I don't believe that in the slightest way...
But I'm shallow and non-committal
Sarcasm in this forum is like a blatant lie. So the long version to my answer is going to have to negate the shallow/non-committal statement.
That statement makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It has negatively charged undertones that support the idea that a person has some moral obligation to determine the value of another person based on a perception that may or may not be valid. The flavor is judgmental.
I could imagine that this quote is very popular in countries where suicide bombers are made.
Intrinsically, the statement could be used to support suicide as well. "I have no passion [right now]. I'm unworthy to live." Again, wrong. There are moments where turning off passion is a survival tool. This statement at the wrong time could lead to permanent bad decisions.
I would guess that we all have something we would be willing to die for, but having never been put in a situation that requires it, we haven't yet learned what it is. That statement, in regards to the previous, establishes a sense of false moral superiority.
But I will give the statement this much: As a motivator for military action, that statement absolves and forgives what "has to be done" at the moment it is needed.
Bottom line, it would not be a 'motto to live by' for me.