some jobs I don't want a women to do...?
2009-11-06 05:59:49 UTC
I was listening to the radio. They brought up some very good point's and of course it's not all. but most.
Firefighters/ Police - There use to be height and size requirements. but now there isn't. Females have a different test to pass than a man. WHY? if you want the job then you should pass A test or take a different position in the job.
Why is it that things need to be Politically correct these days.

for example.
Your someone (sex dont matter yet) but you weight about 220 or something your really tall. Your stuck in a building that is on fire.
the girl who passed her firefighter test passed teh 200 mark.. Now what? Am I stuck there? or is she going to drag me through the burning building?
Example 2: Your in a bar some crap goes down and this HUGE guy is drunk and isn't working well with you or the cops. A female cop shows up now what. You think she can take down this hug guy? to save me? what if i was a huge guy too and this bigger guy just kicked my butt. Now this 5'4" chick is going to try to disfuse the sistuation by talking? but if that don't work then what? me and the cop get the crap beat out of us?
Does that make you feel safe,.. or just politically correct.

I'm not saying females can't help out and do the job. but i don't think there should be a different set of test for them. THIS IS FOR OUR EFFEN SAFTY,, Suck it up put your ego aside put your WANTS aside and look at the bigger effen pitcher.

On the other side. if i'm having a conflict with a man at my home and there are children there. I would rather have a female cop as she is more understanding. but if my husband is beating me I would want a man cop to make him stop.

as stated I don't think anyone should loose their job i just think if someone wants to work a job that requires safty they shouldn't lessen the requirements to get the job just because of a gender.

This is personal feeling and to put all the questions out
any partner's or other coworkers for this thoought they died on that call your life depends on a 5'4" female who is trained but the training course was skewed to her.

Your thoughts?
Fifteen answers:
2009-11-06 06:31:16 UTC
I agree with you, 100%.

With the best will in the world, there just are some jobs that are unsuitable for a woman, particularly if someones life or safety is at risk.

This reminds me of something. A man I once knew who was deaf, applied for a job as a life guard at a watersports centre near where I live. He had all the qualifications, but he was turned down because he was deaf. He tried to sue the council for descrimination. So, if he had his back to the lake, and couldnt hear someone shouting for help, then that person would drown and die. I just don't think he had a point at all.

I despise Political Correctness with a passion.

Edit: I wonder if you would thumb me down if a slip of a girl was sent to rescue YOU from a burning building? Or if a deaf bloke couldn't hear YOU shouting when you were out of your depth in deep water?
2009-11-06 06:55:02 UTC
I agree with your point with firefighters. Everyone should take the same test and have the same requirements. I don't know about your point about females on the police force. Male or female, they are required to call back up in some situations. Incidentally, there are short men on the police force.
2009-11-06 06:23:23 UTC
I don't understand your analogy of police officers. Firefighters maybe. But it doesn't require a lot to diffuse a potential violent situation, especially when you have a gun and power to use it. Just look at the incident recently in Ft. Hood. The gunman was shot by A FEMALE soldier. (4 times).
Louise C
2009-11-06 07:26:00 UTC
I quite agree when it comes to firefighters, where physical strength is, it seems to me, of vital importance.

I am less certain about the police force. i think women police officers can be useful in dealing with certain delicate situations - rape, child abuse, domestic violence etc. Quite a lot of police work does not necessarily involve the use of physical strength.
Know It All
2009-11-06 06:18:13 UTC
I really don't care who's doing what as long as they have to pass the same tests with no lowering of standards MadLuv. If women pass the same tests with the same standards, I would stand by them if someone criticizes them. Unfortunately, this isn't the case.

Well said, Mabel B. I know that several firefighting men could whisk me away with moderate effort, but I'm yet to meet a single woman who can do that to me without heaving and pushing -- not good for fire-fighters at all!

Life > PC. Lives over PC! I don't want to put my life on the line just so I'm "politically correct".
2009-11-06 06:25:14 UTC
Well there is two huge downfalls to this argument..

One the body dummy they use for firefighting training only weights 180 pounds. Seriously look it up. So there is no guarantee that any male firefighter could lift that 220 person either. So then what? Oh ya they get two fire fighters or more to help.

What if the person weights 300 pounds?

Second...hand to hand combat and taking down people for matter there size. Doesnt take that much strength it takes knowledge.

The right moves, pressure points and if needed tools.
2009-11-06 07:08:13 UTC
I personally do not think there are some jobs that a woman should be doing, such as a firefighter and construction, etc. Those jobs are made for a man's body.
Blue Eyed Christian
2009-11-06 06:38:46 UTC
My husband and I both agree with you. When someone's life is at stake, as is the case with firefighters, soldiers, and probably a few other professions that escape me just now, there should be ONE standard to meet. One. Not a lower one for females. The world doesn't owe you your dream career; if you can't meet the standards, find another job. People's safety is more important than you having your dream job.
2009-11-06 06:37:14 UTC
Emergency services are trained. Men and women get trained the same and learn how to deal with every scenario presented to them. Training is the same for both genders. Some situations call for more than physical strength. I've seen some tough female cops. They can mix it up with the best of them.
2009-11-06 06:12:47 UTC
Considering how many fat cops there are I don't think physical fitness is toooooo important anymore. They also have tazers if things get out of control, and they never send only one cop just so no cops get hurt.

Whats that guy gonna do if he has to fight, besides put down his donut?
♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥
2009-11-06 06:36:07 UTC
My thoughts are that you don't know what you are talking about. That's not a cut, that's the truth.

Or is it politically incorrect to point out that someone's uninformed or misinformed opinions are Not just as good as anyone elses?
2009-11-06 06:13:06 UTC
Baby, you're telling men this? - Weren't we the ones who presented these arguments to you long ago..

..Or are you directing this towards other women?
Baba Yaga
2009-11-06 06:42:25 UTC
So if you were in a burning building and a female firefighter comes to save you, you're going to say, "no thanks, I'll wait for someone else?"

2009-11-06 06:07:19 UTC
where is your proof of a different test for women? you are ranting and denying women career opportunities based on their looks.
2009-11-06 06:04:36 UTC
yeah women shouldn't be police

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