - that is rape.
I think we all need to be perfectly clear about this! The concept of 'drunken rape' does not extend to consensual sex between two pissed partners.
Any country that says it does is a sick Fascist state in need of invasion by Humanity!
Thank you".