You know, I always see these baiting questions from anti-feminists, as if YOU have somehow evidenced your position that feminists are about matriarchy/female supremacy with anything more than some ranting, equally anti-feminist blog. Because OBVIOUSLY a random, angry blog is a more reliable source than a dictionary...
To address a few wek-a** points made here...
1) The draft- This is, at most, a symbolic thing. There has been no draft since the end of Vietnam. Given the political fallout of that, it is EXTREMELY unlikely that there will ever be a draft again. And frankly, if there is, it's the feminists who are gonna be on your side against the draft and for women's participation.
2) "Softer punishments for the same crime <-- They've exempted themselves from responsibility. As in to say they are not responsible for their crimes"
Um, this isn't feminists fault. This is the fault of old, sexist-a** judges and juries. Feminists argue against this ALL THE TIME.
3) "Changed the word "Murder" to "Abortion" <-- They don't want the responsibility of murder so they merely changed the word."
Get a grip. Only people can be murdered, and fetuses/embryos are not people (even if I bought that they were technically human potential life, they are not people). You can not like that if you want, but it is anything but a recent invention. Abortion has been a reality of women's lives for literally thousands of years. For most of human history, it was simply considered "women's business" to control their fertility, part of which included abortion. Feminists did not create abortion, we simply advocate for women being the final arbiters of what goes on in their bodies.
4) "And if feminism is the avocation of equal rights, opportunities and freedoms then it really has no place in western communities because women have all that"
On paper perhaps (and not even always then- show me where in the constitution any right besides voting is guaranteed to women ). But paper and reality are two different issues. And in reality, there are significant barriers to real equity in the citizenship rights of men and women.
5) "Changed the term "Sexual discrimination" to "Affirmative action" <-- They don't want the responsibility of sexism so they change the term"
You clearly have no idea how affirmative action actually works. The notion that the primary mechanism is quotas, set-asides, or entitlement hires/promotions is a myth created by neo-con pundits and not based in the actual practices of educational institutions or businesses.
6) "'Apart from the dictionary, is there any evidence that modern feminism is about equality?'"
Tons. But a better question would be, is there any evidence (other than your angry blog rants) that feminism ISN'T about equality?