What are "female roles" today?
2008-10-28 12:31:22 UTC
One poster has stated that men are refusing "women's roles" because they never wanted them in the first place. It's understood historically what women's roles were, but what are they today?

Taking care of the children the men had a 50% part in creating?
Cleaning the bathroom he had a hand in dirtying?
Doing his laundry for him because...he can't figure out how to operate the washing machine?
Cooking for him because he's a helpless infant? Spoon-feeding him?

I'm really interested in what these "women's roles" are today.
32 answers:
2008-10-28 12:52:10 UTC
Same as they were 50 years ago. You do not want to take care of children keep your legs closed. You want to live with him but dont want to cook for him or do his laundry ? Well iam sure somebody will take your offer.
urban naturalist
2008-10-28 14:56:46 UTC
This is something I've often wondered about when looking at postings on this page.

At a personal level, I find the idea of 'women's roles' in today's society particularly amusing, as the career path I've chosen would hardly be considered a 'woman's role' by many of those making this 'women's roles' type of posting. Likely, they'd be surprised to learn that women are outnumbering the men in the green collar sector, and doing a very good job of things at it.

At the end of the day, I've been finding that many of these people posting things about 'women's roles' seem to have an axe to grind. Often it also appears that many are fairly immature and unwilling to examine and take responsibility for themselves, their actions, and their lives, so they make up bizare 'theories' that they can use to blame someone else for their problems. It's quite sad, really.
2008-10-28 21:12:28 UTC
Taking care of the children the men had a 50% part in creating? Precisely.

Cleaning the bathroom he had a hand in dirtying? Precisely

Doing his laundry for him because...he can't figure out how to operate the washing machine? Because I want to.

Cooking for him because he's a helpless infant? Because I want to. Spoon-feeding him? If it is required; yes.

I guess I'm done here.

Hey you asked.
2008-10-28 15:48:36 UTC
I was born in 1974 both parents share the responsibility of child rearing depending on strengths.

I hate folding and putting away cloths so I agree to wash my mate folds.

I cook breakfast even dinner order lunch she does the same that's like who draws the short stick / however my mate wants me to put on more weight so she tends to cook when i'm to tired to.

there are things I hate about my mate and there are things she hates about be there are things she loves about me and things I love about her.

RELATIONSHIPS are just that how you RELATE to one another AND its not about LUST or LOVE (EVOL) because people can feel both these emotions for you and give you hell.


because if you care you'll put their feelings before your own and they will do the same for you because the CARE.


about your day

about your dreams

about your comfort

about your pain

they care about you not social gender roles woman historically unless you do and you want to change or blaze trails and if they care they'll be right their beside you in the trenches.

ladies If you want a stronger man chose a stronger man thats the power woman my right have if you chose a weak man out of fear you'll have a weak relationship ect same for the man.

woman if you think men are weak have a son teach to be a strong man and give another sister a chance

man if you want a stronger woman with virtues raise a daughter and give another brother a shot.

but stop with this bu**sh** back and fourth arguing

what man doesn't love women and what woman doesn't love men

edith clarke
2008-10-28 21:47:17 UTC
For the average man and woman, there aren't rigid male or female sex gender roles in the US and many European countries.

For some of the anti-fems who hang out here, as well as right-wing politicians and their buddies, and right-wing conservative religious leaders and followers, plus a few mra's, they believe there are rigid female roles and rigid male roles. That's their right, but they are in a minority, and that's why they are so desperate and angry about their views. Few believe their spiel any more. The right-wingers in the US have lost their power base, US conservative religious groups are losing membership at massive rates and anti-fems don't seem to be gaining tons of members much for the demise of feminism. lol
2008-10-28 12:54:11 UTC
Seth is exactly right. Women's roles are often if not exclusive decided within each individual marriage. Women can marry a guy who is involved in every aspect of the marriage or one that just focuses on bringing home the bacon. It is incumbent upon every women to know what sort of bloke they have before they enter into a life long partnership.
2008-10-28 13:02:35 UTC
Women's roles are those activities, responsibilities and behaviours which men believe are beneath them, demeaning or fruitless, so take your pick!

What is interesting is how men usually define these 'roles' for us, ever so kind...and naturally, they shift, according to economic or political need/will...look at the call to action for women in WWII. But, we know our position and when the 'goalposts' move again, we return to the home. It will be interesting to see how this credit crunch/global recession affects our roles again! I bet you we are better off in the home, as soon as the unemployment figures begin to rise!

And you and I both know that this has nothing to do with individual subjective husband allows me to be independent and define my role, so what you on about? lol
Super Ruper
2008-10-28 13:27:56 UTC
You know as well as I do, Tracy, that the roles you describe were traditionally 'female'. So, truly, I don't think you need to make an issue about the semantics of it all. And frankly, if someone considers them 'female' - so be it. It shows their ignorance - and is that such a big deal? Aren't there real injustices that need consideration???
Giggly Giraffe
2008-10-28 12:44:48 UTC
Simply these are the same roles: Wife, mother, daughter, sister, and sometimes employee. Technology has changed everything from how men's roles, woman's roles, and workers roles enteract with each other.

What matters is that when the man and women enter into the covenant of marriage (or covenant of parenthood) that they can create goals together as partners, and use each others talents to attain these goals.

Sometimes technology makes it similar, and other times, it makes it that much more complex.
2008-10-28 12:50:23 UTC
The roles you speak of historically were out of necessity and natural in societal norms. I would say they were not roles at all but normal life and those alive at the time did not waste time with trying to categorize them. Of course there may have been some who had issues with society in general and those issues would seem to cloud their thought processes. I think it is a mistake to tie petty issues like who cleans what and when to a "role" question when roles are important to society and pettiness is not.
2008-10-28 14:28:51 UTC
Its the 21st century there are no "gender roles " anymore, unless your a traditional sort, nothing wrong with that but traditional values don't work for everyone.

Men and women should choose what their "roles" should be,and not what society expects their roles to be.
2008-10-28 12:41:34 UTC
I think the role of woman has changed over the years just like a mans has. I for one work and my husband stays home and takes care of the house (including shopping, cooking) I love it this way. He is happy b/c he doesn't like working and I am happy b/c I love to work. Why categorize us all with the "role" thing and just say we are people doing our own thing.
2008-10-28 12:54:57 UTC
there are no roles everyone does what they want to do and you decide between yourselves.

I dont really cook and I havent used an iron since we got together. (we met at 18 and I was 18 the first time i used an iron in air force training. My mum has never owned an iron so I didnt even know you had to put water in them lol.) My husband said he married me cause he loved me and didnt care that i wasnt domesticated.

I will do anything else and like cleaning and organising.
2008-10-28 13:38:21 UTC
There are no "female roles" or "male roles" today, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children are done by either sex.

Also, men and women can have any career they want, even if its not a traditional male job or female job.


Of course there will always be the odd misogynist who will think those things you mentioned are women's roles, but i wouldn't pay attention to them.
2008-10-28 13:36:40 UTC
You are the woman that once told me that if women went into boxing with men they would have an equal chance of winning the heavyweight title are the one that told me that there is a 50% chance that there is a woman who could beat a prime george foreman and a prime mike tyson so i already don't take you very seriously.....just so you know for many years men have worked and provided for the family and different ways, women do not have to do the exact SAME things that men do in order to provide for the family if that was the case there would be no need for men to marry women in the first place they could very well marry each other....jeez if you have so many qualms about this be a lesbian or get a sex change.
2008-10-28 12:54:48 UTC
I have only learnt of different social roles established by each culture/society (based on sex/gender) throughout time (some have evolved), but have yet to figure out what female or male "roles" are "supposed to be".

Personally, I see people as individuals whom require time and personal exchange in order to understand, as we are all different.
2008-10-28 12:43:40 UTC
Nothing specific, if it is going to go against my principles of equality.

Your first item doesn't apply to me, at least as of now.

"Cleaning the bathroom he had a hand in dirtying?" - I do it myself, so I wouldn't agree that it's a women specific work.

"Doing his laundry for him because...he can't figure out how to operate the washing machine?" - I do mine. She helps me sometimes, but when we do our laundry together.

"Cooking for him because he's a helpless infant? Spoon-feeding him?" - I cook my own food, and cook for her when she's visiting. It happens that when I visit her, if we aren't going out, then she cooks for us.
2008-10-28 14:19:17 UTC
I do not believe "roles" are healthy whatsoever. We negotiate or otherwise accept divisions of labors and responsibilities. But, any "role" imposed on us or assumed by us is social theater and confines us unnaturally within imaginary bubbles of human experience. The entire concept of roles is moot because we are rising above that self-limiting stage of Social Consciousness. It's like discussing which fashions are "naturally" masculine and which are "naturally" feminine. lol. People shouldn't get tangled-up in those meaningless bubbles and should instead reject the premise entirely.
2008-10-28 12:39:12 UTC
I think women are still expected to be matronly and nurturing. You should look up "emotional labor." I read an article about how women traditionally take on jobs that require a nurturing trait--teachers, nurses, etc-- but that they get paid less in these positions than men because they supposedly come by the emotional needs of the job naturally.
2008-10-28 12:56:41 UTC
I agree that many roles today are challenged - there is much less gender expectation in terms of whether to work or stay home, to have children or a career etc.

There do seem to be a few vestigal expectations though - many seem to expect the mothers of young children to stay home to care for them and I agree with the other poster who said women are still expected to perfom emotional labour. I know a few men who are uncomfortable if a woman starts crying, but if another woman looked uncomfortable and made her excuses and left, she may be considered cold or uncaring :-)
Deity of Peace
2008-10-28 13:44:37 UTC
In any relationship you get involved in, there will be likes and dislikes. There will be 'rules' so to speak and guidelines that a man and woman will ask their mate to follow if they want to stay committed to the relationship. We all do it, anyone who says they don't are full of it. Normally these 'rules' are established in the beginning phase of the relationship when you’re still trying to get to know one another. And as time goes on, and you grow as people, you discuss the things (because communication is key) that you like and don't like about one another, or that you personally feel needs to be done in the relationship to make it work. Hopefully finding that level playing field of 'compromise' in an attempt to make things 'equal' with whom you love (I'll do for you what you'll do for me). From here, your mate can make the choice to stay committed to you and your 'rules' or leave and find someone else who will abide by theirs.

You're supposed to tell your mate what you will and will not accept, and you have to allow your mate the chance to do the same so that the two of you have a mutual understanding between the two of you. For example, he will put the toilet seat down after taking a tinkle, and she will remove all her feminine hygiene products to the bottom cabinet under the sink, so he doesn't have to see them. This gives one another a sense of security in respects to their wishes and feelings being respected by their significant other, and it minimizes friction between the two.

That's one reason why I laugh when I see people come in here and post this "Are there any more traditional women out there?" question, because for one there are some who can be found; and two from my understanding, compromise is traditional. A 50/50 give and take in a marriage is based on how the two in the marriage/relationship chose to live. If you want a woman who stays home, rears children, cooks and cleans; then find you a woman that will agree to these "rules" that you feel need to be established in the beginning before saying "I Do". Keep in mind that most women in their late 20’s to early 50’s in today’s age or college educated, career women, and have things established for themselves in life. So any man coming along after 20+ years of taking care of themselves, telling them that they now have to be SAHM’s will get hysterically laughed at. But if you don't mind having a woman that is professional with steady employment (maybe even makes more money than yourself annually) then find you a woman who believes and agrees with this life style. The life you live with your husband/wife all depends upon the man or woman you chose to spend the rest of your life with.
The Truth
2008-10-28 12:50:04 UTC
I think a women role is to be civilized and well mannered

while treating everyone the way she would want to be treated. Yeah you will have a few bad apples, but nobody is perfect. I'm sure if society was this simple there would be no issues.
2008-10-28 12:44:08 UTC
Being a nurturer is a genetic trait in women and i think it plays a major factor in the roles we have today, such as the ones you listed above - that men are capable of, but less good at.
2008-10-28 13:26:27 UTC
Why is it so important to club all women under the female gender tag and give them general characteristics.

Are women not humans or individuals first and thus unique in that sense?

This thought process is the basis of gender stereotypes and cause of much social evil today as it was in the past.

I'am sorry but just becuase an individual is a man or a woman their role in society has to be decided by their gender.

Open your mind and let the genitals take a break.
2008-10-28 12:54:48 UTC
Thank you for getting it, Tracy. It seems that a woman's "role" is to be a mother, whether it's to her own children or her man! I mean, how hard is it to clean up after yourself, boil water without burning the house down, or dress yourself without needing my input?

EDIT: Cassius

"Same as they were 50 years ago. You do not want to take care of children keep your legs closed. You want to live with him but dont want to cook for him or do his laundry ? Well iam sure somebody will take your offer."

As usual, you're wrong. No one said that there's anything wrong with taking care of children (although your classy "You do not want to take care of children keep your legs closed" can apply to men as well). The issue is that we're the only ones EXPECTED to do it, as if we fertilized our own eggs and gave birth magically. If both of us had a hand in creating a child, then both of us need to take care of it.

Again, with the cooking and laundry thing, there's nothing wrong with doing that for your partner. Hell, you might be better at it anyway. It's the idea that, because I have a uterus, I'm SUPPOSED to do it. That's the problem.
2008-10-28 13:08:34 UTC
I've noticed a particular passive/aggressive habit of the "modern man" who knows he should be doing his share but really doesn't want to: they act so imbecilic about a task that you finally say in exasperation "Never mind, I'll do it myself".

"Honey, where's the baby wipes?", "Baby, how do you turn on the vacuum cleaner?", "When it says on the box "brown the ground beef" what does that mean?" "Does it REALLY matter if I separate the white and dark laundry?"

The modern neanderthal knows that after enough of these dumb questions their woman will sigh and say "Never mind, I'll do it myself, but thanks for your help Sweetie :)".

The woman's role is as always to do most of the work and take none of the credit.
2008-10-28 12:38:48 UTC
Her role is defined unfortunetly by the mate she picks. My wife and I are TRUE PARTNERS in life.

We share the housework and child rasising but we also share the financial burden and related stress.

Women need to put their guys on notice as to whats fair and expected !
2008-10-28 13:16:17 UTC
You already nailed it. You all did want more responsibility.
Irish Sean
2008-10-28 12:35:58 UTC
I think you've summed it up pretty accurately.

Now, I must instruct my wife to bring me a beverage and fluff my pillow.
Theresa Gaspari
2008-10-28 13:26:18 UTC
same as they always were.
2008-10-28 13:12:23 UTC
Everything the men are not doing genius.
2008-10-28 12:50:24 UTC
Nag her man

You KNOW it's true!!!! my girlfriend drives me nuts!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.