Anti gay bigots say that Miss California was simply exercising her right to Freedom of Speech and that ....?
2009-05-11 20:35:02 UTC
.... she should be championed for giving her opinion.

Would this be the same had she denied the Holocaust or said that blacks and whites shouldn't be allowed to marry?
22 answers:
2009-05-11 21:24:18 UTC
There is no difference between saying "gays shouldn't be allowed to marry" and "interracial couples shouldn't be allowed to marry." The difference is only one that is distinguished in the minds of bigots. I'm sure that people that railed against interracial marriage in the sixties and seventies, calling it "unnatural," and "Against God" didn't think they were bigots, either.
2009-05-11 21:17:30 UTC
I agree that freedom of speech shouldn't be about one being excused for hateful speech. HOWEVER, my issue is more with the method in which the statement came about. She was ASKED her opinion on a controversial manner. She answered the question asked. If the asker didn't want her honest opinion, then the question shouldn't have been asked. Did they ask if marriage should only be between those of the same race? Did they ask if the holocaust really happened? No. I guess my issue is with asking a trick question. They were saying "We're going to ask you this question but you better answer only ONE way."

Now, I think if the question had been asked differently, it would've made all the difference. For example, the questioner could have asked "Do you feel that marriage is a human right and if so, how do you feel about homosexuals being denied this basic human right?" I'd like to see how she would've answered THAT question.
2009-05-11 20:49:18 UTC
Honestly, if she was a Nazi then she wouldn't have a lot of supporters so I see your general point. I'd still say she was exercising her right to Freedom of Speech though. However her opinion is being championed because over 50% of her state believes that marriage is only between a man and a woman. (I'm sure you followed Prop 8 in the news.)

I wish that the LGBT activists would focus more on taking marriage away from the state and returning it to individual citizens to decide. They would pick up those right wing folks who are more libertarian as well and might be able to simply win the vote.
Blue Eyed Christian
2009-05-11 21:12:12 UTC
There's a big difference between saying "I think marriage is between a man and a woman" and saying "blacks are inferior and shouldn't be allowed to marry up" or "Hitler didn't really kill all those Jews". If you can't see that, well, there's not much we can do for ya.

I hope she would not have been championed if she'd said something racist, or stupid like denying the holocaust. That said, it would still be her right to say it. Free speech and all. The cool thing about that is that you also have the right to say whatever you want. Either everyone has that right, or eventually none of us will. It's a two-way street.

PS, it isn't just "anti-gay bigots" who say's also people who support homosexuality, people who realize that she does in fact have the right to free speech. Sheesh. Do you even know what a bigot is? Like, have you ever read the actual definition?

"bigot - a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own "

"bigotry - intolerance toward those of different creeds or religious affiliations"

That doesn't sound like her. It sounds like Perez Hilton. And as much as I dislike calling people out....I have to say, sometimes it sounds like you, too, Trevor.

*facepalm* Well you'd better write that down somewhere so you can misquote me at some later date to prove to everyone how bad I am. Read it in context....that was an example of a racist remark that she could have made, since the entire question was based on a hypothetical situation. But you already know that.


"It was a telling slip on your part: tell me: what DO you think of interracial marriage by the way?"

It wasn't a slip. It was a hypothetical example of some racist slur she could have said. I thought that was obvious, given that I said "IF SHE HAD SAID" before that, and then followed it with a statement of holocaust denial.

I think interracial marriage is fine. I have absolutely no problem with anyone because of their race and no problem with couples of different races marrying. Racism is ridiculous to me - it's one of the most illogical things people could ever do.
2009-05-11 20:50:25 UTC
Well yes, she was exercising her right to freedom of speech. You may not like or agree with what she is saying, but freedom of speech applies to all speech, even unpopular speech.

I don't support hate speech laws. Freedom of speech should apply to all speech, unpopular or popular, accurate or inaccurate, bigoted or not. Who decides what hate speech is? Who has the authority to govern other people's thoughts and speech? That is not to say that people should not be responsible for what they say, but they should be allowed to say it.


Saying that she doesn't believe gays should marry in 2009 is akin to saying blacks and whites shouldn't get married in 1969. Different time/era, different levels of what society finds controversial and taboo. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a beauty pageant contestant were to deny the Holocaust or discourage interracial marriage. It's a great way to prolong their 15 minutes of fame, possibly get a stint on Oprah (explaining their views and becoming "reformed"), creating a fuss in the media, etc. Isn't that sort of what Miss California is doing right now, with this gay marriage thing?
Alex Muntaz
2009-05-12 01:26:11 UTC
I've heard that the actual declaration of independence condones no rule of any religion--because religions are the power base of kings in europe. Of course everyone was allowed to worship, but if this was true, I guess they want to keep it out of politics.

And, if it was true, that girl shouldn't criticise as it shouldn't have anything to do with the whole country. Let alone use it to show how pure and blameless she was.

But yes, it would be the same thing as going to a group of black people and screaming out the N word because that's freedom of speech. Or having a group of teenage muslims arrested 'cause they were talking in saudi in public. Or going to an underaged teen and say how fine their legs look under that cute little dress.

Freedom of speech, holler it out and that makes it all okay.

Personally, I frickin' hate it when people get defensive and pull it out like it's a trump card. The old america we talk about in pride don't even tolerate alcohol intake, and it hasn't got it in their papers of law. The republic was constructed and tinkered by learned men that know how to read and have extensive knowledge of anything (look, they even know about Antiquities ROME). Perhaps they were more concerned in writing the important parts of saying that no snot-nosed inbred kid will rule just 'cause he can. Because heaven forbid that after the whole blood and gun powder and the recontructing of the republic should it crumble.

So my point is, for all the things they wrote down, they still have rules which are silent but known with everyone else. Such as the rule of personal space; or staring at people or turning your back on someone in a conversation. Maybe in their past society they had more rules based on religion and the 'freedom' of speech and action. Otherwise that's promoting anarchy.

Still, I support gay marriage and gay adoption 'cause otherwise it's stupid to be against them for patronising reasons that's really all in your head. I'm also into interracialism of all manners because it's awesome. I'm interracial like crazy (including my great-grandfather--who unknown to us kept a secret to his grave that he was quarter black which is very unfortunate). I've got spanish blood in me and even morrocan and arabian blood; and I don't throw it all away because I don't look like the respected people in the media. If people turned up their noses because other people's lives don't fit into Pleasantville, they're millions of years backwards than even ancient civilisations.
Ah b! Livng Ethically
2009-05-12 00:20:09 UTC
Save it it with the hate Speech BS their way more hate speech being spewed about Christians from Sodomites..News flash not everyone is going to agree with your lifestyle stop trying to force it down our throats if you don't want to hear the truth don't ask..

Sodomites say they love diversity they love it unless it disagrees with what they believe the woman was very professional gave a terrific response..

Perez on the other hand called her named had his temper tantrum like most sodomites do when they don't get their way and made a fool of himself..

A lot of white & hispanic Sodomites discriminate against blacks but will conveniently use it to further their cause if they can..

Don't like children unless they can molest or indoctrinate i.g(push for more abortion from them)

Don't like fat people or those with disabilities..

I've seen a bigger number of sodomites discriminate against these groups they are bullies and nothing is done..

Because like blacks who cry racism they think they have a card that allows them this privilege because of their plight waaah!!

Leave Carrie Prejean alone at least she not trying to promote having public anonymous abhorrent sex..

This has nothing to do with blacks you pissed off a lot of black people when you all pull this BS during prop 8 cut it out..

My skin color is not something I have a choice on..

If were going to say she is brainwashed well isn't it also true when they turn college campuses into indoctrination factories you can't say someone is brainwashed just because they have a different belief other than your own.. Stupid argument..
2009-05-11 21:04:50 UTC
Championed may be a bit much.

However, the question asked was one that required an opinion. There really is no right or wrong answer. Besides, even some people who disagree with gay marriage would never try to stop it.

P.S.- It has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech, and I have no idea why people keep throwing that out like it applies to all situations.
Kelly G
2009-05-11 21:00:16 UTC
People are funny creatures in just how far they will go in their belief. Some will give their life and then some will not on up to anything. She might have said it with the same conviction the thing is would we be as bothered be it as much, the same, or clearly not at all? That is the question you must ask yourself. It is your belief that makes people who they are and what they are doing. You will follow your inner strength and then let it guide you.
2009-05-11 21:03:15 UTC
No, it's not the same. > denying the Holocaust or saying anything about interracial marriage.

She should be allowed to keep her crown and answer questions HONESTLY w/o being hated on by the homosexual community and others. I don't give a damn if anyone likes it or not, but people should be able to express their religious beliefs even if it means that they disagree w/you.
2009-05-11 20:42:43 UTC
No (in response to the third question), because what religion openly condones racism or has such tenants?

Denying the Holocaust would be denying documented fact.

Her statement is more more "freedom of religion," probably.

As to your second question, her honesty should be commended, regardless whether you agree with her viewpoints. I do think that the people who are attacking her are doing so for the wrong reasons. It's like they are telling her that her religion is wrong.
2016-11-08 06:06:39 UTC
have confidence it or no longer, the actual winner interior the pass over Universe competition final evening replaced into unquestionably Donald Trump. i'm particular the end results of this actual pageantry boosted the exhibits destiny scores as nicely as upload drama and interest relating to the pass over Universe/ pass over u . s . a . competition. As for pass over California i replaced into speechless throughout the time of her answer. i think of a lot of people understand they sort of guy Perez Hilton is and in addition they new of direction his question replaced into going to be something of the variety he asked. yet i did no longer anticipate her to respond to the way she did. She had guts and extra balls than i understand of all people relatively. to grant your opinion on nationwide television and understand which you would be critized later for it or perhaps loose the prospect of prevailing, i think of she had balls. i presumed she replaced into yet another 'prevalent' contestant, yet boy did she tutor me incorrect. She spoke back the question certainly and did no longer provide the formulaic reaction different contestants provide. She demonstatred what freedom of speech replaced into as an American, and clearly to me replaced into the suitable pass over u . s . a . final evening.
2009-05-11 23:30:04 UTC
So wait a minute. We always hear about people having the right to free speech but then when others disagree they ***** and complain about it and disregard said right?

She exercised her 1st amendment right as all Americans have. Disagree with her if you want but demonizing her for her opinion and her free right to express it, is BS.

Yes. She should be championed for giving her opinion and not being politically correct.
Holden C
2009-05-11 20:49:43 UTC
She has the right to say what she wants. I think it's important to keep in mind that just because you may not agree with what she says, doesn't mean that she doesn't have a right to say it.

As she has a right to say what she said I have the right to say that she's an idiot, that anyone who denies the Holocaust is in denial, or that hating someone because of their color or ethnicity is ridiculous.

I don't know that she should be championed for giving her opinion, though I suppose when I get Best Answers that's championing my opinion. Crown me b*tches! Booya!
2009-05-12 06:45:25 UTC
Ok. Here is my issue. She was asked a question, she gave her honest opinion, which she is entitled to. Just as people who are gay are entitled to their opinion, so should those who do ont believe in gay marriage. It is not fair for one party to be able to have their opinion on and issue, and another party, not be able to peacefully have their opinion. She did not verbally assault people of gay orientation, not did she say it in an insulting way! She IS entitled to her opinion whether you like it or not.
2009-05-11 20:45:03 UTC
Actually yes, Freedom of Speech means nothing if it's restricted only to the things we want to hear. She has the right to express her opinion, and I have the right to disagree, that is for what far too many people have served in uniform and died to protect.
2009-05-11 22:00:03 UTC
People have the right to state their opinions. while i agree with miss california i would not silence anyone i didn't agree with because i believe in the freedom of speech
2009-05-11 22:13:49 UTC
Good thing that no one thought of asking that bimbo about interracial marriages and her opinions (?) on Holocaust, because her answers would manage to offend the rest of the American people, and there would be no one left to argue for her rights to be as ignorant as she wants to be. We keep forgetting that she is not competing for a degree in rocket science, but a pathetic pageant to become a beauty queen. What exactly do you expect from someone with no ambition to educate herself in any way?
2009-05-12 02:39:05 UTC
well technically she is alowed to have her opinion. Well in MY opinion, what she said about gay ppl was completly bigoted. I think that being against gay people is just as bad as any other type of bigotry. Unfortunately, the world has a lot to be enlightened on. sigh. Also interracial marriage is just fine in my books.
Kris W
2009-05-12 00:04:46 UTC
She doesn't deny that gay people exist, she is just merely saying she finds homosexuality to be disgusting and against her beliefs.

No one likes to be wrong, but tough luck.
wendy g
2009-05-11 20:43:10 UTC
I agree. If she had said that she believes (*no offense to anyone*) that marriage should be between two white people, or two black people, and couples should not "mix," the entire country would have been up in arms, and everyone would have reacted with righteous indignation. What's the difference?

I get tired of the freedom of speech excuse being used for hate speech.
2009-05-11 20:49:29 UTC
Very well said wendy g!

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