2009-11-06 05:59:49 UTC
Firefighters/ Police - There use to be height and size requirements. but now there isn't. Females have a different test to pass than a man. WHY? if you want the job then you should pass A test or take a different position in the job.
Why is it that things need to be Politically correct these days.
for example.
Your someone (sex dont matter yet) but you weight about 220 or something your really tall. Your stuck in a building that is on fire.
the girl who passed her firefighter test passed teh 200 mark.. Now what? Am I stuck there? or is she going to drag me through the burning building?
Example 2: Your in a bar some crap goes down and this HUGE guy is drunk and isn't working well with you or the cops. A female cop shows up now what. You think she can take down this hug guy? to save me? what if i was a huge guy too and this bigger guy just kicked my butt. Now this 5'4" chick is going to try to disfuse the sistuation by talking? but if that don't work then what? me and the cop get the crap beat out of us?
Does that make you feel safe,.. or just politically correct.
I'm not saying females can't help out and do the job. but i don't think there should be a different set of test for them. THIS IS FOR OUR EFFEN SAFTY,, Suck it up put your ego aside put your WANTS aside and look at the bigger effen pitcher.
On the other side. if i'm having a conflict with a man at my home and there are children there. I would rather have a female cop as she is more understanding. but if my husband is beating me I would want a man cop to make him stop.
as stated I don't think anyone should loose their job i just think if someone wants to work a job that requires safty they shouldn't lessen the requirements to get the job just because of a gender.
This is personal feeling and to put all the questions out
any partner's or other coworkers for this thoought they died on that call your life depends on a 5'4" female who is trained but the training course was skewed to her.
Your thoughts?