I went to the site. That reported rapes are now about 30% of the suspected total is progress.
It's perfectly true that men are raped as well, and I seriously doubt that in a prison setting even if a rape is reported the guards will do anything about it. Prison guards like to see the inmates suffer.
I know lots of women who were raped. My neighbor was, twice. One of my sweethearts was repeatedly raped by her uncle. My sister was at least molested by our father, and my niece was raped at home by an intruder. My second wife was raped before we were married.
As for convictions, DNA evidence is proving to be an extremely useful tool in settling these cases. Not all men ejaculate during rape, but if the woman can rake him some place with her nails, his skin will be under his nails. The first impulse, which is understandable, after a rape is to take a shower. Anyone raped needs to call the police immediately.
What Greer had to say was interesting, and it is true that statistics need to be verified by at least one other statistician. As Mark Twain famously said, "There are statistics, lies, and damn lies."
The notion that people who make false accusations should do prison time is positively medieval.
Complicating the matter is that many women retract their accusations. I can think of a couple of reasons why this might be so - the family is under threat, or the woman knows the guy and is confused about her feelings towards him. Other than that, I can't explain it.
As for the example of twisted statistics given (that a woman who was drunk had sex 200 times) - sorry, pal, but drunk people cannot give consent. So it is rape. And note that women have a lower tolerance for alcohol than men do. One drink is enough to impair a woman's judgement. This has to do with liver enzymes, not any inferiority on the part of women.
As for the trauma involved, I think it is worse for children and the elderly than it is for mature women. Some people respond with a lifelong fear of sex. Other's don't. Everyone varies in her/his response to trauma.
As for the penalties, all we have to do is to pressure legislators for stiffer penalties. For repeat rapists (3 or more convictions) I advocate either life in prison or crippling the criminal somehow, such as severing his spine at the level of his hips. He'd be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and would be much less able to rape anyone ever again. This would be mutilation, which is unconstitutional, but maybe it could be voluntary - paraplegia in exchange for being able to live outside again.