In what way are women more pampered than the men in the West?
True Blue Brit
2012-08-26 02:12:44 UTC
Reading a question that women live longer because we are more "pampered". Does a woman not work, earn a paycheque, pay taxes?
And if she is a stay at home mother, does she not work in her home? And believe me, than can be far more stressful than going out to work.
Why are people so fixated on this idea that women do nothing, when every woman I know works really hard?
Most of us are beyond the "dating" stage, where you could call a meal at a restaurant "pampering". We're grownups, with responsibilities, either to our families or to our employers (and by the way, often do both.) Women have always worked, physical work (scrubbing floors, cleaning windows and ironing, for example) as well as the lighter work, like cooking. It's not as though men all dig ditches. I don't know any man that does a purely physical job.
Eight answers:
2012-08-26 02:22:23 UTC
Why are you obsessed with the defective male specimens on this site? You know they aren't real men.

Men are amazing. I love them. They are strong, protective, loving, humble, noble, kind, caring, courageous, honest, trustworthy, patient, understanding, compassionate, intelligent, masculine.

The males on this site don't deserve to be called men.
♫Grappler's Crossing ♂ ♪
2012-08-26 02:38:36 UTC
Well - accordingl to some studies (hmm..) published in the last fifteen years or so - women and men's life expectancy is getting closer together - as well as such things as women losing hair etc -and the studies suggest that this is due to the extra stress on women from having to go to work etc as you say.

Now - I'm not advocating these studies at all - I haven't looked into it that much - but it would seem to be significant when taken in the context of the added stresses placed on women.

Now - in case you've missed the S.S. Grappler leaving port here - MEN have always been, and always still are, THE ones most likely to be subjected to the attentions of the 'law' - as I've described many times - purely as a means of social control and not legal control in any way.

The virulent offshoot of this has always been - and remains - that every time a man is dragged into a legal situation where he has no rights and no power - the rights pertaining to the INDIVIDUAL in society are whittled away.

Remember that the next time some twit/**** gets up and demands that 'rape' accusation be sufficient for conviction - or that women should not go to prison for crimes committed (bullshit, bullshit).

This alone - this violence of the law against men - is sufficient in and of itself to state without fear of contradiction that women are pampered in our society - if on that basis alone.

I was watching a tragic story of an Iranian born woman with an Afghan born husband - who separated and sought divorce after years of abuse - and the husband killed her in front of 300 people, receiving 26 years for murder as a result. That story is tragic and the reporting involved was highly sympathetic to her position and to her children, and highly critical of the steps NOT taken to protect her - but I was struck by one undeniable truth while watching it.

If the situation had been reversed - and the killer had been the wife and not the husband - would ANY of this have been covered so sympathetically by the media AND the courts.

The answer is an obvious NO - since we've had recent cases where women have killed sleeping husbands and walked away by saying the deceased was abusive - even when family deny that he was any such thing. ADDS:- There has NEVER once been anything approximating a sympathetic-to-the-victim rendering of a wife-kills-husband scenario in the media here - NEVER the same range of interviews and so forth that show what a horrible person she might have been.

So - yes - women ARE pampered here - there are no demands on them to do the hard yards of life; they have all the choices that men do not - to stay at home or to work, to reproduce or not and when and who with and who pays for it, what jobs they take (nothing dirty!), whether or not to stay at home and spare time gain an education, and so forth.

Men can do NONE of those things - you may now tell me that feminism has actually freed men up to choose those things - to which I will respond: -

When and where - in between making child support payments to their stolen kids and trying to build a new life while their heart is torn out and they are rejected for a well-paid government job or promotion or an office job when they are unfit or older like me right now (both ways) because they are not of the right sex (or ethnic background) despite their experience and ability?

STOP PRESS: the first answer - you had me until you got to your last sentence - instant TD.

Holly - I respect your views - but let us just say that the majority of girls here have a mental age of about 15 judging by their comments, their addictions to feminist theology and boyfriend questions, and their vapid and unthinking answers that have no relationship to reality. Still a TU - but....51% is hardly A+ material.
2012-08-26 05:16:49 UTC
ok ,so you are saying that women are not pampered .

But why in the hell they never get punished as much as men for the same crime ?

Why they get away with sexual assault,domestic violence etc .

"women can't hurt men" is the excuse to let women get away with that.

feminists complain about women not getting paid as much as men but do their sharp minds ever wonder why this happens ?

Men work so much harder than women ,hence they get paid more.

ok so here is a example , when any woman suffer from domestic violence or rape ,the whole group of women and many other people sypathize with her and help her as much as possible .

lets reverse this situation , domestic violence against men is seen as a joke ,its great means of laugh for men haters like "sharon osbourne" who made fun of a abused men with her other female friends in national television.

That's the difference ,when women suffer everybody help them but when men suffers ,its like who cares or "he deserved it"

its like women can't be wrong or abusers.

As a guy i experience these type of things daily .

Western women don't know what oppression means.

They are so pampered .
2017-01-22 14:47:00 UTC
2012-08-26 05:10:19 UTC
I have been pampered and treated better just by every day people (not by law), but that might have had something to do with me being a model at the time. Now I'm married and I dress down and scrub our toilet, I don't get privileged treatment from anyone but my husband (who still pampers me, bless him <3). I think men who think women get pampered are blind to all the regular women, they only see the ones that catch the limelight. Miss Popular in highschool, Miss Local Celebrity, sure they get catered to a lot. But you don't get VIP treatment unless you make people see you as a VIP. That much is true for everyone, male and female alike.
2012-08-26 10:41:03 UTC
Society treats women as valuable and men and disposable:
2012-08-26 03:20:57 UTC
No. Females absolutely and utterly REFUSE to work as hard as men. Do you believe females generally earn less than men because

1. Thousands upon thousands of male employers (because female employers would never do it) deliberately discriminate against females and pay females less money for the same work as a man and are there by in violation of the law and risking SEVERE penalties but everyone does it because females are oppressed.


2. Females will not work as hard as men.

Female have a choice to work or not work. Men have the choice to work or work harder,

NO. Personal Hygiene is NOT a job or work. Before you get a man to pay your bills the housework you do is of no value. After you have used him up and taken his own house etc then your housework becomes valueless again. The fact that you would say that baby sitting and housework are sooo hard is testament to the fact you have probably never worked a day in your life. I have been a stay at home Dad and it's an absolute piece of pie. Why do YOU get to have a full and meaningful relationship with your kids but I have to work a 57 hour week to pay your bills so I'm a part time Dad. Bugger you.

Clearly you have no idea about what really hard work is. Why don't you swap jobs with your husband for a week. See how you go. You might even be killed. What about working in sewerage collection and treatment for a month? How about garbage collection and treatment? Rigging? underground mining? All these are highly paid boys clubs. Why aren't you females desperate to break this glass ceiling and insist on equal numbers of females so there are an equal number of dead female workers at the end of a year as men. That would be equality wouldn't it? That HAS to have an effect on average mortality rate.

In the early nineties there were about 14 homeless men to every homeless female. The ratio is now about 6 to one so we are heading in the right direction there.

More men die of prostate cancer than females die of breast cancer but females don't bother raising money for prostate cancer because men don't matter.

How about this proposition. Females pay taxes into a female tax pool and out of that is paid your services for females like medical or whatever. And we men will do the same. Let's see how you go without the support of the blood sweat and tears of men. Wouldn't that be great? It would probably put even more pressure on stay at home mums from other females to at least pull her own weight instead of being a complete drain on resources like a child.

And for the other posters

1. That is not what men are. All my life I have been openly referred to as a rat, pig, dog, snake, thug, douchebag, frog, paedophile, etc. You better get your facts right. Men also oppress females wherever and whenever they can and men are the enemy and females need protection against the innate evil that is men. Don't you know that testosterone causes violence? That's why females are never violent. You must know at least one female who has been raped. You must know HEAPS that have been sexually harassed at work by sex crazed men. More than one in four. The depravity of men is never ending.

2. It was females who created the Society for Cutting Up Men - SCUM. And you complete contempt has continued. You demand that you be treated equally. You DEMAND I have as much contempt for you as you have for me. Hence I comply. I am considerably older than 17. I am happy to compare facts and logic with you at any time. Maybe on the chat site?
2012-08-26 02:27:30 UTC
the average age of males on here is 17. they only talk about what they can relate to - young girls and dating. they have no life experience and its an insult to older women who have lived a full life as you describe. these males need to grow up mentally. most senior men and women have health problems and/or have had heart attacks, strokes, cancer, mobility problems. people live longer due to advances in medical science. and anyone who has good health and is mentally alert into old age is extremely lucky and pampering has nothing to do with it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.