does racism still exist in USA or gone?
2015-06-21 11:35:49 UTC
does racism still exist in USA or gone?
627 answers:
2015-07-07 08:02:11 UTC
This question is like a 40 mark on a USA politics paper.

You have to mention the successes and failures of affirmative action.

Recently, affirmative action is not as effective.

Then you've got on whether or not people are represented and protected.

So Obama does represent races e.g, his cabinet has so many ethnicities. AND HES THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT.

Ethnic minorities are protected through the civil rights act 1964.

There's definitely a lot of de jure and de facto going on.

We just need more de facto though.

I mean the Baltimore riots just shows that there is racism to an extent.

You could say affirmative action brings out reverse discrimination.

Also, congress, especially the senate...doesn't exactly represent society. I mean white people are OVER represented.

But I think that it's still there. No matter how hard you try to erase it, some people will still be racist.

I mean you've still got failed versions of the KKK in America. What does that tell you?

It may be small and insignificant but it's still there and therefore eXists.

So like any other country in the world....

2015-06-22 09:13:57 UTC
This question is like a 40 mark on a USA politics paper.

You have to mention the successes and failures of affirmative action.

Recently, affirmative action is not as effective.

Then you've got on whether or not people are represented and protected.

So Obama does represent races e.g, his cabinet has so many ethnicities. AND HES THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT.

Ethnic minorities are protected through the civil rights act 1964.

There's definitely a lot of de jure and de facto going on.

We just need more de facto though.

I mean the Baltimore riots just shows that there is racism to an extent.

You could say affirmative action brings out reverse discrimination.

Also, congress, especially the senate...doesn't exactly represent society. I mean white people are OVER represented.

But I think that it's still there. No matter how hard you try to erase it, some people will still be racist.

I mean you've still got failed versions of the KKK in America. What does that tell you?

It may be small and insignificant but it's still there and therefore eXists.

So like any other country in the world....

Jason T
2015-07-05 12:51:06 UTC
Unfortunately, racism still does exist in the USA. I have seen it first hand. For example, I was on the south side of Chicago just passing through on the El and I just happened to be the only one that was a lighter complexion and I did get stared at and a few teenage girls started making jokes about "white" people. This is a form of racism (even though a few people don't realize that, but you should not ever be racist because I have always viewed the whole world as a big jumbo puzzle and that each thing, person and place is a piece of that jumbo puzzle. If you take each one of those pieces and put it together, we are one big picture. As the saying goes, "Do not judge a book by it's covers, but by the characters of it contents". IT applies here too!

Another part is that when you judge someone for being LGBTQ(XYZ), that is also considered to be racism (in my opinion). It applies to the same quote as we are equal human beings and deserve that chance to be treated the same. So before anyone goes out and makes a quick judgement on someone based off of very little you know, sit back and think "how would I feel if someone did this to me if I was in the minority" One day you will find yourself in a situation like that.

I grew up in a very racist area and my heart dropped when I saw a message written on the wall in the RV park that was signed 'KKK' as they are headquartered an hour away from my hometown. So despite the advances that we have made, racism does still exist in our country and I am hoping that one day (preferably today but that ain't going to happen though). Much love and peace - and total equality to all!
Iftakhar hossain
2015-07-05 01:30:02 UTC
This question is like a 40 mark on a USA politics paper.

You have to mention the successes and failures of affirmative action.

Recently, affirmative action is not as effective.

Then you've got on whether or not people are represented and protected.

So Obama does represent races e.g, his cabinet has so many ethnicities. AND HES THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT.

Ethnic minorities are protected through the civil rights act 1964.

There's definitely a lot of de jure and de facto going on.

We just need more de facto though.

I mean the Baltimore riots just shows that there is racism to an extent.

You could say affirmative action brings out reverse discrimination.

Also, congress, especially the senate...doesn't exactly represent society. I mean white people are OVER represented.

But I think that it's still there. No matter how hard you try to erase it, some people will still be racist.

I mean you've still got failed versions of the KKK in America. What does that tell you?

It may be small and insignificant but it's still there and therefore eXists.

So like any other country in the world....

2015-06-24 04:09:46 UTC
Yes Racism still exist in USA.I don't think we can say it will ALWAYS exist - because "always" is too long a time. Eventually the sun will dim and all human society on earth will die, according to some of the scientists. Or if the fundamentalist Christians are right, eventually we'll enter the "End Times" and there will be the Battle of Armageddon followed by the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth. Either way, it's almost impossible to say ANYTHING will "always" be as we know it.

But for now, racism in the USA does exist. It's a mental and political and social curse that has haunted our society since before the American Revolution of the 1770s. It has deep roots in this country, and the real progress made during the Civil Rights era hasn't made it disappear.
2015-06-24 04:45:40 UTC
Yes, racism is still exists. I don't think we can say it will ALWAYS exist - because "always" is too long a time. Eventually the sun will dim and all human society on earth will die, according to some of the scientists. Or if the fundamentalist Christians are right, eventually we'll enter the "End Times" and there will be the Battle of Armageddon followed by the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth. Either way, it's almost impossible to say ANYTHING will "always" be as we know it.

But for now, racism in the USA does exist. It's a mental and political and social curse that has haunted our society since before the American Revolution of the 1770s. It has deep roots in this country, and the real progress made during the Civil Rights era hasn't made it disappear.
2015-07-05 22:15:35 UTC
Racism defiantly still exist and I think it always will. I worked in a casino not to long ago, and I felt racism for the first time. The Asian culture in my experience was very racist towards white women. That opened my eyes up a lot to how other races must feel daily. Being a white woman in America I hadn't experienced this until I grew older. maybe becoming more aware was apart of it. The world would be to easy if everyone could just get along and love themselves for who they are and also love there neighbor for the differences they offer. I think diversity is a beautiful thing. But that's not the case for all people as we all know that Racism is still very real.
2015-06-23 05:45:04 UTC
Yes Racism still exist in USA.
Andy F
2015-06-22 07:41:01 UTC
Yes, it still exists. I don't think we can say it will ALWAYS exist - because "always" is too long a time. Eventually the sun will dim and all human society on earth will die, according to some of the scientists. Or if the fundamentalist Christians are right, eventually we'll enter the "End Times" and there will be the Battle of Armageddon followed by the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth. Either way, it's almost impossible to say ANYTHING will "always" be as we know it.

But for now, racism in the USA does exist. It's a mental and political and social curse that has haunted our society since before the American Revolution of the 1770s. It has deep roots in this country, and the real progress made during the Civil Rights era hasn't made it disappear.

-- democratic socialist
2015-06-21 13:33:29 UTC
Racism will always exist where ever there are humans. It is human nature to like and want to be around those who look or act like yourself. Thus racism will always exist to some degree. However news and media outlets looking for something to report will trump up and highlight examples of any kind of racism, even in places where it does not exist. You will never hear them discuss stories where people of different races came together simply because it is not something that much of the public cares about. It is easier to focus on the bad rather than the good. In this way racism is a far smaller issue than it seems to be, however it is still, and always will be, an issue.
2015-07-07 02:12:02 UTC
I definitely see that individuals tend to hang more around their own race over other races by more than random chance. So yes racism still exists in the USA.

Sure racism still exists. (as is should) Races tend to hang more with themselves than others. There's been studies saying each group can more easily distinguish between individuals amongst their own race. (useful for giving better feedback, and most likely you want better feedback)

There are reasons why races exist, if there was no difference between the races there would be no way to distinguish between them, and races wouldn't exist. To deny this is stupid. If you can tell which race an individual goes in, that's racism.

What you've learned about a race can be used as a starting point for how to act around someone, just be sure to learn about the individual, and adjust accordingly. (Extreme example of not using existing knowledge would be having to learn that every new living animal (example: human) isn't an inanimate object.)
2015-07-04 12:47:56 UTC
Yes, Racism still exists in USA
2015-07-07 06:26:22 UTC
Yes racism does exist and ppl seem to forget that it's. It just against blacks. Personally I also feel like the world is becoming more racist towards the whites such as if a black person would make a joke about a white person it would be fine but don't dare a white person do anything like that. Just how I feel. I also think that racism will always exist in some way or another.
2015-06-23 13:25:50 UTC
Racism exists all over the world, but using the race card has been largely abused. For example, someone can be a total jerk, and if you dislike the person because that person is a jerk you could be called a racist, if you are of a different ethnicity. In truth, you can find good and bad people in every ethnicity on earth. The focus is on America right now because of the New World Order agenda, and they are trying to create a problem so they can have a reason for bringing in martial law. Notice it wasn't until recently all the racism stuff started stirring up.
2015-06-24 08:16:59 UTC
Yes, Racism still exists in USA.
2015-07-02 23:44:23 UTC
Yes. Racism still exist in USA.
2015-06-29 04:36:55 UTC
Of course Racism still exists in the US. Fueled by black leaders who want to keep the fight alive for their own gain, think Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton etc. etc. Working Americans, black and white, have had it with people, black, white, green (your get the idea), being on the dole when there ARE plenty of jobs, opportunities for education (trade school or college) for anyone that wants it. There in lies the problem "anyone who wants it". If your leaders were telling you, let the rich pay for your food, housing, kids etc. etc." Why would you go to work, why not stay at home, bring in a modest amount of money from the government, and sit on your azz everyday. After a generation or so, it becomes the norm. So, all the while, your are making those going to work everyday, making wise savings decisions, choosing to get an education (trade school or other) madder and more angry with those taking, taking, and taking from the rest of the population. When you have a president who fully supports handouts (in exchange for votes) to the population what do you expect the out come to be......let's try.....anger, frustration, dislike (racism) towards those taking and not giving back to society. It's pretty simple, if everyone is treated the same, get off your bum and go to work, the amount of respect gained will equate to a more peaceful existence. As long as a segment of the population continues to feed at the tete of the federal government, you are going to have conflict after conflict. Hey what would it hurt to reverse things for a while and give ethics, responsibility, pride etc. a fighting chance, we've giving welfare a chance since the 60's and it doesn't look like things have changed for the better!!
Not Applicable
2015-07-05 19:09:45 UTC
Racism is like a dying cancer patient consumed with its own bitterness. It still occupies much time and discussion, and there are moments when it seems to be growing, then something comes along--like the people of Charleston pulling together, which seems to indicate it is losing ground. It is still around, but it is dying, but not without kicking and screaming all the way. One measure is to look at the rate of inter-ethnic/interracial marriages. A recent study by the Pew Research Center, a reputable research organization in the USA, finds that 8.4 percent of all current U.S. marriages are interracial, up from 3.2 percent in 1980. According to Daniel Lichter, a sociology professor at Cornell University, the rise in interracial marriage indicates that race relations have improved over the past quarter century. Mixed-race children have blurred America's color line. They often interact with others on either side of the racial divide and frequently serve as brokers between friends and family members of different racial backgrounds. I doubt the trend is about to go the other way.

Still, I have believed that many of the issues considered racial or ethnic really cover the real issue which is socioeconomic. That is not to say that a middle or upper income non-white might not experience prejudices, or that a minority white kid isn t picked on in a majority "other" ethnic school, but again, those are exceptions, not the rule. The socioeconomic issues are, I believe, going to prove to be the hardest to overcome whether you are talking about a white Appalachian meth addict, a gang-affiliated black kid or Latino, or a low income Asian person. Until we find ways to bring more people into the middle class-at least the middle class-then problems will continue to fester. We may long for the days when race seemed to be the easy answer.
2015-06-27 05:24:45 UTC
Because of the Human condition there will always be racism and there will always be poverty. Now with time the objects of both will change as they have during man's history.

Unfortunately there will always be Anti-Semitism unless some appealing ruler of the masses comes along to end that problem which in itself is a trick question. Once Anti-Semitism is gone so will racism and there will be no hatred. It's said that love and hate can be very close bedfellows.

Those that claim to know Jesus Christ or God but hate don't know Jesus Christ or God. Dislike for things that aren't right is not hate.
2015-07-02 17:07:53 UTC
Racism well never cease to exist. Yes over time racism has seen a decline but racism will unfortunately never leave. Because racism is based on people's beliefs and you can't change the beliefs of a while nation. Even if they did make us stop racism it would be against the constitution because again racism is a belief that the us can never take away such as gay marriage. The us can take away our freedom of speech and beliefs not even love. That's why gay marriage is now legal but also racism will never cease to exist.
2015-07-05 12:58:52 UTC
Yes, racism still exist in the USA. Though stride has been made. In my opinion and from what I have seen and endured is shared by all nationalities here not only blacks, whites and hispanics. The others both American and foreign born just seem to get away with it and at the same time left to enjoy living here more. And this is, also, because of the higher status they hold here in America put there according to how much money they have.
2015-06-24 05:32:25 UTC
Hola Mi Gente!

Racism still exist in the USA and I am really ashamed to stated that way...

I truly believe that The USA is a country in which racism should not being seen at all because this country Stands for Freedom and greatly believes in Humanitarian support. I don't really understand WHY we still have this ISSUE HERE; but it SEEMS that WE still have people that don't see the VALUE of diversity in society......

All we ask for is Respect!

Follow ZO
2015-06-24 10:46:55 UTC
Because of the Human condition there will always be racism and there will always be poverty. Now with time the objects of both will change as they have during man's history.

Unfortunately there will always be Anti-Semitism unless some appealing ruler of the masses comes along to end that problem which in itself is a trick question. Once Anti-Semitism is gone so will racism and there will be no hatred. It's said that love and hate can be very close bedfellows.

Those that claim to know Jesus Christ or God but hate don't know Jesus Christ or God. Dislike for things that aren't right is not hate.
2015-07-05 00:10:10 UTC
Yes. Racism still exist in USA.
2015-06-25 12:26:14 UTC
Yes racism still exist in the USA.

Since the election of president Obama the number of White Supremacist organizations increase to 1000 & is still going strong in 2015

Here are some of the White Supremacist organizations in USA:

(There's literally too many to list)

211 Crew

Red Shirt

Redneck Shop

Klu Klux Klan

Ayran Nation

Ayran Circle

American Front

Hammer Skins

Nazi Lowriders

European Kindred

Supreme Order of Caucasians

New Order (Neo Nazi Group)

Keystone State Skinheads

Imperial Klans of America

Friends of New Germany

Knights of the White Camelia

European American Union and Rights

National Association for the Advancement of White People

Ayran Brotherhood

Ayran Republican Army

American Nazi Party

Ayran Brotherhood of Texas

All American Protectorate Inc.
2015-07-03 21:17:15 UTC
I feel like this is a very dumb question because of course it still exists! It will never go away uses the world becomes some fake utopia. Though I wish we were all equal, everyone is a little racist sometimes and this is why. It's very complicated and hard to explain expescoally the fact that this is coming from a 12 year old girl but, we all have to come to a realization that the world is not perfect and will never be so people will always be racist and sexist.
2015-06-27 08:17:23 UTC
Racism definitely still exists in the USA.

Although it is less obvious and serious, go anywhere online, especially on social media, and you will see lots of stereotypes and uses of the "n" word everywhere. Some people would say that this is not rascism, but I consider it to be.

More serious examples are indirect ones, like the fact that there is a high rate of black men being shot by police officers when it was not necessary. Also, things like "ghettos" and "the hood" meaning poor black neighborhoods where crime and gangs are present.

Rascism and also sexism is present in politics everywhere. Think about how long it took for us to elect an African-American president. Obama gets a lot of rude and hateful comment that centers around his ethnicity. We still have not elected a femal president.

Rascism is everywhere. Although it will be extremely hard to say that we have completely abolished it, is going away slowly.
2015-06-23 05:41:17 UTC
Racism is still exists in USA.
2015-06-23 03:06:46 UTC
Racism is still exists in USA.
2015-06-23 18:28:25 UTC
Yes it still exists. It probably exists all over the world. Racism will never die. Because people always want to be better than others and they do that by putting them down. So it is unfortunate but racism does and probably will always live in America.
2015-06-30 09:40:32 UTC
USA? Racism will exist as long as one man is lighter or darker than another as long as someone has blue eyes and someone has brown eyes. If we all looked alike we would still have problems, if some one had a nose that was to big or eyes a different shape or penis a different size. In some ways I think we are lucky we do not look the same.. Men might lose their penis if they were too long an inch and another man was jealous. Breast might even had ben taped to prevent growth so they would be the same. Freaky but true.
2015-06-23 05:15:27 UTC
Racism still exists in USA.It's something that has been down on generations and it's not gonna change for a long time I think. Even if Americans werent racist ( which i can't say is true), there would milllions of others who live there as emmigrants or aren't native.And let's speak the truth... all of us are a little bit racist in a certain point of view.
2015-06-24 12:03:33 UTC
Of course, and it will continue to do so until it is homogenous. It's just that racism of the past is no longer tolerated, now we have to endure new racism. And this racism is government approved.

For example, the word "diversity" simply means less white people. When you go to a gathering, and it's full of whites, how many times do liberals say it needs more diversity? But nobody claims places like Chinatown, Brooklyn, or South Central La need more diversity?

On television, black race baiters are always yelling for more diversity. Ok, now the group they wanted more diverse now has 70% whites in it. is that good? Hell to the no! More diversity! Now it's 60% white. Good? Nope! More diversity! 50% white! More diversity!

They will not stop this until there are 0 white people left, and this is genocidal.
2015-06-23 23:41:59 UTC
Yes. Racism still exist
2015-06-21 21:32:18 UTC
Racism is still exists in USA.
2015-06-25 12:40:29 UTC
Sometimes Racism is a reaction. For example my family and I have recently moved to an area that, is not predominately black but definitely has a higher population. I confronted two inebriated black men looking in my front window right after I moved in. They ran off and since then my car has been broken into, my house vandalized, my 5 and 6 year olds picked on because they are white and so on. And then I watch the news and how polarizing the media and government overall is. I have never been racist but in this past year I have become one simply because of how my family has been treated and what I have witnessed around the country. Truthfully, I think that black culture overall is broken and absolutely disgusting.
2015-06-23 20:21:44 UTC
It will always exist, no matter how hard or how many protests there will be. There will always be some people who don't like change. There was racism in the past, there is racism in the present, and there will be racism in the future. And it's not just towards colored Americans, it can be towards different cultures from all over the world.
Dr. Jeff
2015-06-22 07:38:34 UTC
After that dastardly Church shooting last week in South Carolina, it is all too painfully clear that racism does still exist in America. We've come a long way in the past 50 years. But there is still a long way yet to go before we can be a nation of true freedom and justice for ALL.
2015-06-23 18:09:29 UTC
In my experience from living in many different states the only racism I have experienced has come at me from some ignorant Black people.

I have seen racism directed at others from Black people.

I have seen some interaction between Black & White people which some Blacks have classified as being racist but to my observation has been nothing more than some White person coming across as being totally ignorant on how to handle the situation.

In this instance the White person came across as being afraid & not knowing how to handle the situation.

The only place in the US in which I have lived & have never encountered any kind of racism against anyone is in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

From what I have seen this could be because there are more things that unite its inhabitants than there are things which would divide them. I highly recommend that the US government invest some time & money in studying this phenomenon & perhaps implement some of their findings on the mainland states.

I have no idea if racism has had any role in Hawaii, Alaska or any of the other US Territories.
2015-06-23 09:14:06 UTC
Racism exists in most places but some more than others.
2015-07-05 22:55:35 UTC
Yes, Racism still exist in USA. As you can see on news and CNN, the Confederate Flags is a symbol of slavery and hatred. The United States decided to remove the flag after a white teenager murdered black church members. Yes, it still exists but they are trying to decrease the amount of racism in this world. READ NEWS.
2015-06-23 13:08:37 UTC
Yes racism is still living in the USA, racism in the modern day is not like the past lives not anything crucial to one another race. Racism now is not being use to treat others higher than another but they are use on others as insults or sometime those racist people comments are being kept to just that person and not letting the person getting hurt to know.
Special EPhex
2015-06-21 15:20:07 UTC
Racism exists everywhere on the planet. Some places are better than others, but are not without racist sentiments. Many people in the US believe racism is still a major problem, as stories are magnified and sensationalize, portraying a narrative that it is just as bad or worst than times in the past. As a black person myself, I've notice phony outrage and a gross exaggeration of the reality of race in this country. I have had only a few racist instances on par with those of past generations in my life, but I am still optimistic about the progress our country has had in a relatively short span of time. The outrage of racism in America is typically instigated by race baiters, and a display of immaturity, where people should be judged by individual character and behavior, not by broad sweeping generalizations.
2015-07-02 11:10:02 UTC
Racism still exists in USA.
2015-07-02 15:23:16 UTC
Yes racism still exists in the USA, more so in some areas than others.
2015-06-22 23:38:07 UTC
Racism will always exist. It s a complete brainwashing thing to say that it won t. Biologically we will always feel comfortable around people that look like us, and uncomfortable with people that don t. We will always feel comfortable with our own culture that we grew up with. If another race with a different culture lives next to us, we will inevitably have disagreements. In an intelligent society these disagreements can be talked about and settled. in a thug culture they cannot. The two races will only divide further, and eventually fight.

Most Democracies curtail racial fighting by using propaganda that teaches brotherly love and kindness between races and cultures. This has worked in America for a long time now. Let s hope it continues for another hundred years.
2015-06-24 12:52:48 UTC
2015-06-25 05:53:47 UTC
Yes Racism still exist in USA.Just is not servious before.
2015-07-01 18:16:50 UTC
Of course, yes. The night is still young, though, you never know what will magically dawn on everyone years from now.

I think mainly older whites a have strong views on racism, though.

I think everyone is a little racist, though. Just like everyone is a little homosexual, prejudice, and homphobic. We are all a little bit of everything if you as me.

The new thing now is much of the Mexican population is crossing the boarder and taking the jobs us Americans are too lazy to get. There is a lot of hatred involved with them by some people, but not a big issue. Closest thing to racism if you ask me.
2015-06-23 10:42:37 UTC
Racism will always exist, unfortunately somewhere in evolution we become intimidated by people that are not like us(different colors)...but on the upside revolution will always exist as well! As long as education, honesty, and trust exist..racism shouldn't diminish...and we have come along way but it will never be 100% gone
2015-06-24 05:02:13 UTC
Yes, racism is still exists. I don't think we can say it will ALWAYS exist - because "always" is too long a time. Eventually the sun will dim and all human society on earth will die, according to some of the scientists. Or if the fundamentalist Christians are right, eventually we'll enter the "End Times" and there will be the Battle of Armageddon followed by the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth. Either way, it's almost impossible to say anything will "always" be as we know it.
2015-06-28 17:38:24 UTC
Until we change

Racism will always be an issue as long as there are humans on this planet. We as human beings are prideful and arrogant by nature Therefor we always try to find a way to put ourselves in a higher position than others. Racism is just one of the many forms of our pridefulness and arrogance. For some reason we feel the need to label things and it doesn't Stop us from labeling each other.
2015-06-26 18:27:42 UTC
Racism still exists in the United States of America.
2015-06-22 03:33:32 UTC
Racism still exist world wide
2015-06-24 08:29:06 UTC
Racism is a product of ignorance and inequality in the Law. If the anti-discrimination Law does exist in the country ie USA and yet there is racism - then shows those in power want racism to exit - the justice system as it is enforced is corrupt.
2015-07-03 00:19:51 UTC
Races and will never be gone. The hard fact of life, is that every human has a bit of racism in them, which is for the most part something that we don't act out on but just internalize. Some domact out and take it to the level that causes harm to others, which are the groups that we frown upon.
2015-06-26 16:15:30 UTC
Yes I think racism exists. Note to me racism is unfair treatment due to one's skin color. Racism can be a physical attack, including of course murder, eg Methodist Church in Charleston SC. Or it can be taunts, mean spirited remarks. Racism is wrong no matter what group is doing it . I saw a youtube video of self proclaimed "Black Isrelites" taunting a Jewish man. Some words they said were "**** the Holocaust", Heil Hitler". I see this incident as terribly anti semtic. I suspect this Black Israelite movement is a tiny minority among black people. One thing is they compared the NAZIs to the slave trade. While both incidents were horrible. Its not a competition. One isn't worst than the other. They were both horrific. I do think Black get the brunt of racism however if anyone is a victim of these attacks that is racism too.
2015-06-30 12:22:14 UTC
Does racism still exist in America? Yes. Does it exist to the extent that the news tries to claim? No. It seems like in today's society criticism of any person of color, sex or sexual orientation, you are then immediately labeled a racist, homophobe or sexist. For example, criticizing Jenner doesn't mean you hate all transgender people. Hating 1 ≠ hating all. Just as hating Islamic extremists doesn't mean you hate all Muslims. Same sex marriage is not unconstitutional as the GOP recently claims. The liberal idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the US Declaration of Independence guarantees all people the right to be happy as they see fit, if they are happiest living on the streets or having a relationship with the same sex or being polygamous they are indeed entitled to live that way.
2015-06-22 11:57:40 UTC
Well, obviously, not gone. With all the phone cameras out there, recording horrible treatment, and death to Blacks from law enforcement, has become a hot topic, but this racist guy who drove from Columbus to Charleston, surely past a lot of churches, but specifically went to Emmanuel, the oldest, black church, so anyone saying it was a religious thing is ignorant of the fact that news flashed many photos of this guy, burning the American Flag, and glorifying the Confederate Flag, which represents the south wanting to maintain slavery, the reason for the Civil war. Actually told the Congregation that he was a racists. Someone influenced this guy to hate so vehemently, to the point of murdering strangers in another city.

Just saw on the news that So. Carolina's Governor, Niki Haley, has ordered the Confederate Flag be taken down

from the capitol building. At least she gets it. Good for you, Governor!
2015-06-22 22:09:10 UTC
Racism is still exists in USA.
2015-07-01 02:29:58 UTC
Racism still exist in USA. It is a human thing but we are evolving. Race relations are getting better but some crude incidents make us to begin to wonder whether we have made any progress since the civil rights era.
2015-07-01 23:40:33 UTC
Sadly the policies of the current administration, has only flamed the fires of racism even stronger.

1. For every time, any crime where any non-black person has been found to shoot a black person, the administration and many others are eager to claim it is a hate crime against blacks, without ever trying to find out the actual facts of the case. And this only makes it worse, making it appear like cops or whites are out to get blacks, when the truth couldn't be further from that. Most black deaths are caused by other blacks. This is very sad, I truly wish it wasn't so.

2. Al Sharpton, Rev Jesse Jackson, they haven't reduced racism, they thrive on it. The more racism they can find, the more power and money they gain.

3. Everyone who voted for President Barack Obama, based on his race, now realizes that race is no indicator of competence or goodness. We must select the most competent to do the job, not just those who make us feel better because we voted for a certain segment of the population.

The problem is that the minority of people, get out of finding scapegoats, blaming others, never resolving any problems, only making it worse.

I think if we are to make this a less racist country or world, we must focus on accepting responsibility for our choices, and finding things we have in common, those things that unite us.

Ever since the invention of multi-culturalism and political correctness, we have avoided seeing reality as it is. That plus diversity has actually made things far worse, by identify many many ways we are different, rather than many ways we have in common.

This video of School House Rock's "American Melting Pot" says it far more eloquently than I ever could.

If we really want racism to go away, we must start by identifying as americans again, and as adults who want to make a better world TOGETHER.

That's my 2 cents.
2015-06-26 07:02:16 UTC
Yes and always will. As long as there is more than one race on earth there will be problems. The government can not legislate morality and the thoughts in the minds of people. Racism is not a black and white issue but a human issue. God created the human race and man has created racism. It is all sin and not God's intention for people to be racist despite the color differences in their skin. The only real answer is for all people to turn to God who in the end will have the final say.
2015-06-29 11:43:46 UTC
Unfortunately, yes. Racism still does exist in USA and although not as much of a political issue as it has been in recent years, it is a major social and societal issue that needs to be addressed.
Mayesha C
2015-06-23 09:41:18 UTC
Racism will never go. And USA has a high rate of racism by far
2015-06-23 02:43:39 UTC
It's exists in all countries racism
2015-06-27 02:24:25 UTC
Racism, sexism, and all the other isms out there or anything in that matter still exists everywhere around the world, including US because people are stupid. Until people learn to think and get smarter they won't know the true value of diversity. So until then it will exist; for that reason it will always exist.
2015-07-01 08:17:52 UTC
But for now, racism in the USA does exist. It's a mental and political and social curse that has haunted our society since before the American Revolution of the 1770s. It has deep roots in this country, and the real progress made during the Civil Rights era hasn't made it disappear.
2015-06-25 10:17:33 UTC
I live in a very small Southern town and I can personally tell you that, yes, racism is alive here. Personally though, I am nor racist at all. I play basketball and I have very many close friends that are African American and they are some of the best people I know. Racism is very wrong and makes no sense whatsoever, but it is still very much alive in small Southern towns.
2015-06-21 23:30:28 UTC
Uh yeah... It does. I live in the south. I am black. I've been called the N word more times than I can count in the past year alone. Who possibly told you other wise? I remember my hearing a 40 parent say to their husband during a basketball game about my brother (we come from a rather high income family, just to let you know) "Good on this school for taking transfers from the ghetto." She was dead serious. Racism is aligned with ignorance, and ignorance isn't going away any time soon.
2015-06-21 19:41:22 UTC
Does grammar still exist on internet or gone? XD

Yes, there is still racism. Why do you think cops pull over a lot of black people?
2015-06-22 10:13:33 UTC
Of course it's just in the last 50 years Blacks were given equal rights like their neighbors, the whites. Thus this in has not being that long for all white Americans to change their narrow view on other this has been going on for centuries. However, when it comes to crime between a white and a black...we all frankly know who will be the 'suspicious' suspect. I think you should accept that black Americans won't have the same high regard as a white american...society is still unstable and equality is yet to be fully recognized I am afraid.
2015-07-06 20:09:06 UTC
Unfortunately racism still exists,it's just not out in the open as often.People in power often make thinly veiled attempts at racist laws.Hopefully racism has gone down down among the middle class and not just hiding.
2015-06-21 11:39:09 UTC
Yes, racism still exists in the USA. It always has and always will, and it's unrealistic to think that it will ever be completely absent. The media of course over hypes the racist events that take place, so racism is definitely not as bad as it seems, but is present.
2015-07-04 09:02:52 UTC
Yes Racism still exists. The White Man cannot celebrate pride in his race without being called a racist. Whites are the only ones not allowed to say the N-word. Whites always have to apologize for being born. The Liberal Media does not focus on white victims of crime caused by black people. I am a Straight Christian White Male with German Heritage and I am very proud of it. The White Man does not need to apologize for being the most accomplished and successful race in the World.
2015-06-22 00:00:09 UTC
Racism will always exist, however, there is little to no racism in the USA.
2015-06-24 20:02:29 UTC
Yes, however, its not like it used to be in my current college class we talked a little about this. Today, racism is more implied than being shown explicitly. how so? well before we actually had fountains,bathrooms,seating for people of color. this is not only against black if you were not a pure blood (white) you most likely had a hard time getting through your day. Now, its more like a blond woman crossing the street because a black male is approaching her from the oppisite direction. locking your doors because someone of color is comming. things like this is what racism has turned into. i dont think it has gone away i think its actually more sneaky...
2015-06-22 12:10:39 UTC
Yes. Racism still exist today.
2015-06-23 06:42:44 UTC
Just a few days ago an idiot white guy killed nine innocent victims because they were black. And lots of people in Yahoo Answers are actually taking his side. So, yeah. Racism still exists.
2015-06-23 04:39:48 UTC
Racism still exist all over the world and particularly USA.

We can say 'it will always exist' sadly.
2015-06-30 15:00:51 UTC
Of course it does. Racism is something that will never go away in the U.S. because people always want to use that card in order to justify the unfairness that they feel like they are receiving. Most of the U.S would just like to move on and ignore any kind of racism but there are those out there that use it for attention reasons because they don't know any better. They say that Caucasians are the most racist but the truth is the color that is claiming the racism are the ones who are the most racist, they just won't let it go and move on.
2015-07-06 15:42:27 UTC
Racism has gotten so much worse in the USA with the rise of the first Anglo Saxon African American President. I have experienced so much racism in my life against me because I am white. I can say that I never used to be racist, I have Hispanic, oriental, American Indian, and black people in my family. But the recent hate on white people beatings and crimes are really making me start to feel otherwise.
Swaggy girl
2015-07-06 08:55:33 UTC
racism exists every where, in many different forms, and sadly it always will. Its just a part of society, and its a part of humane behavior to hate what they fear and do not understand. There will always be those close minded ignorant people that can't see the world for what it really is, simply because they are stuck in their own.
2015-07-06 21:52:21 UTC
Racism is still one of the biggest problems in today's society. When many people think of racism, they typically think of white on black/any minority. This is not the case many times. However, it does not necessarily mean that it is in the classical sense of Black bosses not hiring white people. Minority on White racism takes place in mainly impoverished neighborhoods. That is why you see so many white dominated neighborhoods and black dominated neighborhoods, neither ethnicity wants to live among the other. Imagine a white man moving to the south side of Chicago. It is almost unrealistic and this is because whites are not welcome in these neighborhoods. Is it a coincidence that the property value in black neighborhoods is always lower? Not at all, the black man has done this to himself, 9/10 a black person will prove any negative stereotype.

The civil rights movement was a key point in this nations black history. But what people failed to right down in the history books was what happened in the 1970s after the civil rights movement. the Blacks retaliated against the whites in cities all across America. I know for sure that one of these cities was Indianapolis. Many accounts of multiple blacks ganging up on one white student are in abundance. The countries most notorious gangs were spawned such as the Crips and Bloods. These gangs terrorize decent working people of all races and creeds. They are still rampant today and will continue to be rampant as long as people of every race are not seen as equal. The education system in the black community is not anywhere near as good as those in the white community and this is due to the lack of morals that many but not all black parents instill in their children.
2015-06-26 19:08:30 UTC
As long as different races of humans exist, yes there will be. Plus it's literally impossible to not be racist when you compare Ashkenazian accomplishments/iq compared to every other race. The definition of racism is the belief that a race is superior/inferior. Pretty hard to not agree with that when eruos pretty much made everything we have so far.
2015-06-23 18:17:15 UTC
Racism always existed hate for another ethic group always been around since the people walk this earth, yes it still exist in america , i ran into a older white man who said " look at those n***ers they get everything they want " i know that was untrue and smile and walk away from him
anon link police
2015-06-25 19:58:31 UTC
Racism exists in all forms.

You think just black and white, but it runs deep in all sorts of nationalities.

It will be a thing of the past when everyone is mixed in about 20-30 years.
2015-06-23 19:08:21 UTC
Racism still exist practically everywhere. It's very unfortunate but it's inevitable and probably will continue to occur for a very long time.
2015-06-22 14:31:46 UTC
yes,Racism is something that will never go away in the U.S. because people always want to use that card in order to justify the unfairness that they feel like they are receiving. Most of the U.S would just like to move on and ignore any kind of racism but there are those out there that use it for attention reasons because they don't know any better. They say that Caucasians are the most racist but the truth is the color that is claiming the racism are the ones who are the most racist, they just won't let it go and move on.
2015-06-23 08:33:55 UTC
Depends on what the definition of racism is. Systematic oppression by the state? No, it does not for the most part. However, Racial Bias and hate crimes are still very present, and very strong. Blacks against whites, whites against blacks, atheism against religion and vice versa. It happens a lot, and it is saddening, but we're still better off then most places. Guess there's still a lot of work that needs doing though.
2015-06-27 13:28:57 UTC
yes racism still exist in USA
2015-07-04 20:22:42 UTC
Yes racism exists and I believe it will always exist. In my opinion, the only reason it exists is because it did historically.. if we could erase that era, it definitely... almost positively would not be a thing.. you can't get rid of the past. We're certainly trying and I respect that (:
2015-06-23 18:49:46 UTC
Racism still exists in the USA as well as every other country worldwide and it will continue for as long as ignorance prevails.
2015-06-26 18:29:01 UTC
yes racism still goes on. I'm Chinese American and have had people assume I knew karate and so on. When I was little a boy made fun of my eyes. Wish there was no such thing as racism the world would be better
2015-06-28 09:32:33 UTC
Yes, racism will most likely exist in all countries with 2 or more races or until there's no such thing as races since everyone has been mixed together genetically.
2015-06-26 20:29:48 UTC
No matter what anyone says racism does still exist and will most likely always exist. Everyone has their own opinions.
Happy Hiram
2015-06-21 17:28:01 UTC
Of course racism still exists.
2015-06-22 02:49:23 UTC
Race relations have improved dramatically despite the perception that media try to convey. However, racial/ethnic tensions exist, and it will always exist to some extent. This is not just an American problem. It's a "human problem" that exist all around the world and has been around for thousands of years. Just like crimes such murder, rape, and robbery. It's always going to exist and will never be eliminated completely.
2015-06-22 19:10:49 UTC
Racism is a natural and normal human response. Human beings learn from experience and draw conclusions from observation and interaction with various racial groups. Here are some of my personal "racist" feelings:

1) CHINESE --- smart, hard working, many own small businesses, rarely cause trouble

2) RUSSIANS --- physically and mentally tough, can overcome great difficulty through determination, enjoy vodka, Russian women are the most attractive in the world

3) FRENCH --- excessively opinionated, think their own culture is better than other cultures, are terrified of Germany

4) AMERICANS --- loud, arrogant, learned very little in school but think they know everything, violent, many use drugs

5) JAPANESE --- highly organized, work well in teams, excellent electronics, make the best porn movies on Earth

6) BRITISH --- men dress incredibly well, women like to wear hats, have a universal affection for their royal family, like to talk about the days of the old British Empire

7) BRAZILIANS --- women wear virtually no clothes and like to dance, famous for Mardi Gras festival
darryl l
2015-06-25 16:22:13 UTC
Really there is lot a racism in USA it's gone no where.
2015-06-24 05:45:57 UTC
Yes, to an extent there is racism and discrimination against other minorities. Is it near as bad as 50 years ago? No, but there are always a few oddballs lose in a crowd.
2015-06-22 06:23:14 UTC
Does oxygen still exist in usa or gone
2015-06-23 05:42:51 UTC
Racism and prejudice will never be 'gone' in any country. It is just human nature to divide people into 'them' vs 'us.' As an example, the fighting among the Catholics vs. Protestants in Ireland for many years. For an elementary example, read 'The Sneeches' by the late Dr. Seuss.
2015-06-22 08:17:58 UTC
Racism is everywhere. World wide. But for some reason it seems to have gotten worse in the USA since Obama became president. IMHO
2015-06-23 18:46:53 UTC
I think that the racism still exist in USA .
2015-06-22 07:53:38 UTC
Racism will aways exist
2015-06-23 02:39:38 UTC
Racism exists. It's what people resort to when they get confronted by economic differences. Since they are waging class warfare they avoid the topic because it's embarrassing and personal to rich people.
2015-06-23 19:20:09 UTC
Yes it does. Albeit massive progress has been made in terms of black political participation and economic welfare, racism and the horrid effects of racism are still significant blights upon our land. A key fact that is often overlooked in discussions on Race in America is the fact that racial segregation of public schools is worse now than prior to Brown vs. Board of Education. However this is largely the result of continuing racial economic inequality which has been manifested in the "White Flight" to the suburbs and the movement of blacks into the inner cities of America.
2015-06-25 18:43:11 UTC
Racism currently, and will forever exist in USA.
Special Ed.
2015-06-22 05:24:18 UTC
Racism in the US is as American as Apple pie! This is because it was structural, rampant, and aided with the silence of both political parties which did nothing to enforce the 15th Amendment rights granted to the ex-slaves. Compounding that fact, Lincoln's replacement was hailed as a "Son of the South" by supporters of the Confederacy! Now, what does that tell you about his dedication towards furthering the work of his Republican predecessor?

This information is hardly known to students nurtured upon Standardized American History.
2015-07-05 23:50:56 UTC
Racism is still alive and well in the USA. If you don't belive me look at the stats. People of color get arrested more than white people, people of color spend more time in prison than white people, people of color are more likely to get the death penalty then white people, people of color make less than white people, people of color are less likely to get promoted to a supervisory or managerial position and the list goes on. The part about the pay and employment is true for women. This is despite the fact that women hold advanced degrees of about 1 and a 1/2 times that of men.
2015-06-22 21:04:09 UTC
yes, without a doubt racism still exists. But it's not as bad as it was 50 years ago
2015-06-28 18:58:58 UTC
Yes, racism exists.
2015-06-27 07:38:05 UTC
Racism exists in every country in the world. It will never be abolished. It cannot be legislated away. It is a state of mind or a thought process.
2015-06-25 03:25:57 UTC
It's really ignorant to say racism doesn't exist. Just the same, it's ignorant to bring race into things just because it has a white person and a black person. It's honestly vexing and daft, racism.
2015-06-23 04:23:46 UTC
Racism will likely never be gone. Not completely. What matters is abolishing it from politics and how the society is run. Individuals will always be racist, but in the grand scheme of things a few racist people don't matter.
2015-06-26 00:07:54 UTC
In my opinion racism is still exist no matter which country you are in. Politically speaking Obama is the first black President in United State and now the situation prefer white candidates (Hilary Clinton). In terms of Law, minorities ethnics are protected under Ethnic minorities are protected through the civil rights act 1964.
Linda R
2015-06-23 07:57:46 UTC
The USA was just fine until Obama was elected president and then he made SURE racism is an issue.
2015-07-05 13:01:33 UTC
Yes racism still exists today in the US it's in some people's everyday life. We may have come along way but we still have along way to go
2015-06-22 05:29:54 UTC
A young white american boy has just been convicted for shooting dead 9 black people. Tragically there is racism not only in America but everywhere. Religionism exists too.
2015-06-23 22:22:17 UTC
Racism still exists in the USA. Only idealistic idiots would not think so.
2015-06-30 20:43:27 UTC
As long as tools like Sharpton are around, Yes. I'm tired of hearing **** about how white people are keeping other races down. Give me a break. You keep your self down. If your tired of the stereo-types then quit living up to them. And get over the slavery crap. Most of what is told about it is completely wrong. Who was selling the slaves? Black people if Africa. The make it out like slave owners stood behind slaves and constantly beat and whipped them. Bull. Most of the slaves lived better lives back then than they do now. Maybe if you quit playing the race card every time a cop ask you something, race wouldn't keep being an issue.
2015-06-21 17:41:14 UTC
Racism still exist .
2015-06-21 23:58:38 UTC
Racism will always exist anywhere in the world. Its very sad and unfortunate but its the truth. It's mainly the white people who have created the racism so it makes me really sad.
2015-06-22 10:42:35 UTC
In the USA and everywhere else in the world, there will always be racism unfortunately because ignorant people exist in the real world
2015-06-22 00:53:17 UTC
Still exist
2015-06-22 09:49:58 UTC
Yes and IMO it will never go away, But I think it's less than before.. old days where black skin colored people were working for the US citizens and they were making them like a slave (no offense.. sorry). Now black people have all the rights the white citizen have and they are all equal.. but there's more of a difference they make between themselves.. is you can't mess with them in the "hood" and something like that.. but I still say there's racism till now but its less.
2015-07-02 18:51:46 UTC
beacuse Historical reasons, I think Racism still exists in USA.
2015-06-29 17:41:24 UTC
Yes, racism is still; exist in the USA.
2015-06-22 06:36:00 UTC
There is racism everywhere in the world. You don't hear much of it in homogeneous societies but that doesn't mean there is none there. In the Middle East people are still fighting over the same things as many centuries ago.
2015-07-03 20:25:21 UTC
You get racism all over the world but in other countries they don't talk about it. In India you get the caste system which is an evil form of racism.
2015-06-21 20:13:49 UTC
Yes, I think that racism is still now in USA.
2015-07-04 23:51:25 UTC
Yes. racism still exists in the USA, sadly.
2015-07-03 17:36:19 UTC
Racism will always exist no matter what. Would it be nice if it could stop? Of course but you will always find someone in this world who is racist. I'm not racist at all. I just wish it could end but It never will.
2015-06-23 09:52:51 UTC
It's always existed in one form or fashion since the beginning of the United States. More then likely in some form or fashion will always exist.

However, race relations are worse in the 2010's then it's been in my entire lifetime. Its as bad now as it was in the 1960's. I don't think that's an argument.
2015-07-01 12:49:43 UTC
Racism is here. It is probably here to stay. It is like cancer-sneaky, dangerous and changes quickly.

Do you laugh a jokes that make fun of black hair or end in watermelon? Racism.

Do you laugh at jokes about awkward or clueless white people? Racism.

Do you say you jewed someone down on a price? Racism.

Do you consider people with big noses as tightwads? Racism.

Do you roll up your window when a black person crosses in front of your car? Racism.

Do you give more to a black homeless man than a white one? Racism.

Do you think "funny names" show you are "Ghetto"? Racism.

Do you think names, cars, homes, education, heroes, judges all must be or can be "white" or "too white."Racism.

Do you feel sorry for mixed race kids? Racism.

Do you think you can only date your race? Racism.

Do you "know" that loud radio is in a car owned by blacks or Mexicans -even before you see them? Racism.

Do you know that opera, symphonies, museums are for white people?

Are you reluctant to wear bright colors so people don't think you are "ghetto"- racism.

Do you wear clothes only your race would wear?Cowboy hats, or baggy pants or plaid shirts or gym shorts? Racism.

Do you think black people get all the breaks - racism.

Do you think white people get all the breaks? Racism.

We have come a long way, from endentured service, and the company store to mixed-race bathrooms. We have come a long way from taking a child from a slave mother and selling her to fuming that black mothers should all be sterilized.We have come a long way from un appealed public lynchings to prosecuting shooting unarmed teenagers.

BUT, we have a long way to go yet. I think the answer lies not in tolerance, but in celebrating our differences, lifting everyone up to a livable level and HELPING each other TO UNDERSTAND AND ENJOY THE OTHER..

Everyone should praise education, safety, and kindness. Everyone should be against criminal activity and poverty. This is not about race, but about being able to live in peace with each other.

There should be no such thing as one city with a school that has a new swimming pool and one across town that has rats in the cafeteria. Tax base should raise everyone up.

We need Martin Luther King now more than ever. All of us could benefit from a strong leader. Martin Luther King didn't want thugs and racists to take over. NO one does. He was about peace and workign together to raise people up.

And no one want to raise their children on the streets or in a dump. Given a chance and mental health/medical treatment, any adult would choose to raise decent kids. Felons are taught.
2015-06-23 08:06:16 UTC
Yes it does still exist at least in some parts of America.
2015-07-05 15:42:29 UTC
Racism still exists in the whole world
Smokies Hiker
2015-06-25 16:14:44 UTC
Of course racism still exists in the US. And, it's no longer limited to just two colors!
2015-06-22 22:25:55 UTC
What? Racism exists everywhere
London Man
2015-06-26 01:50:44 UTC
Yes I am a white guy from the UK; my son studied in NY for a year and was saddened by the amount of anti black racism in America. The police badly need training starting at the beginning and going over the basics.
Madeline W
2015-06-21 18:52:22 UTC
Racism definitely still exists - the main news stories in the past year has proven that
2015-06-22 00:17:17 UTC
African-Americans have made huge strides over the last fifty years in every area of American life but, apparently, not huge enough to convince Jackson that the USA is not a white racist society. The black actor gained fame and fortune in Hollywood due largely to white fans who constitute the vast majority of moviegoers yet he left no doubt he still harbored bitter feelings toward whites.In the end it is still exits.
2015-06-22 11:24:01 UTC
Racism is still very prevalent and getting worse. I don't know what the heck white parents teach their kids, but it sure isn't "the golden rule" or "be kind to others" or "all people are created equal". The biggest question that most black people have is how you can hate someone simply because their skin is a different color. That mentality is pervasive among whites.
2015-06-23 21:39:16 UTC
Still exists
2015-06-23 06:40:27 UTC
Tremendous progress has been made, but racism still exists
2015-06-22 01:29:32 UTC
UMMM YES, there will always be racism because there's ignorant people in this world that don't realize your only different because of your skin color but we are all the same inside. Mainly the South they are hella racist. I have a lot to say about ignorant people but I rather bite my younger because they don't deserve my time.
2015-06-23 10:56:24 UTC
Wherever humans exist, there will always be racism. Some people are just asswipes and dont want to get along.
2015-06-23 10:29:49 UTC
Well a 21 year old kid just shot up a black church in South Carolina hoping to start a race war so yeah I'd say it's still pretty prominent. And not just in the southern states, either.
2015-06-23 15:53:34 UTC
2015-06-29 11:44:18 UTC
2015-06-25 10:28:02 UTC
Racism will exist until our government stops giving them things.
2015-06-22 12:40:36 UTC
Racism exists every where
2015-06-23 16:32:14 UTC
2015-07-03 01:31:07 UTC
Either you live under a rock or you don't watching the news

Yes racism still BLUNTLY exists in the U.S
2015-06-22 14:32:32 UTC
So much very alive and it will always exist. And it's the way people are brought up. Being around parents who bad mouth other races will make you hate that race, but for what reason? Race is very much alive and a lot of racist people take their acts out on others (the police)
2015-07-02 01:58:09 UTC
I live in South Carolina and can tell you it's far from gone. The reason is because when someone is different, in any way, from the majority of people they will always be looked upon differently. This isn't necessarily a race issue though: for example my friend can't pronounce "r" and is looked upon differently even though she is literally the nicest person I know.
2015-06-22 08:23:35 UTC
Racism will always exist, until there is only one race left. This is the horrible Fact, which can never change doesn't matter what.
2015-06-30 21:01:16 UTC
2015-06-22 21:26:25 UTC
Yes! It does still exist
2015-07-03 21:49:45 UTC
Still exist
2015-06-22 00:56:16 UTC
Of course it still exists. And it is a 5 way street. Most people tend to think that it is just whites not liking blacks,

or whites not liking Asians etc........ sad to say it goes both ways in all areas.

Thankfully there are millions of people that are filled with love, honor and respect for all...but even many of them.... when the crowd is running a muck........ tend to turn and run.
2015-06-24 03:00:32 UTC
yes unfortunately it still does. There are still and pragmatically, going to be for a while, factors that will keep racism alive. i hate this fact. I am a white female and love people of all races. to me, personally it is just a shade of skin tone and difference of culture. But when you consider economical factors in, and how racism has effected descendants of slaves, it to me is just sad that my potential ancestors, caused this harm on society for what. money? i dont want to stir the pot, i just want black people to know there are plenty of whites out here who feel for you and your struggle, and look up to those who are able to rise above it.
2015-06-23 22:39:15 UTC
It will always exist as long as everyone is different

From rich to poor to colors of the rainbow

Some people are too busy pointing fingers at each other to notice to fix things up
2015-06-24 17:52:45 UTC
well if you think about it , would you rather be down in "OTHER COUNTRIES"where they wont even let you step a foot outside , and its probably worse, Proud of being and american , (im African American by the way) And you know what I say there will be always theses peoples like this . Live life , it would be worse if we were donw in a other country where racism is worse and people have less freedom , Lifes good man .
2015-06-25 19:07:51 UTC
There will be racism as long as there will be people. Either that or as soon as a certain race gets themselves together (not saying which one) we can work towards ending racism.
2015-06-24 07:04:05 UTC
As long as people like Al Sharpton exist there will always be racism !!!
2015-06-28 03:30:44 UTC
It still exist here and it'll always exist. I'm starting to believe you can't eliminate racism because racism has always existed.
2015-06-24 03:37:04 UTC
Definitely still exist in USA....and it can't be gone in future
2015-06-23 13:47:26 UTC
Heck yes racism exists in the US and all over the world for that matter
2015-06-23 15:31:34 UTC
Sadly yes because hate groups still exist and try to encourage it. Plus some people were raised to be racist or had a bad encounter with another race.
2015-06-23 12:01:19 UTC
2015-06-24 21:45:59 UTC
Yes racism still exists but not just between whites and blacks. It's everywhere.
2015-06-24 14:55:20 UTC
Even after we have done a lot of things in order to achieve equality in America, there's always going to be forms of racism, injustice, and inequality.
2015-06-21 23:27:39 UTC
Racism still exists whether it being in school or in the real world!!!
2015-06-29 22:14:12 UTC
Probably Yes
2015-06-22 11:05:01 UTC
There is a ton of racism in the usa, like a lot.
2015-07-05 17:42:12 UTC
It sill exist it's just that there isn't as many racism all over the world then there was before or as you see on TV.
2015-06-21 16:27:19 UTC
Americans are the most racist people in the world. They divide people into Black and White. Because the Whites kept Blacks as slaves to do all the hard work. But now they use illegal aliens. When they go to war with different countries around the world they always have racist terms for the folks they go to kill. They say they're going over there to free them and give them democracy but they make up abusive terms for the folks then kill them.
2015-07-02 16:10:32 UTC
Racism exists all over the world, but using the race card has been largely abused.
2015-06-24 15:00:36 UTC
Yes it exists. It's not as obvious as in years past. It's not as injurious as in years past. For sure it is better now but the poor black folks still feel it more. Hopefully some day the color of one's skin will not be a defining characteristic.
2015-07-01 09:42:05 UTC
Racism will exist forever. Everyone has different beliefs and people are born everyday. Sure the numbers may decrease, but it will always be there.
2015-06-25 09:36:40 UTC
Yes. It will always exist.

Ageism will always exist.

Sexism will always exist.

Homophobia will always exist.

As long as people have opinions, and free will, these things will exist, and even though people disagree with racism, sexism etc, there will always be ignorant people who can't keep their personal beliefs to themselves.
2015-07-02 13:41:40 UTC
racism definitely exists . i dislike latinos and blacks. I know that it is racist of me to think that, but the area i live in and the upbringing and bullying i inherited as a kid and young adult made me very biased towards latinos and blacks. I know not all of them are ghetto, or mean, and its sad that i overlook the nice ones , but i try to stay away from the mas much as possible. i'm just tired of trying to get along , because either i'm the racist one or the other person is a racist. it's just better to be separated .
2015-06-30 11:11:05 UTC
As long as there are people that compare different characteristics of people (physical, cultural, and spiritual), then yes, racism, as well as pure discrimination, still exists.
2015-06-29 12:28:00 UTC
Actually, I was just answering a racist question. So I think it is safe to say that yes, racism still exists, at least a little. Not in me though. So just spread non-racism please. Thank you.
2015-06-24 11:42:19 UTC
racism is still exist in usa and whole world.because we have no empathy and we are losing our humanity ..each people could help one would be enough
2015-06-29 04:30:32 UTC
Racism will exist a hundred years from now, no matter what the media or anyone else says.
2015-06-27 02:27:54 UTC
Yes, but it is mostly bigotry and not racism. Most do not know the difference. Raciest believe their race is superior. Bigots just do not enjoy being around certain races. Freedom of choice. I see nothing wrong with that.
2015-06-23 12:01:15 UTC
2015-06-26 00:58:39 UTC
2015-06-25 12:22:09 UTC
2015-06-26 03:59:33 UTC
Jesus Christ revealed how racial prejudice could be eliminated when he commanded his followers to “love one another” just as he loved them. (John 13:34, 35) This love was not to be just for members of a particular race or races. Not at all! “Have love for the whole association of brothers,” one of his disciples encouraged.—1 Peter 2:17.

How is this Christian love shown? The Bible explains when it urges: “In showing honor to one another take the lead.” (Romans 12:10) Think what it means when this is done! Each one treats others, regardless of race or nationality, with real dignity and respect, not looking down on them, but actually ‘viewing them as superior.’ (Philippians 2:3) When such a spirit of genuine Christian love exists, the problem of racial prejudice is solved.

True, on the part of ones who have been taught racial prejudice, it takes unusual effort to rid themselves of such Satan-inspired ideas.

But it can be accomplished! In the first century, all of those who were brought into the Christian congregation came to enjoy unparalleled oneness. The apostle Paul wrote of it: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one person in union with Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) Indeed, true followers of Christ came to enjoy genuine brotherhood.

Happily, very soon now, Jehovah, by means of his Kingdom in the hands of his Son, Jesus Christ, will rid the earth of all injustice and all of those who selfishly promote discrimination and hatred, racial or otherwise. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10)

Then, with a perfect educational program under the administration of Christ, all races will truly become united. As that education progresses, they will live in perfect harmony without any trace of racial discrimination. God’s promise will finally be fulfilled: “The former things have passed away. . . . Look! I am making all things new.”—Revelation 21:4, 5.

I hope this helps
2015-07-03 20:24:54 UTC
2015-06-24 19:00:49 UTC
2015-06-21 13:43:01 UTC
Yes it still exists in all over world
2015-06-21 20:42:59 UTC
It Definitly exists in some parts. And in certain situations. Its a very sad and awful thing! But i dont think it will ever be completely GONE! Sadly
2015-06-22 22:03:52 UTC
Have a listen to this lovely man on youtube, not sure if it will help in any way, but it can't hurt. Infinite Waters: Charleston Shooting, what Nobody is Talking About ✌ have a great day.
2015-06-25 07:59:42 UTC
Racism/Tribalism/Nepotism is very old & will continue til the end of time, but the way Obama & the Left depict it has gone from USA compared to other countries.
2015-06-30 16:39:15 UTC
Yes, it exists. I truly believe that MOST people are NOT racists though. It's blown way out of proportion by the media. There will always be dumb *** people. America has come along way, I choose not to give into media race baiting.
2015-06-22 09:36:39 UTC
2015-06-21 17:56:37 UTC
I think racism among the general population is dead. However you will always have individuals who are racist like this young lone gunman in South Carolina. I think the average person sees how ridiculous it is to hate a whole group of people based on the color of their skin.
2015-06-21 23:25:26 UTC
i does exist in the USA and sadly everywhere there is no place in the world free from racism
2015-07-06 12:18:28 UTC
Racism exists everywhere.
2015-06-22 15:29:25 UTC
Seems like anti black racism is definitely on the rise. Used to just be a handful of white people but now increasingly it's every race
2015-07-04 01:23:31 UTC
Racism will exist in this country as long as we have prejudices that extend to a person's color, creed, religion, or sex and gender identification.
2015-06-22 11:24:42 UTC
Racism will always exist.
Dea Tchikaberidze
2015-06-24 11:32:36 UTC
Racism will always exist where there are humans :) and that is Okay
2015-06-23 23:14:15 UTC
Uhm, that guy just shot a bunch of black people to start a race war and he hated black people so I'd say that yeah it still exists, at least in some places.
Worst Answer
2015-06-21 11:39:11 UTC
well up here in Ny there isn't that much racism but it is still evident

People don't go out of their way to express it

not sure about the other states
Sai Bhaskar
2015-07-02 04:47:20 UTC
Yes, It still existes
2015-06-30 12:52:24 UTC
Yes and it s amazing how many people believe it doesn t because they themselves are so privileged to not have experienced racism first hand. For example, black men are twice as likely to be imprisoned for the samec crime as a white man.
2015-06-27 18:06:09 UTC
Racism still exist in the USA and i think we should all be ashamed for that.This is the 21st century.We are all equal no matter what our skin color is!
2015-06-29 10:33:00 UTC
It still exist in America.
2015-06-23 16:40:44 UTC
As long as there is different races on this planet there will be racism.

This reminds me of an episode of Star Trek (Mm. Shatner era) where the everybody was colored black/white .The racism & war was because one "person" was white on the opposite side of the other.
2015-06-30 04:53:16 UTC
Racism will always exist as long as racist parents exist and education doesn't put a stop to it.
2015-06-22 16:25:43 UTC
Socially it still exists everywhere, to my knowledge it doesn't legally or politically exist in the USA anymore.
2015-06-22 17:58:35 UTC
Still exist
2015-07-06 08:07:55 UTC
To say the truth yes it does its quite sad i wish it didn't but there still racism out there
2015-06-24 08:21:49 UTC
2015-06-22 08:45:55 UTC
Yes. It still exists.
2015-06-24 08:19:59 UTC
Racism always exists in all places. It's just the matter whether or not they blatantly show it.
2015-06-24 13:18:38 UTC
Yes, it still exists, but not like it used to be before.
2015-06-22 17:59:29 UTC
Ofcourse racism would still exist in the usa. It's never going to go away.The world is totally s*** !
2015-06-24 09:10:03 UTC
Racism does exist EVERYWHERE and as long as there are men there will always be racism.
2015-06-30 22:05:22 UTC
Of course racism still exists here. You already knew the answer, right?
2015-07-06 20:05:37 UTC
2015-06-23 22:36:40 UTC
Racism exists everywhere!!
2015-07-02 00:17:16 UTC
Racism exists every where!
2015-06-25 11:39:04 UTC
Racism always exists. Old prejudices die hard. No matter what, it will exist to some degree.
2015-06-27 17:28:46 UTC
Racism will never be completely gone anywhere, though laws have been passed, sadly, not everyone listens or agrees.
darren m
2015-07-03 18:27:34 UTC
Yes and yahoo news provides an example in the potrayal of a black boy looking for hisphone who was arrested after searching for it at 2 pm at a local walmart. there was footage on camera of he and a few of his friends doing so.

the police arrested him after he returned again to search for his phone. the police see again nothing wron g with the existance of walmart just as they see nothing wrong in New York with the existance of Wall Street and Corporations.Michael Moore a film maker in his film Capitalism a Love Storey made that point byasking a member of the NYPD why Protor and Gamble had not been arrested or all thee other corporate ceos.the problem dates back even further to the existance of departent stores such as Macey;s in the 1940 s. this is of interest for reason police in Kansas and other places had descretionary powers to arrest a was up to them to determine whether they would. so they could arrest members of corporation obtaining control of the city on the grounds vast private ownership of city inrifinges on liberty and civic control .That infringes on the ability of citizens to control their government or direct their affairs..that to me seems the first rule of policing.the rule whether something should be there and who should control large buildings in the city.all legitimate employment originates from there so anyone who tries to lay off workers can be arrested and the building returned to the city and the workers put on the city pay roll.racism also exists in form of yappings about middle east terrorists easily dealt with by u.s. bill of rights preamble as computer scan for and remove problems.the true terrorists are corporations such as United Fruit.
2015-07-02 14:40:00 UTC
Racism will sadly always exist. Everywhere. There is always someone who feels more powerful due to their race. Unfortunately, there will be no way that we will not be racist.
2015-07-02 00:20:51 UTC
The south is still pretty racist. Lots of people are still racist, most just keep it within the confines of their family conversations to avoid public scrutiny. In my experience, I have witnessed a lot of racist comments either directed at me or other groups. My friend went to Australia and was bullied for being African American. But, it's not always white people who are racist if that is what you are asking...
2015-07-02 13:24:14 UTC
I think the USA is LONG gone, and racism is rising exponentially and ON purpose gasoline is being poured on the flame.
2015-06-23 10:40:38 UTC
2015-06-23 09:56:05 UTC
2015-07-02 12:44:55 UTC
Yes, lots of racism. It sucks, you would think after a while people would realize that they're being idiots and that there's nothing wrong with the color of someone else's skin, and that they don't get to choose the color of their skin. It's all stereotypes.
2015-07-01 18:05:22 UTC
Racism indeed exists , but not in countries , it exists in minds , so ofcourse racism exists
2015-06-22 20:51:53 UTC
Of course it still exists
2015-06-22 12:20:33 UTC
Still exists.
2015-07-06 23:52:32 UTC
Yeah it's pretty much gone now that the confederate flag is now banned in stores. Like, I'm really being serious here. Not sarcastic at all.
2015-07-03 11:52:42 UTC
Dear Friend,

Unfortunately, as long as their is 'hate' there will be racism and the like.
2015-06-24 07:17:56 UTC
In the USA there is lots of racism against Blacks and Arabs.
2015-07-05 00:20:40 UTC
Sadly it does still exist maybe not as much but we still have people in this world that are not accepting of others
2015-06-23 12:45:50 UTC
Yes, it still exists
2015-06-22 04:01:37 UTC
2015-07-04 23:30:23 UTC
I still think it does I always see videos on Facebook about a black guy vs a white guy and they both pull out a gun and see who would react to it if ya get me and police taking the arrest thing to far because someone is black so yea I still think it does
2015-06-28 05:19:15 UTC
Still exists just Look at Yahoo in Most categories i am always being called very unfriendly names because i am Black
2015-06-21 17:43:35 UTC
Yes. There is especially black racism against whites, but white racism against blacks also still exists.
2015-07-02 14:07:46 UTC
yes racism still does exist in the united states and it will always exist. because, they're will always be people who don't accept change in society.
2015-07-06 20:50:09 UTC
Racism will always exist wherever there are human beings.
2015-06-23 02:27:13 UTC
Racism is alive and well in the USA!
2015-06-26 11:03:11 UTC
Racism exists everywhere, but racism is becoming increasingly against whites.
2015-07-07 06:46:25 UTC
Oh it is racist. Mostly black African-Americans though. Anyone who mentions the color of one's skin more than once a month is a racist. Or specifically refers to a specific social-economic class is a racist. Ergo; Most African-Americans are racist.

But that is NOT a bad thing.

What is a bad thing is using it to harm or hurt or degenerate others.
2015-06-22 12:31:35 UTC
A Black Man called me a White cracker in NYC a few months ago... so yes, it still exists..
2015-06-23 15:04:08 UTC
There's no question in my mind that racism is very common in the US. Far too common. (It exists, therefore it's far too common.) What I'm wondering: what is racism? Is hate a necessary component of what is defined as "racism"? What's the difference between "racist" and "racial"?
2015-07-04 18:14:14 UTC
racism stills exist in US and more around the world.
2015-06-24 08:57:53 UTC
I feel that much of the perceived racism that blacks feel is actually brought upon them by actions of their members of their own race. I used to be liberal, then I see what the minorities get up to in the cities. The crime, the rapes, the theft, the muggings all my minorities. They say you have to be taught to hate, and I agree with that. But I wonder how much hate has been taught by Southern Crackers, and how much has been taught by the actions of the minorities themselves.
2015-06-25 06:19:45 UTC
The race baiters feed and create problems where they have already been settled. Racism would die out if children were not taught to be so.
2015-07-06 18:08:25 UTC
It still exists in the USA.
2015-07-01 17:24:13 UTC
Racism will never be gone, humans are afraid of what is different from themselves and from this fear hate and prejudice is born.
luisa l hi
2015-06-30 21:31:23 UTC
Yes,the oficial documents show a Brand names for cultures and the color of skin,But the worst their believes are oficial and open,for all.But someone ask if race hate and usa is free to live in peace?
2015-06-21 12:12:32 UTC
It continues to diminish, thank goodness.

Related: "Race and Culture: A World View," by Thomas Sowell, Ph.D.
2015-06-22 01:10:04 UTC
It still exists that's why those world is going to hell were all from Adam and eve
2015-06-27 06:10:17 UTC
yes this country stands for freedom, the freedom to be self respecting, respect the laws, get educated,

contribute to the country, and be a good citizen. the label racism is is used too often, when one dislikes another due to the lack of these principles, it has nothing to do with race, color, gender etc.
2015-06-22 11:36:53 UTC
Are you blind? You must be white living in a all white community. Racism happens every single day.
Gerry G
2015-06-24 05:59:29 UTC
I believe it will always exist and not just in the USA.
2015-07-01 10:29:42 UTC
There will always be racism because it's the nature of the animal to favor those that look and act the most like the animal. Yellow people will always find it slightly easier to get along with yellow people, brown people will always find it slightly easier to get along with brown people, and beige people will always find it slightly easier to get along with beige people, and tan people will always find it slightly easier to get along with tan people. It's just a fact, that doesn't make people bad, it's not really racism, it's just nature.
2015-06-22 22:15:50 UTC
Racist activities come to surface from time to time. People may be apparently opposed to racism but the prejudices die hard and stay in inner conscience.
2015-07-02 00:25:48 UTC
It's gone
2015-06-30 18:56:16 UTC
Still exists unfortunately
2015-06-30 05:06:04 UTC
As long as there are race-baiters in the U.S. such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, of course there will be racism. That's how they make their living!
2015-06-23 19:06:24 UTC
Where you been these past years and days? racism still goes on
2015-07-05 08:06:12 UTC
All races are racist and they will be forever.

Though The term racist is too generalized IMO. Black only scholarships are racist. Being more attracted to your own race is racist. A young child rooting for an athlete because they look like them is racist. Chris Rock jokes are racist.

What bugs me out is when minorities who feel discriminated against, go out of their way to discriminate against other minorities.
2015-06-29 16:48:21 UTC
It's gone
2015-06-22 15:06:11 UTC
But there is still a long way yet to go before we can be a nation of true freedom and justice for ALL.
2015-06-21 21:58:08 UTC
Racism excuses everywhere sweet unfortunetly
2015-07-02 10:06:30 UTC
It still exists
2015-06-27 15:34:07 UTC
Yes, it still exists. Frankly, most of the racist-bigots I know are Black and hate White people for the color of their skin. It works both ways, and nobody has an excuse for it.
2015-06-21 12:04:02 UTC
Maybe the United States was an experiment gone wrong. Oh well. Cant say we didn't try.
2015-06-30 17:13:35 UTC
Racism exists everywhere, but it wont eventually because from a lot that are mixed we might probably be one color.
2015-06-27 10:48:58 UTC
Yes. A while ago my neighbors and I fought because they were bullying my little sister. And they went way off topic and began to call us wetbacks and immigrants. We're Mexican but not immigrants. And what surprised me was that it was a bunch of little girls disrespecting people like this.
2015-06-22 10:13:44 UTC
It very much exists. Look at the South Carolina shooting. Look at the cops that randomly execute black people. If anything having the first black president has only made them come out of the woodwork all over again.
2015-06-26 13:46:53 UTC
Still exist in some parts I think, sad to say.
2015-07-05 22:06:51 UTC
Racism will always exist because there will always be division between black and white.
2015-07-02 00:56:08 UTC
Yes and not only USA but others
2015-06-21 11:37:55 UTC
Hillary should have bit her Tongue. The Trump Campaign was digging up dirt on her after she blamed him for the shootings trying to score political points, and uncovered this little beauty from Bills first campaign.
2015-06-30 15:48:04 UTC
Yes its still there special in the state of Los Angeles
2015-06-28 14:17:07 UTC
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. I believe that to be true.

The problem is, there are too many people who have waved their right to read and write.

Intelligence vs. stupidity is not necessarily a racial problem. Part of the problem lies in the fact that many people think that being stupid and violent is the answer.
2015-06-23 05:51:24 UTC
Sure it still exists and certain folks make a huge amount of money

talking and sponsoring it.
2015-06-23 08:29:06 UTC
exists EVERYWHERE in the world, at least in the US, its being dealt with and discussed...get Racism out of the dark and Racism will FAIL.
2015-06-23 17:22:17 UTC
As long as democrats live so does racism.
2015-06-26 17:41:48 UTC
Just like bad addictions, racism similarly, stems from pride and warth, is a sin which can never be eliminated from the world. Only God can free us from the death and lies of sin.
2015-06-23 14:18:20 UTC
parochial school graduate
2015-06-24 05:39:19 UTC
racism exists every place on earth and if anyone claims otherwise they are a fool.
2015-06-29 19:03:29 UTC
Absolutely yes.
aishwarya Can
2015-07-05 02:14:36 UTC
I guess racism is still present, but it's better and it is getting better
2015-07-02 09:20:08 UTC
Yes it still exists. But I feel most people try to tolerate & don't cause problems with the race that they are racist against. All races have racists. This whole thing about how whites are racist against blacks is way overblown. Some blacks are just as racists as whites. And not all whites are racist, as not all blacks are racist.
2015-07-04 21:06:40 UTC
Yes! it has always been here. It just wasn't noticed until Obama became president. Thats when the racists couldn't hide it anymore.
2015-06-21 16:24:05 UTC
Racism will always be around. It just died down. But that doesn't mean it went away.
2015-06-27 13:40:13 UTC
It's gone, but now that all remains is a few racist bigots who live in small towns and are barely noticeable compared to what it used to

2015-07-04 17:38:16 UTC
Marion, Indiana ! ;-)
2015-06-22 04:14:21 UTC
Exists. Not only black and white, but, anyone with brown skin, dressed a different way, or difference of opinion.
2015-06-26 22:08:43 UTC
Racism will remain prevalent until the day humanity is demolished by its own ignorance
2015-06-23 16:48:06 UTC
Yes. People all over the world tend to stereotype other races because somebody of that race might do something which then occurs more than once, therefore they think all members of that race do it also.
2015-06-29 19:40:01 UTC
Prejudice and bias exist everywhere and they always will as long as humans are human. I don't see prejudice based on race as being that much different from prejudice based on anything else.
Jake No Chat
2015-06-30 03:17:54 UTC
Sadly YES, it still exists. Perhaps not as bad as before, but we are no where near where we should be.
2015-06-23 13:04:50 UTC
Yes racism still excists just look at the shooting in Charleston the other day
2015-06-23 21:28:48 UTC
Yes, It still exist everywhere.
2015-06-23 19:03:15 UTC
It's also exist.
2015-07-02 05:15:47 UTC
Yes it still got the people who are not happy with the types of races in their country and you also have the parents who teach their children bad which they have no choice then to be races because it just the way they were raised
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-06-22 06:09:04 UTC
It still exist everywhere, it's in man and woman not any one country.
2015-06-23 10:14:00 UTC
Racism is gone it's in every one's imagination, no one died in a black church by a white guy that hated black people. (Rolls eyes)
2015-06-24 10:52:40 UTC
Racism is everywhere everyday
2015-07-02 23:59:25 UTC
yes it does because people have a problem with Mexican immigrants and believe that they are taking jobs from people in america. in some states they still have the confederate flag on display. the recent situation with Dylann Roof proves that whites still hate blacks in the modern world.
2015-07-04 12:00:39 UTC
Well there are tons of immigrants and tons of people who think 'Merica isnt suppose to be home of the free nd will say/do anything to offend or hurt someone of different color, race anything (Rednecks lol)
2015-06-22 14:31:11 UTC
I'm glad people were actually nice enough to answer....cos I was about to type in some multiple "hahaha"s.

I guess the question wasn't a joke.
2015-06-26 22:52:48 UTC
Yes there will always be racism everywhere unfortunately.
2015-07-02 16:51:26 UTC
No, there is just a lot of hatred in this world. Along with hate, people like to victimize themselves. But, everyone suffers in this world.
2015-06-22 03:33:06 UTC
Racism is in every country... Except maybe Sealand. Maybe.
ron h
2015-07-06 00:57:06 UTC
Yeah. I read a really racist article on MSN (I think) tonight by a black women. She actually got paid to write it, and because she's black, she won't get called on it. Oh, and Al Sharpton.
2015-06-22 10:13:41 UTC
racism still exists worldwide.
2015-07-07 00:46:48 UTC
Racism will never go away sadly
innocence ♥
2015-07-04 05:49:03 UTC
2015-07-02 19:19:33 UTC
It's worse
2015-06-25 14:28:17 UTC
Still happens! People are even racist to their own race sometimes! I don't get why black people keep using the N word 24/7!!!
2015-06-23 05:07:46 UTC
no the KKK still existing definitely means that racism is gone in the U.S.
2015-06-22 09:16:45 UTC
It still exists but it's perhaps more subtle.
2015-07-06 10:00:32 UTC
Yes, still exists in my opinion. People hide it better but often manifests itself subtlety.
2015-06-21 16:43:02 UTC
Without keeping any secret, if all people disclose their real intentions and motives, it can be counted. But there are some cunning people, who will not disclose what is hidden in their mind or heart.
2015-06-28 21:20:07 UTC
Seriously? Have you not seen any national news from the USA in the past year or so?
2015-07-04 02:05:47 UTC
I'm here for the 2 points
2015-06-29 22:54:44 UTC
Yes it does. Have you not noticed how in example police abuse black ones more then white ones? Rasicm is still alive, becuse human mind will be allways stupid (some, not all).
2015-06-23 02:22:38 UTC
Yes, it still exisrs in the USA.
2015-06-22 18:50:36 UTC
Yes. Racism is a problem, not just in the US, but wherever whites are present.
2015-06-22 07:54:06 UTC
Of course it still exists. However.... when 99.999% of the liberals use that word they are doing nothing more than proving they are using words without knowing their definition.... because what they really should have used is "bigot" or "bigotry."
Jeff Robbins
2015-06-23 13:22:51 UTC
Yes, It's hidden more now because most people are well aware of the how politically incorrect it is and so the act accordingly. I think it is rampant and more hidden.
2015-06-23 13:45:49 UTC
e z
2015-07-04 08:42:23 UTC
Have you been reading the papers and watching the news? It is definitely still in existence.
2015-06-29 20:25:33 UTC
Nah bro USA NUMBER 1
2015-07-02 08:23:44 UTC
South Carolina, police brutality, payment gaps due to gender
2015-06-26 23:05:43 UTC
blacks are going to far with their racisit bullshit oh we were slaves support our black history month well ive got news for them everyone was slaves quit using racial card against us whites and quit using the n word if u don't like the word don't use it against me the jewish people went through more hatered then anyone else in the world and still going through it so what im trying to say people need to quit worrying about the racist stuff and focus on themselves
2015-06-26 00:16:54 UTC
Yes, people are very racist here. It's not as bad as it was in the 60s and everything, though. Not everyone is racist, but I see quite a lot of racist people.
2015-06-26 19:47:57 UTC
yes but every country has racism
2015-06-29 08:59:35 UTC
racism against white
2015-06-21 16:19:44 UTC
It exist all over the world
2015-06-30 20:47:38 UTC
Oh, it exists! Especially with fools like Sharpton and Jackson, racists themselves, keep agitating the black masses!
2015-06-24 04:39:33 UTC
Yes, it does. Specially against blacks. I myself am of a different race but seen only a rare incidence
2015-06-22 17:40:43 UTC
Yes... it still exists in our nation.
Gunny T
2015-06-26 06:37:50 UTC
It exists only as a political tool of the limp wrist leg wetting liberal left.
2015-06-30 21:00:05 UTC
If your against Obama your Probaly a best friend of Dylann Roof..

Stupid Republican rednecks!

When I start to lose a debate all I do is shout "RACIST" and then I win...
2015-06-27 15:34:27 UTC
Yup, and genuinely. Actually, a few questions above you, someone asked if America should even have a second black President.
2015-06-22 05:26:01 UTC
2015-06-29 12:28:20 UTC
2015-06-23 17:14:56 UTC
Worse under current leadership
2015-06-23 16:42:22 UTC
Unfortunately it still does exist in the US. What a shame.
2015-07-01 10:21:48 UTC
No it's totally gone, I can walk through the hood and not even be afraid anymore.
2015-07-03 21:28:49 UTC
2015-06-22 06:25:37 UTC
I'm sorry to say it, but it's still racism in the U.S
2015-06-25 07:54:27 UTC
I am a white man married to a black woman,and I can honestly tell you the only racial comments ever directed at me (or us as a couple) came from black liberals and their children...sadly,as young as 5
2015-06-21 18:33:02 UTC
As long as there are humans, there will be ignorance, and there will always be racism.
2015-07-02 08:50:48 UTC
Uh yea it is all of the black people in my town act like they rule the road then when they get pulled over and run from cops then claim racist police brutallity
male in the USA
2015-06-22 00:21:53 UTC
It definitely does exist.
2015-06-23 07:41:52 UTC
I have only see "Assholeisim" Most people do not like A-h0les, no matter WHAT color they are. Black A-h0les who cannot act "civilized" always cry "racism!" instead of straightening out their own act.----And Liberal Politicians encourage "not fitting in" so they can isolate and control them for votes.
2015-06-28 13:29:00 UTC
In my opinion, it still exist
2015-06-22 22:47:18 UTC
It is still here, many things have shown it from police using excessive force to the massacers happening recently.
2015-07-03 12:12:21 UTC
Yes but I'd say it reversed sides
asfsafdasf adfadsfs
2015-06-27 13:37:35 UTC
racism will always exist unless there is only one race. even then you will eventually have sub races
2015-06-22 14:39:17 UTC
Even if it is not exposed to light until the Lord Jesus returns it will always exist !
2015-07-04 18:46:00 UTC
Been hearing alot of police brutality against African Americans
2015-10-16 22:34:13 UTC
But I think that it's still there. No matter how hard you try to erase it, some people will still be racist.
2015-06-24 18:12:21 UTC
with some people
2015-06-24 19:27:10 UTC
2015-06-27 20:55:28 UTC
Racism still exists. (Black market) slavery (aka, human trafficking & etc) still exists. KKK and other hate groups still exist.
Jimmy Sarno
2015-06-21 12:44:08 UTC
Yeah it still exists, a man was caught killing people of ethnic origin a few days ago!!!
2015-06-23 11:39:23 UTC
still exist especially those who are born with new generations
Ray C
2015-06-25 06:47:21 UTC
YES, IT DOSE STILL EXIST, just read the questions and the responses that many people make about gays, black and inmigrant and you will have your answer
2015-07-07 08:49:04 UTC
I hate to say it.I think racism will always be around,It will never leave.
Spock (rhp)
2015-06-21 11:39:26 UTC
of course it exists. every human behavior exists is even society on earth. your goal should be to eliminate it from official government support -- you can't eliminate foolishness from humanity
2015-06-22 08:32:17 UTC
Unless you're a South Carolina republican, yes, it does.
♥ђєl๓คг๏ภ♥ ♥ợ♥๏♥๒♥
2015-06-22 09:42:57 UTC
Regretably it still exists everywhere!
2015-06-23 08:32:21 UTC
yes it still excists in the USA , and that's a shame , you think people would be nicer today then back then.
2015-06-28 01:51:01 UTC
It exists if you treat it like it still does.
2015-07-01 17:22:46 UTC
Of course
2015-07-01 00:05:12 UTC
Short answer Y͟E͟S͟ A͟N͟D͟ I͟T͟ W͟I͟L͟L͟ A͟L͟W͟A͟Y͟S͟ E͟X͟I͟S͟T͟as long as people are different people will not like it
2015-06-22 05:44:47 UTC
Sadly yes it will always exist but their more racist people in the southern states
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-06-22 08:07:33 UTC
It's alive,& well, and getting stronger ! Since 1966, I have not met ONE Black man that wasn't a racist !
2015-06-23 09:03:33 UTC
I think it exists
2015-06-22 04:52:25 UTC
It exists obviously.
2015-06-21 14:12:39 UTC
its exists evere where that humans are in the usa! it exists but its as much as europ becouse in the usa there are many people whom had migrated there but remember IT EXISTS WHERE EVER HUMANS EXIST
2015-06-23 13:40:20 UTC
Racism is everywhere
2015-06-22 20:16:04 UTC
People are dam racist all the time everywhere. Somebody always wants to be better than you. So when there are dick faces there will be racist. Just the way it is. Sorry to burst your bubbles.
2015-06-23 03:41:22 UTC
That's a rhetorical question. Yes, it does and it will remain.
2015-06-22 10:37:55 UTC
humans have felled and racism is one of the reasons even satan and his demonic spirits can get alone and work together but not people how dumb is the human race?
2015-07-01 22:46:46 UTC
Of course there is. There is racism everywhere!
2015-07-02 11:58:38 UTC
why is racism such a big issue now ? 0bama Hussein resurrected it dividing this country he hates.
2015-06-22 18:38:49 UTC
It exists from all races and will never completely dissolve.
2015-06-23 23:37:23 UTC
2015-07-05 01:39:12 UTC
still exists
Maria Socoro
2015-06-23 16:21:49 UTC
yes it does , and will always be here and every where , black,,white, yellow , brown , you canot make the whole world like you , every one is diff , ppl will not like you for many reasons , that is just one of them , over all I think , life in gen is ok , cant change every one, just avoid them and move on
2015-06-23 11:36:31 UTC












2015-06-25 18:00:03 UTC
Raceism Lives on There are no whites in the Congressional Black Caucus
2015-06-23 22:02:28 UTC
Yes I don't much like them people
2015-06-27 03:54:44 UTC
Because some people are still jerks. To
2015-07-01 23:21:35 UTC
It STILL exists unfortunately!
2015-07-03 08:51:04 UTC
Still exists always has and always will
2015-06-30 02:51:33 UTC
It had almost gone but looks like its creeping up again.
2015-06-30 18:48:53 UTC
Don't understand why you would ask a question such as the one you did. It should be obvious to you unless you have your head in the sand...
2015-07-05 17:20:45 UTC
Yes! Blacks continue to wear a 'chip on their shoulder', expect special treatment and are the most racist American ' tribe! '
2015-06-27 06:45:20 UTC
USA is the most racist country, and they are first that are braging to other countries for that
2015-06-21 20:14:49 UTC
its still exist
2015-07-06 10:40:26 UTC
Totally exist, is mainly prejudgement.
rigomortisfx studios
2015-06-24 15:49:41 UTC
lets just say all familys are mixed today

yep its no around any more , half of all the music today is rap and hip hop

and i bet you put it on and see how many dance to it , your going to lose

everyone will be dancing
2015-06-23 06:06:22 UTC
Are you for real. Racism is EVERYWHERE not just exclusive to US.
2015-06-23 15:33:00 UTC
Yes because i went to my friends house and they wrote that i carry bombs in my bag when my backround is from texas my name is samantha and they think im from the middle east like wtf stop talking about the looks start knowing before u open ur mouth like honestly i feel like parents teach kids and kids get it from either parents or school.
2015-06-29 17:47:08 UTC
yes racism still exist in America there white people in America who hates blacks, in my neighborhood the latinos d likethe black people the blacks sit on one side the latinos sit on the other side
2015-06-22 19:01:30 UTC
Send em back to Apefrica!
Elyse Rose
2015-06-21 12:35:08 UTC
A friend said it best ; I'm not prejudiced or racist . I hate everybody ; Equally , for the same reasons , the same way .
2015-07-01 23:56:35 UTC
I'd say yes.

White supremacy


Neo nazism

Black power groups

Cops killin blacks

Blacks hatin on whites.
2015-07-06 18:03:59 UTC
Yes, it exists here.
2015-06-22 06:36:23 UTC
unfortunately yes it still exist
2015-06-21 11:37:04 UTC
Still here, always going to be here, nobody cares, except for the Leftists, because they use it as a political weapon.
2015-07-01 17:06:44 UTC
It still does. In fact I went to a church and they told us that most black people have aids.
2015-06-28 23:06:20 UTC
The racially unequal have been trying their hand at it for the last decade or more. So it exists.
2015-06-22 04:04:42 UTC
Its gone
2015-06-26 10:17:00 UTC
Yes, take dylann roof as an example..
2015-06-29 21:40:42 UTC
It will never fully be gone, there are still homophobic racist prudes out there
2015-06-21 23:00:53 UTC
exist examples are freguson
2015-06-24 14:11:38 UTC
Blacks are still using racist epithets against Whites (and others) all of the time, much of it on TV, in movies, and in rap "music" ... so, no, it's not "gone" ...
2015-06-23 15:28:31 UTC
That is the dumbest question ever. It clearly exists... Get your head out of your *** and look at the news...
2015-06-22 12:33:52 UTC
It still does
2015-06-22 14:43:47 UTC
It exists everywhere unfortunately.
2015-06-29 19:40:13 UTC
Yes its still here and will never leave.
2015-06-30 14:18:39 UTC
2015-06-26 13:16:09 UTC
Um - the answer to your question can be found in the dozens of racist questions posted every second in this very topic.
2015-06-29 23:25:05 UTC
Sadly yes it does. Its wrong but it exists...
2015-06-29 15:02:56 UTC
Sadly, yes.
Wee Trojan
2015-06-24 05:43:58 UTC
it exists everywhere - we seem, as a species, to have learned absolutely nothing

from past mistakes.
2015-07-04 20:52:31 UTC
To tell the truth, yes it does. I just wish people can get along. Smh
2015-06-23 16:36:08 UTC
Still h ere
2015-06-24 04:43:12 UTC
its still exists
2015-06-22 04:10:25 UTC
racism will never be banished anywhere on earth
2015-07-01 20:12:01 UTC
still exist
2015-06-27 12:50:19 UTC
Yes,mostly its against white people.
2015-07-03 15:40:14 UTC
I know racisim still exists in the US. It is depressing, but true.
2015-07-07 10:06:01 UTC
Yes. Or you wouldn't be thinking about it.
2015-06-22 05:32:45 UTC
Alive and well in Philadelphia where the black community despises the Jewish and Asian community (probably because these folks are successful).
2015-07-03 13:59:28 UTC
yes the average white male is hated by all. and the hate filled comments and td's will prove my point
2015-06-23 11:56:51 UTC
Yes I think so
2015-06-26 05:42:33 UTC
Unfortunately, yes, dude.
2015-06-29 11:48:49 UTC
rasicm is still in the world and will most likely never be gone
Morton L.
2015-06-23 13:50:02 UTC
Oh, things are just f*cking great. Haven't you watched the news lately?
2015-06-23 15:08:49 UTC
It exists, but is much less now.
2015-06-23 03:05:04 UTC
I don't live in the u.s. But it does exist.
2015-06-21 23:45:11 UTC
racism is everywhere at every time.
2015-06-25 07:14:07 UTC
It's still here.
2015-07-03 18:22:17 UTC
The USA is like the MOST racist country above all else.
2015-06-24 19:01:16 UTC
If you have to ask the question, That say's that you don't know. Those who feels it, knows it.
2015-06-21 20:16:45 UTC
America is super racists. Whites have taught their kids to call other races #$@$@%@% for GENERATIONS & the mass media teaches them to do the same.
2015-06-24 08:00:52 UTC
99% world population are extremely poor
2015-06-22 08:49:35 UTC
of course it still exists, but is more indirect now
Yami Yamada
2015-06-22 07:54:17 UTC
it is still in the usa
2015-06-22 20:34:21 UTC
It will never go away, not in a million years.
2015-06-23 11:06:49 UTC
Hell yes is a Pig PORK!! Oink Oink
2015-06-23 17:26:51 UTC
Yes it sure does umfortunatly
2015-06-22 15:10:04 UTC
It exist everywhere all over the planet.
2015-06-26 01:03:18 UTC
Princess Honeydew
2015-06-21 15:40:25 UTC
still exist have u heard of of michael brown?
2015-07-02 14:11:43 UTC
Yes. Racism is EVERYWHERE.
2015-06-22 13:33:26 UTC
it still exist unfortunally
2015-07-05 16:52:19 UTC
Harry'S Babe
2015-06-25 21:19:31 UTC
still exists unfortunately
2015-06-22 12:30:56 UTC
Who cares?
2015-06-27 16:42:25 UTC
Your kidding right?Could it be you never go out of your little world?
2015-06-29 16:02:53 UTC
That's the worlds stupidest question
2015-07-01 09:10:44 UTC
2015-06-29 06:28:49 UTC
it still exists.. some people don't change.
~*×0×*~ JoJo ~*×0×*~
2015-06-23 23:50:48 UTC
I think the u.s has gone to hell in a hand bag
2015-07-03 19:49:01 UTC
2015-06-28 14:09:34 UTC
I mean have you been living under a rock or what??
2015-06-23 16:47:33 UTC
It sure does, people don't want us to talk about it
2015-06-22 21:10:30 UTC
2015-07-05 07:11:47 UTC
2015-06-22 17:37:53 UTC
It exist everywhere .
2015-06-22 07:51:33 UTC
It exists in the minds of the blacks only.
2015-06-22 08:28:33 UTC
2015-06-22 08:47:04 UTC
Alive and Well---will not go away ---until human nature is changed!
2015-06-24 13:06:42 UTC
2015-06-27 13:46:33 UTC
2015-06-22 15:43:52 UTC
2015-06-23 16:58:08 UTC
Unfortunately yes, it sadly does.
2015-06-22 20:57:50 UTC
look at south carolina for god's sake
2015-07-02 12:30:17 UTC
No its Still showing its ugly face!!!
2015-06-23 17:01:02 UTC
2015-07-02 05:04:22 UTC
Miles from Michigan!!
2015-06-23 06:35:15 UTC
racism is alive and well kept that way by blacks!!!
2015-06-29 10:59:02 UTC
Of course it still does..come to elkhart,indiana and u will definetly see
2015-06-23 02:28:30 UTC
Brawny McMuscle
2015-06-29 20:35:27 UTC
It exists everywhere.
2015-06-22 06:14:19 UTC
2015-06-26 08:15:53 UTC never left
2015-07-05 12:19:25 UTC
racism makes me vomit. literally and figuratively.

it is sooo boring and sooo clichéd.

its like soo lame.
2015-06-27 19:01:30 UTC
Are you serious - after what happened in Charleston?
2015-07-02 14:57:23 UTC
it exists everywhere except the LORD'S kingdom
2015-06-23 04:01:27 UTC
it exists in the government but that is all. you do not see white civilians stalking and shooting black people.
2015-06-23 00:46:11 UTC
it doesn't exist to that extent
2015-06-24 09:09:19 UTC
I think it moved to Canada ... in retun, they sent us Justin Beiber. they win
2015-06-22 14:53:09 UTC
sadly yes
2015-06-21 17:05:19 UTC
It will always exist, no matter what you do.
Hugh Janus
2015-06-22 18:14:28 UTC
I will castrate and then lynch anyone who calls me a racist thats for sure
2015-06-29 22:18:41 UTC
yes it does
Sarah Gold
2015-06-22 05:24:05 UTC
It ended with the election of Obama, or so I was told.
2015-06-24 10:44:07 UTC
Yes. The white male is now the target.
2015-06-23 16:38:05 UTC
Racism exists only in multi-racial societies

The fact is that the different races have instincts for self-preservation, this is a healthy and natural instinct.

"The races are a manifestation of the work of millennia of natural evolution and creation of human diversity. Race is the way in which nature is manifest in us. Destroy and amalgamate races - any race - would destroy all the work of Nature. It should preserve and cultivate our own strain, the legacy of our ancestors, our history and culture. By preserving the blood, we grow, collaborate and evolve with nature. We do not want and do not believe we have the right to destroy, exterminate, or impair any other race. National Socialism follows the concept of personal honor and respect for others people. We want our people as well as everyone else to create a mutual respect and be proud of their own culture, their traditions, and history. Blood and Soil There is no denying the existence of the various races that make up the human species. When we study history, we observed that different cultures are reflective of different races. The argument that races do not exist very often is a myth currently promoted by governments and systems that profit from the creation of multicultural societies. National Socialism believes in the principle of Blood and Soil. Blood is the cultural heritage that we owe to our ancestors and how the ethnic community.

When people share the same origin, creation and traditions, when they have some common ground, a land that their ancestors fought and cultivated for the future, have values and a similar conception of the world, they think and react in a similar way. If the emancipated individualist sentiment is for a sense of community; people tend to care to each other, and are not isolated individuals but members of the same people. This creates a sense of identity and bonding. This feeling is undeniable human and natural. When it exists, people work together, for the collaboration with each other to create the civilization. The Modern World is based on the materialist and capitalist world. It has nothing to do with the idea of community or cultural preservation; it is governed by a consumerist and individualistic anticulture. There is no attempt to maintain or grow the natural groups. The moral of modern societies is the pursuit of personal happiness, which would meet only with the accumulation of capital and material goods. There is no supreme value or spirituality as in National Socialism.

As we are born into a certain environment and are created in a given culture we rarely think about the origin and reason for the existence of communities, societies and nations from which they came (which goes beyond history) and what really unites us all. The Community is the natural and historical consequence of the formation of any people who, over time, through marriage between persons will naturally develop a culture, a set of principles, a way of seeing the world, reaction to certain things, consequently a common history, which creates an identity and a bond. This identity and bond is natural, which has always existed in all tribes and communities of all cultures since the existence of man. This relationship creates a duty and a concern with people with whom we live, there is the goal of working for the common good of you care about. The main point of this question is to try to understand the essence of the multicultural society. Obviously no community (see that there is talk of society) is multicultural since the beginning, then what is the reason for the clustering of people from different cultures, races and principles living in the same space? What unites them? Is it a culture or unique identity? What would be the affinity between these millions of people? The answer is simple: money. The only thing that holds it all together is the system of production-labor-consumption. These are societies in which the essence is materialism and personal gain. There is no bond or mutual concern. As immigrants are people who leave their homeland to go to another to do well, earn money and spend more (“a better life”, as sociologists would say). Can you imagine an Indian out of his tribe and abandoning his people to go to another? Only modern societies try to replace that sense of community values such as the eternal search for personal profit, that money is more important than the people. The only reason for the existence of a multicultural society is trade and money, only this. Therefore, anyone, even where it is anti-capitalist, attacking “racism” would be a natural reaction to defend their space and culture. They would defend any multiracial society, and multiracialism itself, while advocating a society with no essence, history, culture or human bond, but only a system that makes use of the product for his people as purely capitalist interests. There is no reason for the existence of multiculturalism, only the capitalists profit from materialistic and individualistic societies. Exploitation only happens in multicultural societies, not in organic Communities where there is a mutual concern among people. It is perfectly natural that each race has their nation and territory, and that they can live according to their laws, cultures and values.

Therefore, the current societies are multicultural, and all multicultural societies are fundamentally individualistic, materialistic and decadent. The multiracial idea promoted by degenerate sociologists, social engineers and by most Western governments is the idea that countries and nations exist for the sole purpose that individuals must live in search of money for their individual self-realization. It's time we faced the National Socialist conception it is not an abstract idea, but a natural human feeling and a reality. Facing Reality The truth is that racial conflicts do not occur when there is the existence of ethnic Communities, wars and cultural clashes occur only in multiracial societies. It is the instinct of self-preservation that creates hatred and discord, but thanks to multiculturalism that puts different people in the same states, which defends the interests of one another while attacking.

The harsh reality is that multicultural societies do not work. While there are groups of people with values, religions and culture in one location, I.E. a way of seeing the world, they react to certain things in a different way. There will be hatred, discrimination, prejudice and war. It is in the nature of human beings to identify with his neighbor. The bonds formed by the origin, creation and tradition are a reflection of the power of the blood and form our worldview. Different people and cultures have different views. Ideally, each ethnic group has its territory and nation to live according to their laws, their customs and culture farming. The word “racism” can have many different connotations. Some use it as hatred of one race to another, others that it is self-preservation and worship of ethnicity and culture. The point is that National Socialism is a doctrine of love, pride and honor. If there are legitimate multiculturalists, we are. We believe that all races should cultivate their own culture and that the mixture of these creates conflict and destroy them. We do not want the annihilation or inferiority of any race, but the preservation and evolution of human diversity and their differences.
2015-06-24 05:37:38 UTC
you're still racist for thinking that racism is racist
2015-07-05 06:38:03 UTC
Yes, sadly. I hate it, why can't we just all accept each other?!?!
2015-06-22 17:30:12 UTC
is there anywhere on earth where there is no racism?
2015-07-03 11:18:23 UTC
I bet it still does
2015-07-02 21:46:38 UTC
it's gone.
2015-07-05 12:20:05 UTC
Ask again when the gop nominates one of its black presidential candidates.
2015-07-06 15:44:01 UTC
Yes it dies, all over the world
2015-06-27 20:29:14 UTC
still exist.
Seemore B
2015-07-04 22:50:56 UTC
Watch the news
2015-06-22 12:34:02 UTC
Is this a rhetorical question?
2015-06-22 20:32:55 UTC
We should all be friends and family why hate whyyyyyyy.
2015-06-21 19:04:10 UTC
it will always exist
2015-06-23 23:28:31 UTC
Do you not see the police on news?
2015-06-24 01:33:09 UTC
black pride = honorable, white pride = racist! What a bunch of clowns.
2015-07-06 18:10:18 UTC
sadly it still exists.
2015-06-22 06:12:45 UTC
Only fool would believe it can be eliminated.
2015-06-22 13:40:13 UTC
it is. it will never go away. a person is always gonna be racist or prejudiced towards somthing
2015-06-21 18:50:48 UTC
watch TV and you'll find out
2015-07-01 20:30:47 UTC
It will never go away 500th answer
2015-06-21 11:49:19 UTC
its likely still here
2015-06-22 12:21:12 UTC
yes it does
2015-06-23 20:57:20 UTC
racism is everywhere
2015-06-29 04:27:17 UTC
Yes in some people but it is not the norm in America today. Don't even start me on how 'racist the police are'. Please.....
2015-06-26 12:01:04 UTC
well have you herd the white officers shooting innocence black people?!!? so many of them and not just shootings there's other things too....
2015-06-22 14:08:01 UTC
it's in all countries today.
2015-07-01 20:58:49 UTC
theres racism eveywhere and there always will be.
2015-06-29 15:32:44 UTC
all minoritys hate white people because we are superior to them
2015-06-23 00:35:29 UTC
Yes but on the decline.
2015-06-23 12:17:47 UTC
Definitely, you hear about charleston?
2015-06-29 21:57:26 UTC
2015-06-24 01:46:36 UTC
Yes///it does
2015-06-30 06:48:19 UTC
It absolutely does
2015-06-23 00:19:01 UTC
It will always be around sadly
2015-06-23 15:36:53 UTC
look at what happened in South Carolina and you tell me...
2015-07-06 08:11:09 UTC
Yes, its inevitable.
2015-06-26 02:29:57 UTC
Obvious answer is obvious
2015-06-21 12:20:33 UTC
If you have to ask this question, you are probably white.
2015-06-23 12:52:52 UTC
Do birds fly?
Warren T
2015-06-24 00:12:17 UTC
2015-06-23 13:56:47 UTC
Of course it does.

Why would you think otherwise?
2015-07-05 12:04:48 UTC
yes and a lot too
Jacob Brock
2015-06-23 16:37:23 UTC
It will never go away
2015-06-24 14:25:11 UTC
yes simple answer
2015-07-06 16:20:31 UTC
No it is gone and Jesus has returned . Idiot .
2015-07-05 11:55:22 UTC
yes but I think its not very pervasive
2015-07-02 17:34:00 UTC
Wait until Jehovah God and Jesus Christ arrive.!!!!!
2015-06-22 16:12:55 UTC
Of course it still in the u.s.
2015-06-22 07:54:45 UTC
The KKK still exists
2015-06-23 09:52:32 UTC
its still here people are discriminated and hate crimes still happen.
2015-06-23 17:35:23 UTC
yep, it still exist.
2015-06-22 00:18:25 UTC
Of course !!! Are you f***in' stupid ?? Blacks ; Hispanics . . . When there is only one race - the HUMAN race !!!!
2015-06-24 21:00:26 UTC
no not In Australia
2015-06-28 19:07:39 UTC
Of course it does.
2015-07-06 16:26:36 UTC
its gone
2015-07-04 20:45:54 UTC
It is very much alive and well.
2015-06-27 17:20:57 UTC
Is there a law against it????
2015-06-21 22:05:44 UTC
yep, though it is at least less socially acceptable.
2015-06-26 07:04:20 UTC
exponentially less than it used to be
2015-06-22 10:54:15 UTC
Yes- many blacks are racists.
2015-06-23 19:25:10 UTC
less than before
2015-06-27 16:37:40 UTC
2015-07-04 20:08:58 UTC
2015-06-22 10:24:06 UTC
Very very funny ! "Hey does it get wet when it rains"??
2015-06-29 06:48:34 UTC
2015-06-27 12:30:13 UTC
both genders are divided on this
2015-06-26 18:21:36 UTC
You are a racist, so am I. If you say you are not a racist, then you are a liar and a racist.
2015-06-28 10:17:39 UTC
Hell yes it does
2015-06-23 15:42:14 UTC
Bad as it ever was.
2015-07-06 14:49:20 UTC
Ofcourse it does!
2015-07-02 13:24:58 UTC
its all over the world even whites get it
2015-06-27 09:42:51 UTC
Its what you think an feel.
tamika t
2015-06-22 11:32:05 UTC
2015-06-23 12:58:05 UTC
it exists as demonstated by the terror attack recently
2015-06-24 09:54:36 UTC
oh yeah
2015-06-28 08:26:54 UTC
yes it dose it every were
2015-06-23 02:20:06 UTC
it still does.
2015-06-22 21:55:17 UTC
yes everywhere
Jess Lib
2015-06-30 12:30:59 UTC
2015-07-01 09:06:21 UTC
it never ends
Ethan Brunger
2015-06-23 09:22:31 UTC
Obviously it ******* does
2015-06-23 12:14:26 UTC
none around here
2015-06-22 17:14:13 UTC
of course it does
2015-06-23 04:58:37 UTC
Racism still exists thanks to black people
2015-06-23 17:10:36 UTC
2015-06-26 21:22:58 UTC
2015-06-23 08:01:07 UTC
2015-06-23 01:53:06 UTC
2015-06-23 00:10:52 UTC
2015-07-01 18:31:36 UTC
yup still there
2015-06-22 12:41:32 UTC
2015-06-24 07:43:25 UTC
is still
Paul M
2015-06-26 17:07:08 UTC
just them h m f ers
2015-07-06 11:28:18 UTC
still have
2015-07-03 00:53:21 UTC
Ray M
2015-06-29 15:56:42 UTC
Alive and well.
2015-06-27 13:40:35 UTC
sort of
2015-07-04 03:56:28 UTC
Yes, it is..
2015-06-30 20:36:16 UTC
Still here ************.
2015-06-23 18:14:13 UTC
its not going anywhere
2015-07-04 05:14:34 UTC
It is alive and well.
2015-06-24 00:07:56 UTC
2015-06-30 21:46:00 UTC
What the **** do you think
2015-07-01 06:04:03 UTC
i would think so
Michael joshua
2015-06-22 14:06:41 UTC
hell yes
2015-07-05 16:51:32 UTC
sure it does
2015-07-01 10:31:10 UTC
2015-06-23 22:42:49 UTC
2015-06-23 13:04:39 UTC
2015-06-23 23:05:38 UTC
2015-06-23 12:46:09 UTC
conservatives are racist
2015-06-24 08:05:06 UTC
Are you Kidding me?????????????????
2015-06-23 14:47:47 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.