As a 40 something professionally and personally successful woman, I do not hold a "grievance" against successful men who go for a "hot secretary". I do however, find it amusing.
In my personal and professional experience, older professional men that go for much younger women (ie. hot secretary--however subjective that is) have some definite flaws in their character and personalities. The reason is this: these men have definite problems with relating to women their own age because they cannot pull the same crap on women in their own age bracket and level of intelligence that they can on younger ergo less experienced women. Additionally, these men are shallow (and delusional) in their thinking that hot tight bodies will be available to them indefinitely--and they very well may be if they want gold diggers with no actual depth or true committment outside of financial security for the young hottie.
Why can't I just be like a man in this regard? Because I value good character, life experience and wisdom. I also recognize that these things come with maturity and by default physiological ageing. I have depth of character and have redefined with ageing what it is that I actually find attractive. Immaturity is not the least bit appealing to me so the older men that prefer "young hot secretaries" preferable to someone their own age, status etc. I find incredibly unattractive. Ergo there is no problem here other than I find it absolutely humourous!!
EDIT: To King Martillo--I am not telling you men why you prefer hot young secretaries--you are free to come to that conclusion on your own. I am just expressing my opinion is all. I am highly intelligent and I make no apologies for that--sorry if I inadvertantly bruised your ego. To quote you--"boorish, contemptible, and humourless" women you have found with credentials behind their name? "Not all, but some to be fair" and you did do the gender neutral thing too. Perhaps you are dating the wrong women your own age. I have never been married (by choice)--a few common-law relationships--no children (by choice) and my financial health is none of anyone's business except my own. Ego arguements? Nah, relationships are not about competition IMO. I LOVE to have fun and and am very sexy too. But putting up with BS--nope, not gonna do it no time for that. I truly believe you must be meeting the wrong women your own age. Life experience to me is enjoying some music together from back in the day, sharing memories of past world events and things that age mates generally have in common. If you find "young fun foxy chicks" intellectually and experiencially stimulating then by all means don't let my opinons stop you! Have fun!! LOL
EDIT#2: Joe, Joe Joe....I have no resentment my dear. People do what they want to do and think what they want to think. Just because I don't happen to agree with you does not mean that you are wrong in the way you think. I however, do find this topic comical based on my own experiences, credentials and thought processes. I could care less if you think I am humourous or not--I would never ever consider dating someone that holds your beliefs for the reasons I have stated above--I am out of your league my love--not that I care and certainly not that you do either!! I have absolutely no problems finding men my own age that are attractive, successful and educated--in other words--in my own league!! LMFAO
EDIT#3: King--where did I ever say that men are intimidated by a certain type of woman ergo they date other types of women? It would appear that common sense is not only elusive to those of us with credentials (according to your stated opinion) but that occasionally, but not always, you appear to be lacking in such as well. But then again, that is my opinion--personally and professionally.
EDIT#4--My professional opinion is that it is a defect in personality when an older man cannot accept that they have absolutely nothing in common with a "young hot secretary"--other than her looks and HIS money. It is to me, a form of prostitution that is rarely going to go anywhere beyond a purely sexual/financial relationship. And that is fine with me--I don't really care. You men seem to be telling me about what men want from their perspective--I am going to tell you, from a woman's perspective how women think--young women who date older successful men either have one of two agendas--they want money or they have daddy issues. Older men who only want sexual relationships with "young hotties" in my professional opinion are delusional if they believe that this young woman would stay with him if he were not wealthy or she didn't have daddy issues to work out--she is not healthy in the latter case. Either way, I find it comical in a professional manner. AGAIN it is MY opinion--either personal or professional. And, true to form despite what you may believe there are other things in life BESIDES sexuality--which is what I am talking about.
EDIT#5--King my dear. "Just because you didn't actually say that those kind of men are intimidated by women like yourself, doesn't mean you didn't actually think it." Great to know that you are psychic and you know what I am thinking. I think I have demonstrated that I am fully capable of expressing myself in an intelligable and precise manner. Additionally, as evidenced, I have no problem expressing what I mean clearly and articulately. I have dealt with these situations many times professionally and it is MY professional opinion--I can have one you know. Secondly, you quoted that I don't find men who hold these beliefs attractive in the least based on my own reasoning--is this wrong? " And your thought processes come out in your overall attitude. I can read between the lines." Yeah, King I don't think that my profession is your forte. Perhaps you should stick with what you know. But, I am curious however, does your psychic abilities cause problems in your marriage? Just wondering is all.......
EDIT#6: Joe--again my dear the problem rests in defining the meaning of a true relationship. Men and women think differently in case you haven't noticed. Additionally, because of my professional training, I have a lot more in depth knowledge, training and experience in dealing with these types of issues--ergo, do you not think that I might have a bit more insight into this type of thing--I mean I am taking a lot of different factors into consideration here--you seem to be specifically talking about sex--and that is fine. I am not the one that is seeing things in black and white love--in fact that is definitely something that I can never be accused of if you knew me!! LOL
"i would be more interested in love, sex and companionship. professional intellect is irrelevant." I agree with you on the love, sex and companionship--however intellect needs to match mine in order for me to find it attractive--but not "professional" intellect--that is different and I find that with my colleagues--not in an intimate partner. The difference is that I cannot say that a sex/financial relationship is my definition of love--nor is companionship when two people are born in totally different generations. There are so many differing factors and relationship dynamcis that come into play--simple here really--you are seeing things from a layman's point of view and I am delving into many other dynamics and factors (ie. personality characteristics, daddy issues etc.) that you are not privy to. I am done. :)
EDIT#7--King honey bear--I guess I hit a sore spot with you eh! Sorry about that--I just hate when people tell me what I am thinking is all. I don't feel superior at all King--lord knows I have my own issues--that I readily admit. You however seem to be projecting right now. I think you are the one that is angry. Don't worry though, no one likes when others point out things we do not wish to see in ourselves so you are not alone my friend! I do lots of volunteer work and am quite socially active but thanks for the suggestions. Thanks for reminding me that I am special--it is good to hear this occassionally! We are all special in our own unique way--you too lil buckeroo! Btw, Jasmine and Bobby say hi--they are my cats! I'm done now!! LMFAO
EDIT#9--See King--I told you I was funny! I too thought that was hysterical! Truce! Peace out! :)
EDIT#10--I agree with that Joe--you should start a new question though. Older women and younger men have their own unique dynamics from a clinical perspective as well--yes the younger men do, IMO have mommy issues--the woman has her own special dynamics going on too from a clinical perspective!