Are women the weaker sex?
2015-02-19 18:43:40 UTC
I think it's sad that I feel like I have to ask this question as a 17 year old girl. Many things have made me doubt whether the two genders are equal. NO hate, no feminists, no masculists! All of those answers WILL BE deleted. You'd only be wasting your time. I just want straight logic.
109 answers:
2015-02-21 08:58:32 UTC
On average women are physically 'less strong' than men TRUE but the term ''weaker sex'' isn't about 'strength'.

So .. NO .. women are not the weaker sex.

It's just that they've been 'programmed' by thousands of years of history to think of themselves as weaker than men.

There was a time, for example, when women weren't even allowed to vote .. let alone be politicians.

The world is changing .. Thank goodness !

Women are as good as men at most things .. better at some .. in some ways women are the stronger sex.

Could a man hold down a job AND raise a family ?

.. and why is not having a ''job'' because you want to raise children considered the 'weaker' option anyway ?

Women have every right to do anything that a man does (although I do cringe at the thought of women boxing or playing rugby if I'm completely honest .. no sexism intended !)
2015-02-21 17:43:28 UTC
WELL LET US SEE, AS A YOUNGSTER?? A little baby grows up and in the process or life, she must learn many things and is more adapt to doing things correctly! due to being more attentive to what she learns and out smarts all the boys and then as she grows out smarting the men< that is her nature. men are not that adapt. and she will also be way ahead of them in many many things. remember she has to put up with the one she will marry and cook and do dishes and having babies and none of these things are going to be easy for her and she will do this the rest of her life she is a multi-tasker and no man can keep up with her in anything. the reason that a lady can do the same thing that a man can do in one/half the time that a man can do the same thing is she plans ahead and does it right the first time!!!!!!! So perhaps for lifting and doing manly work she may be in a sense a little weaker, but then you have to be aware that a weaker person will know how to do the same thing in a smarter way. and it will be better than the guy can do. I had 741 people under my direction and the women in all areas out shined the men regardless of their mighty powers or weakness!!! So continue to grow both mentally and healthy. and do not worry about this. it is not necessary to just be smarter that others, it is better to check all the factors involved in doing everything and then more important to make the correct choices, because You should always make your own choices count and never think badly of yourself, and never allow some one to make choices for you. for this I call it making an agreement by selecting YOUR BEST CHOICE IN ALL YOU DO. So if you want to go look in the mirror, smile, you will out live those who do not make the right choices, and that my dear makes you the stronger sex so don't worry and have a good life. and remember a true friend will never stir you wrong at any time. BE YOUR SELF AND GOD BLESS
2015-02-20 00:39:45 UTC
"Weaker" is a definitive term that doesn't fit. Is a lion weaker than a human, other than physically? Not really. In a lion's environment, a lion is fully more capable than a man, except for the fact that we can reason our way out of situations. Likewise, in a human's environment, well, actually the lion would probably survive just fine until the humans killed it for killing one of their animals or people. So is the lion weaker? Seems to me that a lion is far stronger than a human in every way, except it cannot reason it's way out of an impossible situation.

The Bible put the man in charge of the home for a reason, and not just because the man was created first.

It's because of the fundamental nature of the role of the husband and the wife.

Both can fill either's job, but women's strengths were given to be a help to their husband and to be able to manage the home while he worked for the livelihood of the family and led the family. Women are better fitted to their role as men are better fitted for their role. Either or is weaker in the other's role. As evidenced by the horrific statistics surrounding those who's father's leave the home.

All of human history in every given society, the woman has always typically been the care-taker of the home, and the husband has always typically been the leader of the family and the one who worked to feed the family. Though, often the whole family works towards that goal, the husband, wife, and children, in concert, and under the husband's leadership.

We decided to change that now for the sake of political correctness, but even if you don't believe in God, you must know that we developed in the direction that we did as a species for a reason.

You know it's funny, honest members of both Atheism and Christianity use the same logic, but Christians believe there's a God, Atheists don't.

Not that Atheists today believe that women are better suited for being home-caretaker, because frankly we are brainwashed by the left to think otherwise, but you can't argue with literally all of human history. Literally, all of it. Well you can, but it's just ignoring facts and demonstrating how naive and foolish we are thinking we're so much wiser than all of human history.

In short, whether you believe in God or not, the man's role and the woman's role has played out the way it has for a reason.

Anyhow, are they weaker. No. In the position of husband, the woman is weaker, and likewise, in the position of wife, the husband is weaker.

Just like in the position of the lion, the man will be weaker, and in the position of the man, the lion . . . it won't really be weaker, to be honest. it'll just be more dangerous to people. But you get my point. The roles we have are there for a reason.

Now, individuals will be different because individuals always are. However, generally speaking, this is the way that the man and woman is strongest, the way that humankind has developed to be for all of human history.

However, personally, I don't care about all of that. I will do what I want to do regardless, and why, because I am human, and that is what God has divined to be our right, to live our lives and forge our paths . . . in all glory and honor to God as we do it . . . of course.
2015-02-23 16:07:31 UTC
Women are the not weaker sex. Men just want women to feel like they are inferior and can't do anything. Men also like to treat women that are smarter than them as if they are dumb to make themselves feel better. This idea that it's a mans world is an understatement. If it was a mans world there wouldn't be women in it. Also men think it's funny to play games with women. So that makes them weaker than a women because they have nothing better to do but to make themselves look stupid playing these childish and immature games.
2015-02-20 10:51:03 UTC
Define 'weaker'. Physically weaker? The average would say yes. Intelligently weaker, as in smarts, I think this average would be more 50/50 than comparing physical attributes.

Of course people in this day and age want to sugar coat everything and spread the lie that women and men are the same. We're not. We are genetically, physically, and most likely operationally different. There's no shame in that, but feminists would like you to believe that's true.
2015-02-20 21:26:09 UTC
There's really no such thing as a 'weaker' gender; It's more or less how each individual lives his or her life and the choices he or she makes in the end. While guys generally have more muscle mass and blood volume, that doesn't mean that women cannot train to gain muscle mass or strength. There are plenty of women who can outrun men- just like there are plenty of men who can outrun women. As for brain function and intelligence, there are differences in the brain between the two genders. However, most of the recent research suggests that this has less to do with sex and more to do with genetics, environment, etc. For example, some still believe that men are more logical and rational than women. However, research has found that men and women feel the same level of emotion but communicate it differently. This isn't a simple brain function. It's also a learned form of expression. But, again, this isn't limited to one gender. There are men who vocalize their emotions and women who do not. Both have strengths and weaknesses, but these are interchangeable and they aren't limited to one side or the other.
2015-02-21 21:03:34 UTC
According to the bible women are not the weaker sex but should be subject under their husbands that's what I think people have taken out of contest and have or are saying that women are weaker than men.
2015-02-21 15:59:13 UTC
Physically weaker... yes, BUT that's ok! If you're really bothered by that, you can always workout at the gym 24/7 :D But women and men were made to both have different qualities that balance out each other to create the "perfect human" or perfect team. This is why marriage and having a partner can be most astounding! Hope this helped :D
2015-02-21 22:25:33 UTC
While often people will say that women are, the answer is No. Women are not weaker, what they are is different. With different body types and even brains that are different in certain lobes. They have their own strengths and weaknesses that are separate from those of men. With their own set of uses and compensations for those strengths and weaknesses.

The best way to see this, in a purely physical sense, is to watch male and female martial artists. Those who are trained to use their own body type to their best advantage. Thus a woman who is 90lbs soaking wet can easily beat somebody over twice her weight and height. Or a larger man would be able to defeat a smaller, faster and more agile woman.
2015-02-20 15:46:13 UTC
weaker sex tends to be used as a smear against women. Sure women are weaker on average than men, physically only,. but people like to use the saying as a value judgement. Both genders have their weaknesses and strengths. Its really silly to pretend that one gender is better than the other. If we lost either gender the human race wouldn't survive.
2015-02-22 16:24:59 UTC
I have a very short answer for you. Note: I'm a guy. I do not believe that women are the weaker sex. I believe that women are better than men. No, I don't want to be a Female, and yes, I am proud to be a Male, I just think that Females are better. My other opinion is that both genders are equal, but I still lean toward Females being better, by a bit. (And yes, I mean other than just physically)
heaven o
2015-02-20 13:15:33 UTC
Now that's a loaded question! If answered by a man he would say yes, if answered by a woman she would say no. This question can not be answered fairly by any means. Man and Woman were designed to co-exist together. They should balance each other out! A man has physical strengths a woman just doesn't have and a woman has compassion that most men lack. I would say the answer to that question would depend on how you measure weakness and how you measure strengths. As a woman, I know there are some things I would not even just seem better at some things. When I am looking for empathy I will seek out a woman. Each one has both weaknesses and strengths.
2015-02-20 05:33:23 UTC
I have a theory which used to make sense when men and women were MADE for each other. I believe its natural that a man represents a strong personality and portraits an image of protective shield towards his family. But then again, they say an educated woman is an educated family, women can withstand 9 times more pain than a man. I believe women are the other halves of men. Men have certain duties in life to fulfil as men and women as women. Equality... it depends how you put it, I believe they are equal as in life, humanity and so on. But there is a part that man SHOULD play on this earth the same way a woman has her own part. Switching these roles cause these confusions.
2015-02-19 21:51:07 UTC
No way there not men and women just think differently on what is weaker or stronger .a women can take care of a house and the kids cook dinner and then have to deal with her lazy spouse that's not weak at all .
2015-02-23 04:48:36 UTC
No women are not a weaker sex, being strong or weak is actually an individual not a a specific group
2015-02-20 22:49:48 UTC
It's very hard to tell the answer. It depends on what you mean. Weaker at what?

Anyway, it doesn't matter. The overlap between men and women is too large, you cannot judge an individual based on the overall average traits of the sexes. What I mean is: there are many very weak men and many very strong women. (And of course, many strong men and weak women.) All you need to worry about is yourself. Be strong, and do not fall to the temptation to be weak. Because you see, women are told by today's culture that they are allowed to be weak. Do not take this offer. It will not benefit you to act weak. Be as strong as it is within you to be.
2015-02-19 19:59:42 UTC
Two of my daughters, where very competitive athletes. To gain an advantage over the other women, they trained with the men. When they did the same training, they were as strong as the men of the same weight. I think most of this "weaker sex" stuff, is a ruse to get men to do the physical work.
Matthew Coggins
2015-02-21 04:45:29 UTC
Male and Female bodies are built differently but that does not mean that women are weaker or that men are either. It really depends on what choices you make. I've grown up with most girls I've ever known being able to out-do me in just about every aspect, but that was because I was lazy. If you want to be stronger or more knowledgeable or both all you have to do is work at it, that goes for everyone of both genders.
2015-02-21 16:22:45 UTC
Other than physically no. Genders are pretty much equal and depends on the individual. Also I hope you realize that feminists are just people advocating for women rights not men-haters, while masculinity are people supporting men rights (which makes no sense because men do have more rights than women and are a common oppressor in history, but never-mind that). Anyway this was a question that was gonna get a lot of hate.
2015-02-19 22:48:35 UTC
Physically? In general, yes. But who cares. It's not like all men are muscle bound beefcakes. We all have our strengths and weaknesses (men included). This whole weaker sex thing is just outdated nonsense. Just do what you need to do. That's all anybody should expect from you.

And on an unrelated note, feminism is LAME.
nanny ogg
2015-02-22 16:26:43 UTC
I think women can be very strong when they know what they want. And they can use many different ways to sort out a problem, and our pain threshold is stronger. Our intuition is usually stronger than a mans and our tolerance level can be higher. But there are exceptions to all of these. There are many women who can physically do the same job as a man. Either way I think that we balance each other out, because both genders have both strengths and weakness's.
2015-02-21 08:13:09 UTC
I am a girl and even if it's a yes. There is no shame in it. We can do a lot that we can be proud of. Everest - shows a 21 year old daughter who climbs everest to make her father proud.

Emotionally we are strong when it comes to patience.

We are known for multi-tasking.

Women give birth to future men. Men are men, women are women.

Women have been fighting wars.

A: Ladies, we will sit on the right because we are always rights.

B: Men, we are hearty and because heart is on the left we will sit on the left
2015-02-20 21:13:55 UTC
The genders are not "equal" for many obvious reasons but that doesn't mean one is better than the other, both can be weak or strong in their own ways and are more similar than different. Men hide a lot of their feelings because of our culture. Treat each as an individual person, nobody asked to be anything on this earth,we just are.
2015-02-19 18:50:48 UTC
Yes. Women are the physically weaker sex, which is the main reason why men and women have their own sports leagues and their own Olympic categories.

Men have many times more testosterone than women, and it is testosterone that allows men to build much denser bones and muscles and stronger joints. It also helps them build muscle much quicker than women.

The concept of gender equality is not about trying to claim that men and women have the same capabilities, it is an acknowledgement that men and women are equally human and should therefore have the same rights and opportunities in life.
2015-02-19 19:42:49 UTC
We were created by God as two parts of a whole. Men are stronger than woman in some areas. While they are weaker in others. But in marriage we find that the weaknesses are counteracted by the two people becoming one. So no, woman are not inferior. They are equals to men.
2015-02-21 02:55:25 UTC
Likewise, in a human's environment, well, actually the lion would probably survive just fine until the humans killed it for killing one of their animals or people. So is the lion weaker? Seems to me that a lion is far stronger than a human in every way, except it cannot reason it's way out of an impossible situation.
2015-02-21 08:05:44 UTC
If you mean physically weaker, then it varies. Strength does not depend on what gender you are but who you are. Some women are really fit and strong and others are not. It depends. Another thing I have to say though is that I think women have a higher pain tolerance- we have periods, craps, bloating, shaving, waxing, and plucking, pregnancy, etc. It still doesn't mean we are physically stronger though.
D Reaper
2015-02-22 10:19:19 UTC
Well I think women tend to be empathetic, which is a good thing but kinda makes them more prone to violence from males.

Also, I don't feel as threatened or insulted by a woman as much as a man. Maybe it's the fear of physical violence, or maybe it's because men have always been regarded to have more power. And maybe women are just less vulgar overall.
Special EPhex
2015-02-20 16:45:24 UTC
In certain respects, yes, but I don't believe one gender is superior to the other overall. I think nature created male and female to compensate for what the other gender lacks. Men are stronger than women at some things and women are stronger than men when it comes to other things. People who believe one sex is better across the board than the other are insecure about their own gender identity in the sense of masculine or feminine, and it is likely they secretly feel inferior to the opposite sex. These people think that the facts and studies support their position, but the figures and experiments never conclude one gender as "better" in general.
2015-02-21 08:58:31 UTC
Read: The Natural Superiority of Women by Ashley Montague
2015-02-22 17:42:01 UTC
As a male, I have never regarded women as being in a "weaker" gender than males.

Overall, there are some ways in which men can handle a situation better that women. Likewise, there are some ways in which women, overall, can handle a situation better than men.
Scarlet Rainbow1
2015-02-22 15:41:23 UTC
Weaker than what? In some ways, yes; in others, not so much. We each (men and women) have strengths others do not. We just need to Find those strengths, and not be upset by our weaknesses.
2015-02-20 18:36:20 UTC
i dont think so. I think women can control men but not all men. There's some that can be controlled and some that cannot. I for one cannot date a guy who wants to be in control all the time. I like to date a guy where I can be in control and they are out there. But, I like it when he takes the lead sometimes. Like if we are walking in public, I like it when he is in front of me taking the lead =) there has to be a balance but I cannot date a guy who wants to be in control all the time. thats a turn off for me. In every situation, either the guy or girl can be the leader based on who is more knowledgeable or confident in the situation. But at the end of the day, there's a balance and that should be a great attribute in a relationship.
Whiskey & Old Lace
2015-02-19 18:57:44 UTC
Weaker physically? Yes. The rest is all debatable.
2015-02-19 20:37:57 UTC
Men and women complement each other - thus there's no such thing as the weaker sex; just different functions I guess.
2016-05-08 07:38:50 UTC
You ever wonder why it's called 'weaker sex' if we're supposed to have a gender binary, if we only have two genders, shouldn't they be the 'weakest sex'? Goes to show how gender and sex are both social constructs.
2015-02-20 16:42:34 UTC
Without women men wouldn't survive and vis versa. So don't worry about who is weaker or stronger.
Stayed Forever
2015-02-21 01:03:46 UTC
Male and female are the same, ALL are the same, please read Galatians 3:28. It does mean we are ALL the same, but I noticed women are weaker with sexual health, yes. It is weaker due to poor diet, poor health, it's very to eat healthy balanced diet, if within poor healthy diet, it could lead to low hormone and hormone imbalance that which it leads you to lack of sexual drive. And sexual desires. Yes I am a Christian. And also bodybuilding althelic that taking care of my body, and also is my wife too! My wife eats good healthy diet and is a similar to fitness model women, she has a strong sexual drive and sexual desires. I guess everyone should take care of their body and honor God to your body!
2015-02-19 20:32:38 UTC
On average, strictly physically, yes. There are many women who are stronger than many men, but the average man is physically stronger (that is, has more effective muscle capacity) than the average woman. And I think there are also some areas/fields/types of mental acuity where men, on average, excel, such as (iirc) spacial orientation.

Women are (with similar caveats) better than men in other areas, such as color vision and multi-tasking.

I believe, in terms of intelligence, men and women have similar averages, but men have a broader range (that is, there are more male geniuses, but also more male idiots).
2015-02-21 11:23:28 UTC
I don't feel they are the weaker sex, I feel men are treated as if it's not okay to be weak, so a lot of them try to be as "manly" as they can. As a female I find it very disrespectful to men.
Carlo Anello
2015-02-22 20:51:41 UTC
No women are not weaker their just different baby's are the kicker for me look what they go Thur to have them that's
2015-02-19 18:45:36 UTC
Physically weaker? Obviously. The rest is social conditioning...
2015-02-20 15:37:44 UTC
Yes, they are generally weaker than men due to having a lot less testosterone.
2015-02-21 13:52:36 UTC
Ask a man to go through a few menstrual cycles or carry a baby and give birth, then you'll get your answer. Women are stronger mentally and physically. Case closed...
2015-02-20 07:48:59 UTC
Of course not. I believe women are stronger in many respects.

But please don't get caught up in gender. You are only 17. When you are older you will realise that gender means so little, and you should never limit yourself to a stupid gender role.

You are you, as an individual. Your gender is only a small part of you and does not define you. Don't listen to small minded sexism. It just isn't reality. You are no less than men, not at all!
2015-02-21 16:03:34 UTC
Physically, they are weaker. But they can beat the shet out of anyone psychologically
2015-02-22 08:02:28 UTC
Not at all...I have seen women make men grovel and beg......plead and beg.....for sex...for keep the marriage going....It those cases, it makes men seem like the weaker sex.
2015-02-19 18:52:26 UTC
Yes, women are generally physically weaker than men.

Edit: Other than physically? No, I don't believe so.
2015-02-19 23:48:58 UTC
No, both men and women have their weaknesses and strong points. They are equal in their own ways. Although women tend to be more submissive to men, but that is only because men are more intimidating and stuff like that
Bad Speller
2015-02-21 14:19:50 UTC
through my long life I so and make love to Meany women and I cant say women are not the weakest's spice ,in human. the difference is a woman do it with fear and she is not comftebele for Meany rezones a man when mite the woman is the procedure and much more aggressive but when a woman know the man then she is very aggressive more than the man and this is fact. she is wicker later in life .
2015-02-21 12:49:11 UTC
Physically, yes. Girls are weaker, slower, and have less endurance than men do. They also have significantly less aggression than men and are less likely to use direct confrontational tactics. Mentally, no.
gwyn g
2015-02-20 12:15:35 UTC
there arvayring ways that each gender can show their strengths, men could never withstand child birth. Some women are physically stronger than some men, though probably vastly in the minority
2015-02-21 09:18:29 UTC

We are the weaker sex. I am not so high minded that I am going to hide the truth. Yes, we do some things that a guy may say they don't have the stomach to do, but all in all males are stringer, physically and most of the times mentally. They are not afraid to approach things as much as a female. It's the way God has created us and I am not a shame of it. Not at all. I know who I am and I know my limits as a female, most of the time, so why should I be a shame to say it. We can't lift certain heaven things because when we do it as a job it can cause a woman to not be able to bare children. en are father';s and they don;t have to worry about this. Men lift women, it is not the other way around. I'm a female and proud, but I also know that men are strong in many ways than one.
2015-02-22 09:52:50 UTC
Of course not. It is just how the societies have been viewing the the role women should play.
2015-02-20 23:11:25 UTC

Though its supposively true that a guy is stronger and a female is smarter, i have seen a girl beat the crap out of guys and seen guys who are clearly smarter then some girls. There is no superior gender, just a lot of stereotypes
2015-02-22 05:57:12 UTC
nope, women are mentally stronger than men. In terms of disorder, Men are naturally psycopaths, women are naturally sociopaths. That's why there are less women documented as sociopaths
2015-02-21 11:11:48 UTC
Absolutely not. How can one gender be classified as weak in a symbiotic relationship? We play to to our own strengths and weaknesses to continue the success of the species. And we re still here!
2015-02-22 04:24:31 UTC
women are the stronger sex women to become older than men
Texas Underdog
2015-02-22 14:36:44 UTC
Each individual has their own strengths.

I don't believe there is a general answer to your question.

It depends on the individual and the situation.
2015-02-21 15:24:52 UTC
Our genders complement each other in almost all ways, as nature intended. Equality overall is a social judgement, but we both have our strengths and weakness overall in many different areas.
Amy Flower đŸ’‹
2015-02-19 18:46:19 UTC
Physically i would agree with that, women do go through painful things like child birth but men usually have stronger bodies, more muscles
2015-02-22 18:46:29 UTC
2015-02-19 18:46:27 UTC
I honestly think: No. Every single person is capable of anything. Yes, men just naturally have a stronger build and women are more nurturing and caring then men, but really every one of us are capable of being strong, caring, and anything else that the other is.
2015-02-20 17:25:22 UTC
Men are physically stronger. BUT women have stronger immune systems and their cells repair damage better. We both have different strengths and weaknesses.
2015-02-21 03:17:49 UTC
Physically,men usually have more muscles due to more natural anabolic testosterone and psychologically, testosterone is the hormone for dominance.
2015-02-21 12:57:19 UTC
yes they are more prone to using feeling rather than logic to solve a problem. Some men have this problem too but its more prevalent in women.
2015-02-20 19:19:10 UTC
So you want me to repeat back exactly what you want to hear, except in a higher octave? No debate allowed. How typically female. Now go get my beer.
2015-02-20 15:18:27 UTC
Each person is unique. Each person has specific abilities, abilities, and knowledge, that defines their strength and intelligence.

On the overall average everyone is equal.
Algot S
2015-02-22 20:15:38 UTC
Absolutely. Why do you think they need the protection of men and Laws to secure their place in Society?
2015-02-19 18:45:54 UTC
Eve was made from Adam Rib Love God believe in Jesus Christ Man and Women are different

Physically Men are stronger than women but women can bare more pain than men
2015-02-19 21:14:13 UTC
A person's worth is measured on that's person's ablity to do good.
2015-02-20 16:47:57 UTC
Stereotypically, boys are seen as stronger than girls. That is why more people feel more sympathy for girls as they think they are More vulnerable.

However, in reality boys and girls are equal and girls aren't more vulnerable than guys
2015-02-20 16:58:43 UTC
yes, strength wise but not in other ways and remember nature compensates; women generally live longer
2015-02-19 20:08:49 UTC
No. Because Ronda Rousey is a woman and she is tough.

So women are tough.
2015-02-21 11:03:30 UTC
No such thing, unless you are talking about muscles.

Update: The physical part is all there is to it, miss lady.
2015-02-21 14:22:23 UTC
though woman can be very strong, we have more pain receptors (idk if i spelled that right) so we come across as more weak due to feeling more pain than guys. if you are talking about relationship wise than it could be either the guy or girl who is the "dominant one". meaning it could be a submissive girl and a dominant boy (how most people think of relationships) or a domestic girl and a submissive boy. if you don't agree with me please don't kill me >_<
2015-02-21 15:04:26 UTC
2015-02-20 05:26:49 UTC
Depends, some are too small to do alot of heavy lifting some are not.
2015-02-22 15:17:27 UTC
generally speaking strengthwise yes but in other areas no like painwise, what man could stand childbirth?
2015-02-19 19:34:18 UTC
ammm, pues los hombres tienen mĂ¡s fuerza fĂ­sica, pero jamĂ¡s resistirĂ­an el dolor de tener un hijo, ni, soportan tantĂ­simas cosas como las que soporta una mujer, ademĂ¡s de que Ă©stas son mĂ¡s inteligentes, maduran mĂ¡s rĂ¡pido, piensan mejor las cosas, analizan los detalles, tienen mas cuidado, mĂ¡s empatĂ­a hacia ambos sexos y cuando estĂ¡n enfermas de verdad solo es "un dolor de cabeza" y cuando a los hombres solo les duele la cabeza "estĂ¡n muriendo", depende tambiĂ©n, xq tanto hay hombres cobardes, como mujeres tambiĂ©n, sumisas y dĂ©biles de mente. Pero capacidad de ser igual o mĂ¡s valiente, igual o mĂ¡s fuerte, igual o mĂ¡s trabajadora, que un hombre, claro que tienes! depende mucho de ti, aunque desgraciadamente la sociedad es un factor en contra ya que cuando una mujer demustra que puede desarrollarse igual o mejor q un hombre en esas Ă¡reas q normalmente estĂ¡n llenas de hombres, al ser mayoria, padecen acoso, discriminaciĂ³n y mucho, mucho mĂ¡s...
knut erik
2015-02-21 23:44:19 UTC
What Roger said.
2015-02-21 04:43:43 UTC
Has anyone seen the 40 year old virgin?
2015-02-20 14:56:47 UTC
you mean mentally? emotionally? no.

you need to provide an example because this question is too general and easy enough to say no to.
2015-02-21 11:29:24 UTC
Do men have to go through childbirth?
2015-02-23 01:54:15 UTC
yes of course
2015-02-19 20:33:16 UTC
It´s not a competition honey
2015-02-22 12:33:51 UTC
it is the law f nature male is stronger than female in everyway
2015-02-20 09:17:39 UTC
2015-02-20 20:31:27 UTC
Definitely not !!!! We are equal in the sense that we can do whatever we want !!
2015-02-21 09:53:44 UTC
Of course. They are insecure.
2015-02-19 18:50:19 UTC
I have yet to meet a woman that can match or outdo me on bench press, squats or deadlifts.
2015-02-21 18:48:15 UTC
I hate men.
2015-02-21 09:46:57 UTC

mentally and physically
2015-02-20 15:24:28 UTC
no we're actually the best :)
2015-02-19 18:49:26 UTC
"Weaker" has no meaning without some specificity (physical power? intelligence? flexibility (physical or psychological)?, longevity? creativity? .............................).
2015-02-20 17:36:55 UTC
you can't delete answers here.
2015-02-21 21:45:13 UTC
there are some strong wemen
2015-02-20 20:23:53 UTC
i say we are both weak since we both have weaknesses ...
2015-02-19 18:44:31 UTC
straight are fcuked
2015-02-21 18:40:54 UTC
yes. they are whores. they are weak *** hoes.
2015-02-22 12:40:00 UTC
2015-02-21 06:30:03 UTC
2015-02-20 11:23:31 UTC
2015-02-23 09:57:26 UTC
2015-02-22 11:30:31 UTC
2015-02-19 22:25:52 UTC
2015-02-21 01:18:49 UTC
it may be not true.................................
2015-02-21 09:55:58 UTC
2015-02-21 07:25:52 UTC
wtf no

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.