"Weaker" is a definitive term that doesn't fit. Is a lion weaker than a human, other than physically? Not really. In a lion's environment, a lion is fully more capable than a man, except for the fact that we can reason our way out of situations. Likewise, in a human's environment, well, actually the lion would probably survive just fine until the humans killed it for killing one of their animals or people. So is the lion weaker? Seems to me that a lion is far stronger than a human in every way, except it cannot reason it's way out of an impossible situation.
The Bible put the man in charge of the home for a reason, and not just because the man was created first.
It's because of the fundamental nature of the role of the husband and the wife.
Both can fill either's job, but women's strengths were given to be a help to their husband and to be able to manage the home while he worked for the livelihood of the family and led the family. Women are better fitted to their role as men are better fitted for their role. Either or is weaker in the other's role. As evidenced by the horrific statistics surrounding those who's father's leave the home.
All of human history in every given society, the woman has always typically been the care-taker of the home, and the husband has always typically been the leader of the family and the one who worked to feed the family. Though, often the whole family works towards that goal, the husband, wife, and children, in concert, and under the husband's leadership.
We decided to change that now for the sake of political correctness, but even if you don't believe in God, you must know that we developed in the direction that we did as a species for a reason.
You know it's funny, honest members of both Atheism and Christianity use the same logic, but Christians believe there's a God, Atheists don't.
Not that Atheists today believe that women are better suited for being home-caretaker, because frankly we are brainwashed by the left to think otherwise, but you can't argue with literally all of human history. Literally, all of it. Well you can, but it's just ignoring facts and demonstrating how naive and foolish we are thinking we're so much wiser than all of human history.
In short, whether you believe in God or not, the man's role and the woman's role has played out the way it has for a reason.
Anyhow, are they weaker. No. In the position of husband, the woman is weaker, and likewise, in the position of wife, the husband is weaker.
Just like in the position of the lion, the man will be weaker, and in the position of the man, the lion . . . it won't really be weaker, to be honest. it'll just be more dangerous to people. But you get my point. The roles we have are there for a reason.
Now, individuals will be different because individuals always are. However, generally speaking, this is the way that the man and woman is strongest, the way that humankind has developed to be for all of human history.
However, personally, I don't care about all of that. I will do what I want to do regardless, and why, because I am human, and that is what God has divined to be our right, to live our lives and forge our paths . . . in all glory and honor to God as we do it . . . of course.