Singapore women in National Service: Should they be made to serve?
2013-07-25 00:48:59 UTC
The debate about Singapore women serving in National Service has gathered steam in recent months.

1) Should they be given a choice to serve?
2) What is the appropriate length of service?
3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill?

Let us know if you think women in NS is a good idea.
378 answers:
2013-07-25 02:12:54 UTC
1) Why give a choice? The men certainly aren't getting a choice! You want gender equality? Then you start serving NS.

2) The ministers constantly talk about a massive brain drain if the women start serving NS as well. Let me give a solution that will soften the blow slightly. Do the taiwanese conscription method. All the women will go into a randomised pool and based on lottery rolls, be split into 6 mths, 1 yr and 2 yr service. That will soften the blow. Of course, the lottery pick will have to be absolutely transparent and maybe even conducted in public view to avoid accusations that the rich only serve 6 mths.

3) Those who get the 6mth posting probably won't have adequate time to do any kind of training. Desk jobs like admin and filing clerks, or simple labor that doesn't require training would suit them. Those who get the 1yr posting can probably get simple nursing training n serve in the local hospitals. These hospitals constantly b!tch about a lack of nurses right. Well here's a ready bunch of young women ready to serve their NS there. Why isn't anyone doing anything? Those who get the full 2 yr posting can even be trained to serve as combat medics. And don't say its tough. The medics are always just sitting inside the rover and praying nothing happens (which usually is the case) so they can continue sitting inside and slack.

Having the ladies serve will fulfill so many functions and needs for singapore, i don't even understand why the government isn't exploring this area properly
2013-07-25 17:30:33 UTC
People need to stop looking at NS as "Defending the Nation" and look at it as "Serving the Nation". In a world where women want (demand) equality they should serve equal time. However, the way they serve could be different from the way the men serve. If they wish they could perform more traditional NS roles (field work etc) but as an alternative they could work in hospitals or other service industries that teach them skills and help support the communities who need it most. Instead of men performing 2 years NS both men and women should serve but just 1 year each. Anyone who has served NS should pay less tax than any other individual working in Singapore (Singaporean or not). In other words implement a slightly higher tax rate for all non-Singaporeans or those who avoided doing NS. I know that I want my son and daughter to grow up and take part in a society where they have equal rights and obligations.
Cheah X
2013-07-25 21:50:07 UTC
1) Should they be given a choice to serve?

To be fair, yes for all or no for all

2) What is the appropriate length of service?

6-12 months. Most of the citizen will pursue tertiary education, a 25 year old man with body built is attractive but a women after 25 is getting older. Many Singapore women are hard to find husband and give birth before 30 year old. And Singapore man keep outsourcing for wife.

No re-servist if women has kids, a working mother is facing a lot of issue and hence create low birth rate. I never heard any man been fired due to reservist and women been fired because of pregnancy (before being protected under law). If both parents are working and having kid will know what i mean.

3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill?

Medical and discipline training, Non-combat, or minimum physical training and no physical training during menstrual period. I know some women are strong and though physically, but this is not common. However basic traning is good and compulsory.

For those complain PR not serving for NS, actually 2nd generation of PR did serve for NS.

You can't expect new PR or new citizen who are having kids and wife go back to serve 2 year NS without proper income. And some of them might have already served in their country. Please think logically.

For Employment pass holder, they have contributed for tax but not having any PR/citizen privilege and don't have CPF contributed by employer, can't buy HDB. How can you ask them to serve NS. You think foreigner left their country and parents easily?
2013-07-25 09:01:46 UTC
1) There should be no choice. Women should have to serve NS

2) Same length of service as guys. Then maybe both can do less than 2 years, since there's a sharing of the burden. Instead of 2 years, maybe 1 and half years.

3) I think only the very strong ones can do combat roles. The rest (like me) can only do non-combat like nursing or driving vehicles. Women are not the same as men, no matter what feminists say!
2013-07-25 06:26:17 UTC

Is there a purpose for making women serve national service? Or is this a must-be-fair thing where since I have to serve because I am a guy, women have to serve too?

You still haven't addressed the issue of why PRs do not have to serve NS, not even reservist training.

How would you account for the increased rate of unemployment in the economy when women have to be in NS or in reservist training and there is no one left to care for the needs of the family, unless the husband takes a few days leave too to do both the husband/wife's role.

Must NS be a minimum of 2 years? Yes, was 2.5 years a while ago but truth be told what is all the time used up for? We don't have real enemies and a heightened sense of emergency and need for constant vigilance like South Korea or Taiwan and their NS training stint is shorter than 2 years.
2013-07-25 03:12:56 UTC
Yes for sure. As Singaporean, everyone should do their part in National service, combat or non-combat.


1. Women are no less patriotic than men

2. Women are stronger than most think

3. Woman can finally understand why we keep talking about army days stuff

4. We can achieve the real total defence

5. Stronger national identify for sure ( from the let women decide link )

6. Guys will not feel lost out in Uni and Career head start if both start and end their NS together
2013-07-25 02:47:55 UTC
Here's my answer:

1) Make it compulsory, I feel that Singapore policy is over-protecting the women, yet some are still not satisfied and don't appreciate the sacrifices that the guys have made for NS, if equality should exist then why not making National Service compulsory for women as well. Don't need to train them until fully combat fit, the main thing is to let them experience the training and other works that we had went through with the small amount of salary given.

2) Apply to both men and women, 1 year is good enough because I feel that most of the time are actually doing '****-work', then make it optional to extent to 1.5 or 2 years depending on their own decisions and rank, some might feel is being 'forced' to go NS but doesn't mean some are not willing to stay longer due to factors like study date, competitive level in the working industry at that point of time

3) 3 months of basic training in BMT is a must, going for leadership courses or not of cause depends on individual, else can post to units such as Medic, Signal and all other administrative positions for major combat units.

Some additional point to make. Seriously I would prefer to see ALL the FTs to serve first instead of pointing the arrow towards our ladies, as long as they are coming here to work more than 1 year regardless of the pass type, they should serve at least half a year to the nation, I don't think this is harsh or giving them a hard time for coming here, but is a good way of bonding as you can see how the 3 main races get along with each other during NS days, then eventually could resolved the intense relationships that the locals had with the foreigners.
2013-07-25 22:38:10 UTC
Should they be made to serve?

Yes, why not.

1) Should they be given a choice to serve?

No. It should be the duty of Singaporean men and women to serve and protect Singapore.

2) What is the appropriate length of service?

Same as men.

3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill?

Both since women can sign on for both roles. You won't know what you can do until you really try it.
2013-07-25 21:18:18 UTC
Yes they should. It would give them an idea of what it is to defend their country. I feel that defending Singapore should be everyone's responsibility and not just the guy's. A lot of girls have no idea about the army, what it does and lot of them actually look down on the training and the time guys have spent doing NS. Wasn't there a facebook post from a Singapore female DJ who said something like the training is too easy or something? Anotehr thing to consider as well is the 2 and in my case 2.5 years guys spend in the army while women get to continue with their education and careers. There has to be some sort of a balance.

I feel that NS itself should not be more than a year.

There are many roles, combat and non combat. Medics, counsellors, investigations, clerks etc..
2013-07-25 02:52:21 UTC
Yes, of course. Singapore women should serve National Service.

The length of service should be the same as men, 2 years. Not only that PRs should also be made to serve NS. Or else, impose a time frame for the length of stay they can live in Singapore.

Both combat and non-combat roles should be given to the women also. It is only fair.
2013-07-25 19:59:00 UTC
I personally felt that we SHOULD NOT make National Service compulsory for women. But, I agree that women can also play a role in NS, as we can see many of them already in regular services. Thus, I would support women serving NS as a CHOICE OF THEIR OWN; ie let those who wished to serve come in on their own free will.

Then about the length of service, it should also be optional, but need to have a minimum length so as not to be too disruptive to the services they are in; I would recommend at least 1 year of commitment and to the maximum of 2 years (same as the men); or whichever term the men need to serve (in case this changes in future).

The women can serve in the areas that are more suitable for them; even in combat areas if they are fit enough and also already there are women within these services area now. In fact if the more logistical and admin roles can be taken up by NS women, then the men can serve in the more combat roles, etc; as deemed more suitable to them. This will definite help better distribute the manpower to the respective areas in NS.
2013-07-25 18:58:27 UTC
1. Female Singaporeans should serve NS.

2. A term of 1 year, either full time or during their break during tertiary educations (3 months x 3years).

3. Not necessary to be in military, but they can have a choice. They can serve in old folks homes, hospitals, primary schools, as a social worker etc. To learn basic first aid skill, knowing how to look after people and old folks. And importantly to train these ladies be a better person, cos families now have maids and some have unpleasant behaviors and attitudes. NS with proper training and discipline not only make a man from a boy and also a well manner lady from a girl.... otherwise, there will be many princess sickness grown girls.
Happy Monk
2013-07-25 11:11:18 UTC
Yes, Singapore women should serve NS as part of our total defence.

They can be assigned to the Home team ,MOH and Mindef ( Support services ).

They need not be assigned to Combat vocation or Roles that require physical demands.

They should be given a choice to choose Combat roles , if they decide to do so.

4-6 months is a reasonable period to serve.

Subsequent obligation to serve till age 28 be 7 days yearly..

NS helps with nation building and inter racial bonding, given Singapore's diverse ethnic diversity.

Furthermore , in affluent Singapore, many families have domestic help and NS allows them the opportunity to learn some life skills.

We should not over burden the Singapore Daughters, as they have a Big responsibilities in having babies and raising them. This takes alot of effort.

This has to be taken into considerations.

In all, it is a WIN WIN for Singapore.
2013-07-25 04:49:59 UTC
1) we must first ask ourselves if there is a tangible need.

2) if the necessity is there , the length is to be defined by attributed sections they're apply in.

3) all options are open combat or non combat if you see what isreal is doing

women NS should not be an optional choice because those that served needs to be balanced with concessions tied to overall aspect of the NS administration function which involves civil and public sectors.

bottom line, we should'nt even be considering this issue now because even the male NS is already facing a fundamental question of purpose when half the residents are on a free ride.
2013-07-26 00:07:15 UTC
First, before I answer the question of "Women in National Service", I would like to direct this first line to those that think that NS is a "negative experience". I would like to state at the start that I served NS for 3 whole years as part of the second batch of NS men to be called in - in the late 1960s.

The training was tough because we were put through the rigours that enlisted men went through and the trainers were all "regulars", some with 20 years of experience. To top that, we also had Israeli "advisers" who together with the regulars us to the limit. It was not the holiday camp that it is now and we were the pioneering "guinea-pigs" that started the system that eventually evolved to what it is today. What you derive from it depends very much on what you put into it and for many of us, it was once in a life time experience but I can safely say, none of us regretted it.

Now, they are considering women in NS.....I say why not and good for you....!!!!

In fact, this is nothing new. Women have been in service as regulars or contracted staff since day one. Having been out for over 40 years (ROD 1972 & Reservist till 1995), I don't quite know what is the structure now but during our days we had the PDF(People Defence Force). This unit had all women who did all the non-combatant roles but they underwent the same training process - maybe not same curriculum - as the other soldiers. Many of them were on contracts and some permanent. In the PDF there were many part-time personnel - as unit soldiers, NCOs and Officers.

So, why can't this continue? Let the women go through training and then let them decide if they serve full-time for 1 year or part-time for 2-3 years. This would be an opportunity for many to know what their boyfriends and/or husbands are going through or went through as NS men. With the push for a healthy living life-style, what better way to start than to do NS and serve your country at the same time

Surely there must be enough senior officers and NCOs in the WAC (Women Auxiliary Corps) to handle the initial training camp.

Our only problem - TRAINING AREAS... and facilities!!! Mandai, Ama Kheng, Yio Chu Kang, Choa Chu Kang and Marsiling (not sure if these training areas still exist especially Marsiling) can only take so much. During our time, with only 2 full-time training units and later, the reservist units, we were already "shooting" and "ambushing" one another. Right now, they must be climbing over one another.!

Are the guys and girls going to share the units - that is, the camps? Well, if they do, then maybe I'll volunteer my services to train them....wonder if they would accept a 60 year ex-officer????

Perhaps, some of these areas with the HDB apartments can be used for the exercises in FIBUA..? (check with the ol' timers what this is...).I just wonder if the people who are tracking this survey have ever served and know what it is all about.....?????
2013-07-25 19:16:35 UTC
Woman should give a choice to serve NS and must accordingly to their fitness.

As Notice that some of the young lady never do any exercise at all, this is a chance to force them to go for NS.

Advisable that the appropriate length should not exceed a year.And is preferable that they serve is from the age of 19 to 25.

What kind of combat, is depends on their body fitness and let them have their choice after the fitness test.
2013-07-25 19:05:17 UTC
The reason for NS is to have a ready Military defence when we need one. Our region is not in a state of war, and many feel no need to have NS. Many Wars start by some distant and seemingly insignificant events. Many peaceful nations with weak or no defences have been demolished in weeks. And its takes many years to form and train a decent defence force. Understand and Believe this and you will understand why we need to have NS.

We train as we would fight. So if ever war breaks out, every body will have a role to carry. In WWII when the USA send men (and some women) to fight, the women (and some men) ran and operated, building and construction, factories, sports entertainment, medical services and all other essentials to support the country. And women ran the households and brought up the kids.

So if all women are drafted into the SAF, and if husband and wife go to war. Who is left at home to run house and country...the Maid? Women are the fairer sex, intellectually equal, but still the fairer sex. The general populace of females cannot carry more, run faster, exert agression to kill, etc.. better than then the general Male populace. So envision what both husband and wife, sister and brother, mother and father will do in war, and you will be able to imagine suitable roles for all when war breaks out. if we can assign and train the women for those roles.. then lets open up NS for women. If not..we are not ready to.
2013-07-25 14:13:53 UTC
1. All are equal in today's context. So ALL women in Singapore should be serving NS by default unless due to medical reasons.

2. Same as ALL NS man, No 2 ways about it unless they want sign on, Otherwise, what is the point.

3. There are so many roles they can play especially in the Medical Field as NURSES in hospitals, Old folks home, com-care, child care centers and so on, where we're lacking in terms of manpower and experience that will bring them and Singapore forward nurturing good mothers/wife to be or care for the aged in the future. Hopefully, this will cultivate a more graceful future and society for Singapore and the know how especially in a grey Singapore context. Many youths these days especially the woman in are lacking and if nothing is done about it, Singapore future will indeed be very bleak and fretful.

Many woman this days don't face the harsh reality of life and enjoying life too much and when things goes wrong, they'll just bail out (Divorce, Walk out, suicidal ... so on) .

Other benefits: Singapore men are generally losing out 2 yrs in terms of equal opportunity and competition. So this will much fairer approach for man and make our man more acceptable to the woman in current situation. A lot of woman nowadays are more much well off than the man here, that would perhaps contributed to the low no. of marriages and birth rates in Singapore, don't you think so?
2013-07-25 03:47:41 UTC
I think the national service structure ought to be change, it should be just 1 year of full training no 6 months additional for some individuals followed by twice yearly a week of ICT till person is about 40 years of age or 45 for specialist and officers . Yes woman should serve NS, woman in Singapore has become far worse some can't even iron their own clothes.
2013-07-25 02:57:38 UTC
This debate is not new. However, I will like to offer another dimension to National Service (NS).

NS has always been equated to Military Service even up to now! Can we redefine the role of NS?

That is to say, can we define NS as a service offered by the citizen to do something (service) for the Nation?

Hence, can't we open up the options for our Singapore women to serve their National Service in the Healthcare sector, social service sector etc instead in the military context since there has always been shortage of manpower in these sectors too?

In this way, these sectors are less demanding on physical fitness and need not be for the women to work in the harsher military enviornment. As long there is proper training and have them serve to 9 -12 months in these sectors, it will be a win-win situation be it for the individual or for the sector.

The individual (women) can treat it as a form of "Comm Service" to the society while the sector can deployed them meaningfully and gainfully.

Just my 5cts worth opinion.
2014-11-11 06:29:16 UTC
In fact, this is nothing new. Women have been in service as regulars or contracted staff since day one. Having been out for over 40 years (ROD 1972 & Reservist till 1995), I don't quite know what is the structure now but during our days we had the PDF(People Defence Force). This unit had all women who did all the non-combatant roles but they underwent the same training process - maybe not same curriculum - as the other soldiers. Many of them were on contracts and some permanent. In the PDF there were many part-time personnel - as unit soldiers, NCOs and Officers.

So, why can't this continue? Let the women go through training and then let them decide if they serve full-time for 1 year or part-time for 2-3 years. This would be an opportunity for many to know what their boyfriends and/or husbands are going through or went through as NS men. With the push for a healthy living life-style, what better way to start than to do NS and serve your country at the same time
2014-10-21 18:31:59 UTC
I feel that defending Singapore should be everyone's responsibility and not just the guy's. A lot of girls have no idea about the army, what it does and lot of them actually look down on the training and the time guys have spent doing NS. Wasn't there a facebook post from a Singapore female DJ who said something like the training is too easy or something? Anotehr thing to consider as well is the 2 and in my case 2.5 years guys spend in the army while women get to continue with their education and careers. There has to be some sort of a balance.
2013-07-26 00:00:49 UTC
We have reach a time where there is equality in both gender in Singapore. More so when we are short of males due to declining birth rates. One way is to enrol all able bodied women into our army,navy and airforce.

Just like how we men are recruited without giving any options, women should be also enrolled base on the criteria set by MINDEF.

Perhaps minimal service of 12 months would be sufficient subject to good conduct, or contract by both party.

If they are deem fit, they should also be enlisted into combat and comando training as well.

However the most appropriate vocation would be Medics, Cooks and storemen.

This way they would also inculcate a discipline which is lacking in today's teenage girls.

I hope to see a change by the next election.
loy c
2013-07-25 23:53:01 UTC
Of course. The time has come for girls at 18 to serve NS as with boys at 18. It should be mandatory, no choice. The modern armed forces that we proclaim we are has many combat and non-combat functions that men and women can do equally well. Many combat roles are now less rugged. Many girls have over the last decades of openness, equal opportunity in sports and through types of activity become more rugged. (In fact I daresay there are certain of our boys in combat uniform who are effeminate. more feminine than some girls!)

The mobilisation of girls for NS will equalise current social and economic inequality. A girl who wants to do NS would even say there is sexual discrimination in having only boys do NS.

The effective doubling of NS service-people means NS can be halved to 1 year. This is important. We have through, social engineering - yes, and 2 - 2 1/2 years NS included - prolonged the young men's readiness to be financially ready for procreation. Hence the low birth rates (i.e TFR) issue would be partially addressed with shorter NS.
2013-07-25 23:23:47 UTC
I am a woman, men and boys are better or they do matured after NS but i found our girls and women too pampered and too self -centred. We are now having the girls/women "demanding" boyfriends/husbands to do this & that and that they are so spoilt. So busy building up careers and end up not knowing how to cook a simple meal. In fact, our boys do after NS.

We need a gender balance and character work up!

So I think the women should serve NS but not in military or combat but in the following areas which we have shortage in manpower :

1) Nursing Assts

2) Old age homes

3) Teacher Asst in MOE schools

4) Social workers - after some training - to handle simpler cases or handle kids of primary/secondary schools

5) Help those social project

I was from the SAF, to be frank, alot of roles are sensitive and not suitable for women and they can be a hindrance if they are asked to serve just becos they need to serve or it is mandatory.
2013-07-25 20:54:09 UTC
No, even for our true blue singaporean guys also shouldn't serve the NS. NS now is protect what, you tell me? Soon 2/3 of the population will be the FT and our own Singaporeans have no say at all. I guarantee you that if a war breaks out, some of the top "elites" will be the first to freed the country.

Why hasn't the white paper been burnt yet?
2013-07-25 19:50:32 UTC
Definitely YES. Remember a lady DJ from Singapore comment that NS should continue despite haze? That shows some women think that NS is easy. It will be great to let the women have a taste of man's medicine.

However, this should not be the only point. How about those FTs want to be citizen or PR? They should also go through or will not be given the PR status. How many of these PR or citizen (ship) are escaping and laughing at us???
Wei Da
2013-07-25 03:06:18 UTC
1) They should be given a chance to serve so that they know how tough it is then they will not pass any obstructive remarks on social media without conscious thinking.

2) If it is mandatory service, then the length of service have to be same as man. But since they are given a choice, they should at least serve 6 months , 9 week for BMT and the remaining time will sent them to their respective vocation.

3) Combat or non- combat roles have to depend on individual fitness and capabilities of each woman and where the army,navy or air force is lacking in which areas.
2013-07-28 17:44:27 UTC
I would think the ladies in Singapore should serve NS as well. Why? They want equal equality as with men. Second we are Singaporeans so what's the difference except in our gender. Men definitely lose out to the ladies as we are hold up by this extra burden which is already inequality, Furthermore can train them to be strong and make them grow up... Childish at times.

I prefer shorter serving cycle as 2 years is pretty long. If they cannot abolished the compulsory service then make it 1 yr as with Taiwan extended to men. Why must we serve so long for this irrelevant working experience for most..

Combat or non combat is deem by their fitness even the ladies serves combat in other countries.

In conclusion, ladies of Singapore should be made to serve NS but again since birth rate is all time low so NS for the ladies is unavoidable pretty soon.
2013-07-25 19:14:46 UTC
No. They are already given a choice to sign on for Army if they want to, but not as NS.

I don't see a need for them as NS in the army from the non-combat roles, neither do we really want to train them to be aggressive. By allowing them to work in the society is already serving the nation. Moreover, we are encouraging Singapore woman to give birth, how would this be an encouragement?
2013-07-26 02:39:03 UTC
!) Yes! Not so much as Combat but a supporting role.

Combat should not be the Main Component.

While the men are out there fighting a war the women ought to be READY to serve back in the home front in a protecting, nursing and supporting role. Thus, life skills, managerial skills , First Aid and some Combat skills too. it should be compulsory as it is for the men.

2) Minimum a year with the option for extension for those who would like to go for an extension course.

3) I believe there ought to be taught firearms,Jungle training/ survival' , and self defence.
2013-07-26 00:58:01 UTC
In today's world where women want everything to be equal, women should do NS as per man. There is no reason to say NO.

Women can be CEO and chairwomen, so it is only logical to serve NS just like man.

SAF is moving into 3G operations and many combat roles are no longer field present rather in command room remotely control, women can do the combat support roles to supplement the real field combat and for strong women, field combat is also not a problem.

If women choose to say NO, than they should not demand for equality in any case.
2013-07-25 20:38:18 UTC
Currently there is nothing to stop lesbians from joining the SAF if they wish to. However if more women want to join army, sure the male NS boys would be more happier to do NS with less complaining. Also the birth rate in Singapore may increase due to wanted or unwanted pregnancies. MINDEF would ultimately be responsible for the rise in Single mothers and number of illegitimate children in Singapore. The committee discussing this issue must be the most brilliant people in Singapore, probably SCHOLARS. In Singapore if scholars not in the news for corruption or other criminal activity, they would be discussing brilliant ideas like Women doing NS.
2013-07-25 20:10:02 UTC
It won't work! It is not what govt wants. First, lower work force, lower productivity, who to rely? more FT? Pregnancy during NS, and women having menses causes so many discomfort, what is the use of them having NS and getting more MC than men. Most women are weak/fragile, if you have them at NS doing nothing or just paperwork/light duties then it is wasting time and resources. Some women may want to serve NS, they're the tougher ones and usually doesn't have problem with their menses. I thought there is already an option for women to volunteer for NS, my gal friend did it, it is good to be an option but definitely not compulsory.
2013-07-25 18:21:51 UTC

Look at what goes on in the army. Would we want our girls to go through this? Besides the NS time served for men is too long. It should be shortened. Also who would our girls be defending, when 50% of our people are foreigners.

By delaying the age of marriage (ie by 2 years), even less babies would be born, or born with complications. Women already serve 'national service' by giving birth. And it is a lifetime commitment. And during times of war when the men are out fighting, who looks after the family? It is the women. If women are also enlisted, what would happen to the children?
2013-07-25 18:01:27 UTC
No, women should not serve NS, cause their main priority is to take care of home ( parents, children). The women should be treated with care and love.


answer: YES, YES, YES, All the foreigners (Male and Female) should serve National service for a period of at least 10 years with no pay, don't worry food and accommodation will be provided at the camp. after serving 10 years of national service, then these SOB foreigners should be considered for low wage jobs in singapore (construction, cleaners, etc). and most important point, the foreigners will never ever be given Singapore citizenship, cos they don't deserve it.
2013-07-25 15:13:48 UTC
Women should serve National service and No they should not be given this option.

Why is it that Singaporean males have this national obligation but not Singaporean Females?

The safety and security of Singapore should be a join effort.

2)The same tenure as that of the males

3) Combat: Infantry

Non combat: logistics/transport: women are better with these things.
2013-07-25 09:30:55 UTC
Many accidents in army are covered up, if all is made know to all, which parent in the right mind would still want their princess to go through it?

There is a case a recruit put it on forum, but kanna "threaten" , cos it will look bad on them..

The $ingapore now is not what it used to be..

Anyone can be given a choice, and not enforce it like for males, just like communist.If dun serve NS, DB or jail the bugger..It being forced!!

Even if really wartime, soldiers die, leaders run...

I have so many friends (singaporean), is ust that they do not have the ability to migrate with family, if they have, all will flee...the reason that cannot run away from the communist is because normal stuff are already expensive, thus will be left to die in SG.
2013-07-25 04:09:41 UTC
Singapore woman should serve NS compulsory too, it is important for national identity just like Israel.

1) Compulsory to serve just like all Singapore son and Israel.

2) NS should change to 1 year for all Singapore men and women.

3) Can be combat and non combat role.

Women in NS is a good idea, national bonding...
2013-07-28 09:54:40 UTC
1) YES

2)Women,should be allowed to serve at the same duration as the men. Why be a hypocrite, fighting for equality in all aspects, yet shun NS?

3) Women are naturally suited for medical, nursing and non-combat appointments. This is necessary to replace the vacancy caused by the low birth rate (partially caused by them).From research, it was found that Women have been saying to those Foreign talents that their "national service" is giving birth. NO! they are NOT doing their job, for whatsoever reasons. (It seems that Singaporeans all know why inside their hearts).

Singaporean men are really a pathetic lot! They need to serve NS, are so far behind their ladies of the same age when they enter society, still need to serve a 10 year reservist cycle?

I really pity them. And they said they are defending the Foreign Talents now? No wonder so many are emigrating to other countries!
2013-07-25 17:57:36 UTC
I don't think so that is necessary. We need to give birth, etc, it might affect our health or maybe internal injuries. How about girls who is gentle, soft and maintains beauty. Do you think we can make it? I don't even think we can take it with the food provided and the hygiene that we're going to go through especially when the training is in the forest. Sorry to say. If it happens that we were to come menses, do we even have time/place to change our pad?

What do we get by serving NS? It never help us with anything. Even if men go to NS I don't think if there is war they will protect the country. I guess everybody will just protect their own selves. To my knowledge men went to NS waste a lot of time. Example if women and men who have the same age, women may tend to start working and having their own stable career. But for men, they have to serve NS then they can work. And to find a job after NS, it may take a longer time as not all companies can accept them due to no working experience. Some men may have to defer their NS due to studies. After that then they have to serve NS. By then isn't it too late for them to find job with their age and having a stable financial/career/family? How will our Singaporeans survive? Especially with the foreigners taking over many jobs.

In conclusion I do hope women should NOT serve NS. And as for the men, to reduce their intake years so that they do not waste much time.
2013-07-25 13:00:31 UTC
SG women can serve the NS, duration can be same as the men but need not to be in the combat roles. They are part of SG and should know what's & how our defence system all about. They can play their part in the logistic or admin roles, need not appoint a highly wage chief clerk or staff sergent to handle those logistic or admin stuffs as they are wasting the tax payers money. Let the women NSF handled them as they were believed to be better and detailed just like your wife or mum handled the home logistic. However ,women can served shorter reservist period & I believed by doing above mentioned, they knew better about what's their boyfriend, husband or son are doing during the NS. Don't you think it's good?
Pak G
2013-07-25 11:52:56 UTC
1) Yes, women should.Everyone should serve the nation.

2) 1 year.

3) No combat roles for both genders please. Rather, they should do social roles eg. projects that serve the community, caregiving to the sick and old etc. Not only can life skills be learnt (this helps make better men and women for their other life roles in future), they also learn to have compassion for others too. Connectedness with the community and the nation helps citizens forge national and social identity.

We should not wait for calamity to happen before our ppl work together towards a common cause. This should be forged in everyday living. We just need to learn to live together as one. High rise apartment living has already moulded us into aloof beings - with many of us not knowing our nearest neighbours. National service in social causes is the best civic/moral lessons not those conducted in classrooms!
2013-07-25 08:32:10 UTC
Hahaa! I am a female and I would rather not serve national service... I would like to help protect singapore, but I am not cut out for body-building activities... HOWEVER, YES women should be given a choice to serve.. There are many girls that would like to serve in the army, but aren't allowed by parents. One thing you can do is to show these parents that girls are safe to be in the army... Whenever I see an advertisement about the army, all I see are male soldiers. And, if these girls would like to serve, the appropriate length would be the same for the males. It would be unfair to the males if these girls are let off easily. However, taking note of their periods should also be important during the army. As for the treatment they receive, they should be treated the same as for the male as if they are to willingly sign on, they should be prepares to be treated like soldiers.

I do not know much about army so what I may be saying maybe redundant. But, this is my opinion.
2013-07-25 07:33:49 UTC
1) No.. it should be compulsory, our good old neighbor Malaysia made it mandatory for both men & women to serve, why shouldn't Singapore follow the same. Strictly not for pregnant women, also it will boost Singapore birth rate indirectly... how? if the women want to escape the NS, they can get pregnant...! hit one stone to kill two problems!!!

2) One year minimum for women and a choice to serve full as men.

3) They can be medic, logistics, office admin etc for non-combat. Should be given a choice for entering combat role if their body is fit. They can also be in Home team like SPF & SCDF.
2013-07-25 07:05:29 UTC
To those who say yes to women doing NS,

Let me ask you a few question.

1) will you let you daughter go in?

2) will you let your girl friend go in?

3) will you let your sister go in?

4) will you let you mother go in?!

To the minister and powerful,

- will you let your SON go in?

-dare you scrap away white horse?

I served many years ago to protect my love ones and country.

Today the boys protect the same plus many Foreign new citizen/PR that appear out of nowhere to make money here and enjoy the comfort here.

Tomorrow when we have 6.9M population, the next generation will be protecting the new import more than our families..

In the furture when even the girls are not enough, will you recall me when i am 60-70 yrs old?

NS is the way to have a low cost army. The boy pay with their two years plus many years of reservists. Its not free for them. Don't make the girls pay as well! Are you man or not? want the girls to protect you?

Address the issues with the PR, New citizens, priveledge group first. Dont touch the girls..

Make them serve as well as they benefit from the success of the country.They will run home on the first sign of trouble. This not their home..

If they don't serve then let them pay a yearly defence tax so we can pay the NS boy better/higher for their effort and sacrifice.

Dont Abuse our own boys.

Make it fair. Your question sound like the goverment trying to soft sell the idea..

Which girl or father who want their daughters to join the army Call SAF Career Center. They have always been open! Hello??

If you you think your boys are too precious to serve, i will box you if you touch my girl!
2013-07-25 06:06:51 UTC
1) Should they be given a choice to serve?

Compulsory as per SG men

2) What is the appropriate length of service?

Total 12mths : 3 mths BMT and 6-9mths of service in non combat roles

3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill?

non combat roles like Medical / administration / telecoms etc
2013-07-25 03:08:29 UTC
I'm a male and i served my NS, but i don't think females should serve. They have a choice if they want they can sign on. But i found it interesting, It came out in the newspaper few months back. Statistic shows more Singaporean women are marrying Caucasian men. Why? Is it because they want to get away from this country?
I Am Thinking
2013-07-25 02:53:35 UTC
I believe that they shouldnt' do NS, but do Community Service instead. It is not an unknown secret that a large number of singaporean girls these days are soft and take things for granted. Perhaps a 2 month community service would be a fruitful life changing experience. This humbling experience would help make the next gen of singaporeans a more open minded and generous one. This 2 months is followed by a 1 month course in first aid, AED and CPR. These life long skills would serve them well. They would have to pass the proficiency tests to end their 3 month "service".

This is just my 2 cents anyway.
2013-07-25 02:49:20 UTC
This really depends on how serious this matter of "insufficient soldier" is to the Singapore ministers. Base on their "Professional View" what is the chances that a war will outbreak that involves Singapore? Assume that its seriously important to be 110% prepared then the government better implement it as compulsory for all gender.

I've also seen voluntary women soldiers in Tekong during my BMT but they are there only for 3 weeks. Is it sufficient for them to really go for war if there's an outbreak? I'm there for 3months training and another 3months training in Tengah but I still feel that is not the least sufficient.

Even if all the people do serve NS, are we combat ready and tough enough to handle a real war? I really doubt even with high end technology and equipment our SAF has.

One very golden question. Has any soldier in the NAVY, SAF or RSAF has been to a real war before? Not as a medic or support but real frontline cruel bloody war.

Conclusion. doesn't matter whether women serve NS or not. Active soldier nowadays are getting softer and softer. Talk very well but can't really fight.

I nearly wanted to sign on but from what I see and learn in NS, I couldn't fell the honour even though if I were to become a commander or officer.
2013-07-25 19:24:12 UTC
NO!! they should not be made to serve compulsory National Service

I don't see any valid reason for the ladies to be call up. It's not like our national defence is at stake if they are not inducted.

Come on, it doesn't mean that our women are sitting pretty while our men are doing their NS .

The social and economic value our women contribute to Singapore cannot be measure and quantify while our men are doing their national duties up to age 40.

Stop trying to create more problems, like more labour shortages and gaps, dropping birthrates, etc through inducting our women into NS and thus resulting in even more inflow of FTs into our workforce.
2013-07-25 17:52:28 UTC

I'm a woman and am currently pregnant. Honestly last time when people talk abt pregnancy issues, I have no idea abt it until I'm into the stage myself. Let me share some issues woman face:


I'm ordered complete bed rest by my gynae. Some may think that it is shiok to lie in bed but let me tell you that it is not shiok at all. It is very boring as i am not able to do anything. As a mother to be, I am constantly worried as well. I also went through the common pregnancy symptoms: nausea, severe backache, leg cramps, difficulty in breathing and severe chest pain (because the uterus are pushing the rib cage apart to make space for the baby). I woke up a couple of times crying because of the pain and I need my husband's help to sit up because it was so painful that I cannot move at all. Pregnancy isn't easy I feel.

Discrimination against women in jobs:

I went for an interview (a few years back ) and the interviewers said that I had good chance of getting the job. When they saw that I just got married in my job application form, they asked if I had any plans of starting a family. When I replied that I have not thought about it, they added that they would have to find a replacement for me if I should become pregnant. The next thing I knew, I was not selected for the job. When I spoke to other females, I realized that they went through similar encounters at other companies as well.

Guys doing NS:

I cannot answer for all the girls in Singapore but I do appreciate guys who went through the grueling NS to protect their loved ones. I am proud of my husband and I am sure that he will be able to protect me and our kid in times of need. I'm sure that Singapore guys have no qualms about doing NS in order to protect singaporeans and their loved ones (country as family is the basic unit of society) even though women don't do NS as they have other roles to fulfill.

Women having head start in their careers:

Women do have a head start in their careers but look at it in another perspective, that means the young couple can have more savings and be able to afford to buy a house and settle down earlier. If women are to be enlisted in NS, I am sure that their marriage age will be delayed further and will affect their child bearing years as they have to work in order to save up to start a family. This will worsen the problem of a dwelling population and encourage more influx of foreigners.


I am having a baby boy so I am not biased here. My issue would be what are our NS guys protecting currently with the huge influx of foreigners? I do not feel the sense of belonging as I used to feel when I was young. Is this still my country? The trains and streets are pack with people of different nationals and I do feel like I'm in another country. With females enlisted in NS, I think that companies will discriminate even more in hiring true blue Singaporean.
2013-07-25 07:58:17 UTC
I think we can offer the opportunity to serve NS to women but not force them to.

The following are my immediate thots of this topic:

Singaporeans have quite small families. So let's say in a family of 4, the kids are still very young, no relative or grandparents, both father and mother got called for re-service. Who can they arrange to take care of the kids and feel safe abt it?

A lot of my guy friends prefer gentle women with fair skin. Getting all women to serve NS, getting them buffed and tanned, with combat skills might actually be bad for their dating opportunity.

Some don't see how a mother who slog at home is actually a full time difficult job. They take it for granted that mothers should slog.

Different girls have different emotional tolerance. Guys have more ability to ignore things they don't like. In army camp, where scolding from superior is the norm, guys usually able to ignore, maybe get mad a bit but move on pretty fast. Some girls do not have the tolerance to take this no matter how much you train them to.

When women speak abt equality, they are talking abt equal opportunity. Yet some men see it in this manner -> if I can carry 100KG of rice, women must be able too because they ask for stupid equality mah. (-_-)
2014-10-19 05:56:04 UTC
In fact, this is nothing new. Women have been in service as regulars or contracted staff since day one. Having been out for over 40 years (ROD 1972 & Reservist till 1995), I don't quite know what is the structure now but during our days we had the PDF(People Defence Force). This unit had all women who did all the non-combatant roles but they underwent the same training process - maybe not same curriculum - as the other soldiers. Many of them were on contracts and some permanent. In the PDF there were many part-time personnel - as unit soldiers, NCOs and Officers. So if all women are drafted into the SAF, and if husband and wife go to war. Who is left at home to run house and country...the Maid? Women are the fairer sex, intellectually equal, but still the fairer sex. The general populace of females cannot carry more, run faster, exert agression to kill, etc.. better than then the general Male populace. So envision what both husband and wife, sister and brother, mother and father will do in war, and you will be able to imagine suitable roles for all when war breaks out. if we can assign and train the women for those roles.. then lets open up NS for women. If not..we are not ready to.
2013-07-26 01:32:27 UTC
There is no need for female serving in NS.....

It will be dramatic after seeing what females are passing through in US and Australia Military, this will bring Sg NS into sport light because that will be an apple opportunity for superiors to use their powers to hurt the females in many ways.

Death sentence should be impose on any officer who rape or forcefully bite off female solders...check that out....

I read about someone saying PR should be ask to serve in NS, that is bushit... No one support war and lot of people wont allow their family members to go into war. If our country is a free country, they should allow anyone who wants to live and invest come live. But the Ideal of forcing individuals in NS or whatever it might be called, is known as Man in humanity to man and is totally not a free country.... one third of the citizens will flee as some has already done.
Cutie Lady
2013-07-26 00:42:57 UTC
Not for women. We have our own role to play.

How much is the government going to pay the women for NS?

Just a peanut that help the family? May as well work outside to get more income.

If a low income family, both son and daughter in NS, who is going to help their financial income and how much can the government help?

All the price are going up but not the salary. Government should do some measure for all these.
2013-07-25 22:35:59 UTC
Women should serve NS and the duration can be anywhere from 12 to 18 months. Roles they can play will be in the nursing (health care related), administrative, and catering services in the Armed Forces.
Edward Chan
2013-07-25 22:25:45 UTC
Yes. They should be given the choice to serve NS. They should also be given a choice to serve in combat units.The trick is managing a mix gender combat unit. The Americans and Isrealis have done so for many years, perhaps we can learnt from them.

Also, women are not "weak" as some people suggest. They may be physically weaker but when it comes to enduring pain, they may not be the weaker gender.
2013-07-25 20:16:19 UTC
We are in the 21st century. Women are fighting for gender equality, and I for one believe in it. In the belief of equality, Women, like the men, should serve National Service.

1.) It should be mandatory like the men.

2.) 2 years is a good length. They would be able to learn something from the training.

3.) Personally, non-combat role would be more ideal as the training would be less rigorious, but they should be given a choice.
2013-07-25 19:48:33 UTC
Y should a woman serve NS in the first place? Let's go back in time. Our warriors who took on the battlefield were mostly men! Because the role of a man is to protect the country and his family. A woman takes care of her family and herself. Yes times have changed, but the reason for men to go to NS stands on the ground to go back in time as well as physically a man's body is built to have more muscle tissues compared to a woman. A woman's main priority is to take care of motherhood. The 21st century has brought so many changes that women have to adop many roles and challenges and yet maintain her body during child-bearing years. So y raise this question in the first place? And another thing, we can't ignore the fact that more men are turning gay. So are we facing a shortage of 'real' men to serve NS? So what's the real reason for raising this up in the first place?
2013-07-25 12:08:35 UTC
I believe the women should answer this. In the quest for equality, women here should fight for their basic right to defend (be it civil or military) their country. While campaigning for equal rights in everything (btw, I strongly believe in equality), why employ selective equality, and fight for the rights to only the good stuff? Shouldn't it be wholistic?

While some (including my wife) argue that child bearing is a form of national service, not every women give birth, but all Singaporean men must serve NS. Furthermore, child birth is a choice that can be refused.
2013-07-25 07:44:26 UTC
1. Combat roles should only begin with a smaller scale selecting girls that had won 3 or more gold awards in school fitness test. If they want to "geng" inorder to avoid NS, so be it. Those who are keen will definateIy work hard. It will widen the present female combat pool without being compulsive.

2. The rest should be trained as medics or cooks.

3. SAF should foresee the possible sexual related problems that are rampant in USA army & China PLA. We shouldn't repeat their mistakes, if not we shouldn't bring up this issue at all.

4. I might be a panaroid, but this might be A TRAP that foreign controlled feminist LAID for us! As a woman, I would beseech all Singaporeans to BEWARE INSTEAD OF AWARE.
2013-07-25 04:17:31 UTC

Base on my experience back in those days. Serving NS is fun, With regards all the inhuman torture. I shall list one of the example, My friend had a broken arm and was FORCED remain in pushup position for about an hour together with the whole company on the bloody road under the bloody hot sun. Firstly do you know how hot the freaking road is? our hands got burnt and blisters all over. Secondly, We are all dehydrated no rooms for us to even drink a sip of water. Arms were tired and shaking, palms were burnt and blood rushing to our head. Can you imagine the pain of that abuse? However it benefits us in a way be it physically and mentally and ofcoz trained us to endure such inhuman act in this society. I definitely do not wish to see my female friends getting into such abuse. Moreover service two years of our youth as a cheap labor fair for us? As for low education people like me. Getting $600 a month after POP, how barely sufficient for a 3 meals and transportation not to even mentioned that if our family background isn't doing well. Have the higher ops taken these into consideration? Ask yourself.

Why no nation service for female:

Here's my answer.

How many deaths are there in the camp or even during trainings? Why does all the deaths classified as unnatural deaths? Come to think of it. We guys knew what the training is like as well as the welfare. If female were to join NS. Likely to see (1) abusing of authority for sexual purpose and (2) more deaths to come, be it a suicide or tired to death.


We could handle and protect the country on our own.

Ofcoz we as a citizen do not have the right of speech. Just suggesting only. Cheers =)

Best regards,

2013-07-25 04:09:14 UTC
IF .... becoz its true. To protect who ??

If women to serve NS, it will be the basic 2-3 months

basic training to build up system & discipline.

Thereafter, they are more relevant in the clericals / admins,

medicals, lecturers, cooks & even intellegence (spies).

So that they can free up the men for the combatve roles.

Age should be 19 & lenght should be one year as they

have to fill up the workforce & homes too.

Having said that, men should enlist at age 19 too when

they are slightly more mature to handle stress & tough

trainings & undergo just 1 1/2 years is enough, follows

by few reserve services.

2 - 2 1/2 years are just seeing repeatations of most

training & too many in-camps thereafter are just doing

nothing constructives & jeopardising their careers.
2013-07-25 03:58:49 UTC
1) Yes they should be given free choice. The modern era military requires talents that is not gender based as high tech equipment is an essential part.

2) As a profession

3) No restriction. In the new combat era, both are important. A battle may be won behind the desk. If front line battle is required, the latest weaponry can be handled by woman also. The woman just need guts to go to the front line.
2013-07-25 02:31:03 UTC
What is the main purpose of NS in the first place?

We have 5 defence actually we should set up one more on "Cyber defence"

The guys have took up most of the military and Civil defence

The girls could take up other area of our total defence. At any crisis at the very least there are still 1 group of people specialize in doing what they are trained best.This could also be put to used in their career later.

I don't see why letting girls do NS is a bad idea.

In fact we should not let PRs take up NS. We should instead restrict their privileges in Singapore instead. (ie housing, schools etc)
2013-07-27 03:21:50 UTC
1) If they would like to serve then they should.

2) They should be given the same length of service a male person have to serve.

3) That depends on their level of suitable, education level.

What i think Singaporean have to focus on is, whether foreigners have to serve Ns.

I would like to point a few facts that should be look into

1) Permeant resident have to serve Ns for male like any other male in Singapore

2) Not only their eldest son but any male who turns 18 and is still in Singapore

Please share you opinion, thank you.
Melvin C
2013-07-25 20:06:26 UTC
Sure, I think they too, should have some form of NS, and national education, physical education added into it. But need not be in the same capacity. There are may ways to serve the nation.

The girls can serve as:


1. Nursing. Advantages: In time of crisis, when all male singaporean can hold guns, all female can tender to the wounds and injured.

2. Admin support. There are plenty of Ministry we can use in the area of admin. In the end, the girls will also learn some admin skills.

3. Logistic support. There are various department where such people are needed, not just restricted in SAF. SPF, SCDF, even other ministries like customs, finance, etc. Advantages: Logistic skills, and Lowering the cost of manpower cost.

4. Kindergarten support. Advantages: Practical skills in child handling, lowering the cost of child-care.


There are plenty of other use in of the female Singaporean's 2 yrs of service. All we need is to be creative.

So, when we think of National Service, please do not just think of Army.
2013-07-25 18:37:51 UTC
I think women should serve NS for about six months in non combat ops but should be given the option to choose a combat operations if their health is up to it!
2013-07-25 04:49:15 UTC
1. Yes they should be given a choice to serve.

2. If NS is compulsory, then they too should serve the same length as men.

3. Any role is suitable as long as they're fit to do the job.
Zayanah Tasneem
2013-07-26 03:18:51 UTC
It is no doubt that NS helps to strengthen bonds between Singapore women, but there are many challenges. It has to be a choice to choose from. It cannot be compulsory. No matter what, the fact remains that women have a lower physical capacity. They cannot be forced to serve NS. I thoroughly understand the need to do so. But it is not feasible and practical.
2013-07-26 00:46:10 UTC
Yes, Singapore women should be made to serve National Service. Not in the traditional combat roles in the Navy,Army & Air-force, but rather as Nurses. We have too many Pinoys in our hospitals. This is not good. Besides, training as nurses would be good for our women to be more down-to-earth and acts as a character moulding training.
Roger Wilco
2013-07-26 00:28:41 UTC
If it is a matter of equality for the sexes, I think that's a dumb reason.

If it is because we need more soldiers, better to make the male PRs up to age 32 serve.

If it is because the army needs cheap(er) labour for non-comabt roles, we can do better than that. Our country can pay its leaders so well. I am certain we can pay decent wages for non-combat roles.

If any woman wants to volunteer, by all means, but no, please don't mandate it. That is a bad idea. That the men have to spend so much time during their NS and later as Reservists already costs the economy so much. It is essential for the men. Please don't waste more of our resources making women do the same for poor reasons.
2013-07-26 00:19:22 UTC
No, women shouldn't be made to do NS as they do not have the strength of guys ('cow strength').

There are already women who are in the uniformed forces. Why made other women to follow suit?

Moreover, women are not really 'safe' while doing NS. If I don't remember wrong, Malaysia has women in the NS. What happen to those recruits? Some are being raped by their instructions!

Women are at the losing end for they are scared and will be punished if they are not obedient.
2013-07-25 23:30:20 UTC
No, it should not be made compulsory for women to serve in the SAF. Yes, possible and recommended for women to serve in the Home Team (SPF/SCDF) so that abled men in the PESA/B category can be allocated to SAF to make up for the shortfall of new recruits. There are numerous women already serving in the police and civil defence force, so it shouldn't be of much problem should every women be required to do NS. In fact, 15 months, including 3 mths BMT, is more than enough to train a man from zero to hero, and is applicable to all vocations. So what did the guys do after completion of their vocational training? Do duty, eat, sleep, off days... wait for ORD.
2013-07-25 22:19:54 UTC
Yes it a very very good idea

Singapore women should do National service. Men as soldiers and women has nurses. Its a win win situation for Singapore as in real battle we need more nurses then soldiers to take care of the wounded. Even at peaceful times we need nurses ( We are really in a big shortage of nurses)

Let the women do a year of national service and then select the best ones to become permanent in hospitals and there will never be shortage of nurses in singapore.

2013-07-25 21:56:11 UTC
why don't use ask the man to give birth and take care of the children also? Man should serve NS so that they are ready to protect the country. Think for others not for yourself.

even woman has to join in National Service only for the purpose is to learn to protect the children and the old during the war time.

Everyone has its own role to do. if everyone is to be the soldier, who will take care of the young, injured , sick and the old in the war time?
2013-07-25 21:48:34 UTC
Why should women be made to serve when new immigrants are exempt? Just scrap NS altogether and see how many men and women volunteer to sign up. Why should our children have to protect the assets of a bunch of mega rich tax evaders who will run at the first sign of trouble? Why should they have to serve a country that is controlled by a small band of elites who will also scoot away once the **** hit the fan?
2013-07-25 18:00:17 UTC
Take a look at the strawberry generations guys that are serving the NS now
 Compare to the old skool army training that I've been through. Now is toufu army training, soft and delicate. I don’t think we can depend on toufus should Singapore seriously go into war
 Since the strawberry gen guys couldn’t even make it, less say the gals, and please don’t waste the tax payers’ money and the gals’ youth

Not unless the garment already decided and firm on asking the gals to serve but asking for the sake of asking just to seek opinions
2013-07-25 17:22:39 UTC
Singapore men to give birth: Should they be made to give birth?

The debate about Singapore men to give birth has gathered steam in recent months.

1) Should they be given a choice to be pregnant?

2) What is the appropriate length of maternity?

3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill? eg breast-feed?

Let us know if you think men to give birth is a good idea.
2013-07-25 17:00:19 UTC
What National Service you talking about?

If serve as Army, using gun/weaspons , answer is : NO

If serve as nurse, then YES

This topic had already mention many times for pass few years.

I also tell my officers before and they said this idea very good but no news.

IF there is war, will u think the foreign nurse will stay and do nuring for injury soldiers?

NO, they already took 1st class flight back home.

Left singaporean ladies ( no knowledge of nuring at all) to fill up in hospital to help

those busy doctors, without any knowledge of nuring in hospital, how to medic or support the doctors?

Also can serve as temp fill up shortage of manpower current we facing .
2013-07-25 15:14:30 UTC
They should serve NS. No reason that men should be the only ones to serve. That's an outdated idea, given that women serve in combat positions traditionally reserved for men. They should serve the same time span as men.
Anoynmous OWEN
2013-07-25 09:58:02 UTC
1. That depends on both the TFR and migration rate of more PRs to meet the required population by 2030. Since TFR hasn't been looking good and the current policy on new PRs would exempt them from doing NS, who knows if it will suddenly become compulsory.

2. And should that be the case, it can't be any less than what the current length of service is. There's no point to it if you want to have non-commissioned and especially commissioned officers.

3. Any of the combat/non-combat roles as they can suitably fill of course. Keypoint of course is "suitably" afterall.
2013-07-25 07:30:54 UTC
I think it is right for Singapore Women to serve in national service, with options for them to choose if they prefers combat or non-combat vocation, unlike men are based on their fitness. I think 1 year is fair enough for ladies. I knows Israelis men & women both serve their country and most of them still are successful men and women after their service, so I don't think women should be exempt from serving the our country as well.
2013-07-25 06:39:44 UTC
Yes, women also should get choice to serve.

Appropriate length of service should be lesser than men due to physical limitation.

Preferable Non combat roles but there should be option for combat roles if they interested.
Shaik Syasya
2013-07-25 06:12:00 UTC
Yes of course they should be given a choice to serve. Women may be physically weaker than men but you can't say the same about their mentality.

0.5 - 2 years.

No idea, but Singapore needs to follow Malaysia's example of sending women to NS for a compulsory 6 months.
Roland T
2013-07-25 05:02:55 UTC
Women and men are all Singaporeans so women should serve NS too in different roles and scope.

They are as capable to serve as the men.

As for length , 1 year should be a good length for them to understand the need to protect our country and instill the patriotism in them. I think the men NS should be cut down to a year too given the advance in technology and changes in the warfare environment and landscape
2013-07-25 03:00:19 UTC
1) Should they be given a choice to serve? (NO, men were not given chance to decide how 2~2.5years of their life going to be spent)

2) What is the appropriate length of service? (SAME 2~2.5years as women always asking to be equalled to men)

3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill? (ALL combat/non-combat are all suitable)

*Let's not get misled and carried away with this topic here...PRs are the main focus to be subjected to National Service as PRs should not be taken or treated any differently from Singaporean citizens here in this country !!
2013-07-25 02:37:41 UTC
Why women have to serve ? to protect what ?

In time of war /crisis, Who and What is there to protect in Singapore this days. The highest paid ministers, PR and the F Trashes?

NS has lost its meaning when the foreigners and PRs' population are greater than Singaporean. We are currently fighting to protect the foreigners instead of Singaporean. Please daughters of Singapore, if you think of advised to you All signed on as Regulars!!

Should Singaporean sons even need to do NS this days?

We soon be taken over by Foreigners, let the PR and F Trashes do NS ...!
Sunshine Day!
2013-07-25 02:35:47 UTC
Women Serve NS, why not?

Women should be given same chance as men.

We have women in the University, Poly, Workplaces, Banks and so on.

Tell me the difference between SG women and Israel or USA women.

Some women can even do much better in the army than men.

I see here there a lot of talents and potential being wasted by not giving chance for women to go to NS
2013-07-26 00:50:51 UTC
No. Women are made to be love.

Men should serve NS 2 years. No reservice and ippt there after.

And work all the way without disrupt.
2013-07-25 04:37:10 UTC
The question should not be 'Should Singapore Women serve NS'

It should be that all foreigners who wanna be Singapore PRs should serve NS before being a resident here. Its not fair that we Singaporeans serve NS and this 'Foreigners' come here and just get their citizenship with whatever requirement. They should also serve NS and do their part before being allowed to get PR status and that they will also do their part to protect Singapore should anything happens rather then just go back to their own country.
2013-07-28 14:39:09 UTC
Women already have to go through pregnancy (9 months for each child + 1 month of postnatal inconveniences and restrictions) as well as work full-time and alongside, care for the family in all nitty- gritty details down to planning every meal daily & teach their preschool and school going children & stay up practically all night when children are unwell, etc, while their men merely focus on their career (at least, majority of my married friends with kids experience such situations). So any men wanted to discuss equality might want to consider if this is equality. Should there be a day when men can deliver babies and hold equal responsibilities in caring for their children, then yes, feel free to enlist women into NS.
2014-11-15 21:46:40 UTC
Definitely YES. Remember a lady DJ from Singapore comment that NS should continue despite haze? That shows some women think that NS is easy. It will be great to let the women have a taste of man's medicine.
2013-07-27 17:56:58 UTC
1) Yes, as I do not think it should be mandatory for them.

2) No Comments.

3) Up to them to choose.

The answers as above as it is freedom of choice for the SINGAPOREAN women to choose whether they want to pursue National Defence as a career, which in fact is available though not all roles (Combat especially) are available.

Side track: I think the pressing question is now that we are enlisting all SINGAPOREANs for NS which takes away their time, efforts and in the end money, opportunities, life, etc. to protect Singapore which is now half non-SINGAPOREANs. This is not fair to SINGAPOREANs which protect the country only to protect the half who comes to steal their liveihoods. And the non-SINGAPOREANS (PRs and anything else), are not liable in anyway to National Defence, they come enjoy the fruits of labour and leave when situation is not right, and bringing all they have away with them. They want the security they have here, they got to sacrifice/earn it. In what ways, I cannot suggest or comment now in a fair way and I am not political incline. Maybe others can give some good suggestions.
2014-06-25 17:38:49 UTC
Women in NS is definitely a very good. It would not only strengthen them physical, mentally and their commitment as responsible and valuable citizens. It would also be fairer to our men giving them equal opportunities such as starting tertiary education or career. All Singapore citizens, men and women should be treated equally. Besides, there are already women now serving in the police force and the SAF. So it should not be an issue.
2013-07-26 02:22:55 UTC
Number 1, why should woman serve NS? Tell Singaporean why you White's clothes want them to serve? Purpose? What will the woman benefit from and what does this country benefits?

Number 2, is not about the lenght, its about the pay.

Numbrr 3, then let the woman and Singaporean decides.
2013-07-25 23:49:50 UTC
Before any Singapore Lady can be considered, let our esteemed incumbents from the Prostitutes Always Pander have the gonads and spines to demand ALL Froth Trash males who are granted Singapore Citizenship must serve at least 2 years National Service and 8 years in their respective NSmen cycles.

Qualification for criteria for ALL Male Froth Trash. Males ages should be from 2 years old to 50 years old. Need not serve in a physically demanding vocation. Can also be made to serve in the service industries even tapping on their professional qualifications (If any) to provide services as part of their "National Service" to Singapore. Only qualify for subsidised housing after completing at least 3 years of "NSmen In-Camp Training cycles"

As for the Froth Trash females they must serve a mandatory 2 years "Nation Service" to Singapore before being considered for citizenship.....
Chian P
2013-07-25 22:10:57 UTC
(1) Not just be given a chance issue but girls should serve full time national service the same way as like the boys.

(2) The length of service should be the same as the boys.

(3) Probably non-combat mostly but conbat role for those may be volunteered for and fit to perform.
2013-07-25 20:52:48 UTC
"Apart from fulfilling military requirements, National Service has also played an important role in nation building. By bringing young Singapore from diverse backgrounds together, it helps to forge unity and cohesion among Singaporeans." (Ong, 2002)

Women are also part of the nation and though in the past, women played supportive roles to those men when they are away serving the nations- this in a way is also national service and needs to be acknowledged.

However, options can also be explore to include young ladies to serve the nation in an active way but in different roles serving the nation's needs. Health care sector is always facing manpower issues worldwide and engaging foreign nurses in third world countries are not ethical as we are seen robbing their own citizens of their own 'trained nurses' to serve our needs! It is also not a long-term solution.

If we can train a regular pool of ladies with the basic nursing skills, rotating them in the various restructured hospital during their 18 months tenure, it will definitely be one great solution to address the shortage of nurses in Singapore. Those training they gained is also a life-skill for them when the finish NS. Some additional modules can be included in their training eg first aid and disaster management, so that they can be recalled in event of national disaster. This ladies will be given certification in Basic Nursing Training and if possible, this qualification must be endorsed by Singapore Nursing Board. Should they wish to pursue this area of service as a career, some modules exemption can be granted.

It will involve the various national stakeholders eg Health Ministry, Civil Defence, Singapore Nursing Board, Nursing education department etc to plan this with support from policy-makers to make this happen. Ladies serving the nation in this approach help solve our national needs, acquire a life-skill and contribute to our community, and promote building a cohesive nation.

Serene Tan (student, master in health administration)
2013-07-25 19:29:31 UTC
This is my humble opinion,

First of all to all men who keep complaining on asking the women to serve NS, grow some balls. stop bitching about unfairness and inequality and stuff. FYI, the world is never fair. It's only fair in your head or textbook. I fully support those people who replied that woman has it worst especially child-bearing ones and mother. Carrying the child for 9 months and putting her life on the line when giving birth is way too harrowing for them. None of us can feel the pain they go through.

Stop complaining who were are defending this country for?, for the FTs or MIW or rich. I suggest you people change your mentality and said I'm defending it for my mother, father or siblings or your wife, your son or daughter simply i'm defending this country for my family sake. if this is not worth defending for then I rest my case.

Those suggest to that women to serve NS in medical line or as a nurse, it a good suggest but then again, nursing is a calling. You cant force them to do it, they might abuse or negligent in duties to look after the patients. Even professional nurses do abuse or negligent in their duties though it a small figure here. And those who say they wont, come on guys, i can say 90% of you "kheng" or just chin cai do your NS duties.

And let look at this scenario, if all the woman who are eligible to go NS, got enlisted, who will fill up the jobs in the market? who will the companies rely on to get their employees? My bet, FT. so don't give them more ammo to hire more FTs.

All of us need to develop and have a wide and forward looking vision. Not narrow, telescopic vision to this matter. If there's a need to do NS, then its should be PR. made it compulsary for them.
2013-07-25 19:23:05 UTC
What is the objective of national services?

1. To protect our homeland and prevent foreign invasion.

Anyway with more than 40% are foreigners, we had already been overrun. Whose interest are we protecting anyway.

Singapore population was last recorded at 5.3 million people in 2012. Singapore Population averaged 3.06 Million from 1960 until 2012. (source from

Dec 2011. total population 5.26 mil. Citizens 3.27 mil, PR 0.54 mil, non-resident population 1.46 mil.

3.27 mil : 2 mil. (source from Tell me which country in the world had this sort of ratio?

Bringing this topic of girls doing NS, it is telling us there is a great shortage of manpower that need to be address.

Get the able-bodied PR to serve a shorter period NS, they don't have to be in combat roles. There are many vocation that are short of manpower. Now we are seeing local guys going for NS, the PR go for further studies after completing their A level or poly diploma. Guys sweating in NS, PR having fun with our local girls. Make them serve too!

Singapore Women in National Service can serve as nurses, (for a period of 1-2 years) don't need to wear the green uniform. Serving as nurses is doing a great service too.
2013-07-25 18:14:53 UTC
Is better that women nowadays serve NS As part of racial harmony programme. I think the length of service should be one and the half years and for first 3 months train them combat service as the same as male enlistee. After 3 months basic military training maybe can send them to service vocation such as medical staff, cook, driver, clerk and others.
2013-07-25 12:19:50 UTC
1. Should not serve

-Spending time in NS, means they will enter Uni later. Will start work later, will get marry later, will have kids later. While the biological clock ticks away, You will have an even higher percentage of unmarried women and fewer Singapore children.

-Singapore women are already tough enough. Serving NS will make them tougher and even more independent, Is this what we want in our women? Do we need more of such characteristics in our women?

- Instead of National Service, women should learn how to cook, how to raise a family with love and warmth, how to raise children of integrity and compassion, how to fill society with more "soft power", this is greatly missing in our society now.
2013-07-25 09:16:01 UTC
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2013-07-25 09:13:24 UTC
Woman should serve, half the duration of men and be given the choice, ie, between age of 18-23.

PRs should serve too, depending on their previous job experiences be posted to wherever needed or as required. Physical training should be included.

This is a way to harmonised the society, creating more understanding among all. Even the weakest has to contribute one way or the other. Time of national service would then be truly appreciated.
2013-07-25 03:05:24 UTC
To Murugasan, Tom, THINKagain, Chinaman, and similar like,

2nd generation PRs are already liable for national service....a lot of Singaporeans dont even know, you should do your homework accordingly.

You may ask what about 1st generation PRs? Well, for this case, these group of people are already working adults who were brought up in their original countries from the day they were born, why should they serve NS once they step foot on Singapore? It makes no sense at all....
2013-07-25 02:18:13 UTC
1) No should be compulsory

2) 2 Years

3) They can serve in the SAF/Police/SCDF/hospitals/pre-schools as training instructors; medical orderlies (combat/non-combat depending on their physical/medical fitness); administrative support staff; technical/logistics support staff; nursing; pre-school teachers; etc.

Women in NS is definitely a very good. It would not only strengthen them physical, mentally and their commitment as responsible and valuable citizens. It would also be fairer to our men giving them equal opportunities such as starting tertiary education or career. All Singapore citizens, men and women should be treated equally. Besides, there are already women now serving in the police force and the SAF. So it should not be an issue.
2013-07-25 01:59:00 UTC
1) Should they be given a choice to serve?

2) What is the appropriate length of service?

3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill?

1) Yes.

2) As long as the men, should they choose to serve, upholding equality.

3) Nurses for the hardworking and injured men ;) They could be leaders. Male soldiers may be more responsive to 'orders' from a woman lol
2013-07-28 19:41:50 UTC
1) Should they be given a choice to serve?

Do men have a choice to serve NS? If can choose, most will not choose to serve. It will not be call "NS - National Service", it a duty not a choice.

2) What is the appropriate length of service?

As medical require longer period of training, they should start during higher secondary schooling (sec three/four), one day per fortnight to attend medical training. After certified, can spend one day / month to serve hospital or related agencies. Need to serve till 35 of age or they become mother as they have other duties as mother which ever come first.

3) What kind of combat/non-combat roles can they suitably fill?

Medical related - nursing, medics, paramedics etc

It will help the country during any disaster / emergency when at least one member in the family is medically train to handle these issues. Can reduce rely on foreign nurse as most ladies are medically trained, more easy for hospital to engage ladies to become nurse.
2013-07-28 20:36:08 UTC
1. Yes women should be given a choice to serve,

2. 3 months for some basic military training/doctrine which include small arm handling to at least know how to handle a personal weapon for defence. All Singaporean must at least know how to handle a personal weapon to defence the nation in time of need. The rest of the 3 months can train to suit those mention on point 3.

3. Some may opt to be more aggressive can be deployed to the Defence Force while the rest can learn the logistic, medical/casualty and admin supports.
2013-07-25 21:12:36 UTC
Yes, women should serve national service like man which is being practice Israel.

1) should be compulsary

2) 2 Years like the men

3) No restriction.
2013-07-25 20:33:24 UTC
I guess there are many roles women can be enlisted to fill in like to be Nurses or volunteer workers where Singapore are having problems in getting locals to go into. Such roles are very much useful when it times of needs like SARS period , WAR or even haze period. I think NS role shouldn't be just combative roles. First aid roles are just as important. At the same time, i think ladies are not too suitable to carry 20kg loads with rifles to fight along men
2013-07-25 19:32:18 UTC
1) Serve for what. Males already suffered, why must we let our ladies suffer as well? Who wants to see their girlfriends, daughters go thru what we guys go thru right? Why let the govt. make our ladies serve NS when most of the PRs are not doing it. Make male foreigners serve NS before you grant them PR status. If foreigners do not want to serve NS, then just issue them work permits and pay non-subsidised rates for all services. I don't belief we do not have enough talents in Singapore to power our small economy. We are not anti-foreigners, but why must we put them ahead of our ladies?

2) Nil

3) Combat/non-combat roles. You crazy or what? Don't even think about it. I'll gladly protect our lady folks anytime. Hey foreigners, don't expect me to guard your interest in times of crisis.
2013-07-25 19:20:48 UTC
If woman have to serve NS as compulsory, can men delivery babies for woman? Think vice verse, woman's stamina are not as great as guys. Yes, woman want to be treated equally but is in term of civilization. When woman delivered babies, calcium will be drained. Woman also have problem like menses & worse of all, some woman have severe cramps. These can not be equal,

For married couples, if woman are on NS for 2 years, their partner can have bachelor's party at home? This may cause higher risk of divorcing. Will guys stay faithful when their wives are away? Will guys take over woman's role to take care of the kids ?

Government should make open for woman who decided to serve NS themselves & not compulsory.
paul s
2013-07-25 18:39:52 UTC
1. Yes, I am totally agreeable to women serving NS.

2. Length of service should be the same as the men.

3. They would have to go through the same SBMT and after the assessment of their fitness, their ability to cope with pressure under duress and their aptitude, then decide what is deem fit for each individual.
Spanish teacher / translator
2013-07-25 12:53:50 UTC
1) Singapore women are stronger than they think they are. I personally feel they should be given the right to serve in the army on a voluntary basis. They can definitely do their bit to defend ther rights as citizens. If given the correct traiing (with the correct attitude) it may make a stronger Singapore.

2) Perhaps the same as men if they are to be vocationally efficient.

3) Female soldiers are not an exception in today's world anymore. We see them playing important roles in various armies - in both combat and non-combat roles.

To fight for their nation, that is our women's right as well as privilege. Plus, we really need them to fight alongside the men when a need arises. Just my opinion.
KH Lim
2013-07-25 10:44:08 UTC
1) Yes. in fact should make it mandatory. The difference in progression due to the national service is creating a wider gap between the gender of the same age. Making both gender serve national service might close up gap, making national service more of a duty to the critzen rather than burden.

2)1 to 2 years depending on the service type. too short time will do no help.

3) Place the women in Hospital, Homes, Civil Defence, and Schools / Government / Charity organisations to serve as volunteers, first aider, clerks , etc by default. Open up options to take up combat vocation for women who are willing to take up challenge.

Those who serve their NS in hospital, homes and other care taking vocation will gain important experience in terms of first aid and nursing. This can serve as internship for those who wish to progress in career as nurses (talk about not enough people willing to take up role of nurses? this might help)

Other positions such as serving in government sector will give working experience. Charity Organisation will also benefit from these extra manpower(more people inside charity organisation, more transparency, detection of corruption/misuse of funds may be a faster.)

On the whole, in times of peace, majority of man will be trained to defend for the country, while women will be serving terms of Social Defence(read from one of the person giving his opinion, which i think is quite true. we should work on that.)
2013-07-25 07:14:32 UTC
I believe woman nowadays are tougher than most people think.

To shorten the gap of 2 years for the man and the woman after graduation, i think it would be a plus for woman to serve.

The woman should serve for 1 year, learning life saving skills, medic, evacuation, logistic, admin, civil defense, basic weapon handling(for self defense in desperate time).......etc.

After the 1 year of service, they will be better prepared even when something happen at home, or sudden situation when outside.

The man go out to war while the woman help the casualty in our country. WIN WIN for Singapore
2013-07-25 02:57:37 UTC
1.Yes they should

2. Anything that is meaningful to serve the objectives. 3-12 months.

3. Logistics, admin, nursing. Combat roles should not expose them to the front lines with risk of being captured by enemy.

In world war 2, men were desperately needed in the front even using the draft. The women were better used in the factories making bombs , weapons , equipment. It also made the women feel involved and hence felt useful and productive. Also patriotic.

Admin roles are wasted on using men especially in the rear. HR , secretariat stuff can be done by non combat females.

Again in wars, troops get injured and are hurriedly rushed back to the rear hospitals to rehabilitate. Nurses can do wonders in helping in hospitals. As it is, our hospitals are staffed with a lot of foreigners and during a war, most of them will leave the country leaving a critical gap. Women will play a vital role in nursing, providing moral support, rehabilitative and convalescent efforts.

Women in combat roles have been debated in other countries . With a few countries putting them in combat roles eg Israel and America. I do not support women in combat roles at least not in the front lines. If it's in the rear guard, then it's ok. Women are not physically as strong as men. Soldiers fight along side each other often as team mates . Support for each other is important. If a comrade falls, a fellow soldier needs to medivac him by carrying him. A woman can't do that . A woman soldier who gets caught as a POW risks being sexually assaulted.

However women serving in some forms of NS is encouraged as it makes them feel patriotic and part of the nation. It's good for morale for the men as well as the women .
2013-07-25 02:06:37 UTC
Singapore women should serve to learn about nursing skills for a year to take care of the wounded soldier. Singapore ministers should first ask, who is there to heal the wounded soldier?? Foreigners???

Married and child bearing women are already serving the country by carrying the foetus and giving birth in their 9 month of pregnancy.
2013-07-28 18:02:11 UTC
Frankly speaking, there is no need to pull the women into this **** hole. As long as they appreciate what the men are doing, that is fine enough for me. Since we appreciate them going through child-birth during much older age, possibly affecting careers even more.

That being said, I despise those that think for themselves and say "Singles are the way to go" (unless there are very specific reasons of course...). If economic success (and tax paying) is sufficient, many would have avoided this liability and "paid" their way through...

What I cannot stand, also, is how the Gahmen is treating new-citizens. They should not only look at the enlistment age, but at the ROD age. As long as these PRs/Citizens are within this age, they should be liable to frequent low keys and high keys... What makes them exempted from this since they are supposedly part of the civil force?

The taiwanese method is definitely a NO. All people should be treated equal, if enlisted to serve. There is enough inequality in the different units/department people are sent to.
2013-07-27 11:32:31 UTC
Perhaps Women can play supporting roles like in medical, logistics, etc. but it's impractical nor desirable for women in general to participate in full NS combat training due to physical & other limitations. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Women & Men are Different in physical, mental & emotional aspects of the human condition. . So it doesn't make much sense to force this 'equality' on women to serve a physically draining training bec we shld recognised these differences that complement each other rather than negating each other.
2013-07-27 15:01:03 UTC
I think the most important question to ask ourselves before answering this is to understand the cause of such a question. Why do we want women to serve NS? Are we doing this for the sake of 'revenge' (let's make them pay for the time we males have spent) and for the sake of "giving equality to the women who are always asking for it"? Is there any real need in getting women to serve the army?

If you want the SG women to be more appreciative of the men and their contribution, why not have the ladies do other sort of community work instead? I don't see the point of forcing women to be enlisted for compulsory service for say "6 months" or "1 year" just to make a point on equality for all. Compulsory NS for all needs to be of a far bigger and better reason than that.
2013-07-26 03:06:28 UTC
Our political leaders set all the wrong examples, being self-serving, greedy, power hungry, taking care of their own families and own kind. And the millions of foreigners allowed here with open arms by these same leaders. Given a choice, only "hay-wired" goondos will want to serve NS.
2013-07-25 21:47:51 UTC
1) Female should be given a choice to serve? Male or Female, as long as you have the Singaporean blood, you should have a choice or obligation to serve the country

2) This is tough. For this question per say, same as male, since this is a choice made to female

3) Any role. Some female are more physical than male, while some male are more feminine than female. It is not about male or female, it is about character and nature of the person.

On a broader perspective, I think the notion of serve the NS needs to be changed. For some, NS is great, but for many, complaints more than anything else. Most common are length and desstructive to personal life. For this, NS needs to change.....

With advanced technolgy and changes in these technology more frequently than ever, NS should be made shorter, but more frequently and more "friendlier", so that people view this as a part of their life, rather than a burden of their life.

If NS can be structured as such

1. Half year crash course to learn the true ropes of national defense, rather than running up and down the stairs and hiding in forest where we don't have many. If some nations attack us, do we go quickly to Mandai forest and deploy, becos we are trained to hide within trees and color our face green?

And to many, NS memory is more on sergents making life difficult, etc, etc, rather than why we serve NS, what technology we have to protect, what is our role in larger perspective, etc....

If NS becomes 6 months of crash course with physical tests of weaponry and paper exams of NS objectives and roles of army boys, people will be more engaged to learn (at least for the sake of good grades).

2. Afterwhich, NS can have more frequent 'reservist" but in the form of 'off-site courses", rather than stuck in-camp day and night..... Each reservist should be at max 1 week, while most should be 3 days. Objectives should be more "educating and awareness" rather than "let's do it and get over it".

- some resrevist can be classroom based for 3 full day, 9-6pm (no in-camp), to learn new policies, new technology, new weapons, new strategu, etc in national service, followed by an overnight session to apply what have been learnt. 3 hours at night is very valuable to continue our worklife, so spare the full in-camp.....

side note, camps can therefore be smaller, lesser but more efficient. Land is scarce is Singapore, everyone knows....

These thoughts can be subject to a lot of scrutiny, but the message is to make NS part of life more volutinarily rather than burden of life and "quickly get over and done with".....

Once we start to revolutionized our NS structure, I believe more people will be more engaged rather than "doing it for you" attitudes.

The era has changed where we are not shouting at students, make them do 100-questions homework and keeping quiet in class listerning to teachers talking. This was my era and now, I'm nearing 40s. The time has changed.....
2013-07-25 21:47:35 UTC
well i think a choice would be better and when they go for army the might tend to lose abit of their feminine side and that could be good but overall we should just let them be and what we need is more babies and couples to get married if both men and women are going ns then during the 2 years service they might not produce so if we give them the two years they will have more chance or producing babies.
2013-07-25 18:06:01 UTC
(1) Yes ! I think women should serve too. so that the man can cut the length of NS to one year and to peruse their work or study.

(2) Man and women serve one year.

(3) Women are strong nowadays. since they emphasize equality, let them decide combat or non combat role
Lee S
2013-07-25 06:30:13 UTC
No NS for either women or men.

Most of us don't own even 1 sq cm of land in Singapore - what are we defending & who are we defending for? At the rate HDB prices are escalating, owning space in the air will be a problem in the near future for many Singaporeans too.

Since our Govt is so willing to use "market solutions" on us (think about ERP & COE), let them pay the true "market price" to have a professional army instead of using forced labour.
2013-07-25 02:28:08 UTC
Now is not the right time to debate this issue. Looking at current situation, the government should focus on bigger issues, like ensuring that the old have sufficient CPF for retirement, the young can afford to start a family with affordable housing, the welfare of Singaporean workers is being looked after, etc. So many things for the government to debate in the parliament and improve upon. Why this?
2013-07-26 02:58:41 UTC
before i answer.. the guys have to serve NS, and the girls will say that we (guys) should do NS to serve and protect the country.. but when we ask the girls to join NS, they'll b like.. "noo.. im a girl.. im not gonna train under the hot sun!! let the guys do it." -.-

1) i think the girls should be given a choice either NS or a "special" camp to teach them how to be a gu niang.

2) 1 year

3) if they join NS, i think they should be working indoor or office work. I some how pity them training under the sun too. the guys are trained to be soldiers not guniang.. so the girls should be train to be a guniang.
2013-07-25 18:39:13 UTC
Our MEN already lose out their jobs to foreigners who do not serve NS. Now want our true blue Singapore woman to join in the losing out group? THE COMMITTEE supporting women do NS GROUP Need BRAIN X-RAY D. Im A MAN who dont support this idea.
2013-07-25 17:54:14 UTC
National Service does not need to be in the form of military service. It can be in health care or social services. It should be the same 2 years as the guys.

We also should not link National Service to the government. I did not do NS for the government, I did it for my country.
2013-07-25 05:53:35 UTC
Singapore women in National Service: Should they be made to serve?

I find this the dumbest question of all the dumb questions.

In the first place the yahoo editor SG should ask the paps why is the FTs not serving NS.

Dumb/DUMB/Dubest question.
2013-07-25 03:51:25 UTC
I strongly feel women should also serve NS, and that too as the same duration as men. Women always want equal rights so therefore this is another good opportunity. In addition, it also instills a sense of patriotism towards the country.
2013-07-25 03:04:34 UTC
1) Yes. They Should be given a choice to serve.

2) It should not be more than 1 Year

3) They can be suitable to any role except more physical oriented works.
2013-07-28 21:06:08 UTC
Yes, I think it should since our Nation small, if our local Singaporeans can't or don't serve, who will? We can't depend on foreigners, whether by name or other country. During Kurwiat being invaded, the forigners all ran away! So trust no ones of them. We should not be complacent that no war will happen, anything can happen. Will be good to use the National Conversation to put forward for explanation & discussion. Once the girls of our root/Nation understand why there is a necessity, they will support! Food for thought :)
2013-07-27 18:26:59 UTC
I think the first thing we have to think about, is the purpose of NS... Truth to be told, NS is overrated, because first of all, no one would attack Singapore!

Switzerland survived 2 world wars while it is located in the middle of 2 major countries contributing to the war. The reason is not as per what Switzerland excuses itself as a neutral party. The main reason is that every country's dictators have their dirty piggy banks in Switzerland's coffers. Which idiot would bomb their own piggy banks?

Since Switzerland has lifted is "complete secrecy" policy on their banks, Singapore is the only country in the world left that has that policy. Malaysia, Indonesia, China, corrupt officials from all over the world holds a Singapore piggy bank. Or otherwise, owns a property that they have invested on in Singapore. If world war 3 breaks out, we would not even have to worry about people killing us, since anyhow, any idiots that hurt Singapore would hurt their own piggy banks.

In fact, if anyone really attacks Singapore, do you really think we would survive the war at all? One bomb is all it takes to kill us all. No matter how many soldiers we have.
2013-07-26 04:13:06 UTC
Gd idea to get ladies to serve . Length of service should par with the men . Roles should be same as men . Not all should do admin or store . So that they can understand how we men feel going through the BMT and what so ever. Of course they should be separated .All girls platoon including women officers commanding. We guys understand although girls are the weaker sex does not mean ladies cover the admin duties or logistics which I think is unfair to us men .when we men want to sign up apply as logistics officers to set up a career it is almost impossible because interviewer will say vacancy taken up when a girl interviews they will grant her a second interview. Of course being the weaker sex I won't expect them to perform ippt standards equal to men but if they can do it it will be great.
2013-07-26 01:26:50 UTC
Yes women should serve NS but not in Military. They can be in police force or medical line. When men go to war or Singapore hit by disaster, we can activate them. They can serve at least one year and not two years as required for men. During their training, they must also be trained to learn how to cook and prepare mass dishes.
2013-07-25 23:16:39 UTC
I always believe in equality...

Let women serve in the Army and equal role as their male counterpart those that always say let PR FT serve NS....

The 'rights' to serve in Army are given ONLY to the country citizen as it is the basic core when it comes to a country defense or even a coup d'etat.
2013-07-25 23:11:32 UTC
Without any gender bias, I would say 'yes'.

When women are competing equally with men in every field, they should also be given oppurtunity to prove their ability in the defence too. Particularly like flying, driving, nursing etc. They do not need to fight a war but should be equiped to support those fighting a war. Moreover, NS training will help to build both their bodily and mentally confidence.
2013-07-25 22:52:41 UTC
1.) No choice but must serve

This is to train up those spoilt brats that are raised by maids and teach them how to do things themselves like people handling skills, home economics and nursing skills instead of just demanding and bossy adults who demand others to do things for them and expectations of just want to be pampered. Thereby cultivating a new breed of women who can live harmoniously with others young or old and a more caring generation instead of the ME ME attitude.

2.) Same duration as that of NSmen

3.) They serve in the service, food and nursing industry, security.

Areas that are short in supply even in admin roles can deploy them.

The nursing can be even include looking after older people in aging homes and children.

Those tougher ones can deploy to the construction industry.

Even customer service and counselling can be considered.

Thus we eliminate the need for maids and train them to be self reliant.
2013-07-25 20:01:30 UTC
Yes, it is good thinking for a nation with a 'small' population. Singaporean women should be serving National Service; it should also be mandatory. They would be invaluable in NON-combat roles in all wings of the military: ground, sea and air.
2013-07-25 19:17:34 UTC
Yes, all singaporean woman should serve NS for a period of 1 year but not train as a soldier but Nurse and FIRST AID. Man go to army and woman must help to attend to wounded soldier.

During these period of in-camp training will have to educate the proper growing up just as boy to man.
2013-07-25 17:30:25 UTC
1. No they should not serve in NS as women are vulnerable and protected. In the NS anything can happen which can be irreversible. Being young they should not be given a choice as everything looks exciting to them.
Jeffrey_ Peter
2013-07-25 17:18:17 UTC
During the civil war in Sri Lanka, The Tamils used women in combat. A village literally got wiped out from the youngest to the oldest and this event shocked sociologists. A study was initiated and it was found that the women in trying to compete against the men tend to be more vicious then the men.
Keith S
2013-07-25 08:42:43 UTC
In Singapore women have equal rights with the males and it is only fair they serve NS. Women can perform non combat roles in many areas in our Army, Navy and Air Force so that our fighting forces can be deployed more effectively not having to carry out mundane jobs to be left to the women who should be in the supporting roles. Modern technology in combat requires brains and not brawn and women therefore fit nicely in their proposed supporting roles. We cannot rely on our friends to defend us and therefore everyone including women is required to defend this Red Dot.
Lee Xiong An
2013-07-25 04:41:06 UTC
Face it, women are not as good as men in the military, however a "BMT" aka Basic Military Training could be the NS for them. As stressed again and again, NS is to defend the nation (not for nation building, etc), a 4-6 month BMT could be a good start for them to learn the basics of defending the nation.
2013-07-25 02:09:18 UTC
Yes, women should be given a choice to serve six to one year in medical or nursing roles. Our country and most countries in the world have an ageing population, so we need to train as many medical people as possible to meet future demand before the problems get out of control.
Alan Ong
2013-07-25 06:51:41 UTC
For those who think it's a waste of time serving NS, you have totally missed the point. Serving NS is a duty to protect your family and countrymen regardless of which political party is in charge.

I think it's a great idea for women to serve as nurse in the army. Awakens their maternal instincts...
2013-07-26 03:21:51 UTC
Make NS a full time job with good our sports players....get the best to serve. With modern technology, we dont need the whole population to take on arms.....NS is more for molding the minds of singaporeans to serve the that the female population counts for 50% of the vote, their minds too needs to be molded.
2013-07-25 23:49:20 UTC
To the "Intelligent People in White Up There":

I heard you have been employing a lot of foreigners and unavoidably, you get to be influenced by them as you hear their "advice". Is this one of those brilliant ideas given by your "foreign advisors" in order to divert your attention, especially, to stop you from making NS compulsory for PRs/foreigners? Wake up now.

One more thing - stop harping along the line of "equality". Men and women are never equal. We are not born that way, so we are not meant to be equal. Even the word "equality" does not mean man and woman must do the same thing. What a childish thought to apply this literally.
2013-07-25 22:55:17 UTC
Why should local Men and Women serve NS? To protect white monkeys $$$$ and assets? Forget about NS.
2013-07-25 20:43:04 UTC
No. However, if they really want to serve, maybe they can be given an option for 2 year enlistment instead of the normal sign-on duration. In my opinion, this is in no way equal rights for women. This bullshit was started by scornful women who want to break equality between men and women, shifting the balance towards a women's world.
2013-07-25 20:26:40 UTC
Think all those who stay and work here, including foreigners, male or female, who enjoy the economy, all should serve NS. Young and old. No need strenuous activities, nursing, civil defense, packing parachute, sewing, serving in old folks home or nursing home.

Just make them serve 2 yrs drawing NS pay. Fair right?
2013-07-25 18:58:22 UTC
I strongly feel that some ladies have lack of confidence on them, so build confidence and self discipline, they should serve the NS. I had served the nation for 10 years which build my strong foundation for my future. I encourage all ladies to attend this 18months training that could help them improve in many ways in the future.
2013-07-25 13:54:19 UTC
1. No need to serve

2. 0 month
2013-07-25 05:20:46 UTC
National service I feel may not have to be military service for ladies. Making them serve for a period of time while reducing the duration for guys seem to be a feasible way to work out the inequalities in Singapore especially given some sort of 2 years head start that ladies enjoy that in someways contributed to social inequalities that resulted in lower birth-rates. Though not all ladies are like that, some ladies have the very-up-there attitudes that results in them must push dont like to do things to others that may have resulted in more foreign talents than necessary in Singapore. These must have never tasted being someone below before and national service would provide them with the kind of good experience that they have never tasted before that would refine them to the next level and really improve their real GPAs rather than be mono-dimensional relying only on academic grades or looks. Countless areas where national service could be performed like nursing, military cooking, old-age home community service, state manufacturing factories, construction, military, police, kindergarden temp teachers, civil defense, admin services and so on. These things have been debated in JC GP classes 20+ years ago and till today the inequalities still exist today. It has always been the ladies agruing against themselves serving national service and the guys for them serving and shortening theirs....and the politicians siding with the ladies because they want their political votes . Both sexes are equal in Singapore, but Singaporean guys have to serve national service from age of 18 till at least 40, social etiquette still ladies first, guys do the tougher jobs while ladies get the easier ones, you guys so ungentlemanly. No wonder we have more such social problems than countries of comparable stature. What do you people think? Isn't it about time we make things in Singapore more equal for locals to solve our social problems which has been case-studied by some divisions whose recommendations is to bring in more foreign talents since all their attempts failed. Isn't it time to recalibrate ? If you are a parent, wouldn't it be nice for your son to only serve national service for 1 year and your daughter to serve for one year too. If the Swiss could do it for one year, why couldn't we? Rather than the guys retained for 2 years in school before university.
2013-07-25 05:04:29 UTC
1) Yes.

2) 2 months BMT. An addition period for PTP if they did not pass the IPPT test with a minimum award of silver.

3) They need not be arranged to be sent to units or undergo additional training after the service period should they choose not to sign on as regulars.

The objective would primarily be to promote a deeper understanding of the NS program amongst our female citizenry, foster appreciation of NS as a national commitment as opposed to a duty exclusive for male citizens, and offer our womenfolk an opportunity to pick up valuable knowledge, practical skills (ie operation of basic military weaponry and equipment, self defense, survival and life saving skills), team and work ethics which they could find beneficial in future.

The two month BMT period should be sufficient for them to have a good feel of the NS experience that our menfolk are required to undergo.

Keeping the service non mandatory and short term would make it less disruptive towards women's pursuit of employment opportunities after graduation, which may help encourage greater interest towards participation. In addition, if it is conducted on a voluntary basis, we can ensure that there will be a sufficient number of women candidates to fill vacancies in the workforce even if a number were to be involved with the program.

The limitations of a short duration of service can be overcome by improving the quality and diversity of training covered within the basic program.

By making additional training and deployment to units strictly for those women who choose to continue their service as regulars means that fewer resources and overall infrastructural changes need be committed. This would help make the NS program for women more feasible for MINDEF to successfully implement, especially if it were to be run on a trial basis during its preliminary stages.
Blur C
2013-07-25 04:09:30 UTC
If both men and women serve NS, when kenna reservists who take care of the kids? I am a woman but when my husband go reservist i am left alone to care for both young kids and also juggle work and hsehold chores. It is already bad enough. I think they should get sporean man PRs to serve first before talking about getting woman to do it too.
Jovian Low
2013-07-25 03:22:13 UTC
Yes. They should serve in:

SCDF as paramedic or assistant. The skills pick up will be useful in time of crisis.

SPF as NPC officer. Manpower is always an issue with the SPF. It will definitely be great with more police presence and most probably a safer neighbourhood with the higher percentage of residents having served or are serving the Police Force.
2013-07-25 02:33:39 UTC
National Service can take many forms.... perhaps PR and FT also must be considered... cannot be free ride for millions while Singaporeans got to serve.

Perhaps can consider:

1. look after old folks

2. Area cleaning instead of employing FT

3. baby sitting to prepare them for motherhood

3. Cook at army camp

4. nursing, first aid

.... many others
2013-07-26 04:35:53 UTC
1) They already have a choice to service as Regular.

Given the Economy situation of Singapore and aging population, this is not the right time to discuss this topic. There is an important role of woman which is to reproduce and keep the family as a unit going. They are already distracted with many other responsibilities and please do not add more to their shoulders.
2013-07-25 17:37:40 UTC
YES. women always ask for same right as man and want us to treat them the same as man, than they should also serve NS but it can with a different training schedule but with same strick military control and requirement and may be 1 year. Use pistol rather SAR100/AR 15.

If they do not want than woman charter right protection will not apply to them that will be fair.
2013-07-25 15:50:57 UTC
When men serve NS, the women are behind to support and give motivation, if everyone has to serve, then no same age teens will mate!
2013-07-25 14:17:30 UTC
1) They already are given the choice to serve. They can always CHOOSE to sign on or not. That's a choice.

The real question is, why are they being given the choice to not serve? Men don't have that choice.

2) Equal to men's, including ICTs, IPPTs, Mob Mannings whatever.

3) Determined by their PES Status.
2013-07-25 08:40:13 UTC
Why must we women serve NS for? Women cant exert too much, even now with the working stress level women nowadays having difficulty to conceive. If women have to serve NS who will be having babies. And if women have to protect men, its a shame for manhood.

Women have their roles , they are teachers to child, chef to the family, cleaner to the home, mechanic to the house and so on.. We women are too occupied, nonetheless even if start at 18 yrs old, we wouldn't want to risk our body for it coz we have to got to serve the family at the later stage of life FOREVER!
El Capone
2013-07-25 06:37:14 UTC
It's a good idea. War is everyone fight, be it men or women, young or old, no matter your rank or status. Having said that i would like to go war with the president and minister beside me. With their leadership and experience, it is great to have an influential people leading the army just like mahatma gandhi, alexander the great etc. No one should chicken out and have people protecting them unless they are a young kids who don't know how to defend themselves.

I rather have national service to be abolished. I don't think another war will break out. We don't have enemies, well, maybe terrorist because we kept bragging about having a great military and our defence is so great. We are not like Israel, we not going to capture and conquer other countries. We are not South Korea, they have to defend against North Korea but we don't.

Plus everything is in place for world peace. We have the United Nations to stop wars. Unless we want to be like USA invading some countries claiming they have nuclear weapons.
2013-07-25 02:41:38 UTC
Absolutely NO!!! Please leave our girls and women alone. Get those PRs into FULL-TIME NS. We Singaporean men have served our NS diligently and honorably for our Nation so why shouldn't the PR be given the golden opportunity of serving in our prestigious Army and learn to polish the barrel of a rifle.
2013-07-25 06:37:22 UTC
1) If they don't serve so what is their status? Singaporean female=PR=Work Permit=All Passes!!!

I wonder what they will reply if others holder ask them???

2) Do we have a choice, to choose the appropriate length of service in the first place???

3) Do we have a choice, to choose combat/non-combat in the first place???
2013-07-27 00:51:55 UTC
It is good for women to serve, but not as a service but to learn in terms of civil defence, first aid nursing, medical care, preparation of food etc. During war, men are pushed to the front with no one staying behind to take care of the young and elderly. The responsibility then falls to the woman to know at least how to cook and provide care.

My left hand column now is, is this country worth defending any more? What are we defending? Who are we defending? PRs? FT? MIW?
2013-07-26 00:52:48 UTC
Though the idea may sound logical and even noble, in times of war or emergencies, mothers would be required at home to care for the vulnerable kins.

For women who are available to serve and even fight, let them volunteer like National Guards scheme in addition to serving as ful time professional soldiers.
2013-07-26 00:27:43 UTC
Woman should do National Service, however, to get the ball rolling, the girls should be given a choice. Those whom wants to do National Service can enroll, thoue who does not want to serve can decline. After a few years the policy to be reviewed again.
2013-07-25 21:53:59 UTC

Gender equality aside which i respect but Men are suppose to protect their Women, adore them and love them, since cavemen days...

Moreover, who is going to look after the children and old in times of war? Men will fight and Women play a big role looking after the family or volunteering for humanitarian work (single women).

I cannot imagine my wife and I fighting on a different/same frontline while both of our minds are back home/refugee or "would be orphanage" camp with the kids staying in it? I need something to fight for i.e. back home knowing my family is in good hands.

Women should not do NS even if it is non-combat vocation, they need to stay put/(or flee w family?) in times of crisis and mind you looking after family is no easier than fighting!
2013-07-25 20:34:53 UTC
Nope. If SG women must serve NS, then make sure the guys can bear children. I can foresee there will be even lesser women wants to bear children anymore, plus where got time. It should still be voluntary for women but definitely not compulsory.
2013-07-25 18:52:38 UTC
Women can serve in the Geylang Barracks under the BJ Squadron. This would help the male NS boys shoot aeroplane
2013-07-25 18:31:50 UTC
Singapore Women serve NS? definitely is BAD idea.. Those woman who wants it.. of course can serve.. but Do NOt need to be Compulsory...
2013-07-25 16:49:12 UTC
Is there still a need to serve NS when 1/3 of S'pore has already been occupied by foreign invaders?
2013-07-25 02:20:36 UTC
No they should not. Not unless every last imported foreigner or new citizen serves first.

I have served NS for 22 years. The first 18 years I served with pride. However, in the last 4 years, I often wonder whom I am protecting with my life.

New citizens are accorded every privilege of citizenship except one. The opportunity to lay down one's life to protect our country. Frankly, I think it is ridiculous.
2013-07-25 19:12:27 UTC
Women can serve the nation by going into medical field. Train for maybe a year and serve in hospitals, physiotherapy, eldercare centers etc, for another year. These skills can benefit not only them, but their elderly at home and their young children when years to come.
2013-07-25 17:40:44 UTC
For what? What's there to defend? We are already invaded by FT. We need FW but some stubborn heads keep opening gates for FT to take over sporeans. Back to NS, maybe ladies can voluntary serve in medical, accommodation, kitchen related areas.
2013-07-25 17:33:11 UTC
Population of Women in SG is more then that of Males.

If women by the age of 18 join NS provided they fulfill all roles including combat like in ISRAEL! We can effectively cut the duration of NS by MORE THEN HALF!

I mean....they DID ask for Equality..Who are we to argue otherwise? (Hohohoho)
2013-07-25 17:29:00 UTC
Yes, women should serve NS 'IF' man can experience what women are going through their life....

1) Pregnancy

2) Having 'mood swing' menstrual cycle

I think this answer all.
2013-07-25 11:08:45 UTC
War between countries has shifted from tanks and rifles to drones that can be controlled from the control rooms thousands of miles away. There is the cyber war which involves no strength

Women definitely can contribute to the safety and security of singapore. It is no longer about brute strength to win the war. It is also time to update the woman's charter as women wants equality.
2016-03-08 15:13:45 UTC
According to INA Section 349, he is subject to loss of citizenship if he serves as a commissioned or noncommisioned officer. If he has concerns, he should schedule an interview with a US consular officer in Singapore.
2013-07-25 22:22:40 UTC
In Israel, Women and Men are conscripted to defend their country, due to the threat against it's surrounding 'neighbours'.

I think we have the same similar situation where we are surrounded by the 'neighbours' too. But ours are more friendly ^^.

Still we can;t take things for granted rite ?

And YES Women Conscript is good , they can do alot of admin paperwork in the army or medic,nurses,etc. Things has changed. we are living in the 21st century and women mindset need to change that they are not fit to be soldiers.

Women may be even be an effective female warrior than us due to their small build which they can squeeze thru tight tunnels to raid enemy.( amazon)

just my 2million opinion. ~ PeaCe
2013-07-25 18:05:07 UTC
PR and imported Foreign Thrash by PAP should be made to serve National Service ,that is the correct Heading.
2013-07-25 08:28:49 UTC
Women also can train as assassin or spy or medic. Since ancient times women train how to handle poison, concealed weapon and medical tools, during the era of Revolution, Renaissance and Medieval. Example they could sexually seduce political figures or military personnel and assassinate without them knowing when they into it. Blend in as waitress, serving high ranking officers, overheard their conversations and taking note of strategic key points. Women have flexible, light-weighted body compare to man, perhaps could perform mission that require good finesse or a simple reconnaissance operation, observe, detect, retrieve and then reports. Woman though do not have the stronger arms or body build like man but there have gentle hands, they could become good medics on field, bandaging wounded soldiers, eases their pain and motivation. Some women even perform dismemberment on soldiers who has infected legs or arms to prevent further wounded infection during war times. Women can become very good war assets if they wish to or volunteering.
2013-07-25 05:33:10 UTC
Whose smart ides again?why must our daughters serve NS when the FI and even some holding the office are not,When our women expecting our local born kids,aren't they alrdy serving NS?smart idea smart alex
Lewis C
2013-07-26 02:23:09 UTC
I felt it is good for them to know what their husband/boyfriend go through.

So they will understand that it is not our wish to be called back for Recall, Mob, ICT, IPPT, RT, etc.

But before that, we should get the FT men in first.

I think they have to play a part in this if they want to stay here.

I serve to protect my fellow country folks and my loves ones.

If the time to call for us, will the FT help us or pack up and go back to their land?

FT wants to be a part of this country?

Come on board, pick up a rifle and stand with us on the frontline if there is a time when we are needed.
2013-07-26 01:09:15 UTC
Pls outsource the stupit ns to ft, it is a waste of time for singaporean! We serve n what do we get?! Ft taking over our jobs, i really dun mind the gov get ft to do ns as we have more time to make more money to earn a living before 40yrs old. Cos after that we r consider too old for corporate job!
fiona lim
2013-07-25 20:08:56 UTC
Are you crazy? Women have monthly menstruation and to serve NS is very troublesome. If they have kids and got to serve NS, whose going to look after the kids? Why not ask men to have menstruation? Impossible right? So why ask women to serve NS.
No Guts No Glory !
2013-07-25 19:11:06 UTC

1. NS will make a real women out of girls.

2. NS will for boys and men will increase the chances of them meeting and marrying.

3. Its discrimination and sexist for women not to do NS.
david yang
2013-07-25 18:36:03 UTC
1) No, they should be made to serve similar to males with the same exceptions as males

2) One year and also reservist duties until they are 40

3) Normal combat roles if they meet the criteria, otherwise nursing, civil defence, police
2013-07-25 17:32:57 UTC
Will they be given the same training as man?

If the answer is no, then what's the point?

In a battlefield, everyone should be well trained.

How are they going to fight if they are not well trained?

Or the purpose of women in NS is not for fighting... hehehe....
2013-07-25 03:21:18 UTC
I think that it would be fine if we let them chose. Some woman might not be fit enough and might suffer. Also if women MUST serve NS, it would be good if they give special conditions to those with medical problems like flat foot or asthma.
2013-07-25 02:57:57 UTC
I sincerely felt that they should serve in areas of admin and medical, where less physical demanding activities are required (I'm not sexist but that's the body biology aspects). This topic seems like a by-product of that case where that lady (forgotten the name) whom sparks fiery rebuke on NS men should train EVEN during super high haze index.
2013-07-27 02:57:32 UTC
They should. Then they will know why it i important to serve.

Let them serve BMT can already. Then they can choose to sign on or not.

They can be in any role that they are suitable in. Kind of a stupid question. She can be a commando if she can do it, she can also become a pilot if she want to and can do.
Harry C
2013-07-26 00:45:50 UTC
Since women enjoy every right seem to be over right, what is the harm for ns to be also right. Well today since women are so capable nothing is ever hard to deal with. Why claim for such right if you're no difference than the masculine.
2013-07-25 23:54:41 UTC
Whoever suggested this should be stripped and shot. Already many of the boys wasted 2 years in NS and now you want the girls to join them. You must be mad. NS should be scrapped altogether. However FT who wants to come to SG, make it compulsory for them to serve NS instead.
Wong F
2013-07-25 20:36:55 UTC

2-Same as Man

3-Combat Infantry / Non Combat Store woman
2013-07-25 19:26:14 UTC
Hi Editor,

We women have too much responsibility. Beside giving birth, we have to work to support our family and take care of household chore as well as children.

Do you think it is fair to us?

Why don't you question should men be make to give birth? If yes, than I think it is fair for women to serve NS.
2013-07-25 19:17:38 UTC
Son serving for 2 years , daughters serving for 2 years , who going to monitor and make sure their ederly parent been well feed and free from bill ? NS salary so high mey?
2013-07-25 03:21:37 UTC
1st man should reduce their length of service and the enlistment waiting period.

women should serve the country may be 10-12 months

they have the option for combat/non-combat roles after 2months 'basic training'.
2013-07-25 02:33:14 UTC
1) Yes, but cannot be force to serve.

2) 1 year.

3) Can choose either combat or non-combat depend on their fitness. Example like Nurse, Ist Aider.
2013-07-25 02:25:28 UTC
I strongly believe that if women need to serve NS, then our male PR should also be enlisted. Why are we protecting our country for those who have been PR for so long & yet refused to convert to Singaporean so as to happily excused themselves from National Service. Haish...
2013-07-25 19:09:29 UTC
8 months max period in non combat roles,

Officers training is an optional choice given to them and if they do the period can be extended.

Women have strong minds & high tolerance & stamina and a female officer is a awesome.
tai m
2013-07-25 05:07:59 UTC
1. Of course. they should serve, they always fight for woman right.

2. Male and female are equal, what men serve women should serve.

3. They should serve as the men do.
David Foster
2013-07-25 02:53:42 UTC
1) Can start with a choice to see the response rate and if too low, the perhaps consider making it mandatory for all to serve since so much have been spoken and written about sex equality so put this to work to shut feminists!

2) Same as men and again sex equality

3) Depending on tests given and their fitness levels just like men

Good idea !
2013-07-25 23:48:09 UTC
1. Yes, they should serve

2. At least 1 year?

3. Depending on their wish, combat or non combat. At this present moment, we do have regular service women in both service and combat vocation right?
2013-07-25 21:32:18 UTC
The women can serve NS only in service vocations but not in combat vocation it is very tough in the combat vocation .
2013-07-25 20:16:19 UTC
Women have been fighting for equal rights for years and now they have it. If they still want to be equal, make them serve. Men sure don't have the any choice in the matter of serving.
2013-07-25 20:00:41 UTC
1) Yes

2) Should be given a choice of 6 months, 1 year and 2years.

3) They should be given the same choice as men. It's up to them to choose.
2013-07-25 18:57:22 UTC
Of course not. Physically women are not made as strong as men. Women menstruate every month

(lose blood) but men don't. Women give birth but men don't. So don't ask this silly question again,

men and women are not made equally in terms of body physique and strength. They each have their

physical role to play. Why waste time debating on something that seems so crazy?
Quek P
2013-07-25 18:36:14 UTC
I think its the good idea.

Not necessary a combat role but maybe some civil service roles like hospital or others
Nick K
2013-07-25 04:02:07 UTC
Yes. Israeli women serve in both active and support roles. It encourages true gender equality and respect from both sexes. Rids archaic concept of defined gender roles and fosters true cooperation between the sexes.

I've had Israeli women as classmates and they were smart, practical and very attractive. Some were even real babes.
2013-07-25 01:30:19 UTC
I think it is better to seriously improve the NS experience and reduce the 2 year duration so that the men do not lose out so much time waiting to enlist and all as compared to females.

If there is a choice for females to choose, it wont be called enlistment, its voluntary work. Frm my own experince, i think NS is a negative experience and hindrance in life, so i wont want to drag my fellow female singapores down to do something like this unless it is of benefit for them so that they dont lose out more trying to compete with foreign resources.
2013-07-25 22:30:06 UTC
Men must go NS means Women must go NS too?!?!?!?!

Women can give born means Men must be able to give born too!?!?!?!

Men suffer in NS on mental, Women suffer having and giving born on body.

Nothing is fair or equal in this world. That is the reason why god created men and women...
2013-07-25 22:13:18 UTC
Dear Editor,

It is a natural duty for one to serve in a military force to protect what is dear to him/her (example-home, loved ones). It should not make a difference between gender although one has to recognise that the fairer sex has a weaker physique, which could be offset by their other abilities. One certainly would not want a situation where any potential enemies could just have a walk-over and rule all in their dictates (example of Singapore during the japanese occupation in WW2 & the miseries it brought).

Having said that and with the immigrant policies, it is natural for questions such as the following to be asked:

1. who are the "core Singaporeans" as these are expected to want to serve in order to protect what is dear to them in Singapore;

2. would the "non-core" Singaporeans be prepared to stay in Singapore and assist in the protection of "core Singaporeans" and what are dear to the "core Singaporeans" if there are any emergencies? (I would assume that these "non-core Singaporeans" to have no substantial connections with Singapore save for work or convenience);

3. Who and what are one expected to defend? Way of lives? Properties & assets? Loved ones? Sense of belongings?

Assuming one reaches a conclusion that there are indeed something worth fighting or defending in Singapore, then it is my personal view that one (irrespective of gender) should be given equal responsibilities to serve in the military (conscripts for the males and volunteers for the females for a start). Depending on individuals' abilities (including physical attributes), one should be given commensurate responsibilities befitting of that person irrespective of gender. Duration of service could also be determined depending on the needs of the whole country (the core).
2013-07-25 20:46:02 UTC
Yes, serve they must, as part of civil resources.

Most importantly, get all PRs to serve or else

- no renewal of PR and no citizenship, ever.

No need to serve in the military

- serve in the civil resource such as SCDF, in the CCS, RCs, town councils, etc - that way they will understand Singaporean way of life and better appreciate our culture.
Ade S
2013-07-25 17:46:05 UTC
Humans are made of male and female.

Our bodies are naturally built differently.

Gender roles in society are real.

Women are the key to maintaining our nation and population.

Hence forth we can't afford to have less of them as citizens than as NSFs.

Females have a more important role that which is as support.
2013-07-25 17:12:54 UTC
Singapore now got more people and yet not enough men to serve the army compare last time with 4m. Some things not right!!
2013-07-25 09:27:32 UTC
I think it will be a good idea, but first let male PRs and employment pass holder who stays here for more than 5 years serve first. Let them show they are also committed to Singapore.
2013-07-25 08:16:07 UTC
Hey All men out there (those who initiate the matter).

Don't you know your duties and responsibilities as men of Sg? One of it is to Protect the country, women who is your mother, sisters, wife, daughters and whatever the stormy circumstances is. Protect them!!. There are your assets.

Why put extra burden to women?

Guide, coach, educate them or whatever the exact word to express relating to let the women execute their roles and duties as efficient as it can to being a women.

The natural system/function will sooner or later be derailed from the beautiful roles of men and women to function efficiently.

Therefore my answer to the 3 questions is strongly negative. Bad idea.
2013-07-25 04:18:00 UTC
With the current low birth rate.. Woman should do their part to protect and help the country as well. I believe woman nowadays are no longer ignorant and weak. They are more than capable of standing and competing on equal to any man on the street. Not having brute strength is no longer as issue as we fight war with guns and machines. Each and every woman should be given due respect and treated equally as man.. inside or outside army camp. I am sure AWARE will be supportive of this.
loo peng y
2013-07-25 03:14:30 UTC
Women who want the thrill of being in NS should be allowed, but it shouldn't be call NS.

It should be call by some other name, perhaps National Guard.

As we know it, NS is conscription by law.
2013-07-28 20:30:42 UTC
Well, living in singapore as we all know that our ladies are well protected by its laws and SINGAPOREAN men.

But during war time, who to protect who and what?

So they should just serve and understand how the system works.
Lim W
2013-07-25 20:22:11 UTC
My answer is can consider as there are regulars who are female too, why not?

But before we look into this question, another important issue should address first? All FT who wish to convert their citizenship must perform the NS.
ronnie king
2013-07-25 18:22:44 UTC
1) No better to get married n gave birth earlier let the BOYS do it.

2) No time is just save MORE MONEY for the Government.

3) No roles they will get so emotional when the REAL thing happen that worsen the Situation who

is going to look after the children n elders.

Just leave them the GIRLS alone the Government pay more n hire more REGULARS n NO

2013-07-25 20:37:54 UTC
they should be given a choice to serve,

the decision is up to them.

6 months should be a appropriate length.

this is to ensure some female understand what army have done to the males mentally and physically, so that the female does not take for granted of the male.

they should be given assessments and be pushed to their limits.
ng w
2013-07-25 20:04:44 UTC
yes women should serve national service

length of service is open to discussion - preferably shorter than man

combat/non-combat depend on physical
2013-07-25 20:04:21 UTC
Yes but not in SAF, SPF or SCDF, but instead in healthcare.

There is a shortage of manpower in these areas and instead of relying on foreigners (since many of these positions are lowly paid), having our own local women to serve instead. It's a win-win situation. Not only do we solve the shortage of manpower in healthcare, we have a local force of women who are medically trained (which will be an asset even in extenuating circumstances like war).

But of course, the women are free to opt for SAF, SPF or SCDF if they choose to.
2013-07-25 07:29:44 UTC
My answer is YES.

Does it have to be military? My answer is NOT NECESSARY.

What should it be then?

It will be more meaningful if Women will be focused on First Aid or Nursing.

During war time, Nurse is badly needed to take care of casualty.

That skill becomes very handy during daily life. It will be life saver during emergency. For those family with old parents, people are more willing to take the ownership to take care of parents instead of passing it to the maid.
Kim fat boy
2013-07-25 06:26:24 UTC
No definitely . No point to argue here in the first place . Two years and plus reservist for men is enough already . Need not apply to the girls. Send those pr and newly convert citizen to serve .
2013-07-25 04:35:51 UTC
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2013-07-25 03:55:05 UTC
Before we get our women to serve..... 1) Please get all Male PR above 18 to serve. 2) Any male foreigner who holds an EP and works more than 4 years to serve. 3) Any male who is above 18 and wish take up citizenship must serve NS before they are given pink IC.
2013-07-25 01:55:52 UTC
As our citizens population is shrinking, women too should be called to serve the nation just as their male counterparts do. The service that they can do is firstly in the nursing line or in the medical support line. In time of war or an emergency, medical is also important to our survival. It is an honourable service and they should be proud to have served. Just like the men, the procedure should be the same and since female matured faster, perhaps they could start earlier even. They too can be promoted in rank and file within the nursing category and offer of full-time can also be available.
2013-07-25 22:17:27 UTC
1. It should be on voluntary basis, because it hard enough for low income families to lose income from the sons who serve.

2. One or two years as decided by volunteer.

3. Lack of info on roles and responsibilities of SAF personel, so unable to answer.
2013-07-25 19:36:52 UTC
just answering to the question(s).

i think some basic military training, unarmed combat training and first-aid training would be good for women. a reasonable period would be between 3 to 6 months, or at most, a year.

at the very least, they would know how to keep fit, defend/protect themselves, aid the injured, and have a better chance of surviving a war or crisis.
Sin CK
2013-07-25 17:34:54 UTC
1. if the women want equal status they should.

2. the role would b limited to signal comms n medical training for 6 months.

3. reservist..nah...maybe once a year for a week to revise n keep up to date on their equipment knowledge n skills.

4. on the flip side, man has to tolerate even more now that their girlfriend n wives have bcom even more bossy than b4...
2013-07-25 07:18:34 UTC
Y local singaporean womn must serve N.S?? lack of manpower? Need more peoples to protect The foreign trash? Editor, u should ask should the Pig Resident serve N.S.
2013-07-25 03:39:36 UTC
NO. Singaporean women already not attractive. Serving NS make them look more less appealing.
Freedom Sg
2013-07-25 02:44:39 UTC
yes...ladies should serve the same amount of time + reservist like the guys.

since they always like to say men and women are equal...hehehe...than let them be equal...

ladies can always do the non-combat back end-role in the forces.

moreover, birth rate is low in SG and back end still need people to mend, so let the ladies do it.

push the men into combat role to fill the gap...
Kok Liang
2013-07-26 01:46:32 UTC
1. Yes, Singapore women should be made to serve NS because in many ways, female fighters are deadlier than male fighters.

2. They should be given the same length of service as male NS and used in the same combat roles as male NS too.

I knew a Malaysian Military Intelligence Officer ("MIO") who served with the British Army at the height of the Malaysian Emergency from the mid 1950s, than with the Malaysian Army during the Confrontation with Indonesia during the 1960s, before fighting the Communists Terrorists ("CT") again during the 1970s during the Second Emergency.

CTs were usually male but there were quite a number of females too (90% of CTs were of Chinese ethnicity). These female CTs fought alongside their male comrades in the thick of battle in the Malaysian jungle. Some of them were even leaders and officers.

This MOI told me that of all the CTs, the female CTs were usually more deadly than the male CTs. He explained that as a MIO, part of his duty was to crack CTs as well as to turn them in order to gain intelligence about CT activities. He said that it was almost impossible to crack or turn a female CT. It was possible to crack or turn a male CT, given time and incentives (interestingly, simple bribery, such as a monetary reward for any CT caught would usually do the trick). However, in his experience, try as they might, they could never seem to crack a female CT. Female CTs were prepared to die for their cause, no matter what you did to them. And he said no matter what!

The MIO told me of a time he lead a patrol which ambushed a CT patrol in the jungle. Amongst the CTs, was a heavily pregnant CT female. She charged a Malay soldier with a parang, and the soldier froze because he never expected that a heavily pregnant female could do that. Luckily for him, another soldier noticed what was going on and manage to get off a shot which knocked her down. But she got up and tried to charge the soldier again. The MIO who was nearby, had to finish her off with a shotgun blast!

In his opinion, female soldiers were as good as male soldiers, perhaps better because they could be more focused and utterly ruthless, as his own experience had shown. He also told me that female Vietcongs were some of the most effective fighters during the Vietnam War. This was related to him by some American soldiers that he helped train in jungle warfare in Malaysia during the course of the Vietnam War.

The Jungle Warfare School in Malaysia at that time in the 1960s and 1970s was the premier jungle warfare school in the world. It was run by the British with assistance from the Malaysian military and one of the highlights of the training were Gurkha soldiers who acted as the enemy during the training.

Just to add, this MIO had an interesting connection with Singapore. While serving during the Confrontation, he was actually an officer with the Malaysian Infantry Regiment at the time Singapore became independent. He told me that every officer was given a personal request by the Singapore Government to stay on the with the Regiment, with the promise of increased benefits and faster promotion when it became the Singapore Infantry Regiment. However, he and a number of other officers, decided not to. My impression was that they refused because they wanted to continuing serving in a combat role (Confrontation only ended in 1966).
Vaasu Gavarasana
2013-07-26 00:18:03 UTC
I think women and men should be given equal opportunity and treated equally. And Women have every right to defend their country.

I have 2 daughters. I would be happy if they served their country.
2013-07-25 17:35:41 UTC
Army is going the sissy ways with more bitching like the the rest of the society in the world ,the guys are bitching as much too these days with so many women working out there ,where are all the real men? Dead !!
2013-07-25 03:05:21 UTC
Given as:-

1)optional by voluntary

2)2years with Extra allowances

3)Non-combat-Cook/ Admin/Medic-Nurse/Store-woman and others related .
Abdul B
2013-07-25 02:20:46 UTC
Maybe. It would be good BUT THE REAL QUESTION IS, IS NS FAIR?

The answer is absolutely NOT. NS guys are discriminated in their own land. What a shame. Stupid PAP government.
2013-07-28 20:11:31 UTC
Before we send our daughters and sisters to serve NS, ask those taking a free rider FT's sons to serve, they are enjoying the economic opportunities and benefits and over-pampered by our elected leaders
nelson d
2013-07-25 21:00:06 UTC
Maybe Singapore women could serve as Nurses/Medics, so in time of War etc. , they can provide medical attention to soldiers.
2013-07-25 18:36:25 UTC
1. Yes

2. 1 Year / 1-1/2 Years

3. I think their roles can be same as men.
2013-07-25 15:43:04 UTC
No ! They should not be made to serve a futile and inappropriate conditioning towards servitude that merely accentuates the already existing slave mind.People are merely conditioned by mind control to spy on their neighbours and even family and to treat the Government as GOD.
Foreign Legion
2013-07-25 07:03:54 UTC
Please leave Singaporean women out of this National Service question, unless they want to volunteer their service.

Singaporeans have given their part to the nation in many ways.

Without prejudice, it is only fair and about time that foreign talents do their part, make them do National Service I say.
Er Chan
2013-07-25 06:03:50 UTC
1. No.

2. 2 years is just right.

3. Any roles
2013-07-25 02:34:14 UTC
Not a good idea.

How to convince the Singaporean women to serve Army claiming that we have "shortage of males intake" whereas we are targeting a bigger population of 6.9 million?

It will only invite another uproar..
bryan s
2013-07-25 02:31:37 UTC
I personally think, there are nothing to debate about this topic as Singapore Government (being too conservative) will not change its regulation to on such issue. Plus, the option to serve is already available in the NS system.

Understandably many male support the idea of woman should serve NS seeing that such regular is being bias towards the male, especially when we are in this modern context that the female keep on emphasizing on equality.

In debating by the females, they argues with the following reason:

-> They have menstruation every month thus they are not capability to perform the task.

-> They have the role of reproduction (pregnant) which guys do not go through the painful process.

-> The guys are born to be strong in strength so why still need female to contribute their strength.

-> Female encounter more sickness than Male

Here are my view in the perspective of equality:

->Menstruation issue on female are just similar to the issue (in terms of seriousness) of any other permanent medical sickness that all people possess (e.g. asthma). Male with asthma must still complete NS

->Pregnancy no longer should be as a reason in this modern context by means of the percentage (in the entire life time) of female giving birth (less than 50%) to the female who are not is getting lower and lower every year. This can clearly be review by more and more female choose to work or not to have babies nowadays.

-> The theory of guys are born to be strong in strength so why still need female to contribute their strength are not absolute enough. NS is planted to train a personnel to be fit for war thus female can be train too. And in realistic term, there do have female who are stronger than male.

-> Despite statistically Female encounter more sickness than Male but statistically Female live longer than Male. So how can you reason it ?!?!

In conclusion, I am not saying female should serve NS but is clearly shown that they have no reason to not serve NS if NS is carter to protect the country; as a citizens, all must contribute regardless of race, religion and even GENDER. (^_^)
2013-07-25 01:59:55 UTC
Just sign on if you want to serve. Isn't that already a choice for females?

A woman's "national service" is to give birth to children. Maybe that sounds really sexist, but you can't deny biology. Until the day comes when men too can give birth, women should not be made to serve NS in addition to the labours of pregnancy and the pains of childbirth, lest we want even fewer children in Singapore. That would not be fair to females at all.
2013-07-25 01:49:46 UTC
hello before you talk about woman in NS, Try to do your home work first. Pull in all the singapore PR to serve NS first.
2014-08-23 02:18:37 UTC
Nobody should be forced to serve, and this is especially so in peacetime. Follow Germany's example and end NS for the army now!
2013-07-25 04:50:29 UTC

am very strong AGAINST making it COMPULSORY for Singaporean women to stand in the FRONTLINE IN WARTIME TO PROTECT OUR NATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with today technology in arms and weapons......a missile is enough to blow us all sky high !!!!!!!

Remember these---------

Firstly, she is already actually going into "national service" by giving BIRTH to our future sons and daughters of Singapore !!!! The hardship of LABOR in a hospital bed and a new life is been born......that is a big miracle in itself !!!


The role of a man is to defend and protect the family and the nation as it was since the dawn of time !!!

When our men go to wars...WHO SHALL TAKE CARE OF OUR CHILDREN???


The heavy responsibilities will fell onto the hands of GRANDPARENTS who are already old and in 10 years time......what kind of children will we have with much traumas in their lives already????



When our women are gone and be killed....this nation will be an ORPHAN NATION !!!!!!!!!!!

The government will have to make MORE CHILDREN HOMES to take care of all orphans and abandoned children that what we all want?????


That will be an ideal balance to fill up the volumes of soldiers going to wars !!!
2013-07-27 21:21:48 UTC
When it comes to national service, there is no such thing as a choice. If it is deemed necessary, everyone serves.

Presently, there is really no necessity for women to serve national service so please do not waste their time !!
2013-07-25 21:10:58 UTC
NO!!! Why not ask whether should men get monthly period cramps ... give birth ... anyway, I'm a man myself ... I think women serving the country as a compulsory is non-sense!!! Unless women themselves want to volunteer.
2013-07-25 19:28:11 UTC
1) No.

2) 1.5 Yr - the meaningful period to properly train a para-military person

3) Combat - if they wish (Don't underestimate women). Non-combat by default. Choose from medic to weapon, vehicle technician, culinary (we will eat their cupcakes? scones? pancakes? )

since our military is modeled after the Israelis, why not adopt similar fashion for women conscription?
2013-07-25 19:26:17 UTC
Absolutely not! As though we women already don't have enough on our plate (taking care of husband & his ego, kids, housework, work, Mother Nature screwing our body every month, even after menopause) you still want to add NS?? Are you mad?? What do you think we women are, superhuman beings??
2013-07-25 02:21:26 UTC
Of course, not - why should Singaporean females serve National Service when new citizens, male or female, are not required to serve National Service.

If the garment really want Singaporean females to serve National Service (probably testing water), then there should be a referendum to determine the outcome.
2013-07-25 21:15:41 UTC
It is not a good idea. Too much distraction for the men NS
2013-07-25 19:18:16 UTC
Sure, why not. We Singaporeans are just dogs, at the inept government’s beck and call while foreigners live like kings in our country. Taking away our jobs, earning our money, overcrowding our trains, housing estates and daring to throw attitude our way.

A Malaysian colleague who happens to be PR, earning SGD 7000 with three landed homes in Malaysia has the guts to complain that Singapore cars are irresponsible for causing traffic jams in JB.

My View
2013-07-25 08:45:47 UTC
No, women definitely should not serve NS.
2013-07-25 06:03:37 UTC
1. No, they should not be given a choice. They, like all Singaporean males, MUST do it, like it or not.

2. Don't have to be unequal about it, apply the same rules to them as they do to the boys.

3. They must be given the opportunity to fill ALL roles.
2013-07-25 20:15:00 UTC
Yes. They may go to NURSING, Tailoring, Teaching , Cooking. Since these skills can heip Nsmen, reduce the foreign workers. Good for the family and help the country also.
Tan Peterq
2013-07-25 19:20:51 UTC
We are different from IDF. Woman who serve full time in the SAF is OK but not NS.
2013-07-25 19:36:11 UTC
Singaporeans serve to protect the government
Princess Pearlyn
2013-07-25 19:35:23 UTC
No. Woman should not serve NS
2013-07-25 02:20:44 UTC
Yes, women should serve NS.

They should be given a choice

(a) physical type eg same as men combat, police etc etc

(b) support staff eg nursing, school teacher assistant etc etc

(c) clerical eg admin work in army or police etc etc.

(d) social work eg help in old folks homes, animal groups etc etc.

Time frame should be same as men. They also should have a BMT but suited to their gender.
2013-07-25 02:00:38 UTC
1) Yes.

2) 6 months minimum. This is also their country, not just the men's.

3) BMT, IPPT. Not only is it good for their fitness, they will mature and understand the nation in a more holistic perspective.
2013-07-26 02:32:36 UTC
I think if sg women also serve NS, the govt will import more FT...
2013-07-25 10:32:56 UTC
Absolutely NO. To ask such question, is there reason for questioning so. If this is so, then our new citizens should serve as well. This will then be fair. If all Singaporean lose out the 2yrs, I shall not see why the new citizens benefit the 2yrs. This qn is absolutely not the topic, please drop it.
2014-10-13 11:35:12 UTC
Why NS at all , why not professional forces as in almost all Western countries .

Todays conflicts require a professional experienced approach
Sherrie Lim
2013-07-25 23:49:29 UTC
NO. singapore women should not do NS. Its not even a good idea man should be the one doing it not women!

so my vote is NO!!
2013-07-25 18:09:14 UTC
To serve our NS guys ?
2013-07-25 07:25:15 UTC
No woman should not doing NS.

They will become tough and no long feminine.

And we do not want to see a pregnant woman running around.
2013-07-25 02:40:00 UTC
You must be joking? Some of the princes didn't doing NS, and didn't doing in camp training, and now you wanted the women to die in their place.
2013-07-25 20:32:42 UTC
Why not.....women are independence...more mature....reliable and mentally are not

condeming mens..but i saw men nowadays are so lemau...they start to date each other walking like girls..wearing high heels make up and talking like womens...And the other things that..We have no choice...cause when the TIMES COME..WE HAD TO DO WITHOUT OTHER TELLING WHAT TO DO..IT IS CALL INSTINCE...WE WILL RULE...;)
J Chua
2013-07-25 18:13:58 UTC
2013-07-25 09:45:38 UTC
2013-07-25 08:09:27 UTC
Should also play a part in the defence

not more then 18 months

Basically they have proven not much weaker then man after all
2013-07-25 00:56:09 UTC
Dear Editor,

I think the question is: Should even Singaporeans (even men) have to do NS?

Why women have to serve ? to protect what ?

In time of war crisis, Singaporeans are made to stand their ground to protect the country.

In economy crisis, WHO IS THERE to protect our financial crisis ?
Zombie Is Old Fart
2013-07-28 06:31:48 UTC
2013-07-25 06:31:30 UTC
no...y buy 2 submarines for if evryone has to do army training ?

better buy another 2 just in case if the sea still not in control

cos that the only way to keep singapore from sinking when attack come
2013-07-25 20:33:40 UTC
based on the sentiments here, it seems we skipped an essential question before asking if women ought to do national service: has national service lost its meaning, be it for singaporean men or women?
2013-07-25 18:30:14 UTC
Wasted service... our jobs will go to foreigners.... after 2 years up, these Singaporean will be working under those nationalities... really unfair!
Vincent Lim
2013-07-25 08:52:32 UTC
No, women should not serve NS.
2013-07-25 02:52:50 UTC
Our current pro-foreign policy has made NS irrelevant. Many key questions have been asked by many Singaporeans who have served NS from 45 to 10 years ago. After completed NS at ages of 22 to 25 which cause male Singaporean to loss out 2.5 years to women and FT, and continue to serve reservists which affects our career advancement. Many employers claim they support NS but in reality they quietly minus male Singaporeans out of their important projects/business plan equations and finally Singaporean's careers. We male Singaporean keep it very quiet all these years.

By right, when country build-up it defense it is supposed to protect our countryman's basic need and our achievements (Swiss standard of living), but now it has been taken away by million of professional work permit, FT and PR. In reality most of the foreign rich residents, FT and PR cause our home price, COE, education, medical cost and etc to roar sky-high. Replacing Singaporean with FT and PR in many work places/PMET in all sectors, schools, hospital, government departments and etc. There is no different of foreign invasion (country begin invaded without firing a single shot), except the PAP gov still intact. It seems like, our NS and defense are meant for preserving the existence of PAP government.

Debatable questions:

Why must male Singaporean has to serve NS in this current setting?

Who are we protecting? PAP gov, PR and FT?

What are we protecting? Our job, education, standard of living, hospitals, home, etc?

How is NS relevant in our modern Singapore society?

Why slaving only male Singaporean? Like in Nazi's era?

Where we are stand in our society after sacrificed in NS? (Elite Singaporeans have not problem.)

What NS make a different in our life, families, children future?

Who are we protecting and defending?

Which countries in the world subject their own kind to such cruelty and unfairness?

Who benefit the most? PAP gov, the rich and/or FT?

Why PAP gov undermines our male Singaporean? For who to gain? For Singaporean or FT?

Can we just depend on smaller defense force and volunteers this modern Singapore?

Why our gov still subjects it own kind to such unfair treatment? For GDP or power or money?

In our mother earth, one man gains is another man losses. Who are the loser here in Singapore? Singaporean or FT or PR or PAP gov?

All the above issues clearly need re-visit, close examination and major re-structuring. Will our current gov has the courage do it?

I rest my case......cheers
2013-07-25 02:09:14 UTC
NS has lost its meaning when the foreigners and PRs' population are greater than Singaporean. We are currently fighting to protect the foreigners instead of Singaporean.
2013-07-25 00:50:40 UTC
They should get a real meaningful vote before they have to serve - democracy first - who wants to kill for a dictator?

"The Singapore government in 2012 continued to sharply restrict basic rights to free expression, peaceful assembly, and association." - without freedom of expression there is no democracy
2013-07-28 03:36:53 UTC
Why must they women must serve and while Tony son did not complete his NS,why he special just because he the son of president.
2013-07-26 02:53:29 UTC
If we are attacked,let's say using strong weapons with high advance techs,maybe some nuclear bombs etc ... We will most probably lose right? The amount of military againts enemy amount of military or one nuclear drop in singapore we all GG...Just saying
2013-07-25 06:30:22 UTC
For the last time we are not Israelis so stop copying their military lifestyle.

They will be using Ipads and lipstick how to fight?...seduce the enemy? hmmm..looks can't even win a single Miss Universe or Miss World title...How How How
2013-07-25 03:00:03 UTC
Yes, why not they know how to in on, sure need to do revisitis. I do til 45 years just to sign on a 6 years contact. What so special? Pamper lot again?
2013-07-25 02:57:48 UTC
if the govt dont put population to 6m , then i totally agree women should serve like men but in different discipline.

why bring in foreign citizens at our expense , even though if they are talent . loyalty has nothing to do with talent ...what talentchiow
2013-07-28 07:35:25 UTC
Yes. They should serve long enough to be disadvantaged compared to a non-Singaporean. Then every Singaporean will understand the sacrifice of our brothers.
2013-07-25 19:30:26 UTC
The answer is of course Yes. Since the women always said about equality , it is time to put your money where your mouth is.
2013-07-25 19:17:19 UTC
yeah... why not.... examples like the IDF have shown that women can serve effectively in the military....

but i think this question should be put to national referendum... why? cos singaporre society is patriachial in nature and there is still strong opposition to it
Gold Intellectual VOTER
2013-07-25 08:29:30 UTC
Ask that female DJ who said NS is no big deal her ballet class was much tougher

" NSmen only know how to complain "
2013-07-25 01:51:12 UTC
To be honest (I am a girl), I wouldn't mind if it was made compulsory for women to enlist, though I would probably dread the enlistment date. I think men and women should have the same length of service, or at least very close to each other. And I do think women, like men, should fill both combative and non-combative roles.
2013-07-25 01:42:51 UTC
1) why not make it mandatory like Israel since we are following their concept?

2) same timeframe as the men

3) they can fill all roles combat/non-combat. if women are always saying they are as equal like men, where is there a need to segregate them into different "softer" roles?
2014-09-14 07:27:34 UTC
However, this should not be the only point. How about those FTs want to be citizen or PR? They should also go through or will not be given the PR status. How many of these PR or citizen (ship) are escaping and laughing at us???
2013-07-25 20:15:14 UTC
Yes, choice should be given. Same length of service and what ever vocation that they qualified.
2013-07-25 17:35:17 UTC
Why not??? Since women are convinced that they can do anything men does or even better than us then let them go through the hardship like us and see if they can still say the same.
2013-07-25 21:04:51 UTC
Why?garment wants more singaporeans to protect foreigners? get the PR to serve then..aren't they part of singapore?
2013-07-25 18:46:21 UTC
yesssss... woman are getting sooo weak. When I was young, I always lament why didnt they let woman join NS. Maybe 1 year?
2013-07-25 15:12:37 UTC
Give them chance to serve
2013-07-25 06:41:50 UTC
Absolutely no!

Woman gives birth, and other things that men can't do.

I would not want my daughter nor my wife to serve.
yuen l
2013-07-25 02:37:07 UTC
yes ,they should serve NB for 1 to 1 and half years .Those who are fit can joint the combat term those who are not can joint the administration and support team
2013-07-25 23:06:13 UTC
Thought woman's national service is to give birth?!
2013-07-25 06:14:16 UTC
First you want SG sons to serve & now SG women, serve who? Foreign wait long long
2013-07-25 04:03:24 UTC
Women already have a choice of joining as Regular and Non uniform

And it is absolute NO if they are to protect Daylight robbers.
2013-07-26 00:23:32 UTC
Hello. Nothing better to do and having the kind of thoughts?

Go fly kite? Cya in punngol.
2013-07-25 19:46:13 UTC
Its too late already, we live in a feminist run country where women relax and do nothing and men suffer all the way...
2013-07-25 18:41:48 UTC
Hello, you must be joking, got nothing better to do is it? Don't ask stupid question, is like asking can a man give birth instead of women! wa lau. You wake up already or not?
mata mata
2013-07-25 03:15:03 UTC
I think if there is really going to be a war here, R.A.F and S.A.F will take place. Run Away First and Scoot Away First. Confirm. Double confirm.
Patricia H
2013-07-25 18:40:44 UTC
I'm a mother of 2 daughters and my over-riding concern is that of sexual harassment during NS. In America, society has a clear understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment and that it cannot be tolerated. There are strong anti-sexual harassment laws, corporate America is careful to steer clear of anything that might be remotely construed as sexual harassment and many cases of sexual harassment have been fought and won in US courts.

The US Armed Forces ('USAF') are voluntary and women have been allowed into service since 1942. Women who sign up for the Army, navy, marine corps and air-force are often highly motivated; many even come from generational military families. Despite having extremely clear rules against sexual harassment, there have been countless cases and complaints lodged by women in the US service academies and the USAF . Many come to light only after the women involved have left the service, a small number have been tried in military court but the bulk of cases is believed to remain unreported. The USAF acknowledges that sexual harassment exists at all levels of the service including service academies. Even the prestigious West Point has had its share of scandals.

Despite all the military rules and laws against sexual harassment, many women in service feel they have been coerced into having sexual relationships with superiors for various reasons and that there is little or nothing that they can do about it and still remain in the Armed Forces. The feeling arises partly stems from the fact that the Armed Forces espirit-de-corps demand compliance to authority and silence/'sacrifice' for the honour and 'greater' good of all, partly from the fact that all higher ranks are male dominated the belief that 'men will generally side with men' (the Tailhook scandal shows that this perception is actually correct) etc.

There are many well-documented reports from impeccable sources in cyberspace on sexual harassment of women in all armed forces throughout the world:

- Sexual harassment is rife in the armed forces, with 99% of servicewomen reporting they had been subjected to some form of sexual remark or material by male colleagues in the past year. One in seven - 15% - say they have had a "particularly upsetting" experience over the same period, ranging from sexually explicit comments through to sexual assault. (excerpt from The Guardian UK, May 25 2006)

- "Sexual harassment and abuse exists today in the Australian Defence Forces(ADF). It ruins lives. It divides," Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick told reporters, after making public her damning review (Aug 22, 2012)

- Frontline on PBS reported: Ultimately the careers of fourteen admirals and almost 300 naval aviators were scuttled or damaged by Tailhook. For example Secretary of the Navy H. Lawrence Garrett III and CNO Admiral Frank Kelso were both at Tailhook '91. Garrett ultimately resigned and Kelso retired early two years after the convention.[6] Vice Admiral Richard Dunleavy, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Air Warfare, was demoted to a two-star Admiral (from a three-star Admiral) and retired because of the scandal. Rear Admiral Wilson Flagg, censured for failing to prevent the Tailhook conference scandal.

My fellow Singaporeans: before you cast your final vote on whether or not women should do NS, please consider what these reports and statistics really mean. Unlike the US, I think many in Singapore don't even have a clear understanding of what sexual harassment is short of the more obvious forms of rape and molest. So unless there is a sure-fire way to stop, prevent or seriously reduce the incidence of sexual harassment when so many other countries have failed to do so, it means that sexual harassment WILL occur during NS. Are you going to sit back and say "oh, its ok because this means only 15% (or whatever the real number is) of my girl-friend, wife, mother, sister, daughter was sexually abused/harassed during NS?"

I don't think its ok and I actually believe that this is one of the reasons why girls have not been drafted. The government knows this is very sensitive and when the first case of sexual harassment during NS is publicised, there will be a huge out-cry against it. My husband and I are 50-something law-abiding citizens, we have never taken part in any demonstration but I have no doubt that we are prepared to even march in the streets if necessary to save my daughters and yet-to-be-born granddaughters from any form of sexual abuse or harassment. I believe other families will do the same.
2013-07-27 02:13:49 UTC
2013-07-25 17:22:52 UTC
1) Yes

2) 2yrs

2013-07-25 06:15:31 UTC
Foreigners and PR who benefits from our country should serve.
Joseph A
2013-07-25 18:14:56 UTC
Yes, they should, but only in civil defense area and only for life saving skill.

e.g. let them serve in the nursing home, hospice home or the old folks home.
2013-07-25 02:51:47 UTC
yes .. they everything want to do better than men , then they should serve ns
2013-07-25 21:08:51 UTC
No. They should not serve NS.
2013-07-25 05:08:04 UTC
Yes, equal duration as well. They scream for equality and now they have to deal with it. Walk the talk.

Also, remove woman's charter.
Soh Vil
2013-07-26 01:42:27 UTC
Yes let us serve! :) maybe they can make it a choice instead of compulsory?

1 year! :D
2013-07-25 20:19:40 UTC
Yes they should be given a choice
Viktor Z
2013-07-25 15:25:57 UTC
Good idea..even Singaporean women have often more balls than Singaporean men..equality in all ranks though :)
2013-07-25 02:04:16 UTC
There have been news recently of females being sexually abuse in the military in the US and Australia. Are we creating another chance/loopholes for our top civil servants to exploit. Look at the sex for favour case recently involving top civil servants need I say more.
2014-09-05 06:44:05 UTC
Yoga teaches that everyday is a new day and everyday your body and mind are in a new place. Honor yourself.

It can be vigourous or calming the end result is calm.
2013-07-25 10:52:08 UTC
Whilst NS means to serve in the SAF or the Home team for us men but the broad term of NS which if broken down means NATIONAL SERVICE thus it would be much more meaningful that women serve in other types of national service as compared to what men serve as.

Some ideas could be nursing, recall back during the SARS period of emergency and remember how understaffed our medical services were. Thus training Singapore women to be nurses is a good move not only can they help to serve in the health care line during their NS since we are always employing foreign nurses in our hospitals but during national emergencies too they could be deployed n in the case of war, nurses are very precious resource to the country.

Since they are trained professionally as nurses, this also means taking care of their own loved ones when they are sick could be an advantage to themselves and their families later on in emergency situations that needs fast response like CPR or to administer the heimlich maneuver for a choking child or adult or the knowledge of dos n don'ts of medicine that could be taken over the counter etc.

The advantages are countless if we sit down and think about it.

Other ideas could be other social services that serve the population and nation such as care for the elderly at old folks home since Singapore is an aging society and such services would be more and more constrained as time passes. Women could be trained to care for the elderly and since they too have their own parents, they too could make full use of their skills and knowledge to care for their own parents when they age.

Another social service that would need women's help greatly is childcare as indeed we are short of child cares, nurseries, kindergarten thus training them in such skills and knowledge to care and educate for the young would also benefit the nation and it will definitely benefit themselves when its their turn to have their own children since they would already have the important skills and knowledge for caring and educating children and is able to make better choices for their own young ones.

Whilst indeed that National Service has always been the responsibility of men and the physically demanding brute strength and dirty jobs like digging trenches, doing a 20click march/run, fighting fire in a burning factory or apprehending a criminal should solely be the responsibility of the men to carry, but it does not mean that women should just sit and watch the men go through all of this serving the nation and just reap its benefits without giving any back at all BUT on the other hand it is also unfair to expect a woman to carry a rifle or weapon and be trained to take down an enemy or criminal or engage in hand to hand combat which could be against a male aggressor /criminal, put on camo and roll around in mud or run into a burning building getting her hair all burnt to save a helpless victims UNLESS THEY CHOOSE to do it out of their own free will. Thus the other types of national services as i've mentioned could be the alternative for women.

I believe women in Singapore nowadays are demanding more and more of their rights but as long as they just demand for their rights but never intend to give back to the nation, they would only be demanding for SPECIAL RIGHT and not equal rights. And this is the sad case scenario we have in Singapore nowadays. Remember that special rights and equal right is not the same. We should fight for equal right and not special rights for women.

Yes i am a male and i know most of you women will think, what have I got to lose in case such a constitution is passed since I am a man and I won't be affected by it, but I would like to state that I also have a young daughter which will be affected if such a constitution is passed but I am quite willing to let her go through the above suggestions I had given as the alternatives of national services for women but to serve in the traditional NS that men serve in, I would have to strongly disagree as a loving father to a little girl.

My heart would be very heavy and would regularly skip beats to let her serve as a combat fit recruit/a police officer or take on SCDF's gruelling tasks that the men are taking on. Bcos after all she is still a girl and biologically women are very very different from men as nature made us this way and we can't deny it definitely, thus services towards the nation too should be different in its own aspects.

I hope my piece of idea could be of help to all Singaporeans, happy national day in advance.
2013-07-25 08:39:21 UTC
let women serve lo learn basic things just in case....
2013-07-25 07:07:59 UTC
TO be fair also include PR cos they also part of singaporeans got contribute cpf etc
2013-07-25 05:13:06 UTC
yes but they should go to Non-combat to serve.
2013-07-25 07:22:20 UTC
I going to say no. Leave it to the man. If U think army is tough. U can always be woman.
2013-07-25 05:13:59 UTC
Singaporean man already lose out to foreigner, now you want to make Singaporean woman also lose out to foreigner?

How wicked are you?

BTW, are you a foreigner?
2013-07-25 23:30:08 UTC
Not only local woman should be given a choice, but it should be complusary for all PR.
2013-07-25 19:46:48 UTC
If both mummy and daddy go to war, who will take care of the young and the sick?

If both mummy and daddy died during the war, who will take care of the orphans?
2013-07-25 12:21:07 UTC
Actually they should not, but because Women's Charter have spoil them too much then I think to be fair they should prove their worth now.
2013-07-25 06:07:30 UTC
Please lo, just let them serve as a nurse as NS. Thought we have discussed that a 1000 times? WE NEED NURSES!!!
2013-07-25 02:18:49 UTC
NS is fine but 2years.. they should reduce more on the duration.
2013-07-26 01:13:30 UTC
2014-06-08 20:10:11 UTC
They too can be promoted in rank and file within the nursing category and offer of full-time can also be available.
Black Knight
2013-07-25 03:25:23 UTC


2013-07-25 01:21:29 UTC
why must be Singaporean let the Ft to serve before they work here
2013-07-25 01:50:08 UTC
Make it compulsory for women to serve like the Israelis.
Living WiitNuts
2013-07-25 23:36:58 UTC
I recall this topic in news almost a 2 decades ago.. now again!!!!
2013-07-25 20:07:47 UTC
Answers to Q2 & Q3 are irrelevant if you include question1.
2013-07-25 02:16:01 UTC
No need women to serve. Just ask big mouth pinoys to serve and they will all go "buck" to their country.
2013-07-25 21:55:24 UTC
I'll emigrate asap. Don't want my sons and daughters to rick their lives for nothing.
Priscillia Priya
2013-07-25 17:02:47 UTC
No they should not serve .
2013-07-25 19:05:57 UTC
YES! Only if the men can deliver babies! & manage household chores etc
2013-07-25 06:32:39 UTC
i think they should. if its non combat then maybe should be community service for woman.
Wong Kuen
2013-07-26 00:31:09 UTC least the boys will not be so bored,,,and maybe produce more recruits
2013-07-25 02:30:35 UTC
man service is already enough we do not need woman to suffer along
2013-07-25 19:15:24 UTC
By seeing the headline.. I will answer for what??
2013-07-25 04:27:15 UTC
2013-07-28 18:32:26 UTC
I think non mandatory but should be given the choice...
2013-07-25 05:01:47 UTC
yes to all but maybe shorter duration
2013-07-25 02:15:26 UTC
Should study IDF (Israel defense force) system and see how they do it.I think if they can we lagi can.
2013-07-25 23:42:50 UTC
No. My kid already so stressed from k1 to univeristy. why should she be so stressed again ? jobs go to who in the end ? to foreigners , permanent resdients ? no thanks
2013-07-29 07:46:03 UTC
cool name
2013-07-25 01:50:14 UTC
This question has brought up quite a few times. Please do not post question that will anger us.
2013-07-25 01:37:45 UTC
are you serious?? serve for what purpose? protect what?

why don't you asked them to get married and have more babies so that you don't have to rely so much

on foreigners to produce!
2013-07-25 17:34:28 UTC
Mulan, where are you? Lol.
Liza S
2013-07-25 02:13:51 UTC
absolutely not! we have enough chores already....working plus looking after the kids!
$ 4D
2013-07-25 09:44:12 UTC
My Answer is NO.
2013-07-25 18:36:40 UTC
Since they want equal rights. The answer is YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-07-25 09:22:45 UTC
2013-07-25 03:05:41 UTC
NO, NO and NO.
2013-07-25 23:05:13 UTC
2013-07-25 06:24:04 UTC
2013-07-25 01:25:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.