Well - accordingl to some studies (hmm..) published in the last fifteen years or so - women and men's life expectancy is getting closer together - as well as such things as women losing hair etc -and the studies suggest that this is due to the extra stress on women from having to go to work etc as you say.
Now - I'm not advocating these studies at all - I haven't looked into it that much - but it would seem to be significant when taken in the context of the added stresses placed on women.
Now - in case you've missed the S.S. Grappler leaving port here - MEN have always been, and always still are, THE ones most likely to be subjected to the attentions of the 'law' - as I've described many times - purely as a means of social control and not legal control in any way.
The virulent offshoot of this has always been - and remains - that every time a man is dragged into a legal situation where he has no rights and no power - the rights pertaining to the INDIVIDUAL in society are whittled away.
Remember that the next time some twit/**** gets up and demands that 'rape' accusation be sufficient for conviction - or that women should not go to prison for crimes committed (bullshit, bullshit).
This alone - this violence of the law against men - is sufficient in and of itself to state without fear of contradiction that women are pampered in our society - if on that basis alone.
I was watching a tragic story of an Iranian born woman with an Afghan born husband - who separated and sought divorce after years of abuse - and the husband killed her in front of 300 people, receiving 26 years for murder as a result. That story is tragic and the reporting involved was highly sympathetic to her position and to her children, and highly critical of the steps NOT taken to protect her - but I was struck by one undeniable truth while watching it.
If the situation had been reversed - and the killer had been the wife and not the husband - would ANY of this have been covered so sympathetically by the media AND the courts.
The answer is an obvious NO - since we've had recent cases where women have killed sleeping husbands and walked away by saying the deceased was abusive - even when family deny that he was any such thing. ADDS:- There has NEVER once been anything approximating a sympathetic-to-the-victim rendering of a wife-kills-husband scenario in the media here - NEVER the same range of interviews and so forth that show what a horrible person she might have been.
So - yes - women ARE pampered here - there are no demands on them to do the hard yards of life; they have all the choices that men do not - to stay at home or to work, to reproduce or not and when and who with and who pays for it, what jobs they take (nothing dirty!), whether or not to stay at home and spare time gain an education, and so forth.
Men can do NONE of those things - you may now tell me that feminism has actually freed men up to choose those things - to which I will respond: -
When and where - in between making child support payments to their stolen kids and trying to build a new life while their heart is torn out and they are rejected for a well-paid government job or promotion or an office job when they are unfit or older like me right now (both ways) because they are not of the right sex (or ethnic background) despite their experience and ability?
STOP PRESS: the first answer - you had me until you got to your last sentence - instant TD.
Holly - I respect your views - but let us just say that the majority of girls here have a mental age of about 15 judging by their comments, their addictions to feminist theology and boyfriend questions, and their vapid and unthinking answers that have no relationship to reality. Still a TU - but....51% is hardly A+ material.